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The Site Hideyoshi
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Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:52 am
Snopy had been spending the past few days passing time. He wanted the days to go by as quickly as possible. This was due to him having been waiting for an answer to a certain question. This question was one he had on his mind constantly, but until Kanna decided, he would just have to bear with it. He wore as he usually wore. The Shinigami robe missing its left sleeve, and the necklace received from his sister. He sighed as he made for Rukongai.

Why was he going to Rukongai? In an attempt to distract himself, he had *foolishly* offered to take up any missions that came up. As such, when one came up, they grabbed Snopy first. Once again, he was sent out with little knowledge. His mission was to try and find a rouge Shinigami who had been wandering Rukongai and gather information. This wasn't the safest task, but he chose not to bring Kanna. Her presence at the moment would be too distracting, and last time it had almost cost her her life. Considering he valued her life more than his own, he simply went alone. As he stepped through the gate he had already noticed the spiritual pressure.

Snopy's first thoughts were simple. Oh great, its this guy again. He recognized it rather easily, despite the time that had passed since the brief encounter. It was Logan's spiritual pressure. However, Snopy let out a sigh of relief. Last time he had encountered Logan, Logan had saved his life from Hollow. With this to go off of, he felt he might not be in danger. However, if Logan was hostile, he would be in a lot of danger. Logan's strength surpassed even Kanna's or Kaminari's, and either of them could kill him if they wanted to.

At the same time, he remembered his fight against James, or the aquacat as he called himself. James was even stronger than Logan most likely, and Snopy hadn't died. It all really depended on if Logan decided if Snopy should live or not. If it was the latter, Snopy would simply have to hope his reaction time would be enough to get him to the gate, as any hostile wouldn't be stupid enough to go near those.

It wasn't far from the North gate, and Snopy felt it was close, very close. He currently stood in an open field. Snopy decided to stand and wait. He would rather not point himself out, and just let Logan see him on his own. Of course, he mostly wanted to see Logan before he saw him.

Last edited by Snopy Saika on Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:11 am
Logan was currently walking through the Forest of the Rukongai. As usual, he was calm, serious, had perfect posture, and wore blank pants and a long black coat. His hair came down a bit past his ears and was also black. His eyes on the other hand were a metallic silver, beautiful some may call them. His Zanpakutō on his left hip, he made it to the edge of the forest and was immediately looking down a hill towards someone. He had recognized the spiritual pressure from a time before, and was compelled to see if he was correct in his assumption on the identity of this individual. He was.

Snopy Saika, the young Shinigami he had met once before during the attack on a village by multiple Hollow. That is who it was. The two of them now stood a good one hundred feet from one another and Logan was not moving forward. He knew that Gotei 13 would soon catch onto his actions and assumed this was the time. Although he had never done anything bad or hurt any one that was innocent, he didn't think they would enjoy the idea of some random man doing their jobs. Of course, this was because they didn't know it was him. He wasn't just some random man. He had been to and passed the classes at Shino Academy with flying colors. Once eyes were set upon him, he would be recognized immediately and he knew this.

For now, Logan just kept his stance upon the hill one hundred feet away from the Shinigami and stared at him. He was not one to speak first, especially when he was the one being confronted and not the other way around. Seeing as he was finally nearing the Seireitei and hoped that there would not be anymore distractions or obstacles in his way, he stepped forward, continuing his way down the hill until he stopped twenty five feet away from Snopy. It didn't seem by his demeanor that Snopy was going to step aside and allow him to pass, so Logan didn't bother with attempting to continue on without an explanation from the young Gotei 13 member.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:31 am
Snopy saw as Logan approached him. He didn't put his hand on his blade, but he was prepared to. One successful block could be the difference between life and death. Of course, he hoped Logan was as level-headed as he seemed, that would make things a lot simpler. Someone who was sane probably wouldn't murder him. He stood strong however, due to his orders, he could not allow the Shinigami to simply pass. This act did make Snopy nervous, as even if he was to be spared, just having the crap beaten out of him would still be no fun. Snopy stood, arms crossed, and spoke in a rather straight and professional tone.

