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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) Empty A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Thu Mar 21, 2019 12:51 pm

The Young Bear

Elyss Kishimoto

A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) 6EdIfMt

This is a startling situation indeed.

“Hey~ Say something red.”

The putrid stench of the man’s alcohol stenched breath stings Elyss’ nostrils. Though, she’s used to this feeling how many drunkards she has to be around within the Tavern. This situation, however, is worse than that. These men must have had an extra three glasses of whatever foul substance they had with how absolutely revolting their breaths felt on her skin. Yes. This is a situation indeed. She remembers how she ended up in this alley with surrounded by four men of rugged appearances.


“He seems to have caught a bit of a bug, so tonight, the Tavern is closed, Elyss. Go enjoy yourself out in the town.”

Elyss continued letting those words rewind in her head over and over as she walks the streets of Rukongai at night letting the little lights around guide her footsteps. Have fun? She honestly has no idea how she is suppose to have fun. She’s been so busy with work and her own situation, that she’s never gone out or thought of going out to enjoy herself. What is she to do with herself out here?

Her left arm, suddenly, twitches causing her to flinch. Her eyes move down as she holds up her arm spying the cast around her left wrist. She recalls breaking it during while punching that tree and having to explain it when she had returned. Luckily, no one was angered saying she’ll just have to be more careful while working and not try to pick a fight with anyone. Those two old folks are a bit too forgiving, but she appreciates their hospitality with her blunders. She definitely should do something special for those two, but isn’t working for them enough? She’ll have to think a bit more about this.

“Hey, love? Why not you and I go out and- Ugh, No thanks.”

Elyss’ dark eyes move to the side seeing some drunk idiot trying to seduce some woman outside of a bar, but he’s instantly shot down as she walks by. She couldn’t help but smirk a bit seeing how hopeless the man seemed, and as she stepped by, she didn’t notice the man turn his gaze towards her; recognition in his eyes as he notes her red hair and familiar outfit.

‘This is boring. There’s nothing really out here but drunks and more drunks.’ Elyss’ head concludes feeling the need to return to the Tavern and rest for the night. Maybe she just chose a bad night to be out. She also has to think about how to exactly show her gratitude anyway. Yes. That is a much more worthwhile task than having fun with unruly people.

A sudden can being kicked causes her head to turn. There are only a bunch of people roaming the streets behind her and any of them could have kicked something randomly on the ground. She knows not why she was so startled by such noise, but that’s when she sees the man she saw earlier. Why is he out here? Why did he leave that bar to travel out here. Elyss notes that many of the areas around her have closed down anyway, and with how run down things look, she realizes she had absently walked into the more poorer districts of the Rukongai. The only causes her to feel more cautious about the man.

For now, she continues on deciding to test her thoughts. If she really is being followed…


“Hey!” She feels a hand slam against the wall near her head snapping her out of her thoughts. “Ya death or something, Red? Ya do know the situation ya is in, right?”

Her black eyes look at the darkened faces of the men around her; the light of the moon above the only light in the alley. Yeah. She remembers walking and making notes of how the man before her seemed to be always behind her. She shouldn’t have turned down that alley in an attempt to go around him. That only led to a dead end where the man reappeared with three others leading to this situation.

“Ya don’t remember meh, huh? Well, let me remind ya. Ya threw me and my boys out of that Tavern, and said we’re not allowed back in there again.”

Elyss remembers this. She didn’t recall the man at first from so far away, but up close? she remembers each of these guys ugly mugs. Of course, with her violent tendencies and love for a good fight, she doesn’t show much fear in this dire situation. Maybe she should seeing how she only has one hand she can fight with.

“Oh yeah, Quiet one, aren’t ya? All ya said was to get out and never come back. I don’ts even knows ya name.”

His bad breath continued to make her skin crawl the more he talked, but she has to act wisely here. It’s one against four, and despite her bravado thoughts about how she could win this, one wrong move, and she knows she’s going to be in for a bad time.

“We’re gonna break ya, then, we’re gonna break that little Tavern.” The man gives her a despicable smirk. “Oh, how fun it’ll be.”

