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Curving Enthusiasm (Momo/Takehiko) - Page 2 Empty Re: Curving Enthusiasm (Momo/Takehiko)

Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:58 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Her praise was like fire in his veins making him work harder. Takehiko had already proved himself capable of passing the typical spot through sheer determination. He was able to execute a kido most with his skill couldn't. Tsuzuri Raiden had been sort of a rough one for him. He had ideas for the kido that he wanted to do. But presently at his level, the best he could do was this. Takehiko didn't know how to come at certain things. People and personal interactions were hard, he either was too optimistic or something else. Inhaling he used the kata attempting to get his energy back. Taking the tower he dabbed his forehead leaning back laughing a bit. [color=blue]"Uncle Byakuya is rough, but he is kind under it."{/color] He said that sentence, but felt a shiver on his skin. His uncle had a very unique way about him. Made him different from other people in lots of regards. He was stern but caring but could be brutal if you messed up. Takehiko recalled the incident which took him to Hannah.

That was impactful enough but it didn't help him grow though he later learned of Kaido in detail. Getting his neck restored by the Kuchiki families healer. Staying off it as he understood her nervous nature. "To be honest, my uncle makes me uneasy not sure how to really come to him with stuff." Takehiko seemingly realizing what he'd just said went wide-eyed. Changing the topic now would be good in this situation. Tsuzuri Raiden always wears me out faster than other kido. " He said softly considering the kido carefully as he thought about it. He knew it was currently out of his ballpark as were others. He knew the names of and tried training them. Study and bookworm like nature made him different from most Kuchiki. He didn't hold that cold demeanor Byakuya put on. Nor did he act like his Aunt Rukia as Takehiko was his own person. Emulating them would be impossible for him as it would feel fake. When he began learning and growing, he just didn't know how to act.

Nobles were groomed and trained to act a certain way. Almost brainwashed to be prim and proper every moment. From the way, they carried themselves to how they spoke. Takehiko had some of it but he didn't show it all the way. He didn't really know how to come to his uncle for things. Asking him would lead to a scolding about failing. Which was always nice when someone pointed out things you know you suck at. Wasn't like he wasn't aware of what came from it really. Takehiko stretched his arms out merely offering a shrug and a smile. He knew the Gotei would be sending him on missions soon. One had been given not long ago and he needed to be ready. He suspected that if skirmishes took place against Shadow Fall and Hollows. It would be he and the lower standing people. Officers couldn't be tied but soldiers who fought on the front. They were capable of being used and he understood that. He just needed to make sure he was ready from a kido standpoint. To help those who needed him when it came time for it.
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Curving Enthusiasm (Momo/Takehiko) - Page 2 Empty Re: Curving Enthusiasm (Momo/Takehiko)

Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:53 am

Curving Enthusiasm (Momo/Takehiko) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Enter the Shinigami

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

I guess you're right, Byakuya may seen cold on the outside but on the inside he cares deeply for you. Just like Rukia. Momo smiled before her mind drifted off into space for a bit, she wondered what Byakuya was doing at the time and will he come to see his progress? Whatever the case Momo shook it off and looked at Takehiko once more.

I see..well let's move that Tsuzuri Raiden to the side and focus on the novice levels of kido. She said before wringing out the rag and giving a fresh new one, letting the boy rest for a few more minutes.

If you're ready, I'll teach you unique Bakudo you may haven't heard of. Momo would say with another calm tone in her voice. If the shinigami was ready she would move back towards the training area and make a few adjustments as the girl wanted to give him a chance to use defensive/support kido in case he's in a cqc situation which is the bane of any shinigami who focuses on healing.

It's a Bakudo spell, and I think its a great starting point for someone such as yourself. Allow me to demonstrate." Momo would take a deep breath before utter the incantation the shinigami would notice that it didn't require any special hand-signs or gestures to activate this technique. "Shield me, protect me, from the reality of what is in front of me! Bakudo Number 7 Gyokuseko o hogo!" Once said a panel of reiatsu would be created, approximately 5 feet wide and long. It couldn't move, but offers resistance towards any attack that hits it.