I am afraid Logan, that I am on orders. I was sent to learn about the rouge Shinigami in the area, and I cannot allow you through until proper judgement is made. Forgive me if I sound cocky in any way, because I am aware of the difference in our powers. As I said, it is simply my orders. Snopy's tone changed to his normal laid-back mode before he spoke the next line. So if you do have any plans on attacking me, please don't kill me, I'm just doing my job. His tone returned to its professional state. So, might I inquire as to what you are doing out here?
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Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:49 am
Logan was not offended in any way by the words that Snopy spoke, or the tone he talked with. If anything, he was glad that it wasn't some uptight, egotistical, asshole that they sent out after him. One thing was for sure though, Logan was not one to just randomly kill someone like Snopy. Recalling their last encounter, he remembered that Snopy fought hard to take down a Hollow that was obviously much stronger than he was. The Shinigami had even told Logan that he wanted to become stronger, which is why he had allowed the man to fight in their previous encounter. Hearing Snopy ask him not to kill him just because he was doing his job, Logan was tempted to raise an eyebrow, but did not. He kept the normal emotionless gaze he always had. As a warning, Logan reached around to his Zanpakutō and grabbed onto the hilt. Slowly, Logan unsheathed it and for a moment just stared forward at the man in front of him. That was when he heard his final question. "So, might I inquire as to what you re doing out here?"

Logan said nothing. Instead, he ran forward at a decent speed, but still slow enough for Snopy to be able to see him and his movements easily. He brought his Zanpakutō around and swung it towards Snopy, wanting the man to bring out his own Zanpakutō and block it. "What am I doing out here? Training." was all that Logan said to Snopy after his first attack. His answer was slightly vague. There was a tone in his voice that put on the idea that Logan did not mean 'exactly' what he had said.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:10 am
Snopy watched as the man slowly drew his blade, and Snopy didn't miss a beat in drawing his own Zanpakutō almost instantly. By the time the man had run forward, Snopy was already prepared and easily blocked the attack. Their swords struck each other with a loud clank. I highly doubt that, that was a decision you made just now. Snopy spoke in his professional tone, but afterwards switched to his regular. Well I guess I've got time to kill, but that doesn't mean I completely trust you. Yet I have a feeling I'll leave this encounter with my life, and in the end that's all that matters.

Snopy pushed off, seeing as the man was holding back and jumped back a few feet. Hadō #4, Byakurai! Snopy shot off the Byakurai directly at Logan. As per usual, he didn't expect a hit, but he may as well start somewhere. After firing he observed Logan's movements to dodge and where he would be. Hadō #3, Piercing Shot. This time he fired where Logan was not, yet he predicted he would be. Leading his opponents was always helpful, seeing as he usually faced ones much stronger than himself. Then he waited for the retaliation that was obviously coming.
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Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:21 am
Logan was not here to be trusted. He was here to do as he said. Train. He had meant what he said, but the way he had said it made it sound like he was there training himself. This wasn't the case. He had attacked Snopy to help him get stronger. So in this case, Logan was training Snopy by force. It was always better to be pushed to the limit, taken off guard, and forced to fight when you feel your life is on the line. As Snopy pushed back and moved away from him, Logan just stood still, watching his movements. As a Byakurai was shot off towards him, he moved to the left rather nonchalantly and allowed it to pass him by. Another Kidō, piercing shot, was fired towards him as well and once again he moved to the side rather easily. Kidō was obviously this mans favorite way of fighting. Logan was the complete opposite. He was swordsmanship, speed, and strength. He relied on physical power, not spells and things like it. It wasn't that he looked down on Kidō, but it really just wasn't his type of thing.

As both Kidō was easily dodged, Logan shunpo'd forward and pretty much appeared right in front of Snopy's face without any regards. His arm was already out and he began swinging it around, aiming at Snopy's left side. His speed now was just a bit more than what it had started at, but it wasn't that big of a difference. He didn't want to use his full power just yet. He wanted to push Snopy until he was tired, then continue on from that, and make this man fight as if he was going to die. That was the entire point of this little idea that Logan had when it came to attacking him. Although Snopy probably didn't know it, Logan wouldn't kill him. After a bit of fighting, Logan assumed Snopy would begin to think that killing him might actually be Logan's choice, but that would be wrong. Logan's mysterious, calm, and serious nature always kept people from ever seeing the real intent behind his actions. And this time, after remembering from last time they met, Logan had already hidden his inner Ziamichi spirit, suppressing her to the point where he wasn't even allowing her to speak.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:36 am
Snopy wasn't really caught off guard by Logan's sudden appearance. It didn't take much to block this, as Snopy was left handed. He flipped his blade to where it was facing down and held his hand up, blocking the strike. However, Snopy had to put a lot of energy, seeing as he was only using one hand. He was able to block the strike regardless. He immediately flipped his blade back into a more usable position and swung back at Logan. Seeing as physical strength was not his thing, it only stood to reason his strike would not be all too powerful. Yet he had a bit of speed to it, not that it mattered against such an opponent. As the attack landed or missed, he pointed towards Logan once more. Hadō #4, Byakurai.

