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Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:38 pm
So You Think You Know Yourself? [PRIVATE; Saisei/Chifuyu] Template-header


What a nice spot, something that Aria might say. Anyone that wasn't Chifuyu really. It was a practical spot, that's what mattered to her when she walked around the grove and placed stones around the area. It was a means to keep herself well aware of anyone coming to disturb them and that wouldn't do.

It had been incredibly specific instructions she had given to Saisei, a test really to see just how well he could listen. She could tell him everything really there was to know about Azure, she could show him every file on record and everything. Chifuyu knew that it would never suffice. He could know everything about Azure but he'd never know the man. This is where she could intervene.

While she waited, she counted the time. Not too early, not too late. How much did you want to impress her Saisei? The birds sure were watchful today, weren't they? A thought that made her smile a little bit. Aria begged to come but this was personal, not something for her to try and understand yet.


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The Hybrid King
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Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:21 pm
So You Think You Know Yourself? [PRIVATE; Saisei/Chifuyu] WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

The afternoon air was rather clean, Saisei had rarely visited Asia given the current political climate. His nostrils filled with the gentle air as he crawled his way through brush and trees. Chifuyu had made clear, take a left at the large tree, continue until you hit a small creek. After the creek, hop over it and continue more until you reach the boulder. Just past the boulder, a small grove was located where Chifuyu had planned on waiting for him. Unlucky for him, Saisei was lost.

Minutes passed by, sweat soaking him to his core as he tried to fight his way through everything nature threw at him. After a rather ridiculous amount of time, he flopped through yet another brush before he came smacking down onto the gentle grass below. An audible ouch escaped his lips, Saisei rubbing at his chin in hopes of easing the pain.

Before him stood, or rather settled, the quiet grove that Chifuyu had noted of. In it, Chifuyu was silently placing rocks along its perimeter. While he didn't know much of her methods, Saisei knew that Chifuyu wouldn't bother with something if she didn't have an intention behind it. Struggling back to his feet, he took his place at the center of the grove.

"Alright Ma'am. Instructions were clear, execution was a bit underwhelming. I took a lot longer than I expected and may or may not have resulted in a few more cuts than I was interested in getting today."

There it was, the boy's signature smile creeped along his lips as he spoke. His pure joy was almost infectious, even after all the struggling he still found time to smile.

"Right, today. What was it that we had planned? You seem to be a bit busy already from the looks of it."

Saisei motioned towards the rocks as he awaited further instruction. His God would clearly demand it to be so.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

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Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:40 pm
So You Think You Know Yourself? [PRIVATE; Saisei/Chifuyu] Template-header


No they weren't. She knew the moment he showed up in that condition that he had either forgotten or taken his own liberties and both of them went against what she said. That was something to keep in mind though, she wouldn't actually act on it though. Just keep it stored away and tucked away for later.

She finished up her task. Turning away from the final stone and giving a long sigh. How much work this would be, it was her personal memories she was giving him after all. Nothing like just raw information of skill knowledge? No. Not that, if it wasn't for his circumstances then he wouldn't be getting it.

"You're going to meet Azure. That's what you want right?"

Chifuyu sat back against a tree, looking out at the grove while waiting for Saisei to make up his mind and process the situation she offerred. It might be a bit weird for him, he would be seeing everything from her perspective.


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The Hybrid King
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Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:56 pm
So You Think You Know Yourself? [PRIVATE; Saisei/Chifuyu] WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

"Meet... Azure?"

Saisei sighed, rubbing his chin feverishly as he tried to understand the circumstances he had found himself in. While on one hand he truly enjoyed learning from Chifuyu, meeting Azure in any capacity was without a doubt scary to him. Saisei feared very little in life, meeting someone who was the true him... Well, it was fear inducing. He shook the worry from his face and gave Chifuyu the answer she was surely looking for.

"I'll meet him. Not sure how that'll work, not sure if it's even good for me. Frankly, this could be one of the worst decisions in my life Ma'am. Despite that, I'd love to meet the man that you speak so fondly of."

His smile returned without a second thought, his fingers interlocking behind his head as he expressed himself. He was happy, as scary as it may be it Saisei was finally finding himself in a set of scenarios that would lead him to a beautiful future. He may not see the future as clearly as most but that didn't keep him from understanding what it was he was chasing after.

