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Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:44 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 985

It wasn't hard for her to navigate through the Rukongai. Traveling deep within the districts, she brought with her a some rations and medical supplies. She had one goal in mind, "Help anyway I can.." Sophia traversed through the forest and towns providing any modicum of aid she could provide. She was south of the gates, nearing district 78. The air was dry and she was carefully surveying her surroundings.undisturbed. As far as she can tell the town felt empty. The sun was beating on her back and if there was one thing she hated it was super hot weather. She began to walk toward a small enclosure of trees. It seemed peaceful, as she looked around there was a very small blood trail on the ground. Sophia dropped to a knee and dipped her fingers in it, "This is fresh.." She stood up with any hesitation and called out, "Anyone here? I saw some blood back there, I can help!"

After a little bit of searching, Sophia finds a young boy on the outer rim of the town. Quickly, she notices something's not right about him. Sophia's face furrows with worry as she ran full speed towards the young boy. Dropping to her knees, she quickly begins to examine the boys injuries. Her skill in combat may not be up to snuff with the other graduates, but her skill with healing is exceptional. Sophia was expecting to see small injury or dehydration, but her eyes widen in horror as she finds his injuries are much more grave. She immediately begins to channel healing energies into the large bleeding laceration across his chest. With her tail, she quickly finds a medical tool that helps with staunching blood. Sophia's hands and tails move with agility of a seasoned surgeon. She was able to resuscitate the boy and bring him to consciousness. As the boy awakes his eyes open in fear, he whispers with trepidation in his voice, "Miss, Run..."

Sophia tilts her head back in confusion, "Run?" Movement could instantly be sensed within the forest around her. Sophia quickly dressed the wounds and bandaged him as quickly as she could. She looked up, tracing her fingers on the ground, her fingers being trailed by a red-light. Trying to find exactly what direction the sound was coming from, she whispers to herself, "Hadō #12. Fushibi..." As she whispers a thin translucent net begins to form around her and the insignia she put on the ground begins to glow brighter. As the rustling from the tress comes from the south, she began to chant,

"Kunrinsha yo! Chiniku no kamen, banshō, habataki, hito no na o kansu mono yo! Shōnetsu to sōran, umihedate sakamaki minami e to ho o susume yo!"

Pausing for a second to look behind her, there it was, a bloodied tusked hollow. Something was odd about it, it was extremely animalistic. Sophia noticed it looked almost figure of a humanoid. She swung her hand around her and in a low hushed voice, "Hadō #31. Shakkahō". There was a flash of bright pink energy, then the air was suddenly still. The tusked hollow immediately started at her and the little boy. Flicking her wrist in an instant, a huge ball of bright opaque red energy soared through the sky landing a direct hit. Immediately she began to redress his wounds, "Let's run!
As she gently picked up the boy, the tusked hollow, although severely injured proceeded to run at them. Sophia turned her arms away from the hollow and as the hollow came near, a pink translucent net unraveled on the hollow. Slowly her tails crawled up the hollow's body, and she smiled, "You like to cause pain to others?" The tails wrapping his body began to encroach throughout his torso. Reaching his neck, Sophia licked her lips and bit down casually as her tail began to strangle him. The hollow growled, and without skipping a beat, she drew her sword and immediately swung her hips and dug the blade into the hollow's throat. Cleaning her blade and sheathing it, she held the young boy gently as she headed back towards the town.

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Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:04 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 448


The Rukongai. The place where all lost souls seem to converge. However, for some, it was a place of memories. Some good, some bad. For Henrex, it was neither good nor bad. In fact, most of his Rukongai life he couldn't even remember. It was not something he personally cared about. He mainly was hoping he would never forget his family. That was one memory he never wanted to forget. Tears began to stream down the Angel of Darkness' eyes as he remembered his family's gruesome fate. However, only one eye would have these tears. His left eye, so badly burned and scarred. The fire that had engulfed him had completely incinerated his tear ducts. His left eye would never drip tears again.

Damn it.

The thought of his family's death still haunted him. Nightmares. Every night...they wouldn't stop. A sigh escaped the Angel of Darkness, as he quickly brushed his arm to the side, moving the cloak that had wrapped around his body from the gust of wind that had blown through. He rose as he felt a Hollow's spiritual pressure. A Hollow? Here? Something must have gone wrong. Henrex ran off, dashing to confront the thread that could endanger the Rukongai citizens. He soon reached there, with the cloak that had flowed behind him, as did that scarf that was wrapped around his nose and mouth. The cloak now shot forward from the abrupt stop of Henrex's body and the cloak flew forward in the wind, still attached to Henrex's person.