This causes Elyss to grit her teeth in anger. Hurt the Tavern? It’s one thing to come after her, but after the Tavern? The man notices her sudden tightening of ehr facial muscles and looks even more disgustingly evil.

“Ah, there weh go. That little Tavern got ya riled, eh?” He backs up to group with his mates who start speaking.

“We should trash it. Yeah. Break it all down to pieces.”

“What about the two owners? What’ll we do to them?”

“Well, it’s easy. They let us get kicked out, so we’ll kick them.”

There voices start to muddy together as Elyss’ mind started to get darker the more they joked about hurting the people who helped her when she was starving and lost. She could feel a pressure in her chest; a rising anger; a hunger for their bodies broken. Something’s urging to be let out, and it’s spreading throughout her body threatening to suffocate her as her vision becomes blurry for a bit. It felt like her body’s a wine bottle with a cork over it that someone just shook. The liquid wants to spill out, but that damn cork is in the way. Though, suddenly, there is a finger there popping that cork off, and at the moment, Elyss’ body sort of burps. Or is hiccup a better word. It’s weak, but there is a sensation; a sudden wave of energy around her that pushes against her surroundings forcibly. It pulses outward from her reaching a short distance outward. Her spiritual energy just popped outwards from her body, but since it was her first time, it shook her to the core feeling a sudden adrenaline within her.

She wastes no time digging her foot into the ground blinded by rage striking out at the man who dares threaten the Tavern and its owners. She holds nothing back connecting her right fist to his nose while the group were stunned by her sudden explosion of energy. Though, she immediately stumbles as the man hits the ground hard; his nose spilling blood onto his face and ground.

There’s sudden pain riveting up her left arm causing her to falter and flinch. “Ah!” Her sudden explosive attack irritated her broken wrist immensely causing her to lose vision for a second from the pain, and that falter is what gains her a fist connected squarely into her jaw rocking her world. Even if a person is untrained in fighting, a man usually has a lot of natural strength within them, and she feels the full brunt of it. Though, she does not fall to the ground as she cries out suddenly lifting her leg to connect it to that man’s side as her vision goes black; her ears ringing.

That leaves her wide open though for the next man to push her grabbing her by her hair, and "CRACK!" She feels her whole body shake; her brain bouncing against the inside of her skull as her head if forcibly pushed into the wall behind her. Her vision goes red, and she feels as if she’s going to puke as everything is incomprehensible around her.

She cannot truly tell what happened next as she feels herself falling to her knees and hitting the ground after such a hard sickening attack. No doubt she is bleeding immensely from her head after that; blood mixing with her naturally red hair. With hazy eyes, she looks upwards unable to tell who is around her.

“Ya bloody bitch! Oh, we’re going to teach ya a lesson about crossing us.”

And, she only feels her pain everywhere that soon numbs as her brain shuts down as feet begin raining down on her.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Thu Mar 21, 2019 1:08 pm


Ulv was wandering. Because why not? She liked to wander at times, maybe find something fun to do but that wasn't a necessity. Just wandering was fun. Her feet, clad in white boots, clicked softly across the ground. And then, she got a wiff of something strange, but familiar. The scent of something her heart could only talk about in whispers. Kicking off in a Flash Step - easier than trying to control her speed normally - she followed the scent, and found herself in front of a few men who were abusing a woman. The woman on the ground was no wench however, as the feelings of rage and power building up in here were considerable.

Something else as well, close...but elusive.
"Don't let me interrupt. I'm actually interested in seeing how this one pans out" Ulv said. it was always interesting to see other people enraged. She wondered how well it would go, and if they could keep a level head or not. And to emphasize her none-involvement, she made herself an amber chair and sat down on it, intently watching the men and the woman, but making no move to stop it yet.

Noble White Fangs | END POST

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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Thu Mar 21, 2019 2:22 pm

The Young Bear

Elyss Kishimoto

A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) 6EdIfMt

An unfortunate end to one's story this is. No doubt, these men won't stop until she's barely alive leaving her to simply bleed out and die from her mortal injuries that they have given her. They seemed to be experiencing so much glee in their drunken stupor taking out their rage at not just her but the world with their inhumane attack. Animals! That's all they are. A pack that is too weak to do anything alone and try to push their way through issues by barbaric means. Though, is she any different?