The main disadvantage of this technique however is that it can only block one side so all your other areas are wide open. I'd only recommend using this if your stuck in a corner with no way out. Now I want you to try.


Curving Enthusiasm (Momo/Takehiko) - Page 2 Empty Re: Curving Enthusiasm (Momo/Takehiko)

Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:20 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Pulling out a small note pad he kept on his person with a pen. These were notes he kept on kido he saw. Things he believed he could try almost like a fan. His eyes watched her as engrained that chant within his mind. Making notes of how it functioned and questions about it. If the layers could be multiplied or perhaps made longer. These were small notes and things he would explore later. Ideas and things were the young Kuchiki's bread and butter at the moment. But the execution was well out of his reach now as he wiped the remaining sweat from his brow. Finding the towel helpful as he'd wrote notes of her doing and dried himself. He could perform it he suspected though it wouldn't be as good as hers. That was due to a myriad of issues the first being his energy. Takehiko inhaled a bit gaining calm with air flow. Focusing his intention there to relax and prepare. He'd gotten the incantation memorized and was ready to execute it. This wasn't going to be a simple matter in the stance and posture department though.

He didn't talk back during this time just making notes on the kido. Her execution and posture of it as well as revealing small drawing she did. Sketches really of the posture of the kido which were well done. He specialized in charcoal drawing though so he wasn't quite as good with pens or pencils. Takehiko believed every point of this was important. To see and visualize everything he saw beyond his years. Because it may have meant nothing now, but later it could be important. "Oh sorry, I should have asked first if I could take notes. I think things that may not make sense to me now questions or ideas may become useful later." He said explaining the habit now of taking notes involving kido. He fumbled for a second putting the notepad up and mentally preparing himself as he recalled that incantation. It was an interesting one to execute a shield based kido for protection. CQC wasn't a specialty of his though he did come from a family of specialists in that field.

Takehiko found new real joy in wielding a sword or Hakuda neither came comfortably to him. So after inhaling he performed the kido now using the chant as she had. "Shield me, protect me, from the reality of what is in front of me! Bakudo Number 7 Gyokuseko o hogo!" Bringing a hand outwards he felt the panel five feet long emerge slowly from it. Growing till it reached its maximum width and length. Having proceeded with this happily he began to realize the nature of barriers a bit better. Having performed it he considered bringing out his notebook. Having performed it was often important to add more information. Feeling and sensations he felt when using them to keep careful note of what felt comfortable. His favorite kido at the moment had been Byakurai. Something he'd learned in the Kuchiki house a second only to Sokatsui. Though he was no wear near performing that kido on any standing. Though he was very interested in getting to that point.
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Curving Enthusiasm (Momo/Takehiko) - Page 2 Empty Re: Curving Enthusiasm (Momo/Takehiko)

Sat Jul 06, 2019 8:49 pm

Curving Enthusiasm (Momo/Takehiko) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Enter the Shinigami

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

The boy's progress was improving quickly as the shinigami thought to herself, giving a quick nod as she saw him utter the incantation as a wall of earth formed before him with its maximum length and width as the boy began to write down everything on his notepad. Strange, even at an age where traditional methods of sending messages and transportation individuals such as him are still using the good o'l notepad and pen. Regardless he was writing things down at a breakneck speed which made her chuckle,

"I definitely don't mind. Write as much as you need." She said smiling.

Momo would then show Takehiko one more kido which she believes would benefit him greatly. "As you know, all shinigami have the ability to use Hoho to increase their movement speed to avoid enemy attacks. However everyone specializes in certain things while they lack in others such as myself, I'm good at kido but my Hakuda is literally terrible." She said chuckling embarrassingly.

"Regardless its time to show you a unique bakudo, it's called Haru bōdo or Spring board; I believe this bakudo will help you out greatly especially if you're caught off guard by a close ranged fighter." Momo would take a quick breath before initiating the incantation.

