Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Birds And the Bears Empty Birds And the Bears

Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:05 am

Birds And the Bears 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Ulv arrived gently, not disturbing much of anything with her arrival, but keeping her usual fanfare close to the chest. With Henrex around, she had to make sure that her thoughts on Henrex were true before she went about doing something about it. She knew enough about Mirja to know that her thoughts couldn't be counted on to be completely accurate when it came to Henrex, due to the way that Mirja had interacted with him and been interacted with by him. He certainly didn't help matters though, and Ulv felt a little sorry for someone so socially inept being around Henrex.

"Bird man! Rex of Hens! We have arrived" she exclaimed, putting her fists of her hips and laughing heartily, joined by the airy laughter of an unseen audience. "But in all seriousness, we gotta talk first. You are very dark, it is a part of you, it encompasses you, it wraps around you as your power. Which leads me to wonder. Would someone who's darkness is an ingrained part of their very soul, suffer from having it removed? Would they explode, or be rendered catatonic or some other, really horrible thing that could happen to them if it was fixed?"

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Birds And the Bears Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:35 pm



Birds And the Bears JCRrxmK

Toba, Japan -- the Land of the Rising Sun. His home.

He couldn't shake how much different it was, compared to his time alive. A gentle smile spread across his face as he let out a sigh as he walked around Toba. A land that once held several castles of warlords and pirates, now hosted a city of countless skyscrapers and technological advancement he never would have thought possible.

Thus, taking a moment to break from the path and travel towards the end of the continent, Henrex gazed at the glimmering blue sea, beautiful flashes of light bouncing off the gentle waves in the winter sun. Snow softly crunched around his feet as a chilling wind brushed over him. But, not long after, a slightly stronger gale came from behind him. along with the presence of a very particular red-headed reincarnation.

Turning around, Henrex lightly waved, his smile returning as she greeted him -- but, as she went into detail of his inner darkness, and potentially removing it, his smile faded. He took a brief look at his palm, before closing his hand as his expression turned grave.

"I don't know. Over time, I've been able to use those negative emotions and draw power from them, but they've been such a core part of me for so long -- I don't know what would happen if someone tried to remove them from me. And...I'm scared to ever find out."

Averting his gaze again, Henrex found himself wrapping the Garb of Tsukuyomi tighter around himself.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Birds And the Bears Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:52 pm

Birds And the Bears 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Putting a strong hand on Henrex's shoulder after he finished talking about the deep darkness, and gave a grin, before laughing to herself softly and waving her hands dramatically.
"Well! Not to worry then! I am glad that you didn't try to lie to the world's greatest empath, by the way. It was nice for you to actually tell me how you feel instead of me having to beat you up for lying to me. And, seriously, not need to worry. The worst that could happen is you melt horribly and then your reincarnation goes wrong and you are drowning in a tube without really knowing what the fuck is going on. On the plus side, if you get through all of that and don't just decide there is a really nice hole over there you can just hide in forever while the world starts making sense again, you can totally pretend to be a completely different person.

'Professing my undying love to a woman I've known two weeks? Na, you must be talking about someone else. I would never do something like that. I am totally sane, my name is even Kantoku, and does that sound like Henrex to you?'"
Ulv gave him a Cheshire grin as she spoke, teasing but there would never be not teasing about that one. Plus, he might even get her word play. or, he might not. 50/50.

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Birds And the Bears Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Thu Dec 13, 2018 1:01 pm



Birds And the Bears JCRrxmK

Henrex didn't really have much of a response to her first set of comments -- aside from an awkward smile. He knew that lying to both Ulv and in general was the most pointless thing to ever do -- he was a terrible liar, and they were both empaths. Though, her comments on reincarnation were...very, very specific.

"Ulv, even if I were to try and lie to you, it's not hard to figure out. I'm a terrible liar."