Is not the first response in her head to beat her way through his issues? Does she not find solace in causing harm to those she deems fit deserves it? Still! She is not like these savages who prey on the weak in numbers. No. She stands up for herself and others fighting against these bullies. She fights the strong for the weak! What is this?

There's something approaching incredibly fast. Normally, a person with her level of power would never be able to notice a nearing individual with such power. However, something calls out to her; something familiar. It sings to her a lullaby like a mother caressing and singing their child into a state of calm while they cry and bawl. What comes for her? What gives her broken mind such... will?

Her one fist curls into a fist as she feels... rage. This mother isn't here to caress her, but she is here to urge her. She feels as if a mighty bear has come before her growling at her cub to get back up after falling, but it also feels as if this bigger bear and her are one and the same. This sudden closeness to something that is exactly like her but completely different; her soul feels like something is pulling and calling on it, and she must answer.


At the appearance of the other woman, the men ceased their assault on the downed Elyss looking at Ulv with astonishment. Where did this women appear from? Though, it is entirely plausible that she just happened to pass by and witness them beating what appeared to be a poor defenseless female. This is their mortal error.

That moment, that the their feet stopped stepping on her, she moved. She wasn't in control of her body. That is for sure. Her eyes are blank and blurred to an incomprehensible amount. Her whole body bleeds and burns with cuts and bruises. Her brain is no longer functioning, but, yet, she still moves.

Her right hand grabs on man by the arm catching his attention, but before he could mutter a word, her forehead connects to the front of her face into his mouth and nose breaking his face, then, without hesitation, he is rolled into the wall with a sickening crunch as his already broken jaw collides hard.

She is not finished as he is pulled and pushed into the other three as they notice the brutality of how one of them was discarded. They fumble catching their unconscious friend, and that is all the time this deranged Elyss needs before pouncing on another one pulling him from the bunch with with a tackle onto the ground. The man kicks and punches her in the face which she gladly accepts flashing a bloody smile causing fear to run through the man's veins before her cast is brought up.

Her left arm falls with a crunch onto the man's face. Over and over and over again beating the man relentless ignoring the pain racing through her whole body.

The other two men do not help. The one with the broken nose grabs his friend and they run past Ulv screaming and stumbling over each other. "She's a monster!" One yells. They beat her senseless over and over, but, somehow, she got back up and quite literally broke two of them without any trouble.

Finally, she has finished beating the man uncaring if he has died or not. She simply knows he no longer even flinches. She huffs and puffs rising to her feet; her cast broken showing her blue wrist that from the beating it took; her hand shaking horribly. That's when she notices Ulv. That's when she notices the burning desire within her to fight and destroy all before her. She realizes it comes from that woman for some reason, but in her raging state, her mind simply thinks one thing: Destroy!

Suddenly, she wobbles forward with her broken body before charging at Ulv raising her right arm aiming to punch the other in the face screaming like a caged animal that's been released on its captors.


Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Thu Mar 21, 2019 2:58 pm


Not at all, it seemed. The woman was but a slave to her fury. Raging incoherently, crashing into combat without a care for her own well-being. That, was unfortunate. Still, Ulv would teach her how to control it, if for no other reason than because the closeness intrigued her. The enraged woman turned to Ulv, who rose from her seat and met the charging bull, sliding off to the side as if the ground was made of ice rather than stone, and driving a fist into her gut. Such precise application of strength that a few moments of asphyxiation would follow it, and then unconsciousness. Ulv knew how to deal with rage.

Then, after that was dealt with, she would pick the girl up and take her to Ulv's house in the 1st District. A nice place that she had bought for overnight visits to the Seireitei, and now dealing with women like this. Putting her on the bed to rest, cleaning the blood off her knuckles and wrapping her wounds, Ulv would wait for her to wake, and then give her a smile.
"So, you are in a a lot of trouble, little one. Jail for nearly your entire life. Unless of course, you are under my protection. Which will take some doing" she flicked her eyebrows, and waited.

