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The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)  Empty The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)

Sat Jun 15, 2019 7:58 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

So orders came in during the brief intermission that was going on. Members of the Gotei would be heading out on a mission. They'd be leaving the Seirtei and heading towards the South. Word was demons had been crawling around and brass didn't want to send higher ranked officials. Each person would get a letter and be told where to meet. Takehiko had his scarf wrapped his throat having gained a reputation for being unable to speak. But being rather good as a low tier medic. He could handle injuries and fought using kido. Making him a good blend for people who came around with him. The other two were efficiently skilled to make an effective squad. Three people sent for the purpose of fighting effectively. Takehiko brought his scarf to his lips hiding it a bit. This was going to be his first official mission for the Gotei. He needed to perform well for the Kuchiki Household. Takehiko also knew this would be important to showcase his skills more. Not everyone got the chances to do these missions.

Some people weren't given a chance like this and that is what he saw it as. A chance to practice and hone himself further. He needed more chances to make Byakuya proud of him. Rukia and Byakuya Kuchiki were his only kin left in this world. So he needed to make certain to do well in whatever he did. He had orders telling him where to go. But for the most part, it said head south and pick up what you can. They'd need to go into a village and see what they could find out. Malice would be hard to detect depending on skills. Takehiko knew what was expected of him in this regard. To be a supporting actor again from the back. Using kido as a supplementary compliment to those around him. That was an easy enough thing to do on paper. Takehiko adjusted his gloves a bit not giving off much reiatsu either. The surprising thing was, they are only sending foot soldiers to investigate. Perhaps because they weren't as well known as more higher or seated officers. That seemed the logical conclusion when one thought about it.

Strapped on his back was a medicine pack something common in the Gotei. It held bandages and other things. Just in case someone got wounded or hurt in action. This was a pack he'd put together for this mission only. Wanting to show the importance of medical personnel on missions. Takehiko had brought a hand over his lips, coughing gently into it. Feeling the taste of blood in his mouth before swallowing. That injury had still not been perfectly mended. Now the only thing left to do was wait and go south to the village. Takehiko didn't really claim to have much to do as a leader. His voice had been robbed of from him in a foolish move. He could somewhat talk through Ruin when she helped him. She kept his voice from completely shattering. But that was about his only options when it came to communication. Takehiko would more or less be an overseer and less a guide. This journey was soldiers to take and complete. The way in which they did it would depend on them.
Horus Sariel
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The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)  Empty Re: The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)

Sun Jun 16, 2019 3:22 am

Life so far as a member of the Combat Squad had been surprisingly dull. Aside from near constant training Durza felt he had done essentially nothing, and was quickly becoming restless. If something didn't happen soon he'd have to hunt down his Lt. or Captain & ask for some kind of mission. Fortunately, as luck would have it, Durza would soon find that he had been summoned for what should be a minor clean & sweep. Take out the lingering baddies, secure the area, and all should be good. Sounded simple enough on paper. While seated officers could have been sent such a duty tended to fall to the general officers more often than not. And finally Durza had the chance to do so himself.

Scratching the back of his head the young Shinigami couldn't help but hope for some degree of action. He needed something to break the monotonous life he had sudden found himself in, despite being in the division based around being the first into the fray. Aside from the potential for some action the only other parameters Durza found himself informed of were the meeting place, and that he'd be meeting 2 others to take on the mission with. As long as they were competent it wasn't something that would bother the young man. Who knows.. Maybe he'd make a couple friends during the mission.

Slinging a pack onto his back, filled with some rations & other essentials for field work, Durza made way from the Combat Division barracks. Ruby red eyes would scan the horizon as he walked to what the young man assumed would be the meeting place. As he neared the place Durza made note of how the population seemed to thin out, not yet an issue, but something he'd take not of regardless. Bringing his attention before himself Durza eyed what he could only assume was one of his partners for this mission. Even at the distance he found himself the ruby-eyed male, in perfect clarity, could make out his ally coughing into his hand as his scarf was briefly moved from his mouth. Continuing his approach Durza would pulse his reiatsu for a few moments, silently alerting Takehiko to his arrival.


Durza's current look:

Coding By: [THEFROST]
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The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)  Empty Re: The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)

Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:10 pm
The medical wards of Soul Society had been filled to overflowing by the demonic incursion, many of the weaker Shinigami having been severely wounded by either the sheer countless hordes of the demons, or simply out-powered and outgunned by their power. After all, not every Shinigami was a Byakuya Kuchiki or Henrex Astillon, and many simply did not have the raw power or the necessary tools to take on the more powerful demons head to head.