Then, the teasing, always the teasing. There wasn't a single encounter with Ulv that Henrex could think of that didn't have some form of teasing with it, especially when it came to that topic. The one topic that could cause Henrex to turn into a tomato in an instant. So, as his face turned beet red and he turned his head to the side, he reached out and gave her a light push as he hid the sides of his face and brushed some of his hair from his face.

"Oh, shut up, you and your wordplay!"

It was the one moment that he always tried to forget, more than anything else -- which certainly wasn't happening any time soon.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Birds And the Bears Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Thu Dec 13, 2018 1:28 pm

Birds And the Bears 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Ulv let out rancorous laughter as he turned that bright red and tried to hide hid face with the hair he had. Might have worked if it was longer, but he kept it cropped like that so there was barely enough to hide his eyes. And then suddenly the laughter stopped as she looked slightly confused at his eyes, cocking her head and staring most intently.
"Whatever happened to those Magic Eyes you got when your ass was kicked by a girl and they were gouged out thanks to a very spiky bit of pole?" she asked, staring at his eyes a bit more before moving back, and looking at him as a whole.

"But in all seriousness, I really don't know where to start. For most, I can accurately point to something that is the cause of their issues, and thus fix it. But with you, I can't see. It's like you are your negativity. Everything has been assimilated into you to such a point there is nothing that is causing you to feel the way you do. Your very existence is the reason you feel the way you do. Which would make for a most amazingly interesting experiment" Ulv lit her hands up with a warm amber flame, and channelled them with her Devil's Heart, before holding them out to Henrex for him to take. What would happen if it was used on Henrex, was something she was most interested to see. Maybe he would pop out of existence for a moment before coming back as Ulv's big-titted Goth Girlfriend. Anything was possible.

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Birds And the Bears Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:49 pm



Birds And the Bears JCRrxmK

Knowing Ulv and the one that came before, he half-expected her to continue relentlessly teasing him -- Mirja had made that far too commonplace. But, when she stopped and questioned him about his eyes, his cheeks turning red for a moment before he turned to face her, seeing that she was staring at his eyes...very, very intently.

"Oh, right...those. I didn't realize it at that point, but my eyes were the prime target of development for my demonic half's Possessive Powers."

Closing his eyes for a brief moment and then opening them, Ulv would see the immediate color change from black to red, before switching back. With the topic changing, Henrex glanced at the ground. His powers as a demon revolved around the emotions of himself and others, projecting his sorrow into the physical world. Turning his head back to Ulv, he watched as she produced a warm amber flame, holding it out toward him.

It was a slow approach -- mainly out of wariness. There was a sense of comfort and drive that he could feel from the flame, but there was also the worry of not knowing what would happen. Would it help him? Destroy him? Taking in a deep breath, Henrex's hand slowly inched into the warmth of the flames, eventually wrapping around his arm and vanishing as he took a step backward as lightning involuntarily flashed on his palm, emitting a similar warmth that the flame had.

It was a byproduct of his evolution in his demonic powers -- Sympathy Bolt, infusing the positive aspects of emotions into his lightning.

"Well...whatever that is, it's reacting to my Sympathy Bolt."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Birds And the Bears Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:29 am

Birds And the Bears 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Well, that was Henrex, she wasn't expecting anything spectacular. He was, after all, a massive blob of the sads. It wasn't entirely unexpected that he would not be effected by her Flame in a way that everyone else would be. Ulv was sure there were other people like him in the world, but they were probably rare.
"Hmm. That sounds cool, but it was meant to do more. Devil's Heart creates a perfect counternance to the greatest source of negativity. Doesn't just remove it and then kek, it fixes it. It stops it making you feel so bad. The problem being if you just feel bad because you feel bad there isn't much for it to manifest"

Ulv took up a thinking pose for a few moments, and then grinned as her arms lit up with bright amber light.
"I guess we will just have to go about this the manual way. Whip Of Love!" Ulv exclaimed loudly and brashly before suddenly throwing a single-shot Raiōken into the bird's face. To be hit with it - other than the soul-shaking force behind the fist - would be like being blasted with determination. Negative emotions that gripped the heart would be ripped away. Not removed, but their grasp torn off so that one could inspect the emotion objectively and decide if they wished to keep it or remove it. Even negative memories could be useful to a person.

