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Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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70 - Yurei Mizuhime [FINISHED] Empty Yurei Mizuhime [FINISHED]

Sun Jul 22, 2018 9:19 pm

Yurei Mizuhime
Substitute Shinigami

I. Basic Information

» Name: Yurei Mizuhime
» Height: 5’0” ft
» Age: “18”
» Gender: Female
» Race: Human
» Job: Substitute Shinigami

» Association: Gotei

Appearance Image

» Appearance Description:

Yurei is a rather short girl, at a height of about 5’0” feet, and just about or under 100 lbs. Despite her diminutive size already, she’s known to possess massive physical strength far beyond what her frame should logically possess. Once one gets past that jarring fact, they’d see the bright blue of her eyes, as it contrasts nicely with her somewhat pale skin, and the short white look of her hair. Beyond the the black ribbon she wears on her hair, there isn’t really one attire that she wears all too often. While she does own a Shinigami uniform, she doesn’t wear it all too often. Either because a lot of people don’t or because the fact that she’s a Human, it never really causes that much of an issue. Regardless, while she does transition from kimonos to shorts, to dresses, her most seen outfit is just a cute dress, or a top with a skirt. She does however tend to gravitate towards green colors, as it has always been among her favorite ones.

I. Personality

» Personality:

Like with most people, Yurei is an interesting case of rather likeable and unlikeable personality traits. Unlike some who are able to keep parts of their persona under veil, and so project largely a more positive or negative view about themselves, she hasn’t learned to do that well, mostly because she’s never cared to. The girl typically has no filter. Under most normal conversations she will say what she thinks regardless of how difficult or unsavory it may be to hear it. That being said, despite her age she’s smart enough to know there’s a time and a place for everything. For instance, when at work within the Seireitei, Yurei is able displays nearly unmatched professionalism and respect. Regardless of whether she agrees with decisions or not, she follows the order from the chain of command, and only questions when prompted.

In every mission, she’s always liable to place her companions safety over her own. The same is extended to the other Humans like her, and the souls in need of a safe transition into their afterlife. While she grew up on a rather average home, the young woman is aware of the difficulties in a world where wealth and benefits aren’t exactly shared evenly or distributed accordingly to the individual needs. Wealth and social status has no meaning to her, as respect is usually earned either out of actions that demand it, or though the obligation in her job as a substitute shinigami.

Most that know her characterize her by her eagerness and drive to train and learn of things most considered to be boring. Yurei simply has a fascination with the new and the unknown, especially when it revolves around combat arts such as swordsmanship and kido. Her interest in it has enabled her to progress as far as she had, and as quickly as he has. The same however isn’t as true for some of her other obligations she’s less likely to be in trouble for. For instance, while her room in the barracks is kept spotless, her room back in the world of the living is a complete and utter mess. Clothes typically line the floor, and dishes typically overflow from the sink until she has no choice but to do them all. Clearly, her work ethic and eagerness to do things is only matched by her laziness and her willingness to do nothing. It simply depends on the task. Training, playing video games and going out to eat are among her favorite things, while cleaning the house and paying her bills, certainly aren’t.

Its likely her behavior and reactions stem due to how little her parents are home. Growing up, and even now, their jobs almost exclusively keep them out at sea or abroad. Somehow she knows enough to clean the house right before they arrive. Still, while her demeanor in combat may present a relentless powerhouse within a little girl’s shell, Yurei is far more sensitive than her battle abilities would indicate. Spending almost no time with her parents, she has always treasured what little moments she gets to spend with them every year. Most tend to overlook that while most strong Shinigami and Humans are typically very old, she’s not even 20 yet.

Still, that love for her parents and her endearment to them was shown to a greater extent as she obtained her shikai. Due to the very peculiar look of her zanpakuto spirits, the girl spent as much time as she could conversing with it and trying to understand it. It didn’t really matter if at first most of their conversations didn’t make sense; soon they would. The girl was simply mesmerized by their look, and sought if only to see them for a moment longer each and every day. And while that certainly had the effect of allowing her to uncover her shikai far sooner, its effects were felt strongly on a completely different way. By seeing her zanpakuto spirits so frequently, she was able to come to terms with the sacrifice her parents continuously make for her. It made her appreciate them even more, and love them even more. Yurei is still growing into the person she needs to be.

I. History Of A Human

» History:


Yurei was born in Japan to a loving couple of scientists. Her father was a climatologist, and her mother a marine biologist. The child was welcomed with open arms and showered with care and love from the very first day. However, despite their best intentions, their careers simply took a lot of their time, and it wasn’t something they were readily able or willing to give up. For both of their careers, each parent was typically asked to travel out and away from the city, and even abroad. As such it made it difficult for them to spend the amount of time with their daughter that perhaps they should. That didn’t mean they didn’t try; they did. But even when making their best efforts, the three of them only saw each other for a few months out of the year.

Luckily for the child, growing up largely without them meant becoming used to the notion that they typically wouldn’t be there. Even then, Yurei never showed any signs of mental stress because of it. The girl was very smart and possessed the means to understand the reasons her parents did what they did. Sure, she missed them every time, but she also knew they worked very hard because they loved their job, and because they loved her. Despite not being poor at all, the family wasn’t wealthy either. Their earnings made it possible for the girl to enjoy some of the best caretakers, as well as the toys and games she liked.
From about the age of six, the girl already had a pretty noticeable pull towards videogames. That didn’t include solely the ones she could play on her phone, but those she could play on her consoles, and her computer too. As it was common, the younger generation was more readily apt to learn and specialize in newer technology than the kids that came before. Unfortunately, gaming had to take a backseat to other activities that were deemed more important and necessary by the adults, such as going to school, doing homework, and learning English too.