He was staring at a girl who was helping out the Rukongai citizens....and fighting the Hollow. While he was staring, he saw a flash of red. Shakkaho. Kido. Henrex slowly took a step forward, seeing the Hollow charge at her. But then he saw the rest. The net wrapping around the Hollow. The girl slicing it's throat open. A cold-hearted killer? She seemed so gentle with the young boy she was carrying. Henrex slowly followed her back to the village, and the young Shinigami was stared at by many citizens of the Rukongai. They were staring at the scars on the left side of his body, but the only ones that they would see would be the ones on his left arm. The hood on the cloak he wore covered most of his face, including his eyes.

The young Shinigami would approach the girl who was currently helping the citizens of the Rukongai village, and simply watch her work her magic. She most likely was not aware of his presence, unless she sensed his spiritual energy behind him, which would be a very likely case. However, he had no intentions of revealing himself just yet. He simply watch.

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:25 pm
It was probably one of the hardest things he had to do, get to the rukongai, while he managed to get here undetected he wasn't keen on raising any attention towards him. He was only here to try and gain allies, if he were to run into the higher ups he'd be in luck. If he were to run into the human hating shinigami he seemed to hear oh so much about then it was a fight he'd have to fight then and there he guessed. But with the power of the Musashi eyecon he could easily match them in blade to blade combat.

The fact he was already in his necrom from was an easy indication he was ready for a fight if a shinigmai or even plus were to attack him. He came across a freshly slain hollow, it looked like it still had a very small glimmer of life in it. Best to put it out of its misery though. Reiatsu flowing to his fist he swiftly jabbed through the mask and fully destroying its chances of delaying death with simple healing, simple was the word as this looked mainly to be an offensive focused hollow. But even simple could mean the difference between life and death.

As Masaru walked further in he actually did encounter his own problems. A shinigami stopped him and questioned him about his appearance "What the hell are you!?" the shinigami said as Masaru raised his hands a bit and looked to the shinigami and answered rather simply.

"Human" that was all he said gently going to lay a hand on the shinigamis Zanpakutō and lower it for them. Instead he drew his blade back and tried to slash him with a over head slash and was met with a swift and powerful punch to the gut. Masaru brought his left arm back along with his hip and then flung it forward, a small uppercut in a way but the aim was to drop the man unconscious not dead. This winded the shinigami and caused him to fall over unconscious and as soon as he began to fall Masaru grabbed the shinigami's sheath and put his Zanpakutō away for him and quickly lifted them onto his shoulder. He needed to drop him off somewhere, be it with another shinigami or close to the seireitei. He continued into town and eventually found a woman assisting people with injuries and illnesses. This was rare to see even among humans. Not many would help others without some sort of incentive.

Masaru quietly approached and spoke as he placed the shinigami down. "Excuse me miss, this shinigami...attacked me and I was forced to render him unconscious...forgive my actions.." Masaru made it a point to be polite about it instead of sounding like an outraged buffoon. The fact his Necrom form started drawing attention was something he sighed about and as he ejected his eyecon and deactivated the Uloader causing it to fade away revealing his human form and pull his hood back revealing his features for everyone to see.

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Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:48 am



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 531

Sophia was able to fully resuscitate and heal him fully. She sat there with the young boy, sharing rations with him. Sophia handed him a piece of bread and he scarfed it down instantly. She smiled brightly, "Got an appetite, do we? You have to eat a lot so you can get strong! Then you'll be the one protecting me!" Sophia giggled and stood the little boy up, "Hold on, I still need to finish up your bandages, hun." As she finished wrapping bandages across his chest, the little boy gives her a hug and shouts, "Thank you." Sophia gently pats the boy on the back and pushes him forward with her tails, "Go, go, go sweet heart! Don't venture out in the district limits again." The little boy smiles while running away into the streets. People were walking up to all greeting her as "hime", they were all marveling at her beauty. Hearing the person approaching, she turned her head towards him, her eyebrow raising when she saw the shinigami on the ground. Sophia smirks a bit and has a reiastu tail push up the stranger's chin and whispers, "I'm not gonna have to kill you, am I?" She has her tail linger on his chin, then slowly caress his neck. Sophia pulled her tail down, looked at the body and pursed her lips, "Sigh... What a mess..."