"Alright little boy, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself with whatever this... little game is. Leave me out of it."

Husk chirped quietly in Saisei's ear, he expressed his disdain for Chifuyu's actions and quickly moved on. Saisei awaited what may be the biggest mistake of his life, no reason to back down now he thought.

"Alright then. Let's get to it."

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

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Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:10 pm
So You Think You Know Yourself? [PRIVATE; Saisei/Chifuyu] Template-header


She nodded. Not really backing down. Of course that's what she said, was he playing deaf? No. He was just unsure which made sense to her but that throwing people in the deep end was the Yuudeshi way. Sink or swim, kid. The only reassuring factor was that Chifuyu was here, maybe she would take a rewind if necessary. She could try and use the hogyoku on him to roll back and give it more time before trying again.

"I see, I'm glad you acknowledge how unpleasant it might be. Especially since you'll only get to watch.. Come here."

From her seated position she commanded Saisei towards her. Holding out her palm and creating a crystal with the memories engraved inside it before staring at it very carefully. No mistake was allowed, everything had to be perfect or else it'd be truly awful.

"Take a seat Saisei and swallow this."

The crystal was quite small and transparent with a soft blue hue to it. She didn't say much beyond that, just watching the birds and leaves from her spot while thinking about how she used to be. What an awful time of her life to reflect back onto. The only solace really was that he didn't get any of her thoughts but all the sights, the sounds and sensations. They were all his.

"Go meet Azure Iramasha, Saisei."


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The Hybrid King
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Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:06 am
So You Think You Know Yourself? [PRIVATE; Saisei/Chifuyu] YKwqVMn

Azure Iramasha | The Vanguard's Last Hope

Messing up on his way to the grove was the last mistake Saisei would be making. It was clear to him that Chifuyu was more than just a source of knowledge, her fountain of youth appearance was far more important to him than he thought before. She was a gateway. Behind that gate lay one of most mysterious losses in the last decade for humanity. Azure Iramasha was a man only spoken of in silent corridors and on balconies that hosted the most powerful beings. A forgotten fragment of the past, Saisei was going to uncover that part of his past at whatever pace he could.

"Understood Ma'am."

He followed her instructions to a tee, taking the crystalline structure and swallowing it whole. Upon doing so, he sat and closed his eyes. Entering what one may consider a near trance-like state, the boy listened to her words as the world around them began to soar outward. The space between himself and Chifuyu filled with a void of infinite darkness, the black so dark it was tangible. Then, as if nothing had ever happened, life sprung back into the world.

The grove had quietly disappeared, soon replaced by the ever familiar backdrop of Karakura City. Saisei was home...


The white hair man shook his hands dry, fumbling around with the spilled coffee he had gotten all over his mitts. Azure stood alone, the faint light of Karakura's Christmas lights left him rather somber. He wasn't sad, the man just couldn't help but feel the slightest hint of depression when the holiday season arrived. His family was wildly different than the rest, leaving him normally fending for himself during the festivities.

Today was one of joy, even when alone he could finally recognize his advances within The Vanguard. Azure was able to see those in Karakura as family, that was enough for him at the end of the day. Continuing to fumble with his cup, the Iramasha looked on. Karakura was a beautiful sight during the holiday season, people came and went from the large diorama of a traditional Christian folk-tale. Azure didn't believe in a god given his background, that didn't keep him from enjoying the inventions of the modern world.

"The joy of living in Karakura City during such a wonderful time. This beats the Iramasha Realm any day. Hard to believe I'm not home with Ketsu and the other clansmen. Guess I'm better off here anyways, right?"

The leader of The Vanguard chuckled to himself. In the coming days, he had already planned something that would take the world by storm. Iceland was the man's target, soon enough he'd take his focus later in the year to the enemy directly. Despite not consulting with The Vanguard at the time, Azure was dead set on his convictions. Nothing would be stopping him from his extracurricular activity in Iceland.

Taking a sip of the coffee he held close to his frigid hands, Azure let out a quiet sigh. The night sky twinkled above as he stood by, enjoying his time with the diorama. He was content, life was as good as it could ever get. Azure promised he'd be the savior that the Earth so desperately wished for. If not him, then no one. That was a promise.


