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Meeting of an Angel [Aki] Empty Meeting of an Angel [Aki]

Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:55 am
The midday sun hung down on the residents of the Rukongai, from the citizens of district 1 and there relative peace in the light of the world at large to even those whose lives were forfeit in district 80 where the sun's only gift to the warming of the pools of blood coagulating as madmen and murderers made their way through the streets. Within district 2 however there was a different sort of individual whose walked through the street with a cheerful skip in his step, this blonde haired Shinigami walked through the townships that littered the Rukongai with little to no arrogance that could be found in some who lived within the Seireitei and as he made his rounds towards the center of the land of spirits he smiled as he thought to himself "Man Rukongai candy is the best!"

Dansen found himself throwing a small candy ball into his mouth having it land down safely onto his tongue on for the tragedy of the candy's life to come to an abrupt end as he swallowed. The Rukongai for Dansen was an area that he felt more at home in, the Seiretei tended to attract those with a disposition for proper procedure and acting on the wills of those that laid out commands. For Dansen the place felt to clinical and sterile to be any sort of fun, sure there where powerful fighters there but the Rukongai had a feeling of rustic values that added to young-looking Shinigami's tastes while he committed genocide on a bag of candy that he had purchased from one of the vendors of the enjoyable area.

He did not however travel to far down the districts, it was not that he was afraid of those who lived there, once in his life he had been one of those people but it was the fact that he might have seen something or been drawn to the acts of battle and violence that stopped him from going there, the blonde haired Shinigami was seemingly afraid he might become one who sought battle as a reason for existing rather than fighting for the enjoyment factor.

As the spirit rounded a corner he checked within his Shihakusho and rummaged around within his undershirt to grab onto a small book within. As he pulled it out he read the contents within, to an eagle eyed observer the book seemingly contained... Shopping locations... "Well that's district's 2 and 3 checked a few good stalls, man that ramen was good!" The Shinigami said this to himself as he seemingly reminisced on the food he had eaten only a few hours ago writing a his own feelings on the stalls and shops he had found on his way around town.

"Hmmm gotta get back to the barracks soon.." A grimace fell upon the blonde spirit's face as he realized his time in the area would soon be at a close, he had very little fun activities left, barring finding a good sparing partner or training going about the human world and the Rukongai to find some interesting items was one of the things he could do with little scrutiny and finding such interesting places and people was one of Dansen more enjoyable hobbies still he let out a sigh when he spoke his feelings out loud. "Ah well if I don't do the work who will."

The Shinigami thought this to himself as he entered into District 1, though he seemed to be shirking his responsibilities for the most part he was the one done with his tasks and assignments first, if only to grant himself more time to go about his own business. This was even more apparent on the eve of a patrol mission, though most were not so excitable to go to the human world Dansen enjoyed finding enemies within the few areas he went to patrol, it was one of the only times he had where his opponents came to him, "Free sparing practice!" As he would usually say.

As the Seireitei gates came into view Dansen walked slower and slower to get the views of the citizens of district 1, though it was more like the Seireitei than anywhere else Dansen had no problem walking around the area as it still held that feeling of nostalgia that made Dansen had lost over the years as he was in the Seireitei. Still time marched on and even though he didn't want to the blondie inched closer to the Seireitei. Though he would never do it normally Dansen prayed ever so quietly as he threw up the candy balls to drop them safely into his mouth, thinking to himself. "Please let something come up that needs my attention please let something come up" The spirit hoped for a miracle, admittedly for all the wrong reasons, but wasn't that when they just seemed to happen?
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Meeting of an Angel [Aki] Empty Re: Meeting of an Angel [Aki]

Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:28 pm
In the middle of the road before the seireitei, just in front of the gates a woman sat. Unlike the rest of the dirt road, the ground surrounding her for a good while was covered in flowers, so thick that not a speck of dirt could be seen through them. The woman’s legs were folded under her Indian style, her eyes closed as her white hair tumbled past her smooth skin. Footsteps found their way to her ears as someone approached and she opened her sparkling blue eyes. Standing up, a yawn escaped her mouth as she looked at the blonde haired shinigami before her. Smiling at him she held out her hand as she introduced herself.