She laughs casually and puts some distance between her and the stranger. She kneels down next to the body and checks for a pulse. Finding there's still a heart beat, she looks up coyly and pushes her hair aside, "I guess not today, hmm?" She continues by turning the body over and checking for the wounds, she finds a fist-sized contusion in his lower abdomen and begins to heal it. The beautiful pink energy radiated from her hands brought warmth to anyone near it. Using her tails, she picks up a small cloth bandage. Slowly she bandages the wounds of the Shinigami and looks up smiling cutely, "So... I've never seen anything like you before.." She looked passively behind the stranger, "A friend of yours?" Using her face and attitude to point towards the shinigami in the back. Sophia smiles sweetly to the other stranger. She brings up her tails and uses them to wave at the shinigami, while she finishes the injured shinigami's bandages. Sophia places her fingertips on his head, whispering something to herself. Suddenly a pink glow appeared on is forehead, she looks up at the both of them, "He'll be waking up soon, I just healed any damage to his head." She stood up patting off her kimono and readjusting her Kido Corps coat. Using all nine of her tails, she lifts up the unconscious shinigami off the ground and rests him in the shade of a large tree, "This is a good place..." She looks over to the two gentlemen and waves them down, "I suggest we all leave soon!" She pulls up her long blonde hair up out of her face and ties it back in a high ponytail. After fixing her hair up, she began to slowly walk back to the outer rim of the town.

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Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:20 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 304


Henrex watched as the Human punched the fuck out of the Shinigami who got too big for his head. Sadly, this was the case with many unseated Shinigami. Some would get too big for their heads, and go around thinking they owned and knew everything. This guy was most likely one of them. He simply sighed as he walked up to Masaru, before tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, sorry about that guy. Some of the unseated Shinigami let the ability to be Shinigami go to their heads. He probably thought he was something cool because he could hold an Asauchi....jeez..."

The young man silently shook his head, disappointed in his fellow Shinigami for his actions. Why people did this was beyond him. After speaking with the human who had punched the Shinigami, he would then approach the girl who had not only healed the boy from before, but the Shinigami who was punched as well. He could see her clearly now. She had....tails. A kitsune? Perhaps. He scanned the girl, a curious look in his eye. His hand slowly left his sword as she waved at him. As she did, his eyes would close, and he would bow his head for a moment, before reaching the side of the girl, then looking at the unconscious Shinigami.

".....He was an idiot. Some Shinigami get too big for their heads, and they end up like this person. Knocked on their ass, or dead."

Henrex closed his eyes, shaking his head and sighing. He didn't understand why some Shinigami questioned someone like a Human so unprofessionally. They could have been just the slightest kinder. Henrex turned his back before following the girl to the end of town. However, one thing had bothered him. Who was she? Was she a Shinigami? He should ask.

"Who are you? Are you a Shinigami?"

I walk a path...with no end....

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Mon Jun 27, 2016 9:12 am
As his chin was pushed up and the woman whispered to him he looked to her with rather cold and dead pan eyes. He wouldn't hesitate to knock out a woman, specially one that was a healer and a bit of a pretty face. He seemed to ignore Henrex at first because Masaru wasn't in the mood for excuses. The fact is one shinigami was dumb enough to attack him and he'd rather hear nothing of it from now on. Henrex seemed a bit set on talking to him Masaru guessed he needed to speak to him now. What should he say? sure it's ok, a shinigami could have died today? Or perhaps it's fine a good thing the trainees were trained in the latest education of running their mouths?

He didn't know, he didn't really care so it was all attention on Sophia for now, she was possibly like minded. However she was also a shinigami, his history with them wasn't one he was set on improving or worsening. He kept his distance from them..but now it was different, he needed to know that they'd possibly support him. If he could convince them to then perhaps his plans had a chance to come into grasp with little trouble. It's not like he was experimenting with souls or anything, he then finally took the time to speak.

"I need to speak to your commander..." he then looked back to Henrex, a cold gaze to his eyes as he looked to the other shinigami. It was clear he was talking to Sophia as he looked to the woman again continuing "Preferably as soon as possible" his voice was cold as his gaze was. Perhaps he didn't want to make the shinigami seem weak if he acted 'charismatic' about things. He wasn't a person the manipulate people with a false smile and charming attitude. Deep down Masaru really cared, even if he didn't know any of these people, he cared about them. But if he showed it, something bad would happen as it always does. His eyes rested on Sophia as he made sure that she wasn't about to attempt to slit his throat, she didn't have her weird tails touching him all over so it was very possible she wasn't going to try it.

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Wed Jun 29, 2016 5:59 am


Curious About You Two

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 350

smiled brightly. Her tails dancing about her body and rests herself against a tree. She looked over to the blue colored-shinigami gentleman, "Yes, I am a shinigami. I'm actually part of the Kido division. I'm the director of healing research and operations." She turned around to show her coat and the emblem of her being the director. She continued turning 360, and smiled at the both of them. Her eyes widened in panic, realizing she forgot to do such an important thing. Sophia then bowed, "I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Sophia Asamiya, Director of Healing Operations and Research of the Kido Corps!" She brings her hands to her legs and bows again.

