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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Jun 06, 2017 4:33 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja Eeola, Great Wolf Of Wanning, had decided to go track down her new friend. The tiny one that had been battered to a pulp needed Mirja's guiding hand if she was going to avoid being battered to a pulp in future. Another thing to be irritated at Henrex for. 'Haha, stab you are Now a Shinigami. What does that mean? Well that's your problem, isn't it? poofs off to do stupid ninja things' is exactly how it had gone down, and Mirja would not accept any of those foolish facts that clogged up the world.

She had, however, gotten a few of these foolish facts to find out exactly where the Elena lived, and even dressed up for her so that her Shinigaminess wasn't as evident. She had her Zanpaktou, but that was hidden behind a lovely blouse she had found, and her lack of shoes was under a skirt that she made sure was a little to long for her - a difficult thing, being six foot four - so that it covered her bare feet. The one issue that remained was probably the fact that she had ears and a tail, but you couldn't win all of them. And her eyes probably spooked people as well.

So she got some dinner from a local Chinese takeaway, hoped that Elena liked duck, and turned up on her doorstep, rapping her knuckles against the door, making sure to try very hard not to put her knuckles through the doorframe, even if it still shook from the force in which she had knocked. Mirja wondered how her protogee had been doing since they first met. Probably working diligently on being the best Reaper she could, Jinzening away and doing her work towards Shikai while training hard on Zanjutsu and the like.

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Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:31 pm



For the past month, Elena had been a Shinigami, and not once had she gotten in contact with her zanpakuto spirit. It refused to speak to her despite her various attempts at communicating with it in the traditional fashion. Jinzen, it was called. And despite how many times she sat with that thing on her lap and the amount of times she swore she was doing it right, nothing happened. It was beginning to frustrate Elena. There was no indication that this was the right or wrong thing to do either, because both of the Shinigami she had met so far hadn't demonstrated or told her how to do it. It was... irritating, to say the least.

And as she finally tossed her zanpakuto back onto her bed in defeat, the woman heard a knock on the door. No, it was more like a loud bang. Was somebody drunk and knocking on her apartment door again? God damn how many times did she have to tell these kids not to go out and get wasted if they couldn't even handle their alcohol. The last time this happened, Elena had to call the police to get them sent home, 'cause god knows she wasn't going to do it. If this was what that was, the woman was going to be completely and utterly pissed.

As she walked to her door, betting to herself silently whether or not this was another incident she'd have to report to the police, the woman adjusted her nightgown grabbed her phone, the number of the police all ready to be dialed. Yet as she looked through the peephole on the door, Elena couldn't help but sigh in a mixture of relief and disappointment. Opening the door for her guest, she motioned Mirja inside. She would have just not answered if the woman didn't have food, but that was unfortunately not the case.

"What brings you here?" asked Elena, not bothering with greetings. The cop was prepared to sleep, but it seemed that wouldn't be the case. Still, she was a little hungry... It could have been worse, mused the woman to herself mentally. She sat down at her dinner table, a thing she used extremely rarely due to the fact she never had anyone over for too long. The apartment was but a single room, as Elena didn't want anything more. There was no need for it. She didn't have any intention of finding a significant other anytime soon anyways.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:58 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja bounded into the room as she was allowed entrance, and then, placing the food on the table, snaffled Elena in a mighty hug. Making sure not to hurt, but certainly showing her enthusiasm for meeting the girl again.
" Hello~! It's good to see you are recovered, you were a bit messy back then. Still looked beautiful when you got naked for bath time but it was kind of sad to see you in so much pain and so I kind of left you to recover but now I am here and ready to carry on with the second round of Shinigaming!" she exclaimed, throwing her fists into the air before in the blink of an eye, setting the table. Food was out, cutlery was next to the plates, and she had even brought some small cans of carbonated soda, from her skirt pockets. "Skirts. Interesting things, no? They look good and make me feel nice. I think I'll probably wear a skirt more often. My Shihakusho is nice but fashion being what it is I get stared at for showing off my thighs and usually when people stare at me it's hard not to rip out their eyes" she blathered, clearly happy to be here.

But then she looked at Elena, her clothing, and the outside. It was hard keeping track of time zones when you ran half way across the world in an hour, but it seemed like bed time for her little dove.
"Are you...going to bed? Did I come at a terrible time? Do you want me to make you something to help you sleep soundly, or something to help you stay up, or something to stay up until you want to go to bed and then something to help you sleep soundly. Adding the two in one day leads to gastric distress later, but you can do it if you have a busy day"

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The Cat
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Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:39 pm


Elena gasped for air when she was hugged tight, momentarily holding her breath before letting out a sigh of relief as the embrace ended. This woman was something else, Elena thought to herself for the hundredth time. It had been roughly a month since Elena had last seen Mirja, but the way the woman acted was still fresh in her mind. Seemingly hyperactive and almost obnoxiously cheery, Elena couldn't help but imagine her being a child in a woman's body. The wolf liked to talk a lot too, something that didn't bug the auburn haired woman much although it did feel like a waste of time more often than not.