“Hello there Mr. shinigami, how do you do? My name is Aki, would it be possible for me to learn your name?”

As she finished her question, her hand finished stretching out before her, and then things went wrong. A ball of pure force flew forward from her outstretched hand, heading straight for the shinigami’s chest without any warning. Gasping, she covered her hands with her mouth as she stood there, stunned for a moment. Then she was back in action, sprinting towards the man, as she rummaged in the pouch that hung around her neck for something. As she neared him she started talking again, this time in a frantic, apologetic voice.

“Oh my god, are you okay? I am so sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen. It was just an accident, I swear. I’m so sorry, here, drink this, it’ll help.”

From her pouch she had produced a small vial of liquid that somewhat resembled tea. The vial contained a strong healing remedy, one that was capable of curing anything besides a missing limb, given enough time. The amount in the vial would certainly be enough to heal any injuries caused by her mistake before, she knew it. She was completely flustered at this point, it had been a long time since she had accidentally set off her telekinesis; she needed to be more careful from now on.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"


Meeting of an Angel [Aki] Empty Re: Meeting of an Angel [Aki]

Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:30 pm
Dansen was nearing his destination eating his candy all the while when, as he tilted his head to catch one of his candy pieces in his mouth his attention was turned to someone who yawned and rose to his level as he made his way past them, the figure turned to be a woman. The white hair and sparkling blue from her eyes made a contrast to any of those from the Rukongai and it made a definitive contrast to the blonde and striking blue eyed Shinigami in front of her. As the woman made herself known Dansen inched his gaze past her to notice the area where she had been sitting was covered in quite lush greenery unlike any that was usually found on the dirt that covered the Rukongai streets. "That's an oddity..." Dansen was not usually one to note so much as the more well-minded Shinigami but in his time in the Rukongai he had very rarely seen any sort of vegetation grow out of the ground, he brushed it aside as one of the many wonders of the land of the dead outside the Seireitei.

The female in front of him made herself known as Aki, no surname but many in the Rukongai could be found without their memories or perhaps she simply did not have a last name perhaps for some sort of dramatic effect... As the girl gave Dansen the name 'Mr Shinigami' she acted out a friendly gesture hoping to learn Dansen's name all the while extending her hand in a manner to shake the blonde Spirit's hand. "Well nice to meet you Aki! Man never thought I would find such manners out in the Rukongai... Anyway I'm Dansen Sukama-"

Before he had time to finish Dansen was thrust back into the wall of most likely a startled home owner who would have to repair the wall from the damage caused as well as clean up all the candy that had been strewn about as his new house guest made himself welcome. The blow back had cause Dansen some shock, he had not prepared for such a move and was therefore unable to defend himself nearly as much as he had wished.

However even though he was thrown into a wall and seemingly ragdolled by a seemingly innocent while out of place looking girl Dansen could not help but have a mischievous smile on his face as he saw them girl approach him from where she had sent him flying from. [i] "Wow if I knew praying for something worked I woulda done it more often...Still could of done without losing my candy, the price of war gentlemen..."[i] The Shinigami thought this ode to candy to himself as he tried to raise himself out of the rubble, Aki had found her way over to him and made her apologies, she seemingly had not done it one purpose but Dansen waved away the vial that she was looking to give him without saying a word.

As he picked himself up and brushed the bits of spirit wall that had found their way onto his Shihakusho Dansen looked down to Aki and smiled in a rather bright manner. "Don't worry about it Aki I'm use to being thrown around and getting hurt, heck sometimes I welcome it!" The blonde Spirit laughed heartily at his own comments but then looked to Aki once more "But Aki your strong. Stronger than I thought someone around the Rukongai would be..." His happiness reached a child like euphoria . "Woooh! That's awesome come on we gotta have a fight! That power you got has some real bite to it I wanna see if I can learn a thing or two from going against it!" Dansen stretched himself out as he looked towards the white haired girl. "Come on! As a gentleman I'll give you the first shot use that power on me again I'll be ready for it this time!" The yellow haired spirit looked on in anticipation as the girl made her decision on what to do, he was looking for something to occupy his time, nothing better than a sparing match with a mystery girl!
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Meeting of an Angel [Aki] Empty Re: Meeting of an Angel [Aki]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:01 am
Aki looked at the man as he waved the vial away, placing it back in her pouch. However, when he asked him to fight him with that power she had used, she just sighed, standing up as she did.

