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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Wed Oct 30, 2019 4:05 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 GDQCzUl

For just a moment, it'd almost looked like the redhead was about to laugh along with her, but she remained stoic as the conversation continued. Sylvia wondered what she'd look like with a smile, then mentally shrugged and brushed that thought aside. It wasn't her business how someone else acted, even if they were already commented on her own behavior.

"I'm not." she shook her head in answer. Her smile grew for just a second at the clink of their glasses. "I'm... trying zomething new." Of course she drank; that's not what she'd meant. This was a chance to relax and not be so damn serious, and she was enjoying it so far.

Then, Elyss offered that she try something else.

"Ja. Vy not?" She shrugged, this time physically. After accepting the bottle from the redhead, she motioned for the bartender to bring her another glass, which was promptly filled with the beverage. The bottle was set between them again, and she took a breath before downing the shot in one go. This wasn't her first time, clearly.

Sylvia winced as the liquid burned on its way down, and sighed when the sensation had subsided.

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Wed Oct 30, 2019 4:29 pm

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What a surprise? Elyss did not think Sylvia would take up her offer on drinking something heavier than what she is currently sipping on. What was even more surprising is the manner at which Sylvia threw back the drink taking it all down in one gulp. Now, Elyss didn’t tell Sylvia to go at it like a madwoman, but watching such from someone who seemed more prestige than that was a sight she actually enjoyed.

She couldn’t let Sylvia throw one back alone even though she’s already taken multiple shots, so she pours herself one more and also makes sure to refill Sylvia’s glass.

“I definitely didn’t see you doing that Sylvia. Well, if you wish to try drinking till you can’t no more, I’ll drink alongside you.”

And, just at that moment, as Elyss throws back her shot once more, she goes from her usual stoic cold self to a hardy happy individual. She actually chuckled some as she lets the glass hit the counter once more having an obvious tint of red across her cheeks before turning her attention back to Sylvia with a raised brow and pleasant smile.

“But, just don’t overdo it if you really don’t want to be pissed drunk flat on your face, eh.”

She giggled lightly turning her head around checking out the inhabitants of the Pub seeing nothing of interest.


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Thu Oct 31, 2019 1:24 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 GDQCzUl

Just like that, the redhead opened up far more than she was expecting. An actual smile crossed her previously stoic expression, and it was... It was nice. Not attractive. Not beautiful. Just nice. Elyss had a nice smile. That was all.

Sylvia pulled herself from her thoughts and gladly took her shot glass again to join her would-be drinking buddy for another round. Was that meant to be a challenge? She couldn't know, but she did take it as one, and grinned with the glass held almost touching her lips.

"Vu schould know, dringing's in mein blut." The glass was upturned swiftly, and she swallowed its contents quickly once more. Yes, her people were known to be more hardy than others. No, she had no actual reason to make such a claim. Yes, she had already felt a buzz from sipping on her ale.

Yes, her cheeks were soon to color a light pink, as well.

After setting the glass on the bar in turn, she reached for another chip and savored its taste: much more pleasant than the whiskey. As she chewed, she pushed the plate towards Elyss, in a wordless offer of something other than alcohol.

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Fri Nov 01, 2019 4:37 pm

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A challenge? Nah. Elyss was just letting Sylvia know she had a partner for the day until the evening or when one of them decided to take their leave. Elyss had nowhere she needed to be, but Sylvia did it sounded like. Maybe it was the wrong to invite her to drink until wasted, but Elyss’ mind is a bit far from sensibility. Though, Sylvia made a point by stating about her blood and such, or was that about blut? Sylvia’s accent made it a bit hard to understand a bit and getting drunk didn’t help, but Elyss liked the tone of her voice; the way her constants and vowels sounded.

“You have a pretty voice. Can’t wait till you start jabbering on when you’re wasted.”

She chuckles taking a chip and bites it down quickly as her shoulders bounce in joy. She couldn’t help but notice the slight tint to Sylvia’s cheeks and wonder how her cheeks look. She’s drunken way more than the blonde in their short time together. She blinks slowly regaining focus to the topic at hand. Wait. What is the topic at hand?

“What are we talking about again?”

She randomly asks giving Sylvia a confused look with a raised brow. Were they even talking about anything at all? Elyss can’t quite recall.


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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Sat Nov 02, 2019 1:01 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 GDQCzUl

"Hm." She hummed aloud in idle thought, and dwelled some on the compliment. Few people ever complimented her on her accent. It was nice. Before she knew it, the quincy had been looking at Elyss for longer than was appropriate, probably. How long had she been drinking for before the redhead sat down? Long enough, she surmised...

"Nothing." She finally answered Elyss, and Sylvia paused for another moment or two. "Vu vere... Gedding me drunk." She chuckled some, and took another bite off the plate. She wondered just a little whether she should order something more substantial, or if it would just go to waste, but her thoughts were eventually torn away back towards the redhead beside her.

"Vu hafe peautiful eyez." Another chuckle escaped her, as the alcohol she'd already been sipping on before clearly began to affect her. It wouldn't be much longer until the whiskey got to her blood, either. Until then, she looked into the other woman's almost entirely black orbs, with an expression of both fascination and intrigue on her face. Yet, she dared not get any closer.

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Sat Nov 02, 2019 1:27 pm

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Well, it seems she succeeded at something, yeah? She gave another a compliment. When was the last time she’s ever complimented someone? Is that an issue if she cannot recall ever doing so? Mmm… She’ll just blame her boozed mind for her inability to recall something that, honestly, she should do more often. It’s a bit nice to compliment a person rather than spout angry nonsense. Such is probably more preferred by who she’s talking to as well. She tilts her head a bit looking to Sylvia and blinking a bit surprised by catching the woman’s eyes on her as intensely as they were.

