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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:10 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Surprised and dazed, was exactly how she liked her prey. Not that Elena was prey like Ceal was. This was more for fun, for her amusement at seeing how Elena reacted. And she reacted well. And she displayed her brilliance by recovering pretty well from it and coming over to get some food. Mirja bit her lip seductively while looking at Elena, and pondered when next to get her. Some time when she wasn't expecting it, obviously, but exactly when was the question. She had to plan it down to the last detail so it was unpredictable. Because that was when the best impact was gleaned.

Mirja had made sure to put in her stimulus herbs into the food she had cooked for Elena, so she would be full of vim and vigor, ready to face the tribulations of the day! The downside would probably be a very hard crash until she anaged to get her own degree of supernatural stamina, but work hard, sleep hard. It was her motto.
"Mornings don't hate you. Mornings loathe you. Mornings are some of the most spiteful creatures in all of existence, they ooze disgust for all living things" she replied, drinking her Elixier and feeling the effects in her Dantian. It was like someone had lit a fire in it, and was driving her upwards. Without proper meditation it wouldn't come to much, but with the solid workout she was going to give to Elena, Mirja wouldn't be surprised to hit the second level of Bronze today.

"Today there is a full schedule, so prepare for working! I was thinking after breakfast I could teach you something of mine to work on in your spare time, and then after that we can have sex, and then we can do some Martial Jizen. See, your Zanpaktou is not just a sword. It's the vessel of a living being, and so you have to connect with it on more than just a spiritual level to get the best results. You have to be as intimately familiar with it's weight, and length, and the feel of impact, as you are with your own body. Then we can have more sex. Then I can teach you more Shinigami stuff. I'm a crap shoot for Kido, but Shunpo seems like it can have practical applications in every day life. Then we can have more sex. Then Hakuda. You won't always have your Zanpaktou, or you may need to strike first and drawing it takes too long. Or it's frozen in it's sheath. Many reasons to know how to use your fists as well as your sword. And then we can have sex, and I'll make dinner. It's a fluid plan though, so we can do some stuff if you exhaust quickly"

she spoke at length about her plan, and wasted no time. After Elena had finished eating, she'd grab the girl's hand and take her out to the garden. There, she would speak again.
"Ok, follow how I move. This is designed to bring about your attention to the energy within you. Not Reiatsu, by the way. It's more Reiki, and makes itself pretty obvious once you know it is there" she told Elena, before showing her the slow, fluid movements that she would need todo. "Don't laugh"

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Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:18 pm


Elena sat, ate, and listened to the wolf give her the full explanation of the schedule. Well, as the wolf thought it would be. The auburn-haired maiden looked up at Mirja with half lidded eyes as she mentioned all the sex that she wanted to have, mistaking the invitation she got last night as an invitation for sweaty fun times rather than cuddles like the cop intended. Then again with how she slept it might as well have been an invitation for plenty of late night fun, but Elena wasn't sure if she could trust this woman to the fullest of extents. The only reason she was in her house right now was because she had slept a full night in Mirja's home without getting molested.

"Mmm, we'll see." Elena said with a slight chuckle. She finished off her food and quickly went to dispense of the dishes before taking a few steps to the side and stretching her arms above her head. "I'm not sure I can handle being so sore inside and outside at the same time. Maybe next time." she teased, sticking her tongue out at the woman before opening her front door, already being prepared for the outside. There was no reason to brush her hair, it wasn't that messy. And deodorant? Well, she had applied that just before going to bed. It was expensive stuff but she was forgetful in the morning when she was groggy like that. To her, it was worth it to put it on before sleep and just wait until later to shower the rest of the smell away and then reapply it. Much easier, and it came to mind more often.

Leading Mirja outside, Elena raised her hand to block out the sun from her squinting eyes. "Man, you weren't kidding when you said mornings hate everyone..." she mumbled before rubbing her eyes to try and clear the crap out of them. "Maybe we should nap until the sun isn't so obnoxious..."
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jun 25, 2017 7:28 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

The complaint didn't get anywhere with Mirja, she simply smiled, and spoke as if she had already thought of that outcome.
"Don't worry, I'll give you a good massage to ease out all the tension in your body before we hit the bedroom. I want you moaning in pleasure, not groaning from how your body aches after training. Because I bet you moan so cutely, little dove" Mirja told her, giving her a slap on the ass and then going outside with her, a massive grin on her face. She hadn't enjoyed teasing a girl like this in so long. It was nice. Maybe because she wasn't getting interrupted by people telling Elena what a monster she was.