“No, absolutely not. I won’t use that power against you, not unless you can force me to. However, a spar I am willing to do, I need get back to training anyways.”

Looking at the shinigami who had identified himself as Dansen, she smiled. Vines appeared around her hand, growing as they moved down, forming in to a lance in her right hand. Thorns lined it, the tip looking like it could pierce through a human with ease. Smiling, she looked up at him, a smirk on her face.

“Well, you say that the first shot is mine, then I hope you don’t mind!”

Raising her left hand, a blast of blue and white energy fired forth from it, looking similar to a cero in shape. Letting the blast hit, she then used a chaos warp to appear in front of the man, her lance thrusting forward towards the man’s left shoulder. Then she pulled back her seishin buki as vines sprouted forth from the ground beneath her feet, aiming to wrap around the man’s legs as she jumped back. Looking up, she relaxed though she kept her eyes focused on the young shinigami. She doubted she would have to resort to using her telekinesis, this would be enough. Opening her mouth, she called out to him.

“You alright Dansen? I hope I didn’t kill you by mistake, that would be a real pain, now wouldn’t it?”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"


Meeting of an Angel [Aki] Empty Re: Meeting of an Angel [Aki]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:05 am
Dansen's face made a downturn as Aki refused him a fight with the seemingly mysterious power that she had used. "Ohhhh Why not? I'm sure it'd be a blast to have that kind of power..." Seemingly he was making a huff of the situation by being refused until Aki made mention of a spar between the two of them, it was more than the blonde Shinigami could hope for. "Yeah! Having a sparing match is one of the best ways to get some training done!" He put his hands on his hips as he smiled once again at the girl "Besides you can learn a lot about a person through the way they fight so come on!"

The girl then revealed another power as vines reached down from her hand to grow into a lance of some sort in her hand, the spirit in front of her was bemused at the sight of a weapon appearing out of what seemed to be thin air. "Wow that's gotta be one heck of a party trick... Its even pointy too!" Dansen made mention of the weapon's growth seemingly revealing a sharp and deadly point from what originally came from vines and weeds, it was a strange weapon to say the least but for the young looking Shinigami the fact that the weapon seemingly had much more effectiveness than what it seemed was quite intriguing.

Aki had made efforts to mention Dansen's chivalrous actions as she looked to take the first shot at him. "Well I'm a good nature guy so lets see if your bark is--Wait no that's a tree joke...Whatever show me what you got!" Well what she had was a blast of energy that looked awfully like a Hollow's Cero, it was different with it being blue and white in color but as the energy surged towards him Dansen planted himself to the ground and put his arms up as a guard.

The blast was quite potent. Much like a Cero it did some decent damage causing the arms of the yellow-haired Shinigami's Shihakusho to be burned off and causing slight burns on the Shinigami's forearms it was a pain which for now he would have to brush aside. It was there that his Zanpakutō would slide down from the inner lining of his right arm as he grabbed it with his left hand and balanced the still sheathed blade on his left shoulder. "The first one's free the next will cost you!" Still in quite a jovial manner Dansen shouted at Aki when suddenly she was all but in front of him and looking to pierce him with her spear.

"Well hey!" The spear was looking for Dansen's left shoulder as its target the speed of how she got there left him surprised but the time she where her spear was winding-up for an attack was enough for him to move his blade and shoulder out of the way leaving her only a hole in his Shihakusho for the attack she had done. "Man I'm gonna need a new set of robes by the time this is done..." The blonde spirit sighed as the spear cut through his robes but then as Aki made her way to retract the weapon Dansen saw the chance to get in close.