In school, Yurei did relatively well. She never did try to go above and beyond in her studies and was simply content with getting a relatively high passing grade. After all, she figured she only needed a high enough score to keep her parents happy and earn her the privilege to continue playing. And while getting a bad grade was a surefire way to see them come home, it never became a habit. After a while, she did find a common ground with something she thought she’d like, while allowing her to see her parents a little more often: the sea.

Although her dad focused on hurricanes, tornadoes, and precipitation, he spent a lot of his time out on the open sea. And by nature of her work, her mother spent even more time out as well. In due time, somewhere around the age of eight, the little girl was taken out with them on trips. It was usually scheduled somewhere around the holidays or in the weekend. It made sense that given her parent’s careers, she was likely to grow up into the sort of person that would pursue something similar as well.

During one of her trips, something rather unfortunate would befell her. While she was filming the area with her mother’s cell phone, the girl slipped and fell over the edge of the boat and into the deep water. She could barely swim. In fact, despite all her swinging and kicking and reaching up, she just kept on sinking. It was cold, it was dark, and she was extremely scared. In between her own muffled underwater screams, her mom and her dad showed up, rescuing her out of the water and into safety. Yurei would not talk for the rest of the trip, and it was said it took a full week thereafter until she uttered the first word again.

“I hate the water. I’m not going back out there ever again.”

From that moment on, the girl wanted nothing to do with her parent’s careers and what they entailed. She still loved her parents, but not what they did. The fear she had experienced at such a young age had completely turned her off from the thought of ever pursuing that as a career. Interestingly enough, Yurei wasn’t an easily frightened girl with most other things. Shortly after her deadly encounter, the kid started noticing shapes she hadn’t seen before. Subtle movements on doors or signs she had seen before, now also possessed the figures of people in an oddly light-colored form. It didn’t take more than a few simple conversations to discover they were actually souls in their process to move on.
The notion that she could do such a thing did fill her with joy. Neither of her parents could see spirits as far as they had told her. And while not everyone was gifted with such a thing, the modern world was very well aware as to the existence of the spiritual world and the spiritual races. After all, halfway across the globe, the United States was essentially governed by the Demon Queen. Still, neither the thought of ghosts and demons, or even the zombies she saw on her videogames scared her much. She figured it was just the natural process. People died, and they moved onto wherever their actions in life led them. Sometimes a few of them got stuck and they needed to be helped by Shinigami. Of course, unless a Hollow got them first. She had seen a few of their kind from time to time, and they didn’t really look all that scary.


Her outlook and mentality would change just a year later at about the age of 10. One of her friends in school had been killed by a moving car while playing outside. Just a day after that, she had seen him wandering about as a soul. It was the very first time she had witnessed someone close to her be stuck, saddened, and unable to move on to the afterlife they deserved. She tried talking to him, comforting him, and even trying to convince him to move on, but it wouldn’t do. A couple of days later, a large Hollow had showed up on their neighborhood. And no matter how Much Yurei and her friend ran, the beast followed closely, almost as if it enjoyed the thrill of the hunt. That’s what the girl finally understood it. The Hollow kind wasn’t scary because of how they looked, or even because of what they did. She had seen and heard those things before, and it had not moved her still. They became scary once you understood that the terrible things they did could happen to either you or those you loved.

At just the right time, a Shinigami, dressed in their typical black haori had stepped in, and saved them. He was strong, kind, and the way he spoke made them feel as though everything was going to be alright. His black hair covered part of his face, but he could still see the sort of expression she would not soon forget. He was dedicated to his job, just as her parents were dedicated to theirs. After a few words, he performed konso on her friend, who moved on just as he deserved. Despite her pleas, the Shinigami would not stay to teach her how to help those in need. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to but rather because he had a duty to his people, and a job to do. At the very least, right before he left, the man shared his name with her, Henrex Astillon.

From that day on, other Shinigami would happen by the area from time to time, but she never saw the same guy again. She could only hope he had not been killed in battle as there were far too many people that needed his help. Still, Yurei made a promise to herself to try and help as best she could. Henrex had come just in time then, but there was no telling whether him or any other Shinigami would make it in time next time, or every time. More importantly, she knew that sooner or later, death could come to her parents. The thought of seeing them stuck out of worry for herself was unbearable. Being able to spot spiritual beings gave her an advantage they didn’t possess, but she did not possess the skill to defeat a Hollow… not yet.

Making sure to split her time more efficiently, she made sure to prioritize the things that mattered most to her. In school, she learned new means to study more efficiently and get her job done faster but done right. Finally, being able to sign up for extracurricular activities, kendo was her club of choice. Yurei demonstrated great aptitude on it and came to love it even more than her videogames. And while she still certainly sat down to play occasionally, it was done when everything else was taken care of and when time allowed it, as opposed to anytime. Her skill in Kendo became such that by the age of 13, she had already won several competitions among girls her age within the Osaka Prefecture.

However, while her skills had indeed improved tremendously, their effects were seen in different spheres than she had hoped. The girl did help, though mostly it was by defending innocent boys and girls from older bullies. When it came to helping souls, she was still at a great disadvantage. Her attacks were quick and powerful, easily able to wack strongly and push away any assailant Hollow of relatively low power. Actually, getting them to stop chasing them or taking them out completely was a different matter though. Yurei had no access to a katana. Unlike the Shinigami and the kids in the anime she watched, all she had was her bokken.