As they got outside, the sun was just raising, and it's bright glare was in the face of her and Elena. Which was no good for the training, so she decided to do something about it, espeically after Elena suggested the nap until the sun was not so obnoxious, which was in about fourteen hours, so she shook her head and fished out a small rock from her pocket, which was then flicked up into the air. The symbol on the rock shone brightly, and then burned to dust as a tinted dome covered them, some twenty feet in size. Through it, the sun was merely a dull glow that could not bother any but the most photosensitive.

"Alright, sun has been dealt with. Time to get on with today's practice! Follow me, and don't laugh. It looks a little silly but is very important" she told her, before starting the slow, mellow movements, and deep breathing. It looked generally useless to anything even the least bit involved in martial world, but if Mirja was teaching it, had to be something, right?

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Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:26 pm


Elena only chuckled to herself and shook her head. This woman was going to be the end of her. The slap on her plush derriere only managed to solidify this thought in her mind. She only let Mirja go on for as long as she did because there was nothing she could do about it. The wolf-woman was a flirt. Elena couldn't stop that.

As the two stepped outside, Elena squinted her eyes the moment they were exposed to proper sunlight. Raising her hand to block out the rays as her eyes adjusted, she noticed Mirja pull something out of her pocket. A stone? It was promptly thrown into the air, and the next thing she knew, the two were protected from the light of day by a dome of what Elena could only assume was some kind of energy. The sun was but a blot in the sky now, and it was much less straining on their poor eyes. Shortly afterwards, Mirja prompted some kind of movements and told Elena to follow along. With a reluctant sigh, the auburn-haired cop would follow the movements that she was being shown, doing her best to mimic them along with the breathing that Mirja was doing. It looked dumb and Elena wasn't entirely too fond of that. Though if no one else could see them, she guessed it was fine.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:47 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja gave Elena a mirror to follow so she could do it as well as possible. Success would give her something rather great to utilize. She loved it, and had only just burst into it, so if Elena practiced for a few years and got in big, then she would be sure that being a police girl would become a much easier job. If she kept with it as well as the rest of her stuff. She did have a lot of stuff to do after all, so Mirja wouldn't really judge her for not picking it up so well.

"This, is a style called Wudang-an-han. Translates as Body and Soul. The movements allows you to become aware of an energy within your own body, and then there is a second kata to allow you to control it. After you master the second Kata, there is something else I can teach you. But I don't want to force loads on you right now before you can master what you have. As my little Doll, I am going to make sure you really know how to handle yourself in this new world you have decided to join" she told her, looking to Elena and smiling. The girl was cute, and she didn't want that to change.

"So that means there will be lot of working out, and you will be exhausted a lot. Only through great effort can you improve yourself. And now you are in a world far beyond your greatest imagination. Soon you will be able to do acts you thought impossible. Like everything, you need to put a great deal of work into this to be able to do master it. You'll probably have to make a schedule or something to be able to pull it out"

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Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:07 pm


Elena was hoping that today was full of mostly actual training, but she had no idea if this would work. If it came from someone much stronger than her like Mirja, maybe it did help her. But the woman seemed to basically be a hippie. Everything natural was her forte, and Elena didn't much care for that. If it worked it worked. If it killed her, she'd avoid it like any other person would, but with how far the world had come, there wasn't a ton of things that outright killed you or was downright bad for you. Then again she smoked cigarettes, so there wasn't much room to talk.

"I'd rather get some actual experience under my belt on a daily basis than do this every day for the next few years." Elena stated as she continued mimicking Mirja's moves. "Not that I'm ungrateful or anything, but after we're done with... this, wouldn't it be better to teach me some more valuable things like actual combat techniques? Considering how often the outer parts of New York are under attack by Hollows, I'm not going to run out of sparring partners any time soon. Granted this is nice and all, I still feel like with how often I'm fighting something, I could get more out of that, than this."

And as Elena finished what she was saying, she let out a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment, only to reopen them and look at something out of the corner of her eye. "Besides, It'd feel a lot more emotionally reassuring to know I'm more sore from that kind of thing at the end of the day than... a certain something else."
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:38 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja giggled softly as Elena claimed that her Wudang-an-Han was useless. It certainly looked it, but only to a mortal perception. So she carried on, the movements worked towards a very soft Martial Meditation which helped cultivation, if rather low key. This would take a few days of solid, twelve hour work to break through from Bronze one to Bronze two. Stoic Meditation would rapidly outstrip this kind of movement. But those rules were to be told after.
"Heh, my dear. Your mortal perceptions means nothing in this world. What you think is nothing compared to what actually is. Pure physicality will carry you not very far at all. You need to turn inward, and undergo the long dark teatime of the soul" She advised, finishing giving her a mirror and hoping she could go off her own.