"Legs like a jack rabbits, reach for the sky! Bakudo Number 11 Haru Bodo!" Once said Momo's legs from the knee down form a solid aura red since its momo's natural reiatsu color is; although it wouldn't have any general effect on her since her speed is naturally fast it would be a good indicator of its usefulness. She would begin to flash step around the area for a few minutes at blinding speeds confusing the boy if he wasn't used to such speeds but if he was it would impress the girl even more before stopping right in front of him. Motioning her arm to demonstrate what he had just witnessed before him


Curving Enthusiasm (Momo/Takehiko) - Page 2 Empty Re: Curving Enthusiasm (Momo/Takehiko)

Sat Jul 06, 2019 10:11 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

The next move she made would be very useful he believed as he saw it. Springboards in the form of kido now that was handy. If one could use them rapidly they could make a path from anywhere. Takehiko brought a hand to his chin now considering the usages. They had potentially unlimited tactical applications in this sense. He wondered about kido being bounced off them in this sense. Redirecting one perhaps as he thought for a moment. The next kido had so much usage he couldn't properly contain his excitement. He smiled almost giddy like a small child as he wanted to go next quickly. Alright, so the technique was especially taxing for him as he guessed. Takehiko had been rather certain he wasn't going to be able to perform it without any trouble. This was, of course, a given as he recalled the incantation not bothering to write this one down. Sweat dripped on his forehead not making something blow up in your face. That was the challenge for him since his energy pool wasn't massive. What he would give to have a more outstanding pool of energy.

[color=blue]"Legs like a jackrabbit, reach for the sky! Bakudo Number 11 Haru Bodo!" He recounted her incantation word for word as he moved now. Gently his leg bent as he sprung off it before landing gracefully. It didn't last one as it cracked due to his energy supply. Troublesome being at the level he was didn't offer him much. He wasn't sure what he would accomplish in this essence. But he needed to improve himself and grow stronger. Sitting down for a moment he gathered his wits now. He had something to show her one last skill he'd been brushing up on. Takehiko leaned his head back softly against the nearby structure that could support him. "Maybe you can help me with something..You are one of the great Kido experts of the age. " Takehiko felt a bit tired now as he exhaled now. Slowly getting to his feet he walked over to the dummy. What he was about to show her was something he and Akuma worked on for a while.

"Well partner, let's show her something good. My energy isn't that high so be gentle with me Akuma." He said smiling as he brought a free hand upwards. A mask formed across his face revealing himself as a vizard. Red energy around him turned bled with black now. As his mask was a crimson one that didn't block his nose or mouth. His eyes glowed yellow as he kept his index finger pointed out. He needed concentration for this next portion of things. He would say it was a matter of total focus to not kill himself. Slowly the incantation for Byakurai started. Around his right appendage's index finger, the blue line sparked. As it fired though black traces of energy were melded into it. He was imbuing it with hollow energy into his kido enhancing it. The mask cracked before crumbling upon the ground. "Not bad runt, you finally fired one off without fainting." Takehikofelt as though his lungs exploded inside his chest catching air. The black and blue colored Byakurai faded away leaving behind the damage inflicted.

Takehiko's technique was completely new and not there yet far from perfect. Given the amount of strain, it put on his body when he activated it. This was a problem as he sat down now. calming his breathing. Collapsing in front of Lady Momo was not an option he would rather die to thank you very much. " Thanks Akuma for the hard work." He said getting a simple wave back from his inner hollow. Being born one of his bonds was different from others with Akuma as it stood. "Ideally, it's about imbuing power from my mask into my kido. I had the idea a while ago since I'm not talented at hakuda or zanjutsu..really..I've been wanting to show someone it..To get their opinion on it and how to proceed." He already knew the obvious one of it drained a lot of energy. Imperfect at the moment it didn't really have a true form. He didn't know how to increase his energy or to contact his zanpakuto.

But he could use his Vizard powers that he was decent at. Takehiko had a good friendship with his brother Akuma. So he didn't see himself as alone really in that sense.
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