"Don't wear your Shihakusho unless you have to, then."
replied the bored, clearly uninterested woman when Mirja talked about her outfit. "If you don't like people staring at your thighs then lose weight or wear something else."

This was common sense, at least in the realm of normal people. Or maybe it was just Elena? Who knows. Mirja was quite weird after all. Maybe she didn't have a normal upbringing? Well, it was hard to say no to that. It made her feel stupid just having considered that she might have or might not have had a normal childhood. It was quite obvious she didn't. But then again didn't people live for hundreds of years after they died? Would someone's childhood lessons really carry over for that long?

As Elena thought about this, Mirja had set up the table with all the necessities for them to eat. By the time the woman snapped out of her trance, the wolf-woman was already prepared to eat. Elena couldn't help but sigh as she found herself waking up from her thoughts just in time to catch another one of Mirja's rambling offers of assistance. Something about a thing to help her sleep if she was going to bed?

"I'll be fine. You can stay the night here if you want, I'll just sleep on the couch." said the woman as she reached out to one of the boxes of food and snagging herself some duck. "I fall asleep on it sometimes when I'm too lazy to use my bed, it doesn't bug me at all. I'd rather start the training when I'm not exhausted from a day of work and Hollow slaying."
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:53 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Despite Mirja's sensibilities, her general attitude, and all around appearance, she ate rather civilised, with decorum and no shortage of manners. The way she was almost highborn in the way she was eating, and her chatter that rattled on as if someone who was fueled by talking, made an amusing juxtaposition.
"Ahh, no, it's not people staring at my thighs, it's people staring at me because I have thighs. it's like, people are amazed that people have thighs. If you have your thighs covered then that's fine, and that's that, nobody bats an eyelid. But as soon as you show people proof that you have thighs everyone is ogling you like you are a nutter" she exclaimed, eating a bit more before hearing that Elena was going to sit on the couch. Putting her cutlery down gently, Mirja got up and walked over to the couch. Looking it over for a few moments, she shook her head softly and looked to Elena.

"This is a terrible thing for sleeping on, I mean seriously, do you have a spine like a roller coaster or something? I'm getting you a new one because if that is what you sleep on even occasionally then it's no wonder you got so exhausted only running a few miles" She told Elena, before returning and continuing her meal. The Hurricane That Was, had hit Elena's house, and it was hard. "Besides, I slept a few days ago, I'm fine. Probably just borrow the back garden, or the roof, and work on a few things while you do your kipping. I am far to busy to blow eight hours a day on sleeping. And there will be busy things tomorrow, so I want you to sleep the best you can, not on a terrible deathtrap that you call a couch"

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The Cat
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Thu Jun 08, 2017 3:19 pm


Elena sighed as she watched Mirja eat like a civilized creature, completely demolishing her earlier thoughts and hypotheses. Maybe this woman was more like an actual human being than she gave her credit for. Still, she had enough moments of childishness to make Elena feel like an adult talking to a child. Maybe in actuality she was the one being immature? Judging people based on appearances was kind of childish, but then again this woman did talk a lot about nothing.

"I know how you feel..." murmured the woman as she finished listening to Mirja complain about people ogling her thighs. Elena had the exact same issue in some situations, though she didn't like to show off a whole lot. It was mostly when she went to the beach or whenever it was particularly hot on one day. Having less clothes on to tolerate the heat was always nice, but for some reason it was a sin for woman to wear anything that didn't cover up most of her thighs at the very least. Or rather, that's what all the kids in the social protests sounded like they were complaining about. They were just too self conscious to ignore it, apparently. Elena on the other hand, didn't care much. If people wanted to stare then there was nothing she could do about it. She just didn't want people to look at her like she was a stripper or something.

"Yeah yeah." Elena said, standing up and bringing her now mostly cleaned off plate over to the sink. She set it down and let it sit there as she turned on the sink to let it fill with water to let the plate soak, intending to wash it tomorrow. "If you aren't gonna sleep then I guess just hang out for a while if you want. It's almost midnight though and I need to sleep so do whatever. Just don't trash my house and you can do whatever."

As the woman finished speaking, she pulled her nightgown over her head and started to strip off the rest of whatever it was she was wearing until she was completely in the nude. Mirja had seen her like this before, and only a few seconds after she was undressed did she climb underneath her blanket, having turned off the only lamp in the one-room apartment moments prior. "You can lay with me if you have nothing else to do." said Elena, fully expecting Mirja to climb in after her once she fell asleep. "Don't feel pressured though, I just figured you'd like it since you constantly compliment me on my body." she teased back before turning to lay down and get comfy, preparing to pass out cold at a moments notice.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Jun 08, 2017 3:38 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Finishing up her food as Elena finished hers, Mirja took them to the sink and gave them a quick cleaning, so they sparkled on the rack and were ready for use in the morning. Mirja would get in breakfast, but what...she looked around and eventually decided to buy in some food to make a Full English, after training. Eating before training was just asking to hurl.
"Don't worry, I won't break anything of yours. I'll be a good girl, and quiet as a mouse, I promise" She said, before looking over at Elena while she got naked. Her eyes were more targeting muscle groups and general fitness than actually ogling however. Not that she wasn't attractive, mind. Mirja just had eyes for someone else and it sort of messed with her ability to be lusty after others.