"And you seem to be under the idea that combat techniques can be learned inside a day. You have a shorter tutoring time for being a spiritual being, but you still have to work at it. Immortality extends the borders of mastery far beyond the horizon visible by the ephemerals. I spent a few hundred years working on many martial art styles, which is why I am so good. Tsubasa has been working on his swordsmanship for about a thousand years. When there is no death by time, you become patience in the extreme" she told her protogee.

"And don't worry my dear. I'll leave you sore from alll kinds of things. You will get to sleep very easily when I am done with you. Your cute little squeaking and groaning will make my day" she teased. Not telling Elena that a professional massage would make her squeak and groan, and letting her draw her own conclusions and assumptions.

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Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:50 pm


Elena sighed as Mirja went on another spiel about her endless immortal wisdom and left her trainee to continue doing the motions on her own. While managing to mimic what she had been doing for the past minute, her form was still shaky. Even if this was something that would help her in time, Elena was just impatient. She wanted to get this over and done with. Why she was even eager to do so was beyond her, too. It seemed Elena was just too impatient to figure out the name of her zanpakuto, and now that she had finished what seemed like most of its questions, she felt like she was almost at the point where she could figure out more about its secrets.

The woman's eyes closed as she continued the motions, ignoring the comments about massages and groaning in what she could only assume was whatever pleasure the woman wanted to inflict on her. The wolf-woman seemed adamant about making her spout some noises in some kind of ecstasy, and Elena had gotten the message. Though, this is what she got for letting Mirja stay and teach her more about this stuff. Oh well. At least it would pay off in the end.

"Who is Tsubasa?" the woman questioned, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "Someone else I should be aware of? Are you cheating on me, dear?" A smirk appeared on her lips as she finished the motions once more and went to repeat them again. She knew that no matter how much crap she gave Mirja for flirting, she wasn't any less worse.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Jul 05, 2017 6:19 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja felt that Elena was not really getting into it. The girl seemed rather the kind of person to be really impatient. Which wasn't something Mirja had to speak again. She was rather impatient again, but this kind of thing managed to slow her right down, ironically while making her much faster than usual. Standing off from one side, she watched and thought. Shouldn't be long now, and then she'd explode into the new energy. That, would stick a potato in her pie hole. Something that would see that she was obvious and evident rather than just talking.

Eventually, she asked who Tsubasa was, and even insinuated that Mirja was sexing him. Which was disturbing. So much she blanched.
"Ew. No. And secondly ew no. Guy has been married enough to not really want any more anyway. Tsubasa is the old Head Captain of the Gotei Reformed, and the Patriarch of the Unabara family, one of the Four Great Noble Houses of the Soul Society. So. no. I am not going to to cheat on him with you. Also ew. If you want to be in the Soul Society you will meet him soon enough, but until now, no. Don't have to worry about him"

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Tue Aug 08, 2017 12:05 am


Elena laughed once she heard Mirja's reaction to Tsubasa. A married man that was very important in the soul society. Someone to be respected even, perhaps. Smiling as she finished the motions once more, the cop opened her mouth to say something more but was interrupted by a burst of energy flowing through her body. At first she was confused, the sudden event catching her by surprise. A moment passed however, and she found herself quickly acclimating to it. This is what came out of these exercises? It made the woman feel a lot more alive than she did already, especially after what she had eaten.

"Oh my..." the woman mumbled under her breath. It was... invigorating to say the least. Standing upright, the woman looked down at the energy flowing around her and her body. It was a deep crimson, her favorite color. What a coincidence that it was the color of her soul. Or maybe it wasn't? Who cares. Elena just reveled in the feeling of life and power, something she wasn't too familiar with on a physical level. The only downside was that she was having trouble suppressing it now that it was there. As she tried to force the energy down, it wouldn't quite submit to her fully. Only about half of it vanished as she tried to bottle it up, and when she tried to push down more of it she nearly keeled over and vomited. "This will take some getting used to, won't it?" Elena sighed, just letting the energy flow freely once more. "Oh well. I suppose thanks is in order for you introducing me to this, no? Just keep it pg-13." said the woman to the wolf as she stretched her limbs and basked in the free feeling of flowing power.
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