Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Site Hideyoshi
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Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:04 am
Snopy sighed as Kanna repeated part of what he had said. Perhaps with her "I guess" was a poor choice of words. Kanna was one to take things literally though eventually she'd understand what these things meant. A lot of the time when he said "I guess" he really meant "I know". He sat for awhile as his wounds slowly closed up. He watched as she put a barrier up around him, one that would slowly heal him and restore his Reiatsu. Then he heard her words, ones he had heard so many times from so many people, though this time the reason was different. "You're an idiot..."

He merely chose to lie there, as he didn't have any real option, as Kanna rinsed out the cloth. He listened to her words, and perhaps he hadn't thought of it himself. Though he was sure he knew what the answer was. Because I'm sick and tired of not being able to protect people I care about. His answer was rather serious, it might even catch Kanna off guard. I'm always the one being protected. But when I see someone I care about being harmed, there is nothing I can do about it. I can protect almost no one. So perhaps, I'm going out there alone to get stronger. If I increase my strength, then I may finally have the strength to protect the people I care about... He took a long sigh. ...rather than dragging them along and almost having them die because I can't at the very least defend myself. He took a deep breath before leaning his head back and staring at the ceiling while he waited for Kanna's response.
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Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:18 am
As he explained himself, Kanna turned the water off to the sink. While he talked, she just stood there, staring down at the counter. She found herself holding rather tightly onto the cloth she had just rinsed out. His words slightly confused her. She didn't think he was always the one being protected. At least at first that was not what she thought, but when she began to think about their mission, she realized what he meant. The only thing she didn't understand was that it was only one mission. How can ONE mission make him feel like that? Obviously there was more behind it, but she didn't know exactly how she should ask him about that. In truth, for the first time in a long time, she didn't know what to say. Why was she so speechless? Because of the rest of what he said. He felt like he couldn't protect anyone. He was feeling weaker and slightly helpless in certain situations. That was obvious. "He's... talking about that day..."

Kanna's facial expression actually softened a bit, making her look saddened or rather upset. Snopy went quiet, and for a while so did she. She was trying her best to think of something to say, and then she just shook her head. Turning away from the counter, she tossed the rag over Snopy and it landed perfectly in a basket marked 'laundry'. Stepping over to his side, she stared down at him and then shook her head with a very small smile. "You really are an idiot..." she told him in a kind tone, "If you want to get stronger, I suggest you make really good friends with that man that was just here. Seems to me that he might be a good training partner, even better than me. I can train you in Kidō, but if you want to become stronger to protect someone, then you really should get to know that guy a BIT better." Kanna wasn't going to lie to him. She knew that Snopy wasn't exactly the strongest guy around, and it seemed the other wasn't too bad. The two of them fighting together, or at least training, wouldn't be a bad idea if Snopy really did want to get stronger. "Does he seem like the type of guy that would take on a student?"
The Site Hideyoshi
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Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:31 am
Snopy just sat in silence as Kanna stood at the counter. Eventually she tossed the rag over him and then walked over to him. As she looked at him, there was a small smile, and her tone was actually kind. For her to do that meant something, Snopy's face actually turned a bit red. Though a small smile and a kinder tone didn't seem like much, they were a lot when dealing with Kanna. He listened to her words and, they did make sense. Though, he didn't like the idea of being considered a student. As many people had most likely noticed, Snopy wasn't fond of formalities. Rather, he wasn't fond of superior inferior relationships. Kanna must have noticed that he never once addressed her formally, always casually calling her Kanna. Even when he had a position of authority when he was alive, he was fairly laid back and hated to be addressed formally. It was a strange little quirk of his.