Noble White Fangs | END POST

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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Thu Mar 21, 2019 3:21 pm

The Young Bear

Elyss Kishimoto

A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) 6EdIfMt

Darkness falls on her quickly. A single punch to the gut puts an end to her mindless rage sending her mind spiraling into eternal darkness. Well, into a pretty fitful sleep; her mind having strange dreams of her human life but warped in strange ways. These dreams, much like other dreams, flash by quickly; the ability to remember any impossible. Though, one dream doesn't.


She's running and running. What she is running from? She does not know. She only knows something is behind her getting closer and closer the longer she runs. All around her are broken bodies; some missing body parts and bleeding while others are just bruised. They are all dead. They are all people she has beaten up in her past: bullies in her school, opponents she fought in matches, the people she battled on the streets. Even the ones she fought while in Rukongai are among the scattered. All she can do is run and run as she hears a roar behind her, and then, something horrifying like a corpse appears before her, but at that point everything just devolves into madness and darkness falls followed by a new dream. Though, that same dream eventually comes back. She always ends up running.


Her oynx eyes open to the rising sun. She's in a room. She's in a room? She's on a bed as well; the softness recognizable. Wait! Why is she? Her body tries to sit up, but, immediately, it screams at her for even attempting to move. Every part of her aches in numb damnation.

"Ow." Even talking hurts.

Then, someone speaks. What was that? Jail? Her whole life? What?! Why?! Her eyes flick confusingly towards that voice towards a mountain of a woman. Elyss can never say she felt intimidated, but at this very moment, all she can feel is fear and a strange subordinate respect for the other redhead next to her. What does she mean by her protection?

"W-What is going on?" She mutters before groaning a bit looking down and noticing how her whole body is pretty much bandaged. "H-How?"

That dream is still fresh in her mind.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Thu Mar 21, 2019 3:48 pm


"Hmm, maybe talking as soon as you got up wasn't the smartest idea. I don't even know if you are at all intelligent. You could be a brain-drooling bimbo for all I know" Ulv took a breath and shook her head, standing up and pacing before getting some milk and warming it with her flame before bringing it back to the woman who was still on the bed. This wasn't going so well but she would start from the start and just hope that nothing went wrong. So she gave her the milk and started on the story.

"Ok, so a fight started in a back alley, and I went to go see what happened. You got really angry and destroyed a guy's face beyond anything that could be considered proper, and then attacked me as well. I took you here after convincing you that was a really bad idea, and then patched up your wounds while I waited for you to awake. Now, the crimes you have committed will put you against the law really badly. Unless you are with me, who has the influence to protect you against something like that" Ulv tried to get all of it, but not really sure if it helped.

Noble White Fangs | END POST

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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Thu Mar 21, 2019 4:07 pm

The Young Bear

Elyss Kishimoto

A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) 6EdIfMt

Well then. She can't say she appreciated being associated with drooling bimbos whatever that exactly meant. She's violent and a bit strange, but not something that extreme, right? Her eyes move away as the other woman paces and leaves for a bit. When Ulv returns, Elyss looks up wondering what the other wished from her. Though, the cup of milk confused her a bit. Why not a cup of water? Her arms hurt; her left felt worse than her right, but she still reached with her right and took the cup noting the heat. Best to let this cool down before taking a sip.

Then, things are explained which only makes her more confused.

"I..." She did that? She looks down. She can believe that. It's like when she first arrived in Rukongai when she attacked that one person who was harassing a young girl. That explains why her body hurts at least. Wait! Who was the one who did this to her. Was it whoever she was fighting, or was it... She moves her eyes once more to Ulv. It seems her options are limited. Well, not limited. She only has two choices it seems: forever locked away or under this woman's protection. One sounded way better than the other.

"I can believe I did that. I apologize for attacking you, but I probably had a good reason for beating whoever was beaten the way I beat them." If only her mind wasn't muddy about the situation. Elyss falls quiet receding into her mind for a second.

