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Fri Mar 22, 2019 11:19 pm

The Young Bear

Elyss Kishimoto

A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Weakness? Has all this time where she felt strong been nothing but a spot in her soul that displayed immense... weakness? She moves her eyes down again at her hands staring into the milky substance in her cup. Master her emotions or be kept here forever? Well, as threatening as that sounded, she couldn't help but let a small amused smile grow on her face. Such a choice, huh? It didn't sound bad staying here and learn about herself. With the way Ulv is speaking, she's going to learn a lot in many ways. This sounds like it's going to hurt a lot too, but one does not gain anything without exerting themselves and feeling pain along the way. Then, she's being told she's going to wear something causing her to look up.


Her face explodes into a deep shade of red; the blush matching the hair on her head. "W-Wha... T-That's..." She's suppose to wear that!? That maid outfit is bizarre. She's suppose to wear that in public?

"I can't..." She shakes her head amazed that Ulv pulled such a thing out. She did not expect this at all. Though, it is always the strong ones with the weirdest of kinks. Ulv must not be an exception.

"What is the point of wearing such?" She is naked. "And, should I really be walking this soon? My whole body is bandaged and sore."

She feels for some reason that she's going to end up in that outfit whether she wants to or not. Her argument seemed pointless, and she cowered a bit now, truly, knowing that she does fear this woman. Though, there is a strange feeling in her that she must be around Ulv for whatever reason; a connection only between them. This connection seems to urge her to go with whatever Ulv demands of her like a mother ordering around her child. Yes, something only between them that draws her soul to Ulv's soul.

Her eyes moves down as she deflates some. "How long will we be out?" That is a question that doesn't go against Ulv's will. Winning this argument is beyond her she knows. M-Maybe it won't be so bad.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:10 am


"What is the point of wearing such? Exactly that. When you are out in this, people are going to stare at you. They are going to look your way and make comments that will flush your cheeks. I'll keep away anyone who wants to actually grab you, but the rush of emotions you are going to feel in this is perfect for the first part of training. Nobody can train a thing they do not understand, so first you must keenly feel your emotions before you are able to do anything with them. And this dress is perfect for just that"

Ulv then hung it on the hook, and went about finding herself some clothes for going out. There was a subtle thing hovering in the air, as if to tell Elyss that Ulv meant what was best for her, but would still accept any refusal the woman wanted to put forward. This was not a situation where Ulv was simply forcing Elyss to do things she didn't want to do. It was a situation where Ulv was helping Elyss to the best of her abilities, and that should be the most important thing of all, beyond anything else.

Noble White Fangs | END POST

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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:35 am

The Young Bear

Elyss Kishimoto

A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Understand herself? That doesn't make her feel any better about this, but that's the point it seems. Ulv wishes for her to experience embarrassment, which in turn, will mostly turn to anger as eyes wander and people begin talking. It would be hard for her to resist the urge to silence those who'd berate her. Still, this? At least she was not told to go out naked.

"If you are sure none will put there hands upon me." Oh, if any dared touch her, they would not go home in piece. No, they'd be delivered in pieces.

She's still apprehensive, but Ulv said she is looking our for her. Strangely, Elyss wants to believe this, and she wishes to learn. If Ulv believes this will truly help, is it not worth a try? She steals herself within her mind and nods trying to move from bed but hisses as her body protests.

"This is going to be troublesome." She mutters looking to Ulv narrowing her eyes.

"Could you... help me up?" She asks quietly before turning her head away with a soft pout at how incapable she is at anything as of now.

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Mirja Eeola
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Sat Mar 23, 2019 6:00 am


Dressing herself up in a very flashy dress,complete with large hat, she returned to Elyss, and helped her up off the bed after she had decided that shewas going to be doing this rather than just not going to do this.
"You aren't as damaged as you thought you were, you just think you are. Get up and stretch, it won't be as much as you think it is" Ulv advised, before gathering the dress and helping Elyss get into it, it was quite the difficult thing to get into after all. And then the rest of the regalia as well, the boots might be hard for her to stand in, but Ulv would teach her balance in time.