In short, all the teen could really do was help the souls run and hold off the beasts long enough for the Shinigami to arrive. Sometimes she was thanked for her act of courage, but other times she was reprimanded. She was told of the dangers doing such a thing possessed, and that sooner or later she could be killed. It only seemed natural to her then to ask them to train her. If she was trained to be like the Shinigami and fight like them, then she could help out too.

Every time she asked however, she always got a different and unsatisfactory answered. Some Shinigami seemed interested in her proposal and did mention they would bring it up to her superiors. But alas, Yurei never heard from any of them again. Others would simply look at her and laugh. There seemed to be a sort of skill and drive, and strength needed to become one of them, and they didn’t believe she possessed it. The realization only made her more eager to prove them wrong.

It didn’t take too long for the teenager to realize that Hollows were more drawn out because of her spiritual energy than that of the souls she was trying to save. By knowing that she could already make sure to place herself a bit further from those she wished to protect. Still, concealing her energy was not as simple as she thought. Without the help from Seireitei, she had to figure out things on her own through trial and error…mostly error. Her after school time had her come up against several Hollows, one at a time of course. And while her growing skills with the bokken enabled her to keep going, it came at a cost. She was typically bruised, with small cuts on different areas of her body, and in pain. To those that didn’t know any better she was simply a problem child. Most thought she was involved in gang activity of something of the sort. Luckily for her, Yurei’s parents were absent enough to miss out on the sight that would have certainly caused an issue.


On a fateful night, seemingly like every other, Yurei had left her home after finishing her homework. Equipped only with her bokken, she scoured the city with careful aim. As far as she knew there weren’t any souls on the area that night, but she could be wrong. What she found instead was a Shinigami, on the brink of being killed by a rather powerful Hollow. If he hadn’t been able to best him, there was no realistic chance she could hope to do so. But beyond her better judgement she jumped in, smacking the beast across the face with her wooden sword, and knocking him back several feet. It hadn’t taken it out the fight, but it granted her enough time to help the wounded Shinigami to his feet.

The Hollow was unlike anything she had ever felt. No doubt it could have easily killed her and fed from her had she been on her own. Together, the Shinigami and Yurei attacked the beast, flanking it from the sides and using their respective skills to put it down. The battle took far longer than expected. But in the end, the reaper’s blade had finally stabbed through the beast and ended it. The encounter wasn’t devoid of a hefty price for both of them though. The guy had suffered great injuries and lost a lot of blood. His clothes by then actually looked redder than they did black. As for Yurei, she had received several cuts and lacerations throughout her body. She was in pain and could hardly even managed to move. But just before she would pass out, a number of Shinigami arrived on the scene to aid them. A smile captured on her expression as she managed to utter one last time to be considered for training.

By the time she awoke, all her injuries had been healed. All around her, a group of men in black haori and one with an insignia on his left arm approached her. She had fought valiantly and helped save one of their own. They were indeed thankful to her, but she had to understand becoming a Substitute Shinigami wasn’t just something offered up to just anyone. It was a privilege not many could claim to earn. That being said, she had demonstrated to have the passion and the drive necessary to earn it someday. And so, in an effort to meet her halfway, the Lieutenant would deliver a message from higher up in command.

If she agreed to it, Yurei would be placed under a form of trial. She would be allowed temporary permission to train with the Gotei as a Substitute Shinigami, under the supervision of others. She was to learn from the, respect them, and do her best to understand what her role was. If she managed to do not just well, but to exceed their expectations, then sooner or later she could come to earn the title that had been temporarily bestowed upon her. To no surprise, the teenager agreed in a heartbeat. That’s all she ever wanted, and she would do whatever it took to ensure she made them all proud.
During the next few years, the girl trained harder than she ever had. By then she made sure to tell her parents the truth about what she had been doing. They were upset at first, but with time they understood and supported her. They made sure to get her home schooled, in an effort to make the best out of the most important and necessary courses. While she still had some time here and there for playing videogames, she spent most of her time in Soul Society, learning as much as she could from the different arts. There was simply so much to learn, and everything was extremely interesting to her. Yurei saw the learning process somewhat like a videogame. She would try her best and learn better sword techniques and better kido spells. And when she finally was able to be proficient at those, then she moved up to the next level.

Luckily for her, the girl had a keen and natural ability to pick up on things relatively quickly. It was in part attributed to her ridiculously efficient work ethic, and the fact that she always listened, paid attention, and understood. Granted, there was just so much she could learn in just four to five years. Regardless of all the skill she possessed, the very ends of the spectrum of knowledge were still beyond her grasp. For now.

She did have help from some of the best tutors available at the time however. She trained with seated officers that specialized in hand to hand combat, zanjutusu, hoho, and kido. She even managed to find Henrex, now a Captain, and improve her skills a bit more from his advice. Her biggest and most noteworthy of accomplishments while training however was finally being able to learn the name and see the face of her zanpakuto spirit. Yurei had become extremely close to it in a short amount of time. Of course, if anyone could see what she saw when she peered into her zanpakuto they would understand why. The figure she saw within had much more meaning than a simple reflection of her soul. Given the very particular case of her zanpakuto, the woman spent almost every waking hour talking to it. At times, she would even go without sleep just so she could get a chance to see and play with them a little longer.