"I would prefer to not be locked away." She mutters after a bit of time had passed. "And, you said I must stay with you for such to be granted?" Is this bad? This woman helped her.

"My name is Elyss by the way. Elyss Kishimoto."

That's information she's always known despite when she knew nothing else. She lets her black eyes look into Ulv's eyes. Those eyes are quite captivating.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Thu Mar 21, 2019 4:53 pm


"Ulv. Ulv Auber. And you did not have a good reason for beating the man who you beat that way. You have rage in your heart and you let it run rampant. You let the beast be you. This is unacceptable, so I will not have it and that is the main reason I picked you up. The other parts are simple things, but the fact that you have no control over your rage, is the main reason" Ulv explained, getting up from the seat and going to the wardrobe. In it help the outfit that she had around for Ceal, but then shenanigans happened and wasn't going to be worn by her.

"If you truly don't want to be with me then I shall help you get out of the legal ramifications this time, but next time will not be so lucky. And there will be a next time, because you are a savage mindless beast who has no self control or anything remotely like that" Ulv spoke with great passion, and great vehemence, clearly not in the least be pleased to have Elyss lose her head in such a situation. Maybe she was a woman with a similar mentality?

Noble White Fangs | END POST

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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Thu Mar 21, 2019 5:36 pm

The Young Bear

Elyss Kishimoto

A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) 6EdIfMt

She didn't? Usually, she doesn't confront someone unless they've done something. Though, maybe they did do something, but she was too harsh with them. She beat them more than they deserved. That thought spooks her a bit. What if she were to lose herself in such a way again? What if it is in the Tavern? What is she attacks...

There's a sigh before she shakes her head. If only Elyss knew that this was always her problem. Her excitement in battle that took over and caused her to go too far, but this time, it wasn't just excitement. There's some kind of thing in her that made her lose control at a more severe level. She raged and people suffered.

As Ulv went away, Elyss noticed that she actually lacked clothing. Well, she is bandaged up, but that is a bit embarrassing. She wonders what scars now linger on her body after such a patchwork. 'I'm a mess.' She concludes to herself sighing.

Then, Ulv speaks again only making Elyss feel worse. Of course she will lose control again. It's already happened twice. There's no doubt in her mind there will be another time, and that time will be when someone other than Ulv saves her from getting in major trouble. That time will be when she actually gets locked away.

"It is nice to meet you Ulv Aubur. I do not want to lose control again."

Though, she could feel it deep inside her. There was some sort of enjoyment during everything. Every time she fights, there is some enjoyment. Well, a lot of enjoyment. Still, she feels horrible for feeling pride in what she's done. There is a joy for fighting, but this... this doesn't seem like it was a fight. It seems like it was a massacre, and she doesn't want to be that kind of person.

"I wish to learn to control myself before I forget why I can even fight so well. I have this sense of duty to fight for those who cannot, but I'm always going to far, and I become like the monsters I try to defeat." She sighs a long sigh that pains her chest as she finally lifts the cup quenching her thirst with the milk within.

When she lowers it, she looks over to Ulv. "Will you help me?" Her dark eyes shows a solemn determination.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Fri Mar 22, 2019 7:20 am


"Good. Losing control is the sign of weakness, and I will have no woman connected to me being weak. You will master your emotions or I shall simply keep you here for the rest of your life, because without control you are too dangerous and unruly to be out on the streets. Make your choice now" she ordered, before sliding open the wardrobe and taking out the uniform. Stylised as a maid, the thing was shiny, thick, and embarrassing. The collar and boots that went along with the ensemble would complete the feeling and make it a hard thing to wear in public without overheating both from the thick latex and from the humiliation of the outfit.

"I will do more than help you. I will stubbornly hound and press until you have this under control, in the absolute. And then we will go into detail about why you feel like me and the connotations that exist because of that. They are secondary, however. This, is primary. So the first thing you will do is dress, and them accompany me to the market. I need to get things for dinner tonight" Ulv made more orders, a powerful matriarchal tone and pulsating presence brooking no argument as she did.

Noble White Fangs | END POST

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