Laskt Matiche, the "Knight of the Detention Unit" as he was often called mockingly, was sadly one of these beings. Granted, the Vizard was no pushover, and had been able to hold his own for a while through his skill, but eventually he too had been sent crashing to the ground in defeat, and had only been saved through the actions of those strange revolutionary Shinigami that he had fought alongside.

The former Knight was restless however, and the prospect of sitting meekly in a hospital bed waiting for his wounds to heal hadn't exactly appealed to the swordsman. The Shinigami had gone through his physical rehabilitation at almost dangerous speeds, and was out the door the second the more medical-focused Shinigami at the hospital had pronounced him fit for combat.

Currently, Laskt was putting together a field pack for the search and destroy mission he had practically begged to be assigned to, wanting to finally be useful after the long days of convalescence. The Shinigami neatly stacked rations and other field supplies inside the pack, organizing everything in a way that would allow for fast retrieval. He then closed the back, slung it over his shoulder, careful not to strike his still bruised ribs, and set off for the rendezvous point.

As he approached the designated meeting point, the former knight felt a powerful wave of reiatsu flow over him like a breaking wave, undeinably more powerful then his own. Mentally, Laskt shrugged there were plenty of people stronger then him, and unlike other low-tier Shinigami, it didn't bother him really: there were always others higher on the food chain. After all, if he got stronger....

Laskt angrily discarded the thought, forcing his thoughts into the serene calm that he would need for this mission. The two others didn't need him.....freaking out when their task was already hard enough. The Vizard would unleash a similar pulse of reiatsu, though much weaker in potency, and then simply walk up to the two other Shinigami, inclining his head politely,"Laskt Matiche, good to meet you." He said simply.

The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)  Empty Re: The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)

Mon Jun 17, 2019 10:11 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko's azure eyes scanned the area being alerted to the arrival of the first one. Gaining an idea on the location of the male he offered a wave. Moving on to the next thing he noticed the final arrival. The three-cell had formed at this point. He couldn't really walk them through what they needed to do. Not vocally anyways due to his injuries so he decided to introduce himself. "It's nice to meet you both, my name is Takehiko Kuchiki. Our mission as you may have guessed is to clear out any cells of remaining Demon or Hollow forces within South Rukongai. " He held a card that had been prewritten down for them. Showing it to both of them before he pulled another one when satisfied they'd read it. "I have an injury from an incident to my throat. This prevents me from speaking vocally, but I can see and can communicate through sign language and cards. " He held the card out while pulling down the scarf he wore around his neck. Revealing the appearance of a massive scar around his throat that covered most of the tissue.

He'd given them the mission and greeting wise he figured they could talk and move. It wasn't meant to be a quick movement. More of a slow and steady one that happened as they went. Takehiko had anticipated them ready to move. So he pointed towards the direction they were sweeping. Down that road, many buildings connected to a wall of stone, it to form in a line. People seemed to be flocking towards the Seireitei. They were refugees from the war that had been going on. This was what one called a stampede of people to some extent. They would need to find the demons and hollows within the horde. Takehiko was here as a supportive measure as he looked over the group. Somewhat wishing he could locate hiding things. This was going to require some trick of some sort he imagined. It was up to his fellow members to decide how to act. This was what up to them to perform. His mind went over kido now deciding which move to execute next.

A lot of people here so precise action had to be taken. The number was in the thousands and they were heading towards the gate. Closer to the Seirteitei ever moving was the flock. They wanted protection from demons, but some snuck into their ranks. Meaning this was a beehive of activity at this moment. Takehiko had no idea where they would be only reported to keep an eye out. He pointed at the group of people, signing the words demons within. To them to let them know demons may be within the group. Not just buildings and other structures waiting. This was a disruptive force so anything they could do to cause trouble. Takehiko wagered though they'd likely remain still till they got close. His shoulders tensed a bit as he readied himself for what came next. The level of work they were going to be required to perform here. It would be difficult but not draw as much attention as a Captain or Lt. So with that, he nodded and merely waited for the other two's move.

They would have to seek out the demons, he would provide a distanced support. He would stay in the range of a very quick and effective Hoho. Getting closer to them if he needed to do so. But for now, the ball was in their court to decide the next action.

Last edited by Forsaken Crow on Sun Jun 23, 2019 10:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
Horus Sariel
Horus Sariel
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The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)  Empty Re: The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)

Sun Jun 23, 2019 5:20 pm

Upon pulsing his reiatsu Durza would smile as he felt Laskt do the same in response. While he hadn't intended for a similar reaction he was more than content with the response. After all, it allowed him to slightly gauge where his ally stood in regards to himself. Staying silent while Laskt & Takehiko introduced themselves Durza continued to listen as the latter explained of his injury & the ways he could still communicate. Dark blue hair shifting with a nod of Durza's head the young shinigami quickly clapped his hands. "Gloomy shit aside, no offence Takehiko, I suppose I've yet to introduce myself hm?"