Before she knew it, she was approached yet again by the Gotei. She had been so devoted to her training, and so in love with the nature of her Shikai that she had completely forgotten about the trial. It came as a pleasant but expected surprise that she had passed her trial with flying colors. All the Shinigami had very great and positive comments about her. She was dedicated and committed, and it showed on her progress, even being able to awaken her Shikai. And so as finally an official member of the Seireitei, the girl was given the option to pick her squad or have it been chosen for her. Whatever path she chose, it was clear that the Soul Society would be better for it, and the souls in the Human world would be as well.


Last edited by Cooking Spray on Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:19 am; edited 2 times in total

70 - Yurei Mizuhime [FINISHED] ORabiFS
Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Mon Jul 23, 2018 1:37 am

Yurei Mizuhime
Substitute Shinigami

II. Natural Abilities Of The Human

Weather Ghost (passive): Among her the first abilities she ever discovered, the Weather Ghost is the one that sees the most use. After all, be it in battle or out of it, it’s always around her. Despite its name, Yurei hardly ever calls it by that name. Endearingly she refers to it as Casper, but just as often she also calls it the sperm blob given its rather ubiquitous look. Despite the rather jarring nickname, the blob looking construct is made entirely out of her energy. The girl its able to alter its shape, look, and even its size to make it as small as 1 centimeter or as long as 100 meters. Of course, increases of such a scale are subject to their own individual peculiarities and limitations as seen below. More importantly however, the blob can be altered and made to transition through the three stages of water on her command: liquid, solid, and gas. Only one change in state is allowed per post.


Wind (passive): The woman cannot conjure up wind out of nothing. For instance, she can’t point her hand to the sky and cause massive gusts to ensue. However, she’s able to introduce her energy into existing gusts or currents of wind and enhancing them to extraordinary levels. Whether from naturally occurring winds, or the gusts she creates from her powerful sword swings, Yurei is able to build them up and manipulate them into truly colossal and devastating means of attack.


Temperature Manipulation (passive): Yurei cannot cause an area to freeze, and neither can she cause it to catch on fire. Her ability does not create ice, and neither does it create flames. Instead, all she’s capable of doing is either increasing or decreasing the temperature of an object to great degrees much like the weather would at different parts of the globe. Typically, this reflects in her attempting to make herself feel cooler when it’s warm or warmer when it’s cooler. Unfortunately, her ability is further limited by its range, since it can only affect up to 100 meters from her. Regardless, while fire can still burn her, and ice can still freeze her, the girl is able to lower the temperature of fire by ¼ for every post that is within her range. Likewise, it influences ice to increase its temperature by ¼ for every post within her range. And more importantly, Yurei is able to apply her temperature control to her other abilities but to a much greater level. Half as effective against ice/fire generated by users.

The Perfect Storm (mixing abilities): The perfect storm isn’t really a true ability per say. Essentially, it is just Yurei’s way of mixing her abilities to create rather unique and useful techniques. Rather than focusing on one of her abilities specifically, she tries and mixes them together for a grander effect. In doing so, she has become extremely proficient at it, to the point of preferring it typically over the more natural and basic of her techniques.


IIII. Racial Abilities

» Great Spiritual Energy: From the very start, it was evident that Yurei possessed rather copious amounts of spiritual energy. It first became noticeable when souls started gravitating to her to talk and for help. Things became far clearer when even Hollows were constantly drawn to her location, and Shinigami too in order to secure the area. With time, she managed to fine tune her energy somewhat to be of use to those in need. But it wasn’t until her true involvement and training with the Gotei that it started to come into a place of its own. The hefty levels of energy she possessed, are now far more tamed and controlled thanks to the continuous instructions she receives in Soul Society. Nonetheless, Yurei possesses so much that even under her most calculated efforts to control it, it still spreads out wild and angry like a storm.

V. Zanjutsu & Hakuda

» Zanjutsu: Among all her skills, the art of the blade is quite easily her most aptly refined. From a very early age she took to practicing Kendo at her school. Yurei found that not only did she enjoy it, but that she possessed a natural skill for it. In due time, she even managed to win several competitions within her prefecture among girls her own age. Even as she started taking on the Hollows that appeared on her town, her main weapon in combat was the wooden bokken she possessed. Despite her other skills, she felt she was faster and far ready in an altercation with a blade by her side. As she joined the Gotei, the girl was able to push her skills to completely new heights. By training with individuals who specialized in the blade, and who had done it for several lifetimes longer than she had, Yurei truly came into a class of her own. She managed to learn far more than she thought she would have on Earth. And it wasn’t just about the right techniques for attacking and blocking though. She learned better stances, proper breathing, and an overall efficacy and power that translates well into battle. Needless to say, she’s a dangerous and formidable opponent with a blade, and should be approached on that regard with extreme caution.

Djem So: After learning of different styles and forms from her mentors, Yurie piled it all together and molded it to her liking. With several aspects from one style or another, each of her forms possesses certain advantages and disadvantages over certain areas of combat, and Djem So is no exception. It focuses on a combination of blocks and parries, while maintaining a proper defensive stance against ranged and melee attacks. Defensive maneuvers rapidly transition into an attack. Unlike some of her other styles and strategies, when using this form, there’s no care taken in using grace or allowing the opponent to essentially defeat itself. Great focus is placed on brute strength and raw power with powerful strikes and parries, as they transition into swift counterattacks. The girl simply continues on, using powerful blade combinations to overwhelm and overpower her opponents.