Saisei's eyes widened, the male's appearance leaving him confused. He had always been told the man had pink hair, his soft white locks leaving him with a sense of surprise. The boy couldn't believe what played out in front of him. Chifuyu was nowhere to be seen yet. As someone experiencing this all second hand, the lack of her presence left him rather... somber. The younger version of Chifuyu was surely a handful if he could gauge anything off how she treated him now.

For now, he simply looked on and enjoyed the view. He was handsome in his past life, to be alone so close to Christmas must be rather sad.

END POST | The Hybrid King Makes A Visit

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Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:27 am
So You Think You Know Yourself? [PRIVATE; Saisei/Chifuyu] Young-chifuyu


The holidays were never something for joy. It was the first holiday she had spent alone, not that she hadn't felt alone already in the past. Chifuyu stood in front of Azure. Her expression was blank, her posture was tense and her expression was distant like she wasn't really paying attention to the current situation. Though, she was analysing the situation about how to go ahead.

"You summoned me, sir?"

Start simple. Identify what he wanted and give it to him. It was the fastest way to resolve whatever she had done wrong. Chifuyu could only imagine it was related to her lineage. She had done nothing to raise eyebrows with the exception of the odd invention. Would that really warrant Azure Iramasha himself calling her?

It felt a little chilly. She hadn't worn a jacket but Chifuyu refused to show it. Adamant to suffer in silence rather than show any kind of weakness to Azure. The Yuudeshi refused to embarrass herself like that, her crystalline cells didn't do much else to retain heat. In fact it was the opposite, they weren't ductile to try and mitigate people using electricity or fire against her but she felt the cold so much more.


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The Hybrid King
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Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:53 am
So You Think You Know Yourself? [PRIVATE; Saisei/Chifuyu] YKwqVMn

Azure Iramasha | The Vanguard's Last Hope

The man watched in silence, the scene before him falling into place word after word, action after action. Saisei was entirely immersed in the world of Chifuyu's memories.


Azure was baffled. The last thing Chifuyu should be doing is walking around Karakura City without a coat on in this type of weather. Instead of pressuring her about it, he'd do the right thing and be gentle with his words. He expected the Yuudeshi to have little understand of why she was called out to the local holiday cheer section of the city by someone like Azure. As Regent General, it was clear that any encounter with the man could result in a firing. To Azure, he simply wanted to meet a new member.

"Correct. You're here because I called for you to attend a meeting with me. Frankly, if the meeting was outside I would have expected you to be dressed for the occasion. Shouldn't be out in the gold like this, real chance of catchin' a cold don't'cha think?"

The leader smiled at his subordinate, taking yet another sip of his coffee. Chifuyu was but a mere child, Azure had little reason to pressure her about the meanings of life and the world's biggest problems. Today was a day to appreciate that he, and everyone else in Karakura, was alive. Placing his cup on a nearby railing, he shuffled his overcoat off and offered it to Chifuyu.

"It'd make sense to put this on, I have enough layers to feel comfortable. I called you here to meet each other face to face for a change. We've spoken back and forth over messages and through projects but I'd like to get to know you. The Vanguard is my home after all, I'd like to know my family members."

As cringeworthy as Azure's words were, he truly felt at home when it came to the members of The Vanguard. With that being the case, he expected Chifuyu to take his request to learn of her rather serious. If she didn't, he'd be disappointed. Chifuyu was his family, Azure wanted to know his family as well as possible.

Shifting his hand, he gestured towards the railing beside him in hopes that Chifuyu would stand beside him. They were equals in his eyes.


It took some time but Saisei understood why Chifuyu wasn't visible. He should have figured it out sooner, sadly. He was Chifuyu, the world painted in it's glory was perceived through her eyes and her eyes alone. The scent of Azure's cologne, the frigid air biting at her very being, it all felt so truly alive. Saisei had taken part in this memory as if he was Chifuyu herself. It felt... odd. Confusing in a sense. He spoke aloud, hoping the present Chifuyu would be able to hear him.

"He seems kinda corny. You sure this is the right guy?"

END POST | The Hybrid King Makes A Visit

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Wed Feb 24, 2021 1:22 am
So You Think You Know Yourself? [PRIVATE; Saisei/Chifuyu] Young-chifuyu


"I see. Would it not be more appropriate for us to meet in a base, you're aware we are in plain sight here, right sir?"