“Uh… Yeah… I guess I am getting ya drunk.”

She notes shrugging and pouring them both another glass at that note. They’re both not intoxicating enough if that’s the case. Sylvia doesn’t seem drunk enough if that’s the goal. Though, getting her drunk wasn’t the original goal, but her mind easily goes along with Sylvia’s words, so now, it’s a drinking marathon. She goes to lift her glass to her lips, but she’s caught off guard.

She almost spit her drink onto the floor as the comment was made about her eyes. Luckily, her cheeks are already red, for such a comment would have made her blush in her drunken state. Normally, she’d just brush aside comments like that, but her mind is really bare and her thought process is way different than normal.

Her head swivels to Sylvia making eye contact. Is her eyes actually beautiful? They’re just black. Though, their shade of black is unique in how it catches the light and reflects it making her eyes shine like polished onyx; a black abyss into an inevitable unknown future. It makes it hard to tell what’s on her mind at times appearing as a soft gleam or a harsh beam depending on her mood. Are they really that pretty?

“Um… thanks…”

She mutters her words and turns her head away looking to the side bashfully as she raises her glass back to her lips and takes a large gulp.



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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:29 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 GDQCzUl

Sylvia chuckled sweetly at the redhead's reaction. If Elyss were trying to convince her of otherwise, then it wasn't working. Nevertheless, the quincy picked up her own glass and downed her third shot of the night. Something told her she should probably quit while she was ahead, but that voice was gradually getting quieter as the minutes passed.

Besides, she didn't want for Elyss to feel left out, now did she?

Her shoulders still shook from her continuing chuckling while she set the glass down again, and the song playing over the radio changed. Without a thought towards etiquette, and her inhibitions slowly degrading, a wide smile parted her lips. She knew this song, and with a subtle change of the reishi in the atmosphere of the bar, she attached a string to the volume nob of the stereo behind the bar and twisted it upwards.

"I loffe zis zong!" Sylvia shared that little bit about herself, perhaps a little more loudly than was necessary. Slowly, she began to sway with the building ballad; more poetry for one's lover set to music than a song. When the vocals started, she proved her familiarity with the piece by mouthing along.

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Wed Nov 06, 2019 9:20 am

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She had fallen into a strange silence due to her embarrassment and lack of actual social skills. She couldn’t just a conversation from one thing to another easily, and with her mind unable to really form thoughts unless the topic is clarified to her, it becomes more difficult to converse with another. She struggled thinking to herself wondering what to do besides drink and pass out. That’s no way to go about things however. With a sigh, she decided that maybe one more glass would have her numbed enough to just blabbering whatever without thinking, but then Sylvia started to bounce.

Elyss could hear the music herself, but she didn’t care as much for it as it seemed Sylvia did. Watching the blonde Quincy, Elyss onyx eyes seemed to take on a light glimmer in amusement at how relaxed the other is after a few drinks to start letting her lips move on their own to a song. If she keeps this up, she’ll eventually jump onto the bar and start dancing along with the music. Though, maybe she’s not that drunk just yet.

“Know the song?”

Elyss asks obvious that the answer is yes, but she wanted to see how Sylvia would react to being called out on her sudden affinity for music.


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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Thu Nov 07, 2019 1:57 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 GDQCzUl

Sylvia was hardly bashful that her love of certain genres of music had been... discovered. Instead, she stopped her mouthing the lyrics just long enough to smile and nod vigorously in agreement with the redhead's question. Right about then, the music's tempo picked up, and a rhythmic electric guitar joined the vocalist in the foreground of the piece.

However, the bartender had returned to fix the problem that was the louder song than what he'd liked to keep his bar at, and the quincy was having none of this. With another flex of her fingers, she attached strings to the back of his clothes and gently pulled him away from the radio any time he tried to reach for the volume. She surmised that even the spiritually aware wouldn't know well enough to spot a quincy without experience.

He eventually gave up, and with a look of irritation that matched the horribly veiled smile of pure and utter enjoyment on the blonde's face. When he'd walked away to tend to another patron of the night, she broke out into incessant giggling.

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Fri Nov 08, 2019 11:51 am

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How amusing. She did not take Sylvia for the one for such lyrical metal music. She seemed the classical sort who’d sit in a theatre listening to opera. Though, that’s from outer appearances. Elyss knows nothing about Sylvia beyond her ability to drink and love for this particular music. When the guitar came in, Elyss found herself simply swaying pulled in by her partner’s enthusiasm

Hell. Even, Sylvia’s antics with the bartender brought a wide smile and a chuckle to her lips. Normally, Elyss wouldn’t find such disrespect for another’s property so amusing, but this isn’t normal Elyss at all. This is a redhead that is clearly lost to the whims of the world around her that is being seen by a drunken gaze that finds enjoyment in about anything. Sylvia for one is surely bringing that enjoyment with her love for this music making her a nuisance to those around them.

“Ya know? That was bad. Really bad.”

Though, Elyss is giggling right alongside Sylvia bringing a hand up to place on her shoulder as she leans over a bit and snatches some chips using the blonde Quincy as support. The redhead didn’t know what Sylvia did with those strings she made or how she did it, but all is fair in love and war, and the love for music conquers all this night it seems.

“Those strings? What are they? That was cool.”

She questions with wide eyes and a tilt of her head as her amusement dies slowly letting her brain process a bit better and formulate anything worth talking about.



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