Vaapad: An extremely vicious style of combat Yurei uses only against the most heinous of opponents. This is something that’s not to be used against a friend, but only when the situation truly requires it. Although the form may seem chaotic and erratic to the untrained eye, its heavy focus on offense and its potential benefit in combat leave no doubt as to its usefulness. The unorthodox and largely unpredictable order of strikes and movements typically allow her to close in and strike at an opponent where and when they least expect it. The main reason as to why Yurie reserves it primarily for use against darker and more evil entities however is because of how it operates. She essentially accepts the fury of the opponent, allowing that feeling to circulate and flow through her. However, because of the amount of rage, fury, and pure murderous intent present in the technique, the woman has to make a very conscious effort to remain as focused as possible. Despite appearances hinting at the rather erratic and unpolished movements, the girl is actually exerting great control over herself even then. Vaapad is more than just a sword style, it's a state of mind that allows her to fight at the full extent of her sword wielding skill.


» Hakuda Techniques: The girl is pretty decent in her hand to hand combat. It wasn’t like the Shinigami to teach her in one area of combat and not the other. In the end, before she was fully accepted, officially, into their ranks, they made sure she understood each area and at least performed with some degree of skill. Granted, while Yurei can certainly kick ass against untrained or somewhat trained individuals in this category, her skill in hand to hand combat pales in comparison to her skill with the blade. As such, its more of something she does as a change of pace, or to try and confuse the opponent. And while she indeed continues to work to be better at the skill, it takes an easy back seat to other areas she prioritizes far more, such as her use of the blade or kido.

VI. Kido & Flashstep

» Kido: Kido: The art is among her favorite ones, second only to the art of the sword. Her interest primarily stemmed out of how different and foreign it was to her. The curiosity and its usefulness in combat and protecting others, made it something she quickly became invested in. Although possessing a natural knack for learning, Yurei doesn’t currently know as many kido techniques as some of her peers. However, that isn’t indicative of a weakness or a flaw in her ability to use it. Instead, she followed a very rigorous process with for an art that she enjoys. She made sure to train and practice a few kido spells until she was not only decent but extremely skilled at their use. Once she managed to do that, she ventured into other far more difficult spells, and repeated the same. As such, though her kido repertoire isn’t as vast just yet, the control and efficiency she exerts over those she does know make her a formidable opponent with its use.


» Flash Step: Speed is to a swordsman as light is to a human. While not absolutely necessary, it brings out some of the best in them. As for Yurei, she knew it was imperative to make training in that department a necessity. Luckily for her and as expected, most of her zanjutsu tutors were extremely proficient in hoho. With time, she learned to move exceedingly fast, to the point that to some, it may have seemed as though she never moved until it was too late. More recently she learned how to use her skills to the extent of creating after images that can occasionally fool certain opponents. All in all, her skill is continuously fostered and made to grow as the means to assist her swordsmanship and make her a better substitute shinigami as a whole.



Last edited by Cooking Spray on Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:13 pm; edited 2 times in total

70 - Yurei Mizuhime [FINISHED] ORabiFS
Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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70 - Yurei Mizuhime [FINISHED] Left_bar_bleue93900/9999970 - Yurei Mizuhime [FINISHED] Empty_bar_bleue  (93900/99999)

70 - Yurei Mizuhime [FINISHED] Empty Re: Yurei Mizuhime [FINISHED]

Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:10 am

Yurei Mizuhime
Substitute Shinigami

I. Equipment & Phantom Tech

» Equipment

Substitute Shinigami Badge: Substitute Shinigami Badge: Instead of carrying with her a physical and tangible item, Yurei had the insignia placed on her as a form of seal, bound to her flesh. Although positioned around the underside of her left arm, the mark is typically unseen unless she purposely wills energy to the area to access its effects. The use of this modern rendition allows her to essentially change her person and nature to that of a soul without having to leave a lifeless body behind in need of caretaking. The badge also possesses a number of functions deemed useful and required by the Seireitei.

Wherever Yurei is, the badge acts as a form of GPS signal, feeding information on her location only to the Captain Commander. If any members of the Hollow or the Demon kind are in her vicinity (~ ¼ of a mile), then badge would glow and vibrate on her arm, making her aware of potential danger. The function doesn’t deal solely with energy but rather it resonates with the very essence of a soul. In doing so it’s able to bypass the measures meant to keep a racial nature hidden. However, during such cases, Yurei is unable to pick out the signature from a crowd. She’s simply able to recognize the potential threat, and roughly estimate how close it is from her person.

70 - Yurei Mizuhime [FINISHED] H4yhQYD

» Phantom Tech

Storm Protocol: Due to yurei’s high attunement with any storm-related variant ability. Yurei’s phantom-tech naturally has been made custom retrofitted perfectly for the storm maiden. Naturally a phantom tech which is tailor made to boost, hone and increase variation to her naturally occuring forte, storms, is going to be made very differently. Storm protocol in essence is a software that enhances the effectiveness of her storm powers in certain situations. These situations naturally are based on things such as climate, barometric pressure, and the level charge in the atmosphere around it. Below are the key aspects of the storm protocol.

Enhancement Of Storm-Related Abilities: Due to a phantom tech naturally being capable of bolstering computative analysis, it’s unsurprising that her storm protocol allows her techniques to be bolstered. By giving her the optimal conditions, variable as well as energy control calculations to better suit her ability she becomes capable of optimizing her techniques so that they will function to the best of their ability. This does not mean she gets some absurd boost, however when storm protocol is in use she gains a 20% increase due to taking out extraneous energy, over use, misuse, and all these other variables and honing her respect techniques until they are using everything they need as effectively as they can. This is to say it’s like a stock model car and a performance model car, they are technically the similar in some regards, but entirely different kinds of animals.