Maybe he is, or maybe he isn't. I don't know, but it seems like he would be keen on helping me get stronger. He once saved me during another mission in which I went solo, and without his aid I'd be dead. During that time he had stopped a rather powerful hollow and asked if I wished to get stronger, and upon my confirmation he left the hollow to me. To top it off, he attacked me today in what he called training. Snopy looked off to the side. He said something today, that really hit home, and for the first time in my life, I went all out in a training session, rather than holding back as I usually do. When Logan talked about protecting the woman he loved, Snopy knew he could not. This was what had made him so determined during that training session.
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Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:47 am
"So... He saved you once before, and then helped you train today?" Kanna raised an eyebrow as she attempted to get all the facts. When he looked away, she suddenly got a snap of curiosity and stepped right up to the side of his table. She leaned over him, reaching her hand out to touch the side of his face and made him look towards her. Once he was facing her, their faces would only be an inch apart. Kanna brought her hand up to move his hair out of the way of his face and glanced him up and down. Once getting whatever reaction she would get from him in that instance, she stood up straight and thought to herself once more while asking, "So, what did he say to you that made you go all out in training?"

Kanna walked over to the other side of the bed, still staring down at him. She grabbed onto his wrist and lifted his hand, setting it against her face. The look in her eyes was of nothing but curiosity and wonder. She was testing him. It was her own little 'experiment' at the moment. She had learned in her years that there were certain ways that a man would react to her in certain situations, so now she was testing to see what his reactions were. Moving his hand from her face, she set it down on her upper chest (NOT on her breasts). She was looking at his face the entire time, watching his reactions towards her. Once that was done, she placed his hand on her waist as well and then let go. This one was to see how quickly he would pull away, if he even did. She had a few other tests to move through, but these were the most 'basic', as she would call them.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:17 am
Snopy wasn't ready for what would happen next. Before he knew what was happening Kanna put her hand on his face and pulled it towards her, so he was now looking at her. Her face was only an inch away, way closer than he thought. As he saw her face that close up his face began to turn red. His eyes had a look of daze and awe, along with confusion and a little wonder. Why is she so close to me, it feels so... Kanna moved the hair out of his eyes and looked up and down his face. Snopy could only get a little out of his mouth in this confusion. That was all he could get out, he didn't know what was going on.

Then she asked why he went all out in training. Was that what this was? Did she suspect something and she was trying to get it out of him? Whether it was or not didn't matter, as currently his ability to focus was completely compromised. He felt as his hand was lifted up and placed gently on her face. He looked up at her eyes, and instead of being cold, they were full of curiosity. His face became even more red and he was unable to take his eyes off of her. He couldn't help but feel how soft and gentle her face felt, and though he tried to regain his focus, he was unable to. His hand was soon moved to her upper chest, right around where her heart was. As she did, his eyes seemed more filled with wonder, yet confusion. Snopy's heart was already beating at a ludicrous speed. As he felt the warmth of her body, he just couldn't take it. His eyes were completely locked on hers, he could not look away still.

Finally, she moved his hand to her waist. The moment she did, the largest look of confusion covered his face for a moment. His face turned redder than it ever had before. He felt it there, just sitting on her waist. After a moment, he pulled his hand away. It wasn't far, it was still close to her waist, but no longer sitting on it. Yet his face only became redder, and his heart only beat faster. When it came to these things, he was shy. Yet he couldn't believe how attracted to her he really was, for her to disorient him this much. His hand almost seemed, for a moment, like it wanted to go back to her waist, but it dropped to the bed for a bit. Snopy could not speak. He was at Kanna's mercy, and she didn't seem to be done. Snopy however, was to distracted to even wonder why she was doing it, or for how long.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:29 am
Kanna stepped away from him for a moment and walked over to a small table at the other end of the room. One this table was a computer and a notepad. She picked up a pen and wrote a few things down. Entering a few things into the computer after that, a rather large smile formed on her face. She actually looked happy, and even slightly excited. Walking back over to him, she still held that kind smile and then leaned down to him again. This time, she brought her hands to his shoulders, pulled him to a sitting position and stared at him for a moment. Examining the redness in his face and the look he had in his eyes, she seemed slightly satisfied. "And for the last one..." she said as she leaned forward. She brought her arms around his back, all of his wounds finally the size of tiny cuts that a child could get. She held him close and closed her eyes, bringing a hand up to place it on the back of his head and keep him there. At this point, she felt her own heart skip a beat, but ignored it. She placed her ear against his head and listened for any changes she might note. His heart was already beating pretty fast, which only made her smile. Although this entire thing was really for her own curiosity, it was going to help her understand a few thing about the both of them in the long run, so she decided these tests weren't to bad.