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Birds And the Bears Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Tue Dec 25, 2018 8:05 pm



Birds And the Bears JCRrxmK

Nothing immediate happened -- it just reacted to his Sympathy Bolt. As he kept his focus on Ulv as she explained what she had done was, and what it was meant to do. This "Devil's Heart" was meant to create a countenance to the greatest form of negativity in someone. That begged the question -- what was the greatest source of his negative emotions?

There were so many that he dealt with on a daily basis, some worse than others -- not to mention his demonic half entirely revolving around the concept itself -- it was hard for him, anything or anyone to really pin down what it would be. Thus, Henrex felt stumped as he took a few moments himself to think of the situation and what could be done.

...And then, there was the Ulv Grin™.

The grin that always gave him a bad feeling on whatever was about to happen. This was no exception.

'Wait, what does she mean by whip of lo--'

Out of the blue, Ulv immediately and swiftly punched him in the face, causing him to skid backward a bit as he stumbled forward again. But, there was something different. It didn't hurt -- not physically, at least. He had enough will to block something like that out. Rather, he could feel his negative thoughts, emotions, and memories rising to the surface, with him unable to control them.

Hands began to rise toward his head, not wanting to confront them. He didn't like this -- he didn't want to become vulnerable again. For the first time in a very long while, he didn't know what to do with this.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Birds And the Bears Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Wed Dec 26, 2018 6:05 am

Birds And the Bears 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

First punch was success! Menacing Devil Arms always worked in relevance to the force of the hit, harder the hit the stronger the effect. But, the first blow never really did a great deal of helping, more knocked the bad stuff out of the depths of a person's heart so they could be targets for the next few hits. And now the general negativity was blasted free, Ulv was going to put her all into this shot to blast away as much as she could. Menacing Devil Arms didn't have the power to remove or burn away Negativity regardless of how much power, it only ever detached. But with enough force, it could blow a tainted soul clean, leaving all darkness to hover in the ether for the decision of the owner.

Massive amounts of her Reiatsu was channelled into her arms, causing them to swell grotesquely as the Spirit-fed body was over-gorged on power. The arms glowed with an intensity to rival the Sun itself, a beacon of brightness for miles around even in the daytime. The waste energy of light turned to heat, and it was sufficient that the snow began to hiss and melt, even without true heat being involved. And then the fists were driven forwards, the Hakuda Technique, Sōkotsu, ensuring that as much damage as possible was done to the darkness, and with Ulv's arms the way they were at the moment, there was going to be quite the mess....

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Birds And the Bears Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:26 pm



Birds And the Bears JCRrxmK

As much as he tried to tap into his Emotion Manipulation, Yin-Yang Salvation, or the other means that he had at his disposal in order to calm himself, there was no luck in alleviating and suppressing this. The skies darkened and rumbled as he continued to fight himself. He didn't want this -- he didn't want to confront these emotions and what they entailed.

It hurt too much.

Thus, as his head lifted and he watched Ulv beginning to gather immense amounts of power within her fists, a brilliant light shimmering and causing the snow around her to melt and the newly evaporated water to hiss and dissolve into steam. As she stepped forward and proceeded to hurl the Hakuda technique Sokotsu, Henrex's energy erupted in a violent burst of demonic power, focusing his energy on her fists in front of him as the effects of Sluggish World would immediately take effect.

But, while he was able to slow down Ulv, it was too last-minute for him to get out of the way. So, as the air was knocked out of him and his body was sent briefly into the air as he righted himself and returned to the ground on his feet, albeit rather...stumble-y. His body trembled as his hands rose to his head again, shaking over and over as he tried, again and again, to push these negative emotions and their memories away.

In a way, he wanted to keep running away from it all -- keep his mind focused on more important things. He had been running for a long time -- and it was time to stop.

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