Not only that, but because it is enhancing the abilities themselves it takes in variables of the environment and allows them to be better utilized by the user. Things like electrical charge in the air, and dew-point are taken into consideration and even siphoned slightly to bolster the techniques that she uses. This is how there is the 20% increase beyond merely just honing in and optimizing the technique it is bolstering it by pre-existing energy/ foreign matter that is found in the environment around her. Granted, this also means that if someone was to somehow manage to stop this ongoing process the effectiveness of her attack bolstering would drop to 10% because of the fact that, half of it approximately is due to optimization, and the other half is due to the naturally occuring energy that is being siphoned.

Now, of course because it is bolstering her technique capacity there is a downside to it. This downside is that because it is optimizing everything this storm protocol is also putting the body under extreme duress. Forcing her to maintain every variable needed to enhance her attacks to perfection naturally means the body is at a state of elevated awareness, and elevated physicality for the period of time that storm protocol is active. This means that the body is working at max, or close to max potential, as one might imagine this isn’t something that can be maintained indefinitely. Thus, storm protocol is usable for a maximum period of 8 turns before Yurei is extremely winded/fatigued; usable once per thread.

Enhancement Of Physical Capacity: Now, as touched upon before, Storm Protocol requires everything to be running at it’s optimal state. Now this also means that reaction time, and more importantly mental deduction see bolstering as well. This means that the user is capable of reacting 20% faster to attacks in comparison to what they previously were. Granted this is logically over-extending the user, and thus just like with her enhancement of her storm-related abilities this also garners fatigue. See the turn ratio to cooldown /fatigue in the enhancement of storm related abilities section. If the effects of this technique are used in combination with the above, then the eight post duration is reduced to five.

Storm Manipulation: A slightly less prominent aspect of her storm protocol is that it allows her to at some extent manipulate and generate storms. That is to say through some very long and complicated multi-variant equations she is able to dictate and utilize her energy to influence the electronic, barometric and to a certain extent temperature levels surrounding her. This means naturally Yurei is capable of generating conditions which are perfect for storm formation. Granted this ability since it’s using variables to influence the environment rather than like a nature user (like maybe the irasmasha of storms) which of course means that she is not controlling the environment she is influencing factors naturally available which in turn affect the environment around her. Think of it more like she’s changing key components and those components then in turn cause the shifting out an outcome. In this case the shifting of components can cause a sunny, normal day, to turn into a raging thunderstorm.

This is important because yurei is capable as touched upon in how she bolsters her storm natured abilities--which means she can borrow from the environment around her. Therefor by generating a storm she to a certain extent is capable of siphoning from the storm she has generated to decrease or increase the potency of her attacks. That is to say for example her high velocity water-arts she could effectively increase density by five feet on each master level. I.e Beginner would be 15, adept, 30, advanced, 45, and so on. Meaning just for that ability there is a drastic increase in potency. With other abilities they don’t see quite the dramatic increase as her sword-style does but all abilities have a marked increase in functionality, and more importantly so long as she had manipulated and generated this storm is reduces energy consumption by 5%. This means that every attack takes only 95% of the energy it normally would.

Granted this isn’t terribly magnificent in terms of boosts but, the key thing here is that free-floating water to an extent is one of the mutli-varient factors along with electricity that she is capable of manipulating. That is to say, she is entirely capable of manipulating the water that is in the storm, and using it free-form. This doesn’t mean she can create constructs from the water, but she can use it to add on to her attacks.

Drawbacks: As touched upon, this technique is highly straining. It can be used for 8 consecutive turns before it requires cooldown. Not only that, but the ability itself is almost entirely dictated off of the environment around them. Place yurei in a place that has none of the factos that this looks for, then she will not be capable of using the ability to its utmost potential. More importantly, the technique has a wait/hold time of one post, meaning she needs to wait an additional post after using it before seeing any actual effects. And on top of that, she cannot divert energy into an energy technique during that wait time.

VII. Sealed Powers Of A Substitute Shinigami

» Zanpakutô Name: Arashi no Okoku (嵐の王国 Storm Kingdom)

» Zanpakutô picture description: Yurei's sealed zanpakuto takes on the form of an odachi, which as expected is rather large. Despite her best efforts to control her energy, it simply manifests as far too wild and strong which is noted in the relatively long size of her blade. As for her zanpakuto spirits she has two of them, which together form the Storm Kingdom. Ironically enough, the look of her zanpakuto spirits greatly resemble that of her mother and father. Its a little known fact which led her to learning its name faster, since it was a way to feel closer to her parents. Her zanpakuto spirits even act as her real parents too, being both loving and firm, supporting yet difficult, and a lot more. Needless to say, Yurei has a wonderful relationship with them.

» Inner World Description: Her inner world resembles a city similar to those of ancient Japan. All the housing in the background is empty however, save for both of her zanpakuto spirits and herself. In a sort of plaza, a large number of cherry blossom trees bring beauty to the area from the dim lightning of a dark world with no sun, but rather a moon. The plaza ends in a very simple sort of shore, where empty open waters look out and extend farther than the eyes can see. It seems as though every possible meteorological phenomena, both the positive and the negatives can and do happen in this world, though which is up to Yurei's control.

