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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Birds And the Bears - Page 2 Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Fri Jan 04, 2019 3:47 am

Birds And the Bears - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

There was a feeling of sloth just before hitting Henrex with her fist, but it didn't do much - Ulv was to close, was moving to fast for there to be enough time for anything major to happen - other than make Ulv think about if she could find the Small God in Mirja's soul, and if she could coax it into coming out to play again. The almightily charged fist collided in a landscape altering blow, her fist disgorging the power built up inside it with a momentary showcase of the depth of fury in Ulv's mind, and it shattered everything that surrounded them for miles, a furious hurricane of snow and debris. Everyone thought her so calm and friendly because of her actions, but it was so the opposite. Ulv was such a disaster of emotional catastrophe, and that was what drove her onwards to help other people, so that nobody would feel as she did.

And then it was gone, and Ulv was back to her usual muscle-bound elation. Breathing heavily, as she had put a tremendous amount of her Reiatsu into that punch, along with the use of Devil's Heart previously, which was never gentle on the old system, she was feeling the burn. But that wasn't enough for her to stop of slow down. Putting her fists on her hips, she gave a great and hearty laugh as she looked at Henrex and his fantastical still in one pieceness.
"You have a phenomenally greater durability than you proclaim, Henrex! I was sure you were going to be in at least eight pieces after that one! It is good to know, because now I can hit you even harder and not have to worry!"

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Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:33 pm



Birds And the Bears - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Taking that punch was...not the wisest decision he had made that day. He could feel shattered bones poking into muscles, muscles and skin torn with blood leaking down his torso. So, groaning softly as he tapped into Possessive Augment, altering the state of his body in order to move his bones and any other dislocated parts of himself back into position in order for his regeneration to have an easier time to heal himself.

Taking in a deep breath as any internal and external wounds would begin the healing process, the young man's legs continued to shake. There was one thing he was sure of, he shouldn't have taken that hit. So, as he repeated the breathing process to clear his mind and keep himself focus, he sighed softly as his hands dropped from his head back down to his sides. A weak smile spread across the half-breed's face in response to Ulv's hearty laughter, his head rising to face her, lightly shaking his head.

"Not by much. I still took some damage from that, but...I should be ok, in enough time. Please, don't hit me again. Whatever your goal did it."

The young man's gaze turned somber as he shifted to his hands, feeling his heart slowly coming to ease. So many negative memories drifted in the front of his mind, but, yet...his heart remained at ease, level. He lifted his head again, confusion mixing in with his somber eyes.

"What...did you do to me?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Birds And the Bears - Page 2 Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:55 pm

Birds And the Bears - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Ulv's laugh went from hearty to maniacal as the flame-reiatsu continued to rush out of her body with tremendous speed and force. Her skin turned gold and shining in the light she was giving off, her hair becoming a purple colour before it hissed and was clad in a massive suit of bright amber armour, raging with the power of an inferno. Thick arms and broad chestplate, 'Ulv' it would be rather reminiscent of the suit that Henrex had bone up against in that camp where he got his eyes gouged out. The only startling difference was a pair of glittering wings made of pure light, splaying out of her back. The pure 'Ulv' white turned amber as Resolve Flame was blazed out of them, used as an afterburner to build up even more force.

Like a planet-sized spring, Ulv released the pent-up energy and threw herself at Henrex. However, the armour dissolved unexpectedly, and Ulv stumbled, falling face-first into the ground.
'Were you trying to kill him?' Beowulf asked in a scolding tone.
"No!" she exclaimed, holding up a finger, and then getting up, scratching the back of her head awkwardly.

There was a weak reiatsu output coming from Ulv now, and her very body looked.....deflated. Back to normal skin and hair colouring, there was something off about both. Like she had lost muscle mass and vibrancy in her skin and hair. Eyes slightly sunken in like she hadn't slept in a few days. Not quite emancipated, but looking a less than she had. Less beautiful, more like a geek who had spent a few years in the basement and only just started looking after her body.
"Sorry. There are very few situations where I really let my power out" Ulv said, even her voice lacking the vibrant thunder that it possessed normally. "It's hard to keep a proper grasp on it when it is huge, and a minor mistep is all it takes to get caught up in it"

"As for what I did, it was my other Resolve Flame thing. Less powerful, less restricted, it's just punching your sad in the face. Each blow rips the grasp your negativity has on your heart and mind. And there it floats, waiting for you to either destroy it entirely, or keep it around. Some negative experiences are the core of your personality. Maybe such a crippling loss to your rival is why you are so determined to beat him. Maybe hurting someone you cared for is why you are so passionate about mastering the art of control. Not everything negative is ultimately bad.