Once she got whatever reaction he was to give her, she laid him gently back down to the bed and re-enforced the healing Kidō barrier. Having entered and left it multiple times, it weakened. Then, she stepped back over to her computer, sat down, entered a few things, and then seemed to be lost into whatever she was reading on the screen. The entire time, there was what one would call a 'loving' smile on her face and look in her eyes. There was a little something about these tests that had something click within her mind. Whether they were good or bad? Only Kanna would really know. She was a strange one. Her smiles could just be because of her conclusion on her own theory being corrected. But.. what was her theory?
The Site Hideyoshi
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Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:51 am
Snopy didn't even look over as Kanna went over to her computer. He was just so lost that he didn't notice what she was doing. All he noticed was she was no longer over him. Though he had been confused to no end, he kinda missed it already. He actually enjoyed the experience in the end, even though he was confused. Before he knew it Kanna had returned with the same kind smile she had had previously. With some time to attempt to pull himself together, all it did was serve to reinforce just how ridiculously more attractive he was now finding her. This time, Kanna leaned in, before pulling him into a sitting position. He simply stared into her eyes as she observed him.

Before he knew it her arms wrapped around him, going to his back. His heart beat faster, his face would have turned redder if it could have gotten any. To top it off all composure he had acquired during the "intermission" had been lost. He was pulled in and couldn't believe Kanna was hugging him. Her hand went around the back of his head, her head was pressed against him. He had never felt such a strange sense of confusion and happiness. He could do nothing, the signs of his current feelings would only be his automatic bodily movements, he couldn't move at all. Perhaps he didn't want to move was the thing.

Soon enough, he was gently laid back down as Kanna went over to her computer. Snopy stared at the ceiling before finally working up what he needed to speak. He moved his head so he could see her. just doing? He couldn't come up with a more intelligent question like he normally would. His mind was still to out of it to pull it off.
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Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:58 am
Snapped from her thoughts, Kanna raised her attention from the computer and looked over to Snopy. "I was testing your reactions to certain types of physical contact with me. I inserted the results into the computer to have it calculate exactly how attracted you actually were to me. Then, by cross referencing that data with a few events in our past, certain things you have said to me, and even a few things that I have actually felt... I am coming up with the final conclusion to my test." She clicked the mouse a few times on the computer and then the printer began working. She sat back in her chair, looking towards it as the paper practically shot out from it. Twenty fifth century technology, how great! She picked up the paper and read the results. Once they were read, she didn't exactly know what to say. She only stared at them a few times and then stood up, stepping out of the room without saying another thing to Snopy. "I see...." she said and then ripped up the paper. Holding out her hand, she let a breeze taken them. She watched them blow away and then turned to walk off, her own mind full of it's own confusion.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:09 am
I see. Snopy simply responded as she told him. Normally, he would have been more shocked, but he was still unable to process his thoughts. Kanna was probably aware of this and would judge such a response based on that. He simply laid there and listened as the printer shot out the paper. He sat there as she read the results. He did glance over as she left the room, with only a simple "I see." He was left alone in the infirmary, waiting for the last bit of his body to return to full strength. He now had a lot to think about. The way he had felt when Kanna did all those things. He knew he loved her, but the feelings he had felt were far beyond anything he had ever expected. He was now kinda lonely since she left the room. It was almost as if she had teased him so when she left he would want her to come back. Intention or not, that was the result. He sat there as his brain began to process the whole thing. So she was testing me and checking it on a computer huh... Snopy then shot up into a sitting position, screaming rather loud. Wait a second! She did wh-~thread closed~
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:06 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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