Zanpakutô Appearance

» Sealed Zanpakutô Look

Typically, in her Substitute Shinigami form, Yurei's zanpakuto takes on the look of an odachi with a flower petal design on the tsuba. It stands in contrast to the more icicle or hail like design of her extra blade on her Shikai, mainly as a form of dissonance that make sense with the theme of her overall weather powers. However, when in her Human form, her zanpakuto is typically disguised as a wooden bokken. The bokken itself is used as a weapon, being as durable and strong as any other zanpakuto despite lacking the inherent sharpness. If required however, the bokken can be changed at will into the sealed form of her odachi. Bare in mind however that all of her zanpakuto abilities of Shikai are locked behind her substitute shinigami form. Whether its the bokken or the odachi form that are being used in Human form, they can only be used as a weapon would in the real world for an ordinary person.

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» Sealed Zanpakutô Power

Dawn Strike: On command, Yurei is able to swing her blade and create powerful energy slashes on her vicinity. The slashes combine the astonishing level of strength she commands and the heft of the energy she exudes. The crescent slashes may hit as they are, creating rather powerful damage on their wake, though that’s not their limit. If desired, she needs only to will the energy to contort at a moment’s notice. By doing so it either attempts to wrap the attack around the opponent or turn into a dangerous energy whirlwind much larger than her. Regardless of which of the three choices she chooses, the attack maintains the sharp and powerful energy which makes it a dangerous asset in her arsenal.

VIII. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Open your gates, Storm Kingdom

» Shikai Appearance: Her appearance remains unchanged, though she gains a second blade in the form of a katana.

» Shikai Abilities

Name: Arashi no Okoku (嵐の王国 Storm Kingdom)
Description: Yurei’s zanpakuto rules over meteorological phenomena, particularly storms. Bear in mind however, that the power and extent of her zanpakuto abilities are not too different from her natural ones. Her Shikai cannot create an ocean or manipulate large bodies of water with it. She cannot cast lightning bolts into her hands or fill a field with electrical current without rhyme or reason. All of her powers revolve around the creation and control of storms as meteorological phenomena. The peculiarities of the elements or abilities involved within them allow Yurei to use them, but it doesn’t mean she has automatic control over all elements related to it. For instance, while she may be able to attack with a lightning bolt from one of her thunderstorms, it doesn’t mean she can create or control lightning in its absence, or even conjure and manipulate electrical currents outright. Typically, most of her Shikai techniques create a “power boon” upon use.


High velocity Water Arts: Yurie has superb control over her water techniques when it comes to what she can manipulate and use for a blade. This technique branches off the concept of velocity. Given water when moved at high enough speeds gains the power to just about cut through anything, it isn’t surprising by using this art, shooting out water at extremely high speeds, she becomes capable of cutting through objects depending on her zanjutsu mastery in relation to her opponent’s tier. Now as briefly touched upon before, this functions off the concept of velocity and applies that to her blade. To an extent it’s physics, taking the concept that makes being hit by a power washer dangerous and then increasing that well over two hundred-fold. However, other than the concept of velocity + water = extremely power penetrative/cutting force, that is where the relation between physics and this ability part ways.

Given the ability functions almost entirely off of her sword arts, the water (unsurprisingly) is used in very small, very dense streams. This water takes, for all intents and purposes, streams about 10-foot pillars of water in diameter and condenses it to this tiny half foot tall, half an inch-wide blade of water. Naturally because the water itself is so dense, it means that the water, while circulating at the extreme velocity around the blade, allows for great devastation to its surroundings. At the lower end of the spectrum is able to cut through most metals, steels, and even to an extent, harder variants of gemstone. This is its base line.

However, because this ability is linked intrinsically with her zanjutsu mastery, this blade of water is simply brute-force without being utilized by a steadied hand. This means in the hands of a beginner this blade may as well be moving about clumsily, but in the hands of an almighty expert, this water could easily become a tool of absolute devastation to its surroundings being able to carve up even the hardest of objects. Now, this technique scales in two ways. The two ways are Control & Utilization and Cutting Force versus Tier.

Control and Utilization

As the name suggests the control of the blade, and to an extent the density and amount of blades is entirely based off of her zanjutsu skill, as described below.

Beginner Beginners can only do what was outlined in the technique as a baseline. As well, they are only able to control a single blade and even then, the potency of the blade is perhaps being utilized to a 5th of it’s true potential. Think of it like giving a toddler the families treasure sword that has been sharpened to a deadly edge. The kid certainly can-do damage with it, it’s sharp, duh. However, it’s not going to be on par with a grandmaster wielding the blade. That is an apt example of the intrinsic deficit that a beginner practitioner of this art will have.

Adept: If a beginner is a baby wielding a treasure sword, an adept is a toddler flailing that blade around. They still can’t use the technique to its full potential. Granted yes, they will be capable of causing more damage than our flailing beginner friend, but that's about as much better as it gets. At beginner feats such as slashing concrete, penetrating small steel objects are quite easily done based on the speed, velocity, and power of the water, not so much variation and control. In adept, a slight amount of variation can be seen. The user is capable of using up 20 feet in diameter stream of water. This means for all intents and purposes the density has doubled. More density + velocity = more cutting/penetrative force. Naturally this fact makes it so that, if beginners can cut through weak [3-4-inch-thick] plates of steel, we are looking at more like 6-8 inches of steel, or 3-4 inches of titanium. That’s a good reference of the capacity of an adept user.

