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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 9:01 am

The Young Bear

Elyss Kishimoto

A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 3 6EdIfMt

This is tiring. It's not even been that long, but her sore tired body is hating this walk in such a bit outfit. And, her flustered state doesn't help her body cool down; the excess blood glowing through her because of her emotional issues is causing her to generate her own bothersome heat on this bright sunny day. She feels as if her body may give out on her at any moment. All it wants is rest.

Still, it is hard to not think about the woman leading her around and the crowd staring at her. One caressing her in a way that she is so confused about, and the other looking at her with curious judging eyes. They all could see how tired and embarrassed she is. She couldn't shake the feeling that they're enjoying it.

Then, Ulv brings that up about her previous employers; the man and woman she sees as her only family in Rukongai after she woke up with no memories of her past. Appearing before then like this? That's a death sentence. Ulv would instantly feel the apprehension and fear of facing those two whip in this situation. Not only would she have to explain her wounds, but she'd also have to explain her new job and who Ulv is to her now.

She's quiet for a while before nodding extremely slowly. She's a nervous wreck and feels a bit sick. "Okay." Her voice is too quiet. This is just another part of her training, correct. She can do this. She... can... do... this...

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 9:12 am


Taking a few more steps as her white boots dissolved into nothing, at least to get into the shade, Ulv turned back on the woman and suddenly she was close again, hand around Elyss' back, lips brushing against the girl's own, and then down to her soft, red neck. Clearly, Ulv was a master of the subtle sensuality she could bring to bare against a woman. There were few who could withstand an Ulv when she turned her mind to making their knees weak with only the softest of actions, the most tender of caresses. It was the look in her eyes and the smile on her lips that clinched it though.

"Mmm, It's quite the thing to just be jumping into without a word, Elyss. Don't try to push behind your comfort zone. Don't try to force yourself to do this. You are sweating most heavily, flustered by your own embarrassment and the heat of the sun. The tight latex is making the heat omnipresent, every part of your body is burning from the constant sensory assault of hot latex. And then your feet, aching from their effort, and uncomfortable in such a new position. This is far more than enough for your first outting, so don't push yourself into something you don't want to do"

Noble White Fangs | END POST

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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 9:45 am

The Young Bear

Elyss Kishimoto

A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Of course, Elyss follows behind. Though, her steps are wobbly and a bit erratic as they finally enter into some shade causing her to sigh heavily in relief blinking a bit of sweat out of her eyes. She decided to give Ulv an exasperated look, but, suddenly, she notes how close the other is to her. That arm from before is wrapped around her again, but this time, it isn't a simple hand on her face as lips brush against hers lightly. It only gets worse as those lips are on her neck.

"W-W-Wha..." Elyss face seemed to be steaming as her surprised black eyes looked into Ulv's auburn eyes. Why is this woman that just met her this close and this sexy and this sensual and this... this... Why is her arm so comforting and strong around her?!

She barely hears Ulv words to not push herself. Things are getting dark fast. Her brain. Is overloading, and her body can't handle the sudden heat rushing through it. Her arms move up grabbing onto Ulv's shoulder pushing gently before she blinks one last time and goes limp in Ulv's arms. Yep. That giant brute of a womanizer just literally swept her off her feet.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Young Bear Cries Out (Wan)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 9:56 am


Well that was Unexpected. She really just passed out on Ulv after such gentle play...what would happen if Ulv went all Ceal on the poor thing? She'd probably explode of embarrassment and that would be that. "Poor thing, let's get you home" Ulv muttered. Passing out was certainly meeting your limit, she guessed. She could go for a nap herself right now, so picked Elyss up and scooted her off home, getting her out of the maid uniform and laying her down in a nice cool area of the house. And then Ulv went off to go make herself a small dinner and crash herself.

Still unaware of what it was attracting her to the woman, on a spiritual level as much as a physical one, Ulv went off to have angry dreams.

Noble White Fangs | END POST

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