But not everything negative has a good moral or learning experience. Some are just bad. And those you can decide to get rid of so that it no longer colours how you see the world or live your life. There is also an addition of passion for betterment, but I don't think that is something you are going to be feeling. There is not much left to better"

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Birds And the Bears - Page 2 Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Fri Jan 11, 2019 7:38 pm



Birds And the Bears - Page 2 JCRrxmK

From mellow and idle to serious and rising panic in the span of seconds, it didn't take much of his own empathic abilities in order to tell that Ulv was growing more and more deranged. Thus, as armor began to manifest on Ulv's person, Henrex immediately drew his Zanpakuto, lightning crackling along its edge as he kept his stance wide open, footing in place so that he would be able to counterattack at any moment.

His expression remained calm and his body unmoving, even as the same brilliant amber light bloomed from her armor and she lunged toward him. His feet dug into the ground, bracing himself to move or counter before she promptly fell onto her face, the display of power vanishing as quickly as it had come. Releasing his sword as it automatically returned to the sheath, Henrex took a step forward, offering his hand to help her up, retracting it as she stood herself.

Concern immediately took hold when he saw the obvious changes to her body, her voice -- as if she had her looks had sudden downgraded. Henrex took a step closer to her, his voice layered with a much deeper level of concern and seriousness than it had ever been before.

"Ulv...are you ok?"

And while he waited for her to answer, he took this time to process what she had just said, about the other effect of her Resolve Flame -- what seemed to be quite literally punched the hands of negativity in order to clear the mind. Taking a brief look at his hands and closing his eyes, Henrex took a deep breath as his eyes slid open.

There were plenty of thoughts that floated about his head that tied with the negative emotions that held a firm grip on his heart and mind. Fear of losing, fear of failing to protect the people he cared about -- linked to the memories of the deaths of his family and cutting ties with Hattori. Memories of his own weakness and helplessness in his time of living and in his spiritual life, leading him to have the drive to constantly improve himself for the sake of himself as well as others.

Releasing a shaky breath, Henrex slowly lowered to the ground, crossing his legs and setting his hands in his lap, tapping into Cerebral Yin-Yang, a power that Liu Xinshen granted him during their meeting and discussion at the Vastime Social Gala. Through this, it would allow Henrex to easily access a meditative state in order to balance out these emotions and the memories that linked with them.

And so, he began to "sort through" them, thinking long, hard, and carefully on what his decision would be for each one, as it was very important for him to be able to think clearly through this process in order to ensure that the memories that no longer needed to be controlling him were removed, but also to allow him to remember his purpose and drive and fuel it even more, along with keeping the memories that he needed -- as they were a part of his growth and allowed him to improve into the man that he was today.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Birds And the Bears - Page 2 Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:49 am

Birds And the Bears - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Now she had calmed herself some, she was glad that Beowulf had intervened and prevented her from attacking Henrex with Ursa Propano. It would have made a mess for her to do such a thing. But, as it stood, she had still made a mess, only of herself instead of Henrex. Burning too much power, it had started to eat the supply that kept her body in peak condition. The negative side-effect of having a physical body fed by spiritual power was that the spiritual power would start to consume the physical body if it needed the extra kick.

"Ohh, I'll be fine. Don't worry about that" she said, her body filling out and returning to it's normal state as a deep, pervasive hollow reiatsu filled the air, and her eyes yellowed.
"Ahh, there we go. Although it won't last forever, I should probably take advantage of it while it does. And, it doesn't seem like I can do much else for you so hanging around would be creepy yandere girlfriend thing. Besides, I am not even a virgin so we wouldn't be enticing for you anyway" Ulv gave a teasing giggle, and then departed to leave him to sort himself out.

[Exit thread]

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Birds And the Bears - Page 2 Empty Re: Birds And the Bears

Sun Jan 13, 2019 1:31 am



Birds And the Bears - Page 2 JCRrxmK

As Ulv, or...rather, what seemed to be someone else, confirmed that she was fine, he didn't exactly feel a very large sense of reassurance. But, he knew that Ulv could handle herself -- thus, he simply gave a small nod as he closed his eyes again, resuming his meditation and continuing to sort out these memories and emotions, briefly being distracted by Ulv(?) making her parting comments, causing the young man's face to flush.

"Oh, shut up..."

Closing his eyes again and tuning back into his meditation, the male went back into deep thought, taking long breaths to keep himself calm as he went back to sorting those memories again. Each one he removed and each one he kept, he could feel his mind becoming clearer and clearer, along with his heart become eased of these stresses and pains. After what felt like hours, he rose to his feet, drawing his sword and opening a Senkaimon, pondering these thoughts, emotions, what the future would hold for him now, and so much more as he stepped through to return home.

[Exit/End Thread]

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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