He grabbed the side of the spear with his free hand cutting it as the vines along the spear pierced into it but from there as the girl made her efforts to jump back he would use the momentum of his opponent's force against her as she jumped back he was pushed forward and leaped along with her he looked back to see vines sprouting from the ground and taking pursuit along with him he would need to make an aerial attack if he was to avoid the seemingly dastardly dealings of what such vines had planned for him.

Still holding onto the spear as Aki landed on the ground from her jump she made comment on if the spirit she had just met was still alive, all the while Dansen had released himself from the grasp of the spear and shouted as he came down towards her quickly "Don't take this lightly!" As he fell to the ground quickly he maneuvered himself and aimed his right leg inwards towards the mystery woman's torso looking to land a blow directly as he got closer to his target he also made an effort to reply to her previous statement. "I've already died once if I died just from this I'd be embarrassed for myself!" He shouted this with still the same jovial manner, he was enjoying this and his enjoyment of the fighting was starting to get the better of him. "Man its should be criminal to have this much fun!"
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Meeting of an Angel [Aki] Empty Re: Meeting of an Angel [Aki]

Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:13 am
Aki was surprised when the man grabbed on to her spear, having dodged the attack on his left shoulder. However, the attempt to kick her in the side seemed almost like an insult to her, why was this man not using his zanpaktou or Kidō? It was a stupid thing that would get him killed, and now Aki was going to make a point.

As his kick came towards her, a sudden burst of force flew at the man’s knee, pushing his leg back and perhaps breaking his kneecap. Pointing her spear at his left shoulder, another burst of force could be felt, this time on his back, forcing him towards the spear point. When he was within an inch of the spear another blast of force came, hitting him on the head to smash him in to the ground. As the bursts of force had been coming forth, cuts appeared on her left hand, as if her arm was being destroyed from the inside. Blood poured from the cuts, coating her arms in blood. As the man hit the ground, Aki’s hair turned blonde as vines sprouted from the ground wrapping around the man in order to restrain him on the ground. Looking at him with sad eyes, she started to talk.

“Do you now see why I don’t like this power? Telekinesis sure is a powerful gift, but I certainly don’t enjoy ripping up my own body.”

From her pouch she produced the vial she had offered him before, downing it in one gulp. As she continued talking to him, he could see her wounds healing and closing up, watching the effects of her herbal remedies power.

“So, do you enjoy fighting so much that you would purposely lose? Had you drawn your sword or used Kidō you might have stood a chance against me, but with only your fists? You should feel lucky to still be alive. Now whether you like it or not, you’re drinking this.”

The plants still restraining him, she produced another vial from her pouch. Propping his head up, she uncorked the flask and poured the liquid down his throat. Once having drunk the tea like substance he would start to feel any and all injuries within his body heal, returning him to perfect shape. Aki stood up walking a fair distance from him before her hair turned back to its usual white, the vines surrounding him loosening, and then disappearing in to the ground. Turning around the woman said in a quite serious voice.

“This spar is over, my victory.”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"


Meeting of an Angel [Aki] Empty Re: Meeting of an Angel [Aki]

Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:58 pm
The kick was seemingly forced back by the same invisible force that had flung the Shinigami into an unsuspecting homeowner's wall the force was enough to halt the advance of the Shinigami's leg and force it back on Dansen. The spirit's leg seemed to fly off in an unnatural way but it luckily had not broken perhaps a dislocation but nothing more than that, suddenly Aki would point her spear at Dansen and a seemingly invisible push would happen to Dansen again pulling him back into Aki's attack range he was close enough to be pierced when he was thrown down by a third push hitting his head along the way. "Ow.." A short comment as he hit the ground and suddenly vines began to wrap themselves around the blonde spirit seemingly restraining his arms and feet as he had begun to try and reach a vertical standing once more.

As he tried to break off the annoying vines he would noticed blood dripping from his sparring partner's arm as if the force of her power was causing it to split and break apart Aki went to mention her distaste for her own power claiming that she did not like the fact it ripped apart her own body, Dansen looked to her and smiled all the while struggling with all but his right leg which was certainly dislocated. "I dunno about that I think having a power like that would be pretty neat and maybe if you practiced with it more you wouldn't hurt yourself as much!" As he continued the blonde spirit managed to exert some force with his right leg with it being dislocated he managed to maneuver it out of the vines surrounding it and force the bone back into its place. "Owwww!" The pain was a small price to have the body part released but as soon as he did so the girl who had bound him would prop his head up and force him to drink a vial of what seemed like tea soon his wounds where healing and the pain from his leg was disappearing.