Pausing to think, Sophia held her hand to her chin and squinted at the both of them, "I was here doing routine medical check ups... What're you doing here if I may ask?" She asked Henrex. It made sense for her to be wandering the Rukongai, but why was he here? These two individuals have both appeared to her strangely. She knew they were meant to find or discover something, but she didn't know exactly what. How long exactly have they been watching her. She was afraid to try to make any assumptions.

Her eyes were sternly looking over to Henrex. She turned her head over to Masaru still holding her stern look, "And who are you?" Sensing his guarded intention, she too also became guarded. Her tails stopped dancing and fell to her sides. Sophia raised her eyebrow, "Currently my commander is busy. If you'd like I could bring you to the commander's quarters and you could wait for them there." Sophia crossed her arms and relaxed against the tree while she said, "If you need assistance, I'm probably your best resource for now..." Sophia then smiled the both of them, hands on her hips with anticipation.

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Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:46 pm
@SayaXO @Kazerou

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Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:37 pm
Masaru felt his entire squish itself together, he really didn't want to deal with someone that was in charge of healing and a sadist at the same time. This meant she could mortally wound him and then heal him only to viciously tear him to shreds again. That or she might decide to completely dissect him instead, but he simply sighed to himself and gave in. He didn't really want to say what he wanted to say in front front of Henrex. He didn't really trust the shinigami, the leaders would have their uses though because he needed allies.

"Masaru Sumeragi, I'm a human...and I want to find allies so I can keep Earth safe from threats, here seemed like the best place to come for such". He said it, he made his intentions clear, he wasn't a bad guy, he wasn't evil. At least he wasn't in their eyes he hoped, the woman didn't seem too bad though. She was actually quite cute in Masaru's eyes, alluring in a sirens son sort of way. But he wasn't so easily lured by such things, sure he lacked friends and people to consider himself close to but a shinigami was just a bad idea to befriend. He looked to one of the nearby buildings, seeing it was abandoned, rather spooky looking.

But a spooky little house wouldn't scare him, the woman that was treating people outside of it could however. He wasn't keen on being sliced to bits and there was little he could do about it if she were to decide to eviscerate him, except be responsible for an unconscious medic. That was something he wasn't keen on being responsible for either. He then looked to the house again, there was something about it...slowly taking his eyecon back out there was just something lurking in there...or someone, either way he had a bad vibe coming from that house.

Make things a little better (OPEN) Xm5lykn
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Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:46 am




Song: His Theme - Artist: Toby Fox - Words: 474

The scarf that flowed within the wind of the Rukongai slowly stopped. The two ends of the scarf slowly fell to his back, as the wind stopped. A new division in the Kido Corps? Interesting. As the woman said her name, Henrex slowly bend over and bowed. Straightening, Henrex nodded as his right eye narrowed. His left eye did as well, but no signs would be visible. Extending his left hand, which was covered in scars and strange tattoo-like markings, Henrex would await to shake the girl's hand. As he did, the air would ruffle through his clothing, sending ripples through his shirt, and cloak.

"Henrex Astillon. Member of the Covert Operations unit. Nice to meet you."

As the human revealed his name and intentions, Henrex's eye slowly turned towards them. He said he had no malicious intent, but he could be lying. Keep an eye on him. The eye of Henrex slowly moved back to face Sophia, and his eyes narrowed. He was interested with this Healing Division. It was something that wasn't really thought of. Since the Gotei was re-done to fit more people in the original thirteen, the Kido Corps were mainly highly skilled users of Kido. Healing was sort of a thing that you could do with Kido naturally. Why did she make a separate division for healing? However, it could be the start for making the Gotei much more organized.

But there was something he needed some clearance on. How did this HUMAN get into the Soul Society? Only Shinigami could open Senkaimon with their Zanpakutō. Henrex slowly, but silently put one foot in front of the other, slowly approaching this human. with his single revealed eye glaring at the human. As he continued to glare at this human, his hand would slowly drift to his side, brushing the cloak he wore aside, revealing a single, black katana. His fingers slowly laced around the wrapping of the katana.

Withdrawing the sword a small bit from the sheath, a quiet scraping sound could be heard in the desolate Rukongai village, and Henrex's eye narrowed. If this human somehow made his way into the Soul Society, there was a chance that other humans could as well. That....would not exactly be good. Looking directly into the human's eyes, the quiet voice of Henrex Astillon reached out to the human who introduced himself as Masaru.

"....How did you get here? You are human. Humans do not have free access to the Soul Society. Explain yourself."

Gripping his Zanpakutō tighter, Henrex would begin to tense. This human might have malicious intent if he just popped up out of nowhere in the home of the Shinigami. However, it may have just been coincidence. Gritting his teeth underneath the scarf that covered his face, his eye would dart around, before fixating once more on Masaru. What would come of this human?

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