And then the offer came, like the universe was taunting her, or testing her, or just having a giggle at her expense. Wasn't hard to refuse though. Despite how good Elena looked.
"I'm not the best pillow for sleeping. Solid as a rock, and cold as the Tundra. Also you need to sleep, and if I was in that bed, there wouldn't be much sleeping going on. So, I'll refrain, but thank you for the offer. I compliment the arts of Da Vinci, but I don't fill my house with them" she said, before heading outside to go do her several hour routine. If she could break through into Bronze then she could feel confident that she could help Elena pick this up as well, and every little helped when you were out there. "I'll try to stay out of trouble, but hey, America is owned by Demons and my track record for them is not good. So if you hear any earth-shattering kabooms, don't worry about it"

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Fri Jun 16, 2017 10:43 pm


Elena shrugged in her bed as she rolled over and hugged her pillow to her front. If Mirja didn't want to cuddle then that was fine. The auburn-haired woman didn't care either way, it was just an invitation to make the wolf happy if she so chose. Since she didn't though, the woman just sighed and relaxed her muscles with her blanket curled over her shoulders and her pillow against her for comfort. It wouldn't be for another few minutes until Elena actually passed out.


It was around 8 in the morning, Elena having gotten a decent amount of sleep the previous night but still feeling a little groggy. She wanted to go back to bed, to laze around for the whole day, but there was a certain something that wanted her to do otherwise. Standing around for the wolf-lady to figure out what they were doing while Elena stood boiling hot in her Shuhakusho was not an ideal situation. Then again, she couldn't really complain about free instruction on how to do her job better, although the woman did think it would be better for her to just learn to do it herself. First hand experience was always the best, and despite that being what Mirja was probably going to teach Elena, their power levels were completely different. Elena was sure she was going to get the shit beat out of her if the woman decided to spar with her. Even if she were to only use a portion of her power, Mirja was just far more experienced than Elena ever was. Or at least, that's how these high end Shinigami were supposed to be.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Jun 17, 2017 8:57 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja grinned broadly at Elena as she seemed to honestly invite her. Mirja thought it was just teasing like she did, but nope. Either the girl was actually starting to dig Mirja, or she was just trying to use her for sexual gratification. The Wolf would have to make sure which one was which before going anywhere. She loved Niflhiem, and so if it was actually coming onto her, Mirja would have to decline. Casual sex was still on the table though. And then she passed out and Mirja went into the back garden to do her meditation, which had more success than she could have imagined. Seven hours in, she was amazing herself with how much patience she had to just sit, and then it exploded. A feeling somewhere she couldn't quite place, but it was new, and it was glorious. After a few minutes to calm down, she drew Jing from her kidney, and began the slow process of cultivating it into Qi. She was unsure what type of Dantian she had until the compression had finished, but being in the Bronze Realm was enough awesome for today.

And then it was light enough that Elena was going to be getting up. So Mirja went to one of her herbal contacts for Elixier ingredients, and then to the shop for breakfast, before returning and taking control of the kitchen. By the time Elena surfaced, she would be met with a wolf cooking a full english breakfast.
"Morning darling~" Mirja exclaimed, making sure everything was fine before walking over and giving the groggy police girl a deep kiss. Her whimsical flights of fancy were always fun. For her. And then it was back to the food until it was all ready and served up. "Big breakfast for a big day. Gotta keep your energy up" She exclaimed, sitting back with a cup of horrible looking mush and drinking it.

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Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:40 pm


As Elena got out of her bed, having already popped the pill that would separate her spirit from her body, she found her lips locked with a certain wolf's unexpectedly. It was so fast, that by the time Elena had instinctively put her hand up to push the girl away, the kiss had already ended. Another one of Mirja's moments of flirting that had caught Elena by surprise. She would have gotten used to it if she could predict when and where they'd happen, like that kiss. But no, once Mirja had kissed her, it sent the woman into a short daze that caused her to nearly fall back onto her bed.

Catching herself at the last moment, the redhead sighed and stood up slowly, looking at the meal that the wolf had made for her. Trodding over to her table, the woman sat down and leaned against the table, putting her head in her hands as she tried to rub the morning drowsiness out of herself. "I hate mornings." mumbled the woman as she sat there with her head in her hands. This was something that the wolf would have to get used to. Elena complaining about having to wake up in the morning. As the food was served to her, she slowly took her utensils and began to eat. Her energy would come back in due time, she just needed some food and a little bit to recover before she did anything else. "So what are we doing today?" Elena asked unenthused and still sleepy from having just woken up.
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