"There you good. It might screw the tension of the situation, but if you are feeling too overwhelmed, tell me and we will get you out of there and go about it another way. As much as we are trying to help you grasp your extremity of emotion, you as a person is also a very important thing. So don't try to hold back to impress me or anything like that. It won't impress me, it will just upset me"

Noble White Fangs | END POST

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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 6:14 am

The Young Bear

Elyss Kishimoto

A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

She feels as damaged as she thinks she is. That could just be her mental state getting the best of her. All she needs to do is stretch, huh? At that, she takes a deep breath and forces her body to follow her orders sliding one leg off the side at a time before standing, albeit wobbly, but standing none the less.

Then, Ulv came closer wearing a dress that caught one's eye with a big hat. 'That's interesting.' Elyss notes before her bandaged naked form is helped into the heavy, hot, and embarrassing latex maid suit complimented with heels and a collar. Okay. These heels are hard to stand in. She's already offbalanced, and these help literally nothing. The fact she's never worn heels when alive nor dead doesn't help at all.

She nods meekly running her bandaged fingers down the dress letting her eyes stay on the ground as her red locks fall around her. At least Ulv is an understanding, despite her strange garments, person. Elyss will try to speak up if she's unable to handle it, but Elyss is also a woman who'd press through any situation with the mind set of completing it fully. Yes. This can cause her to push herself too hard, and Ulv did say that pushing herself beyond her capacity would only make her mad with Elyss, but that's just the type of woman Elyss is.

"These heels already have me at my limit." She mutters hating the pain coursing through her sore feet, but as said by many: no pain no gain.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 7:16 am


"The heels are great for balance and flucity of movement. If you can get used to how the heels you are wearing work, then the stability you will have when your feet are flat on the floor will be unrivalled. And being able to move is the most important part of a fight. I assume you aren't giving up fighting for ever because you got angry one time" Ulv said, looking into her heart and keeping an eye on her emotional state. Even if she didn't want to say anything, Ulv would know when the true limit was hit.

Taking her gloved hand and leading her out of the house, Ulv took Elyss to the market, to begin with.
"There are two sets of limits. Your basic limits, which are things that slowly flex and bend, being pushed further and further forward until you reach your Ultimate Limits. These are static, inflexible things that are where you can not pass. Your basic limits are meant to be broken, but never try to break your Ultimate Limits. That will just lead to a bad time" Ulv told Elyss, before nodding and heading into the market. It was a hot day, which didn't agree with latex. Ulv just wondered how long she would push it.

Noble White Fangs | END POST

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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 7:34 am

The Young Bear

Elyss Kishimoto

A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Just because hiding anything would be impossible, doesn't mean Elyss won't try. She's not quitter, and even when her heart is screaming for reprieve, she's gonna continue to push. Though, that is an issue on its own. When is enough truly enough to her? This spirited redhead full of rage. Does she herself understand her own limits?

Seems there are some logic to these heels at least. Balance, quickness, and more fluid movements? That seems good to have and grow in, but no one would probably enjoy wearing these things with little to no experience with them. Though, of course she doesn't plan to stop fighting, so these burdensome footwear shall be worn if only to better herself. How can she take the pain of others onto herself if she can't even wear painful shoes?

Then, she is pulled along out of the privacy of Ulv's home into the streets to the market. She can already feel the heads turning her way. She can already feel her cheeks burning up as she blushes and keeps her eyes on the ground. Not just her cheeks are burning either. She can feel her whole body heating up from the temperature outside. This outfit is not fit for long traveling in such heats. She's going to burn up in this latex, buy she keeps quiet mostly out of embarrassment. Her wobbly footsteps don't help at all. Maybe this was a horrible idea.