Her words came direct, there was no real hint that she was one for small talk far from it. Socialising with people was hard, time consuming and irksome. When he spoke about her being cold there was a flinch as a reaction. It didn't matter that her shoulders were exposed, the fabric was light, her body felt stiff and bonechilling.

"I won't get sick.. If it makes you feel at ease though. Please dress me as you see fit, sir."

That was not the way one should really express thanks, she put on the jacket though until she was standing next to him with her torso feeling a bit warmer.

"Strange. You can't know everyone. Wouldn't there be better uses of someone of your status' time than to waste it talking with me? Hmm, regardless it's your perogative I suppose."

Still, Chifuyu was in no place to really deny him this pleasure. It was his power to do this, even if she thought it foolish. Hands on the railing before she lifted herself up and sit on the railing. The cold railing giving her thighs a painful burn which she ignored.


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The Hybrid King
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Wed Feb 24, 2021 1:47 am
So You Think You Know Yourself? [PRIVATE; Saisei/Chifuyu] YKwqVMn

Azure Iramasha | The Vanguard's Last Hope

He appreciated that Chifuyu accepted his requests even if it was based off seniority. Her obvious respect for him felt far too familiar, a majority of The Vanguard held a similar opinion. She was short and sweet in terms of her discussion with him, simply accepting his word as law. He sighed, rubbing his neck before turning away from her.

Looking at the diorama standing so brilliantly in front of them, the leader began to speak once more.

"Whether you become sick or not, that little flinch of yours is enough to let me know you're cold. I appreciate that you listened, next time just say thank you. It makes a lot more sense to show gratitude than explain away your actions, right?"

It was a playful jab, his arms crossing against the railing as he awaited her presence at his side. Chifuyu spoke of his nature as leader as if it was something that kept him from interacting with his members. Frankly, if he didn't interact with his subordinates he'd be losing his mind. Working as the leader of The Vanguard in Karakura was already a mess of a job. Without knowing the people he protected it was hard to truly understand what there was to fight for. First hand experience with them allowed for him to never forget their importance.

"Well Chifuyu, believe it or not the base isn't my favorite place to visit. It's my job to sit around and play leader in base, out here I can be who I truly am. Not to mention this is a wonderful way to spend my time, wouldn't you say?"

He playfully chuckled to himself, Chifuyu's chilled presence finally at his side. The girl had climbed onto the railing without a second thought. Probably not the best choice for someone wearing a skirt in the dead of winter, the bare skin on her exposed thighs would surely have one hell of a time. Nevertheless, he accepted her choices without question. He could only offer his help.

"I'm Azure Iramasha, Regent General of The Vanguard. Formerly, I was known as the Hybrid Iramasha Leader and spent my time within the Iramasha Realm. I know you, Chifuyu Yuudeshi. You work for me under R&D and are a part of the Yuudeshi family."

His words flowed without force, his intentions. Exposing himself was trivial, anyone that wished to know of his past could learn without any real effort.

"I enjoy cooking, tsukiyaki is some of my favorite food. I don't own any pets given my line of work and don't happen to find myself in a relationship. Now, you're turn."

Azure's words seemed almost too kind, his mannerisms filled with that of a man hoping for the world to sit upon his shoulders. Guiding the world and it's people felt like something he was destined to do. Chifuyu would see that without question.


Saisei was in awe, Azure was far more like him than he could ever realize. While it hurt to watch his past self from the future, he couldn't help but understand Azure's words. He wanted to learn about his family as much as Saisei wished to learn about the world. The man seemed knowledgeable, something he couldn't help but be impressed by. His body shook, a shudder climbing up his spine as he felt the cold air Chifuyu drifted along inside the memory.

"He's kind. Who could ever want to fight a man like this? You play yourself off as someone of little importance but... He can't seem to help himself. Was it really always like this...?"

END POST | The Hybrid King Makes A Visit

So You Think You Know Yourself? [PRIVATE; Saisei/Chifuyu] FXpoQxJ
So You Think You Know Yourself? [PRIVATE; Saisei/Chifuyu] 2Y9rqGk

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