Going up to the two, Takehiko followed by Laskt, the crimson eyed youth forcefully grabbed a hand & shook it. "I'm Durza Iormúngr, kind of new to this whole Shinigami thing in comparison to most, but I make do." His quick introduction would end as Takehiko pointed towards where they were to begin their mission. Nodding & stepping towards the front of the group Durza trained his eyes on their surroundings, watching as much as he could as crimson orbs swept over the area around them.

Immediately taking lead Durza would begin leading the trio into the flock of refugee's. Turning slightly to the right, so that Takehiko could hear him clearly, the blue haired youth would speak. "Stick close, as much as we need to cover ground I'd rather us not split too far apart." Turning to Laskt he'd quickly relay the same message, throughout these moments his gazed would have continued flickering from face to face in the crowd. "Unless one of you has a way to weed out anything in hiding I assume our eyes are all we've got for now?" If such was the case then his unusually good eyesight & perception should come in quite handy.


Coding By: [THEFROST]
Header Graphics by: CPKallday
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The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)  Empty Re: The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)

Sun Jun 23, 2019 8:59 pm

Honorable Vizard

Laskt Matiche

Laskt tilted his head as the delicate looking young Shinigami held out cards, explaining his name and the basis of their mission. The ancient Shinigami had read the mission briefing of course, but the report hadn’t stated that the pockets of resistance were nearly as extensive as the boy was making them out to be. Not that I am unhappy about getting a little exercise in, but I’m surprised that so many have lasted this long. Could be bad if they aren’t taken out quickly. The Shinigami thought, pursing his lips in worry at the thought of innocent souls with no barrier in between them and the demonic incursion.

As Takehiko revealed his throat injury, the Shinigami’s eyes would narrow as he examined the scar tissue. Looks like a sword wound, though I can’t be quite sure. There are a lot of new ways to hurt people since Agincourt. The Shinigami frowned at the errant thought, What’s Agincourt? He thought, before starting guilty and returning to the conversation as the other young Shinigami began to speak.

Laskt would shake the Durza’s hand politely, looking him in the eyes, “I am Laskt Matiche.” He would say simply, not offering any more information about himself then he needed to. The Shinigami was a man that appreciate his privacy after all.

He would follow his two companions as they moved towards the massive swarm of humanity, nodding as he saw Takehiko’s signal. It was reasonable to assume at least a few demons had snuck into the massive crowd to avoid the Shinigami kill squads pursuing them, and it seemed that neither of his two companions were slow of thought in this regard. He turned slightly as Durza spoke to him, “Not too close.” He breathed into Durza’s ear, “It izn’t extremely suspicious for a group of three to stick together, but when zhey are moving against the crowd and not sprinting towards freedom it grows more noticeable. Break up a little bit”

To exemplify his point, Laskt would move a few meters to the left of Durza, close enough to provide support in a brawl, but not close enough to appear as if they were a pair. He gazed out across the crowd, searching for anything suspicious. Additionally, the warrior spread his reiatsu sense as far out as it would go, searching for the slightest build-up of energy that would signal an incoming attack on either him or his two young companions.

The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)  Empty Re: The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)

Sun Jun 23, 2019 10:32 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko looked over the surge and tide of things. This was going to be interesting to see how they handled it. Takehiko didn't say anything offering nods to confirm things. He could exercise kido but in a group like that. It would be a problem to just start firing off spells. Not to mention vocal incantations were out at this moment. Given the obvious injury to his neck. His uncle had used his bare hand to accomplish this damage. The man wasn't even good at hakuda and did some considerable damage to him. But that aside it was time to focus on the job at hand. Something to weed out the demons in the crowd. Takehiko observed as they continued moving against the crowd. Figures moved towards the three, each bringing knives though they moved with the flow. Takehiko wasn't aware of them himself yet as he scanned. Moving a bit further apart he listened to each person. Slowly as the demons hid among the people not revealing themselves. They had good synergy and attempted to impale each of them as they bumped into them.

