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Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:22 pm
"It seems someone is getting to know me a bit too well..." Kanna's left eyebrow actually twitched as she tried to keep her cool. "Well, that will have to change. Next time, you might not be facing a false Kidō." Kanna was actually serious about what she had just said. She meant it. Next time, she was probably going to end up firing it off. Her excuse would more then likely be that she was testing him, and in the end she'd probably end up hurting him. She had to keep him guessing. It was just the way she was. Hearing Kanami's sudden outburst, Kanna turned her attention to the girl. "A bit... wild, isn't she?" Kanna raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms along her chest while talking to Snopy, "I didn't think you'd want a wild child as your first student... I guess that doesn't matter though. If you're anything like me, then you just followed orders and then what you see is what you get." Kanna was slightly teasing him by saying this, since he was technically her first student and she was just following orders at the time.

"You saw nothing." Kanna's blush completely dropped and a glare of death was shot towards Snopy, although lately this had become useless. There was a time where everyone would be frightened by her, sort of like they were frightened by Captain Unohana when she spoke at times. She was getting soft and the world could tell. This was going to be a problem. None of her 'easy going' behavior must meet the ears of her own Squad members. If so, there will be hell to pay!! "It's nice to see you as well... And I came out here to see your student and how you were doing in training her. From what I saw, you're doing well, although I think your methods could use a little more... um... I don't want to say seriousness... but more like... have her scared to death.... Like I did to you."

The Lotus Bloom - Closed - Page 3 Empty Re: The Lotus Bloom - Closed

Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:44 am
Kanami really didn't care what those two said about her personality, people were half the time unknown of the other's background, the boy crawled away holding his balls and crying. It seemed as though Kanami had caused some damage to him. She gave an uncaring shrug and spun her kodachi and sheathed it, her hands felt a slight tingle from cutting that Kidō in half. Kanami hadn't thought about it at the time, but had she chosen the location better or just moved around it. Hell she could of just ducked the thing, her mind wasn't clear. She was realizing it a bit more now, on her first day here she beat up twelve students and made a mess of the front room. They'd called her a boy, naming her Kan when they could. However after that people decided it was more healthy to keep her real name.\

"Yer girlie friend is kinda dangerous teach..May not be to good at Kidō, but I know that one is pretty high..." Kanami said glancing over at the form of the two, she really didn't care about names and such. Nor were manners part of her forte. She was here and that was how things were, she wondered about a man she'd met sometime ago though who'd mocked her that she'd been unable to kill due to his skills. Her shoulders shrugged slightly as the students seemed to be abandoning their little watching.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:13 am
Snopy laughed a bit as he listened to Kanna. Well I hope you enjoy healing me, cause that's what will end up happening. Snopy was only joking around. If she actually planned on launching the spell he would be able to sense it and dodge as necessary. He listened to her as she commented on Kanami's wildness. I'll be honest I had no intention of getting a student. I'll admit it, yes she is wild. But she has a certain level of freedom and determination, which I respect. Though it is true her self-control could be better. As much as I hate to say it...I think I see a bit of me in her, but only a tiny bit...though, as I said, our way of handling things is a lot different.

Snopy began laughing some more as she shot her death glare at him. Something Kanna should have learned, intimidation doesn't work. It hasn't worked on him since he was 16. Besides, he knew she wouldn't do anything to him. Either way, out of respect for her, he went along with it. Look, if you just get someone to work that kink in your neck then that slight head twitch won't happen. I know, it happened to me before. He winked to show he was helping her hide the fact she blushed. She should be able to catch on. He listened to her final sentence. "From what I saw, you're doing well, although I think your methods could use a little more... um... I don't want to say seriousness... but more like... have her scared to death.... Like I did to you."
"but more like... have her scared to death.... Like I did to you."
"scared to death.... Like I did to you."
"Like I did to you."

Snopy didn't even try to stop himself, he burst out laughing. This wasn't a quiet laugh either, it was rather loud. Scared ME to death? If only that was possible. You should know by now, after all the shit I went through. Being betrayed and killed, losing my sister I loved so dearly, having to fend for myself on the streets, I no longer "fear" for my own life. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy living and will do all I can to preserve my life, but I have lost the actual "fear" in the process.

Snopy looked off to the side, his face becoming serious. A slight blush showed up on it. The last time...I felt true fear... He choked up a bit as he looked back towards Kanna. Was when I thought you were going to die. I was...terrified. I have lost all ability to fear for my own safety, I only fear for the safety of the people I am close to. He looked back off to the side for a moment. Every word Snopy spoke he meant. He seemed to be staring off into space, as if he was looking for something. Though after a moment he snapped out of it. He shook his head rapidly. Sorry, got a little off topic there. My bad. He snapped back into his usual casual demeanor as he always did. It was amazing how when the situation called for it he could shift moods like that on command. He changed topic mostly for Kanna's sake, seeing as she wouldn't want a subject like that to be heard by others. He whispered so quietly no one but Kanna could hear.