'This is... horrific.' Her mind feel a herself, but it's not something drastic at least. She's embarrassed, but she's not near to having a panic attack. She just dreads having to step onto these streets again without Ulv and have her face remembered as the gal in the maid outfit.

When Ulv speaks about limits, Elyss looks up a bit at her before tumbling on a rock and bumping into the bigger female.

"Sorry. My bad." She mutters blinking and blushing more at how muscular Ulv is. She couldn't help but admire it for a second as thought a of being just as built runs rampant in her mind. Now, this is how she wants to be one day; a strong capable person. It sort of fills her with some inspiration under all that nervousness.

She's sweating already as she pushes back up onto her own feet and nods. Limits... 'Break the basic and be careful of your ultimate limit.' She makes note of that. Push but don't push too hard.

A whistle from somewhere among the crowd in her duration causes her to twitch and look down blushing hard. That just broke her entire train of thought.


Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 7:51 am


The market was nice until Elyss tripped and landed on Ulv. Well, wasn't this some proper Shounen work of art, huh? Ulv wasn't going to let such a situation go by and slid a hand around her back, pulling her in close and stroking her cheek with a free hand. The woman had some admiration for Ulv's build, and maybe something else as well, hidden deep in her heart. Could it be that Elyss had a cute little secret she was bursting to find out?
"Hmm, no problem, dear. Just be careful in those. It's hard to walk in those boots at the best of times. So be careful where you step, alright?" She asked, grinning softly. There was enough sub-text to make others stare even more. Mistress and her servant romantically engaged?~

To look around, Elyss would see that she wasn't the only maid out. Even if she was the only maid in a latex uniform and ballet boot heels. Ulv, just gave a soft smile to herself and carried on shopping after making sure that Elyss was stable and thoroughly flushed with embarrassment. Ulv liked that emotion, it just tasted so really good~

Noble White Fangs | END POST

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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 8:28 am

The Young Bear

Elyss Kishimoto

A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

W-Wait. Elyss was suppose to stand and return to attention; not be held close and shown such intimate affection. There's nothing strange about finding another's body inspiring or admirable, right? Though, Elyss, herself, has no idea why Ulv is showering her with such warmness, and like any young person who's ill experienced with such things pertaining to emotions, she, of course, is left a bit breathless by these actions to one she already feels strangely attached to. There is no cute little secret, but after that, maybe something has begun to but; something that could bloom or be cut at the stem based on further interactions. For now, that is the first time Elyss has been treated such, and she acts accordingly; her face turning as red as beets with her mouth agape in attempts to find words, but such attempts fail miserably. Her only response is to close her mouth and nod hanging her head afterwards. She thought this task would be hard and disturbing but doable. Now, things feel extremely more challenging.

She's balanced at least physically if not emotionally. She chanced a look up and around noting other people dressed similar to her, but they were in some hot outfit with high heels with a large woman who seemed to have found amusement in making her flustered. She just signed and followed behind Ulv while trying to get herself under control to complete this task. Damn. It's so hot for so many reasons.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 8:46 am


Good~ The little doll was getting extremely flustered. Feeling the extremes of her emotion, and getting to know what it was. That was the first step. But still, she needed an extra punch, an extra push to go into the very deepest places of her heart and know them for what they were. So after walkinround the market for twenty minutes to wear Elyss out emotionally and physically, they started a jouerny back to where she had once worked. It was quite a walk though, so Elyss was probably going to need carrying home by the time they were done here. Ulv sometimes forgot about the limits of normal people.

"So, good shop, I would say. Plenty for dinner. It's going to be a nice dinner. But, if you are going to be working with me from now on then it is best to go tell your previous employers that you have found new work. It is only polite, don't you think?" Ulv was really risking it here, Elyss could just collapse or could just lash out or anything like that. But, hopefully Ulv could get her to face her deepest emotions and they could start working with them.

Noble White Fangs | END POST

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