The girl would walk a distance from him before the vines around his arm and leg would release she had asked him why he had not chosen to use Kidō or his sword for fighting, as he propped himself up from the ground he looked questioningly at her wondering why she would asked such a question. "Well I don't know any Kidō and I don't really want to seems all to finicky and all the talking involved gets old fast..." As he finished he looked up into the air. "And as for my sword I didn't have it.." The Zanpakutō of the blonde haired spirit crashed into the ground where Aki had been previously standing hilt first, the impact caused the ground to shatter and the hilt had made a crack as long as itself downwards into the earth.

"I had hoped you woulda stood there for a few more seconds I threw my sword when I grabbed onto your spear thought the extra momentum might have given it more of an impact." The blonde Shinigami would grab hold of the sheath and look to pull the sword from the stone. "Heh! Looks like I was right its really stuck in there!" As the spirit struggled to release the sword from the crack it had made in the earth he would finally succeed and look to Aki once more who was declaring her victory to him. "Huh? Victory? You healed me thinking that was the end of this." The Shinigami unsheathed his blade and slid the sheath back into the remainder of his robe's left arm. "I'd call that a warm up besides I got you to use that power of yours and you healed me when I never admitted defeat now I can get some real fighting done..." The blonde haired Shinigami held his sword in his right hand and looked to the strange girl a few feet away from him. "Now with this the sparring can really begin!" The spirit waited with a gleeful look on his face for her move he had to see what she would do now...
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Meeting of an Angel [Aki] Empty Re: Meeting of an Angel [Aki]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:20 pm
Aki sighed, just listening to this kid was irritating. He surely was an idiot, couldn’t he see that she was trying to make sure she didn’t kill him. Well, whatever, now she would go completely all out. After this short battle this man wouldn’t be able to get up, she would do it even though she didn’t like it. Her hair turned yellow again, and she turned around to face the young man.

“Are you a complete idiot? I’m trying to make sure I don’t kill you here, though you seem to have every intention of giving up your life. Well, it’s your funeral then, I’m not going to hold back any more.”

Glaring, she held her left arm out to her side, wincing as the transformation began. Purplish goo covered her arm for a second before dripping away to reveal that from halfway down her upper arm till the end of her fist it was now a weird purplish color. Her lower arm has grown in size, becoming one and a half times as big in diameter as it normally is. Several small tubes sprout from her lower arm, connect to her upper shoulder. Metallic scales the same color as her skin cover her lower arm but not her hand. Her hand has tripled in size though, and her fingernails have become large black claws, sharper than any blade and as strong as steel.

“Time to pay kiddo, you should have stopped when I gave you a chance to.”

Large vines grew up from the ground, creating a circle around them before forming in to a dome over their heads, trapping them within it. Then, her telekinesis slammed in to Dansen’s back, three times stronger as it threw him to the ground. Plants grew up around him, binding his arms and legs to the floor, then wrapping around his neck. Little thin poles of telekinesis would fall down on to his palms, piercing them and making it impossible to form a fist or hold a sword due to shattering the bones. Another two poles went after his upper legs, another set after his lower legs, all trying to pierce in to them and shatter his bones. Unless this person had immense physical strength that they had been hiding within them it would be impossible to dodge these attacks with the plate of force on his back and the thick vines tying his limbs down. She looked at him, a small amount of pity in her eyes but she wasn’t going to heal him again, not after what had happened the previous time. Looking down at him while still keeping the plate of force on his back, she opened her mouth.