Making it seem like an act of the crowd. Depending on the direction they faced it would be in the gut or back for Laskt and Durza. They'd stepped into the wolf's den as the dagger came towards Takehiko. He had little time to react deciding on a course of action. Bringing his left hand to guard him he performed Seki quickly. This bakudo repulsed things that came at the user. The small blue sphere appeared on the back of his hand. As the dagger connected with it, the figure went bouncing through the crowd which became aware of the incident. Glancing at the back of his hand he noticed the dagger had scratched him a bit. He wanted to look for Laskt and Durza but knew this wasn't an option. Closing the distance with a quick flash step. He slammed his index and middle fingers into the chest of the demon. Releasing a burst of blue lightning from his digits of Byakurai. As the demon slumped over he turned around to look. The people were now hurrying a bit further towards the Seiretei.

But at the back of the pack people were moving the other direction. This complicated things as he sighed. Wishing he'd been more stealthy with the kill. He needed to find the others as this ambush was likely not the last one to come. He wouldn't have time to do more. Dispatching his foe had taken time and energy. So it was best to move on to the next objective quickly. They needed to prepare for ambushes within this sea of people. The next step was going to be the hardest when it came to it. Takehiko didn't have a plan in mind as he hoped they weren't hurt badly. But he had brought a medical field kit with him. So he could mend injuries if any were sustained. So long as they were severe it would be alright he hoped. Takehiko controlled his breathing again looking through the crowd trying to find them. He stood off to the side of the crowd with the demon behind him dead from the byakurai he used. Combining Hadō and Bakudo to finish his problem off quickly and efficiently.

He just wasn't a skilled melee fighter as the scratch on his hand had bled a bit. As the dagger had made some contact before repelling backward. Lack of skill on his part in handling the issue under the crunch.
Horus Sariel
Horus Sariel
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The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)  Empty Re: The Green Mile (Horus/Laskt/Crow)

Sat Aug 03, 2019 1:17 pm



Artist: N/A- N/A

“Not too close.” Hearing Laskt respond Durza's attention briefly went back to the man. While his reasoning for not wanting to stick too close made sense, their current situation wasn't a normal one. With such a large group moving towards Seireitei, with little to no intentions of stopping, it should be expected that some Shinigami would be sent into the crowd both for control & as a precaution. Before he could further voice his opinion on the matter though Laskt had already moved to split further apart. Glancing at Takehiko the young shinigami noted his nodding, accepting the plan of action for the moment.

Without argument Durza allowed himself to move slightly further away, keeping himself just within range of the others just in-case. As the trio moved, the large crowd surging around them like the waves of an ocean, Durza kept his sharp gaze on said crowd. Eyes never stopping in their movements the young man was quick to pick up on an irregularity within the mob. Something was moving among the crowd, but not with it, and heading towards himself and the others. With a glance he noted that neither Laskt nor Takehiko seemed to have notice the difference in the way some of the crowd moved.

Patience was the key here. He couldn't risk acting out too soon, and spook the crowd. A stampede was the last thing they needed. He couldn't be vocal about what was coming, lest he tip off those about to engage the trio. All Durza could do is wait, and react. As the oddity moved closer Durza's sharp eyes could make out the difference in race, and intent. Whomever was coming through the cloud wasn't of Soul Society. Unfortunately with the mob being as hectic as it was sensing for a difference in spiritual energy wouldn't work for the moment. Thus his reliance on his impressive eyes.

Slow breathes came from the young warrior as he waited for his foe to move. The moment coming as he felt a figure bump into his chest, the glint of sunlight catching the steel moving towards Durza's gut. Unfortunately for the demon attacking him Durza's crimson eyes saw every movement. With calm movement, his face a perfect picture of serenity, Durza's palm wrapped around the demons wrist before snapping it. With a flicker of his eyes to the left and right Durza spotted his comrades in a similar situation to he, before feeling the buildup of Takehiko's reiatsu as he felled his foe.

In that moment the crowd had begun to realize the danger to themselves, and panic was quick to sweep through. With a sigh Durza brought his attention back to his foe, whom now brandished his blade with his remaining good hand. "You're not worthy of my blade. Just die so I can fix this mess." With those words said, and a quick utilization of shunpo, Durza brought himself into the demons guard. In the next moment the demon would have his throat caved in, resulting from a heavy thrust from the sheathed blade at Durza's side. A second moment would see the same sheathed blade coming down in an overhead strike before meeting the back of the demons neck, snapping it immediately.

Moving into the crowd before the body of the demon could even hit the ground Durza's crimson eyes scanned from individual to individual, looking for both his allies and any further threats. Sighing once again Durza pushed himself deeper into the fleeing crowd until coming somewhere near the center. Applying a tiny amount of reiatsu to his throat to project his voice he'd speak. "If everyone can calm down for just a moment! The situation is being handled, if it hasn't been already. There is no longer a need for mass panic. Please calm down!" If the crowd would not heed his words, nor his request, the young shinigami would be forced into further action to bring the situation under control.

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