Advanced: Advanced is like the little kid who has practiced for 3-4 years. They are pretty good at handling the blade, but it’s all repetition and not intuition, that is a good depiction of and advanced zanjutsu practitioner using High Velocity Water Arts. They are capable of manipulating the blade surrounding their own, increasing the distance from 40 feet to around 100 feet in terms of the size of the streams or (blades) of water that are being manipulated and condensed into its shape. As well as at this point our practitioner can manipulate up to two blades. Each blade has within it roughly a 30 foot in diameter condensed steam of water. Naturally this means at this point it’s not hard so long as our practitioner is of 2 tier for them to eviscerate through metals, be it titanium, steel, reinforced steel. All of these things can be simply hacked through, not quite easily as butter, but maybe more like cutting through a carrot with a recently sharpened knife. There will be resistance but it will not be that much. Advanced practitioners also can bring out about 60% of the full potential of this technique.

Advanced skill: Water Spout: At this point the user becomes capable of manipulating the streams of water to pull them into a high-velocity funnel. Rotating at high speeds this technique is capable of ripping through most known constructs as well as grind away at an opponent. Given this isn’t a true-blue technique and is rather a skill, it predominately bases it’s power off of the zanjutsu scaling that are outlined. However, because of the rotating factor in this ability it is capable of grinding through most objects durability that is on par with her zanjutsu skill. This is because her zanjutsu skill is the determining factor for both the density and the power of her blades. Logically this means that she can absolutely devastate those who have a significant durability gap in relation to her zanjutsu mastery.

Elite: A true expert would be of this level. They are near-masterful at handling the streams and blades of water and it’s more intuitive or reflex than simply because of constant repetition. At this point a practitioner is capable of manipulating up to three blades and each one will be of around a 40 foot in diameter, condensed into the previously mentioned dimensions. This means in comparison to beginner, the blades are not only 3x as numerous they are 4x as dense. This of course means that these blades are capable of wide-spread destruction. Extending upwards of 200 feet condensed into her swords' blade shape, they are able to completely destroy metals, ripping them into fragments under the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of water-droplets being sliced through them at extremely high velocities. Naturally this means that at elite they are capable of cutting through most known constructs. As well due to the spiritual energy that saturates the droplets to improve density they may also be capable of cutting through spiritual constructs. A Elite-class practitioner of High Velocity Water Arts can cleave through barrier on par with a kido 50 with moderate difficulty.

Master: A pinnacle expert. Logically the skill level of master denotes mastery over a skill. This is the same with a zanjutsu mastery level practitioner of the high velocity water arts. These practitioners are capable of manipulating the trajectory of the blades that are present. This goes beyond the intuitive handling that is seen in expert practitioners, instead, it is more simply they are capable of controlling these blades like someone who is breathing or eating. You don’t really need to think about it, which is why there is a high versatility in the master level water-arts. Not to mention at this point the density of these water blades are absolutely monstrous. 50 feet in diameter condensed into the previously mentioned dimensions means that at the pinnacle of her skill she is capable of 5x the density of beginner. Not to mention she is capable of manipulating up to four blades simultaneously. These blades can be extended at will to have a distance of 300 feet her, as well as are capable of being thrown off as powerful, sharp, and crescent waves. Now, at this point gemstone like diamond is a possibility for this art to cut through. It is capable of slicing through even some of the hardest known objects in this realm. To put this in perspective a Master level zanjutsu user who practices the high velocity water arts can, with moderate difficulty, cleave through kido of a #70 level in just a few strikes.

Cutting Force Versus Tier:

Naturally the other factor than her control and utility is the checking of her zanjutsu mastery with her opponent’s durability mastery. Because unless there are abilities that scale durability based on tier, there isn’t a correlation with someone’s tier in relation to how much weaker this attack is, it’s entirely based off their durability. So, those that are of the same durability mastery as her zanjutsu will find that they sustain moderate injuries from blows inflicted. In that case, its capable of cleaving through defenses, hierro and other techniques over the course of 2-3 turns due to the constant erosion from the blade slash. Those of a higher mastery level than hers will sustain minor to moderate injuries and it takes 3-4 turns to cleave through defenses. At A lower skill level versus her zanjutsu mastery she becomes a nightmare, capable of cleaving through defenses in 1-2 turns [depending on other durability measures that have been put into place].

VIIII. Bankai

» Bankai Release Phrase: [What is your shinigami's release phrase?]

» Bankai Release Action: [Does your Shinigami do any physical action to release their Bankai? Feel free to remove this.]

» Bankai Appearance: [What does your Shinigami look like when released in their bankai?]

» Bankai Abilities: [What abilities does your Shinigami attain in Bankai?]


Last edited by Cooking Spray on Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:40 pm; edited 5 times in total

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Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:14 am

Yurei Mizuhime
Substitute Shinigami

X. Skill Sheet


General Skills
  • Durability: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Trained/Beginner/Untrained
  • General Speed: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Strength: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Weapon Skill: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Kidō: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Zanjutsu: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Hakuda: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Mental Deduction: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Pain Endurance: Elite/Advanced//Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Focus: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained


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Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:15 am
Claiming this post for Cooking Spray.

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Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:16 am
Finished [also claiming this post].

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Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:23 am
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Tue Jul 31, 2018 11:29 pm
[mod]Sadly archiving as creator has left the site[/mod]
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Thu Jan 31, 2019 2:42 pm
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Thu Feb 14, 2019 5:52 pm
« Application Checklist »
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  • Willpower/Determination:Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept

  • Comments/Notes: Approved
  • Tier: 2-5


Last edited by Absentee on Sat Mar 09, 2019 3:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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