“Well, will you give up now, or do I have to end your life first? Enough is enough, give it up already. Know your limits, you’ll die if you continue like this.”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"


Meeting of an Angel [Aki] Empty Re: Meeting of an Angel [Aki]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:19 pm
The girl seemed to be rather irritated with the continuing pressuring to fight from the Shinigami, he had no malice or ill-intent it was simply he had the time of his life when he was battling with a strong opponent. The woman's hair once again turned into a shade of yellow and as she looked at him with more annoyance than pity she asked him why he would go about continuing a battle as if he had a death wish. "For someone to not go all out either in a battle or a spar is disrespectful to their opponent I'm not willing to kill or be killed but to be looked down upon is something I cannot accept."

Dansen raised his blade and took a few swipes with one arm testing the strength of his swing as he looked upon his opponent making efforts to transform into a stranger and almost alien form as her arms made to be grotesque and abnormal as the female went on to claim it was the blonde Shinigami's time to pay.

"Well you still owe me for that wall and my candy but if you're fighting with your all then I guess its a kind of fair trade..." As he readied his blade, vines and all manner of roots rose up from the ground and engulfed the area leaving those within the Rukongai in quite a panic. Inside the dome the battle had begun much the way the girl had started before as an unknown force came down on Dansen's back looking to push him down. "Hmm can't block so!" The Shinigami pushed away from his current position and rolled to the right of where he was standing being forced to a knee as he saw the previous area he had been standing having caved in under the force of what the girl had done.

Within an instant vines began to raise up from the ground and looked to encircle the Spirit and drag him to the ground, as they closed in the blade of the Zanpakutō cut through all but one of the enclosing greenery handcuffs that latched onto Dansen's leg. "Hey let go of me damn plants who knew they were so vicious!" As he finished his thought a stabbing sensation crashed into the blondie's left arm, seemingly Aki had used her power once again as the invisible piercing sensation went clean through the arm of the Shinigami. "Ah! Damn I didn't need that!" Luckily before anymore had come down upon him the blonde spirit cut through the last of the vines holding him to that position as he jumped closer to his opponent.

"Ha... Nice to know my blade doubles as a weed whacker..." Humor aside the Shinigami tested his arm to see if it would still work, even through the pain. He was able to get it to wingspan level before leaving the arm to rest, the Shinigami looked to his target and seemed more serious than his playful demeanor had usually played injuries as he pointed his blade towards her almost to call her out on something. "Hmm if all you use is that mind power you've got then this fight will get increasingly drab fast, you used that pat on the back thing last time, I may not see it coming but your strategy is obvious with such a unforgiving power."

The young looking spirit raised his blade and went forward moving as fast as he could towards the woman she asked him why he would not see the limits of his own power which he replied to as he got in range of her. "Limits are only there to be broken! I'll keep going and fighting until I can't get stronger from the experience!" As he reached her the Spirit shifted his weight downwards and moved towards the girl's back there he would swing his blade towards her neck with his right arm while then leaving his left arm free to grab hold of her if she moved to block the sword slash from there he would proceed to try and throw the girl with the remaining strength of his left arm and from there he would be in the better position to make a move from the high ground.
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Meeting of an Angel [Aki] Empty Re: Meeting of an Angel [Aki]

Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:27 pm
“Too predictable am I? I guess I’ll drop my final restrictions.”

As the man came up behind her, she just smiled. Without moving, she channeled her telekinesis again, closing her eyes as she did. As his blade neared her back, he would feel as if a hand had wrapped itself tightly around his wrist, jerking him away from her, off towards the side. Then his other wrist would feel like it had been grabbed, then both his legs. Hanging in midair, he would be pulled in front of her, hands held out to the side as if he was being crucified. The force grip went entirely around his limbs with no weak points, more like handcuffs then a hand grabbing him. Raising her left hand, she brought it down, lacerating his left hand with her claws, then bringing it back up to destroy his right hand. Finally she slashed at his legs, making all his limbs useless now. Without having them healed it would be impossible to move them with the damage she had done to them, their bones entirely destroyed. Then she would have a plate of force drop on him, pinning him to the ground while she delicately removed his sword from his wounded hand, holding on to it for now. Knowing just how dangerous it would be to leave him in this condition, she spoke up, telling him her thoughts.

“Well, if I leave you in that condition you’ll probably die within a few hours. So, will you give up and accept defeat and therefore live, or wait there to die?”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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