Sorry about that, I know that kinda stuff isn't something you want to be discussed around others. I accidentally let it slip out. He apologized and waited for any responses. He expected a rather cold and indifferent answer out loud, seeing as she was trying to keep an image. Either way, he waited to see what would be said.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Lotus Bloom - Closed - Page 3 Empty Re: The Lotus Bloom - Closed

Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:23 pm
Kanna crossed her arms along her chest, just standing there and listening to what Snopy was saying. He seemed to be in a very interesting mood. He even burst out in laughter at what she had said. She lowered her head a bit. Through this little conversation, she noticed two things... One, being Snopy actually laughing at something she said. She didn't understand what was so funny. She was being serious. Whether he remembered it or not, there were a few instances there, that she had caught him off guard and if she had been using her full power, he probably wouldn't be standing here about now. The second thing, was the utter lack of respect that this child, Kanami, had for anyone around her. She may get away with that with those that are similar in rank to her, but Kanna wasn't one to allow that. Before she was to do anything though, she stared through her bangs at Snopy. "The only time he felt fear was then..." she thought to herself. Although she wasn't thinking about it at the time, Snopy was right about changing the subject. Hearing him apologize, she nodded to him and then turned to the young girl, a child is what Kanna would call her.

Kanna stepped up to Kanami and stared down at her. Kanna was a full five foot seven, and judging by this child's difference in height, she assumed Kanami was maybe five foot. The height of a child with the attitude of one... and the figure of one. Of course these are comments that Kanna kept to herself. She raised an eyebrow, staring down at Kanami with a rather irritated look on her face. "You need to learn some manners." Kanna reached out and quickly grabbed Kanami by the shirt and lifted her from her feet, "You will address me as Lieutenant Aikotsuki, understood? Nothing more, nothing less. Do not ever let me catch you calling me or any other superior officer by 'girlie', got it?" Kanna's tone was slightly dark and serious in it's command. She let the girl's shirt go, allowing her to drop to her feet, or to the floor, depending on her own reaction time. With that, Kanna stepped back towards Snopy and stared at him for a moment.

"I don't enjoy people knowing me well..." she said randomly, but still sounding serious, "The fact that you feel you've got me figured out, will only make me want to change the way I am. I despise the idea of people feeling that they know what I am thinking, feeling, or what I will and will not do...." She stepped a few feet away and then turned back towards the two of them. "For now, I shall stand here and watch. Let's see what you've got you flat-chested wild child." She crossed her arms along her chest and waited for them to begin, either that or for this short tempered child to attack her.

The Lotus Bloom - Closed - Page 3 Empty Re: The Lotus Bloom - Closed

Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:40 pm
Kanami's eyes turned almost red, she lowered her head so shadows were all people could see. Her hand slowly crunched into a fist, the female's body turned slamming her first into a large wall of the school's. It was pretty solid, sadly it wasn't enough for the temper tantrum the girl was throwing, that woman had just basically called her short, looked down on her. And called her a flat chested child, that was the worst set of insults. The entire wall came down, her hand wasn't effected or anything by it. She was rather upset, which was clear. It took all her strength, to just hit the wall and not swing at miss superior pants over there. In her mind she just slowly began to calm down.

"It's alright, we've destroyed a quarter of the school's east well..Only thing superior about her is her stupid brat nature..woman pisses me off more than that arrogant prick of a man who I met on my way here...I swear to god I hate people like her, women superior my ass she's more like a stupid boy..could of mistook her for one..note to self keep calling her girlie for the rest of my life."

Kanami thought to herself, before relaxing her body slightly the damage was done to the wall. That bitch had just basically crossed two of Kanami's worst subjects, she walked away slowly. A couple bullies who'd not learned got in her way, they'd used a red smoke Kidō thinking it would distract her. Inside the smoke the men's screams could be heard, Kanami was smiling softly the boys well were in better shape. Some bones could be seen on some, Kanami had snapped them and well yes hurt them.

"That's better, thanks fellas for letting me kick your asses again, you even went to the trouble of putting that nice smoke screen up..Sorry if I was a bit rougher on ya than normal, you should be recovered in a couple weeks."