He launched the Byakurai at point blank, yet somehow still didn't expect a hit. Either way, he put some energy into it as to give it some more speed. Snopy was sick and tired of the same few Kidō spells, he hoped that soon his strength would be enough to cast higher level spells, as his skill was more than enough. Snopy Shunpo'd in an attempt to get behind Logan and brought his sword down one more time. He didn't bother with his usual routine of wearing his enemy down, seeing as no matter what he'd be tired first. He simply chose to attempted to get in any damage he could early on. For this reason, his blows were not being held back.
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Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:48 am
Logan moved his blade into the way of Snopy's first strike rather easily. He didn't want to seem cocky or egotistical himself. He was just a person that had no problem when trying to help someone get stronger. There was also something different about Snopy this time. A different demeanor, a slight change in the fierceness in his eyes. He seemed like he was a bit more put together. Logan was impressed with his quick strikes, but a Kidō wasn't the best way to go when someone's speed was so much different than your own. He simply moved his head to the right, allowing the Byakurai to pass by his head. At the same time, he brought his right hand outwards, using the back of his hilt to slam into the side of Snopy's chest. Physical pain, it was something that every warrior must feel sooner or later. Snopy then moved behind him, attempting to strike at him from a different angle. It was obvious to Logan that Snopy was trying new things because his Kidō seemed a lot more precise than his Zanjutsu. Bringing his sword behind his body, he blocked the attack from behind as well.

"Good." was all Logan said before using his strength to push Snopy back away from him. The thing was, Logan's Zanpakutō was much longer than most in it's sealed form. It was at least a foot, if not more, longer than a regular katana. So, using it's increased length, while Snopy was being pushed away, Logan decided to test Snopy's reflexes. He swung his blade across towards Snopy's stomach at the speed of a third seat to see his reaction time and the way he would block it, if he did.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:08 am
The reactions to his attempts did not surprise Snopy in the least. Snopy felt the hilt of Logan's Zanpakutō slam into his chest, but he did not falter in his attacks. Once again, Logan blocked Snopy as he had appeared behind him. As Logan pushed Snopy away, Snopy saw as the extremely long Zanpakutō coming straight for his stomach. Though Snopy himself was not one to enjoy using such long weapons, he saw the practicality of it and was now forced to dodge the practicality of it. Snopy Shunpo's away, only allowing the blade to cause a small rip in his Shihakusho. He actually had felt the tip poke his stomach, but had moved in time to avoid it entering his body. Snopy let off a small sigh.

He now stood 20 feet from Logan. Hadō #17, Pulse Blast. A basketball shaped orb had formed in his hand and he aimed it at Logan. However, Snopy quickly turned it to the ground below him and launched it just far enough so he wouldn't be harmed in the resulting explosion. Said explosion knocked up a lot of dirt and a thick cloud blocked eyesight. Snopy then masked his Reiatsu to the best of his ability and Shunpo'd forward. He only let up on concealing himself as he appeared next to Logan, and lunged his sword forward at full force. Snopy had learned one thing, if you want to fight a stronger opponent, you have to use your brains.
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Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:46 pm
Logan felt his blade make a small amount of contact with Snopy, but obviously it wasn't enough to do any damage to the males body. Logan could tell Snopy was strategic, quick witted, and also that he was determined to survive this fight. As a Kidō was shot towards the ground, Logan only raised an eyebrow at this attempt to prevent him from seeing. This was slightly insulting. Logan was a man of honor and to use a trick to make it where your opponent could not see was something he did not like. He stayed still and waited for Snopy to attack. Snopy appeared next to him and only Logan's eyes shifted towards him. Using most of his speed, he swung his blade up towards Snopy's chest, not even allowing him the time to complete the lunge of his blade. This sudden aggressive attack and the fact that he showed no mercy or hesitation towards Snopy at this moment, was Logan's way of 'punishing' him. It may have been a little harsh, but Logan's way of thinking is much different than a lot of people, especially men.

"Do not rely on tricks. Learn to stand your ground!" Logan's voice was much more serious than usual and sounded slightly demanding. Waiting for Snopy to regain his composure, Logan continued, "Tell me... If you only rely on tricks and distractions like so many people do, how will you protect those you love? Tell me... Are you one of those that pretend to have no one they wish to keep safe?" Logan narrowed his eyes slightly, obviously rather serious about training this man to battle in a more aggressive manner.
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