Hakuda against Kanami was stupid and dangerous, with the temper to match it. The girl didn't feel like fighting the male at the moment, Snopy was someone she wanted to fight smart against and not what she'd just done here. What she'd done here was simply hurt people. Kanami walked away leaving the nurses and other people to stretcher them away. Kanami had her permission to protect herself from them, so it didn't really bother her what shape they were in.
The Site Hideyoshi
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The Lotus Bloom - Closed - Page 3 Empty Re: The Lotus Bloom - Closed

Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:15 pm
Snopy listened as Kanna scolded the girl, or perhaps threatened was a better word. He placed his hand against his head. I'm surprised I don't have a headache already. As Kanna put Kanami down he went over to her and put his hand on her shoulder. Kanna, I think you went a little too far... Suddenly he sensed a spike in Kanami's spiritual energy, looking up just in time to see he smash a hole in the wall. He let out a long sigh. Scratch that, she went too far. Excuse me for a moment. Kanami was about to engage some other students, and Snopy knew where it was going to go. He was going to stop it before it began.

As Kanami entered the smokescreen Snopy disappeared from sight, using his Shunpo. His vision was obscured, so he used his other senses. Putting together all his senses, including the ability to feel spiritual energy, he in his mind developed a model of Kanami's movements. Overlaying it to where he sensed her energy, he had a rough idea of where she was and what position her body was in. As she was about to make contact with the first student her arm was stopped an inch away. As the smokescreen cleared, the scene became visible. Kanami stood with her arm out, stopped completely by Snopy, who still had his grip on her arm. Behind him, stood the other students looking on in shock. Snopy's head faced down. Snopy slowly brought it up and looked at her with cold, almost dead. eyes. His expression seemed like one to kill.

Well that was a close one, eh? His expression instantly shifted back to its usual laid-back form. His voice was as it normally was. Self-control,you must learn self-control. He pointed over at the hole in the wall. At some point in time people worked very hard to make that wall. Besides, you can't go around smashing other people's property. He then pointed over his shoulder, thumb out but the rest of his fingers bent in like a fist. To top it off, odds are that the people behind me have families and friends who care. Breaking them apart wouldn't solve anything. He released her arm and sighed. I understand Kanna was a little blunt,and lets face it, not the nicest in that situation, but you have to act with consideration. Consideration for those around you, whether they are complete asses or innocent bystanders. And try to see things from Kanna's view. She had to work her ass off to get where she is, someone just calling her "girlie" is like making all that effort seem like nothing. And let's face it, I am probably one of the only people you will meet who doesn't want to be addressed as a superior.

Snopy sighed, he was always given the pains. However, perhaps it was his vast level of patience that made them pick him. He could tell that anyone else would have smacked her upside the head by now. You are lucky no one got hurt, but if you don't control yourself, there will be consequences. If that happens, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you. Snopy kept completely calm this entire time. If this girl got into real disciplinary trouble he wouldn't be able to help her. He knew one thing for sure though, Kanami and Kanna would not be able to get along. He only hoped the two would not be around each other often.
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The Lotus Bloom - Closed - Page 3 Empty Re: The Lotus Bloom - Closed

Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:44 pm
Seeing Kanami freak out in the way she did only made Kanna want to shake her had and laugh at her for it. She refrained from doing so though. The girl went on a rampage and smashed a wall, causing Kanna to narrow her eyes in irritation. She was about to step forward and handle the situation, but realized Snopy was already on the way to doing that. The way he prevented her from attacking the others was impressive, especially when dealing with a temper tantrum like that. Kanna stepped forward towards them, just listening to what Snopy was saying to lecture the easily angered girl. The only part she really paid attention to was the fact that Kanami called her girlie and then the consequences that would follow such actions. Kanna stopped walking, now standing about five feet away from the two. During her little anger attack, Kanami's power spiked and her strength increased immensely. "Impressive... Too bad she can't control something like that... She'd be a good asset." Kanna though, setting a hand under her chin as she stared at the girl before her.

"You know..." she spoke out to get their attention, "I didn't insult you for kicks or for my own amusement. I wanted you to turn your anger towards me, that much should have been obvious. I assume the only reason you didn't is because I am a Lieutenant.. Although it was a smart choice, you proved my point... You're a wild child...." Kanna waited for those words to sink in and watched her reactions to it once more, then she continud, "You make your irritations too obvious. I was exploiting them the way many people in your future will. Being called short and flat-chested are your biggies, and from what I can tell, you don't like being called a child either.... Next time, it won't be someone like Snopy or I who purposely uses that in a way to take advantage of you. You have strength, but it only comes out when you're angry. Learn to control something like that, one day you will be unstoppable..."

Staring and Kanami for a moment more to allow that to also sink in, Kanna glanced over to Snopy, glancing him up and down and then turned back to Kanami. This girl really was young and to have something that bugged her enough to make her snap the way she did, made Kanna think that something must have happened to her. What that was, she didn't know and wasn't really going to sit here and ask for her life story. "One thing is certain though... If you are determined to get more powerful and want to learn to control that massive strength you have within you... You've got the perfect teacher. I highly doubt anyone else would be able to keep there complete calm and explain things to you at the level Snopy can... And I do wish you good luck..." Kanna actually showed a very small smile and softness within her eyes, but with the next blink that changed. She looked back up to Snopy, "So... your training today, will it continue?"

The Lotus Bloom - Closed - Page 3 Empty Re: The Lotus Bloom - Closed

Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:56 pm
Kanami simply shrugged Snopy off her and walked away for a moment, letting her frame slide down and sit for a moment, trying to cool off her short fuse. This child had strength that made most people almost piss themselves in fear, so why was it she had to put up with these two. She knew the teachers wanted to channel her insane strength, Kanami was deep down truthfully a hurt little girl who's family used her and looked down on her. This was her way of lashing out and just trying to show she was strong enough to make it alone. Her eyes didn't water or show signs of caring. Her voice came out strangely cold as one of them about made a comment about her relying on her teacher to protect her.

"Taoshi...If you say one word about Snopy...I'll break you in half and leave your body for the buzzards...Shut up and get out..just know he saved you from me..otherwise you'd be going into a medical tent and never walking worthless cockroach." This wasn't even close to Kanami's normal voice when angry, it normally could be laughed at or amuse adults. This was a serious threat, and Kanami's eyes had darkened. Taoshi the jock, the idiots who follwowed no better than him.

Kanami sighed and banged her head's back into the wall causing a small crack, the girl sighed and looked down as she felt some of the pebbles fall down her back. She was the bull in the china shop that parents warned children not to be.

The Site Hideyoshi
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The Lotus Bloom - Closed - Page 3 Empty Re: The Lotus Bloom - Closed

Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:17 pm
Snopy listened quietly as Kanna spoke to Kanami. He laughed a bit, was Kanna really just testing her? And she brought up a point Snopy would have brought up himself at some point. With her reactions, she was easy to manipulate in battle. That would likely end badly for all those involved. He smiled a bit as Kanna described him as the perfect teacher for her. It was kind of funny to him, but he knew he was one of the few people who could keep his cool with a ticking time bomb such as this. The girl had a short fuse. He looked at Kanna as she asked him if training would continue. I guess it w- Snopy glanced over to Kanami.

She was at it again, almost picking a fight with some nearby students. He then watched as he banging her head back caused a small crack in the wall. Snopy had to avoid saying "That is unnatural" out loud. We'll pick up the training some other time. I'd say we've done enough for now. He walked over and bent his knees a bit, kneeling down to her. Take some time to rest and get yourself together. Working yourself to death will only drain you physically and mentally. He pointed towards her forehead. Try and learn to control your temper. I can feel it, your mind is strong. With a little practice, you can learn some self-control. Just imagine how dangerous you could become if you could calmly choose your actions rather than blindly charge forward. He stood back up and dusted himself off. When you are ready to train again, get someone to contact me. Just take a bit of time to rest, relax, recuperate, and enjoy yourself from time to time. It will do you wonders. He started to walk off. He raised his left hand up to say goodbye. Until next time, Ciao.

Snopy stopped as he passed Kanna. If you need me for anything, you know where to find me. And even if you don't, I'm sure you can track me just as easily. If you are heading t your barracks we will be going in the same direction for awhile, so if you want to walk with me you are free to. If not, until next time. Sayounara. He began to walk off. A lot had happened. In truth he wasn't too thrilled about having a new student, but in the end it would be helpful if he could steer her in the right direction. The better off she is, the less likely she would get herself killed after all. Either way, Snopy's only plans were to go home and relax for a bit.

~left thread :3~
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The Lotus Bloom - Closed - Page 3 Empty Re: The Lotus Bloom - Closed

Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:51 pm
Kanna didn't say anything the rest of the time. She only watched as Snopy spoke to the young girl. Kanami definitely was a wild child, but she was still a young girl who really just seemed along in the world. Kanna was able to tell that something was troubling the girl, but did not ask what it was. As Snopy said goodbye and walked passed her while speaking, her eyes followed him. She nodded once and then looked back to Kanami. "Good luck with everything and be careful." was all Kanna said and then turned away, " Oh... and try not to send any more of your fellow students to my barracks... It's nice to know exactly why so many men have been getting their asses kicked lately..." Kanna quickened her pace to catch up with Snopy. She glanced to him a single time before looking forward. It had been a while since the two had talked. A small smile formed on her face and she took in a deep breath. "She's a good kid... You should take her on some sort of mission. That would be interesting for you two."

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