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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Wed Nov 13, 2019 1:16 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 GDQCzUl

Sylvia's cheeks flushed a little more than they'd already been because of the alcohol, and more so when the woman's hands came to her cheeks. Why was she being looked over so intently, and why were hands on her face now? She could only think of the last thing Ulv had done that Elyss still hadn't, and her cheeks warmed even more.

However, Elyss made no such attempt, but rather, she suggested they take a walk, instead. The hands quickly left her, and the redhead walked away, presumably to be followed. Sylvia lingered for a moment, with her face flushed a deep hue of pink, and cleared her throat.

"Ja! Ja, let's... Go for ein valk." She was quick to catch up to the woman again, and wore a soft smile when she had. The feeling of warmth was still felt, and though the woman grabbing her face had been odd, it'd left her strangely... happy. Maybe that was the drink, though.

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Wed Nov 13, 2019 2:13 pm

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It wasn’t something hard to notice. Anyone would unless they were blessed with a special daftness. Elyss just didn’t react much to Sylvia’s blush is all. She figured it was just the alcohol and the fact Sylvia wasn’t used to being touched so tenderly. Besides, with a fear of any touch at all, any kind of touch that is confrontational in any way such as on the cheeks would probably be received in a similar manner. Though, Elyss couldn’t help but wonder if what she did was a bit too strange. She was simply checking Sylvia’s face for any signs of lingering sadness. She should really ask Ulv more on this subject to not be so strange with another.

Yet, with a tilt of her head, she couldn’t help but feel some form of giddiness at the small smile that Sylvia wears walking next to her. She caused that, right? She helped someone who was sad become happy. A true act of kindness. Sylvia is definitely cuter when she smiles. Though, isn’t anyone? Happy emotions are better than unhappy ones. Simple. Elyss should remember that every time she feels angry. People would rather her smiling than frowning just like she’d wish the same for them.

Troubling thoughts are annoying, so she looks off into the sky focusing her gaze on the darkness that the stars are beginning to appear in. The moon’s glow holds a more sophisticated feel to it than the sun’s. One could say it’s a bit mischievous as well. She can imagine what sorts of misdeeds are being committed this night while she walks silently besides another enjoying the cool air and free time in such a simple manner.

“It’s a pretty night tonight.”



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Fri Nov 15, 2019 11:22 am

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 GDQCzUl

"Ja." Sylvia agreed vocally with the other. It was pretty, and the quickly setting sun had meant the moon and stars were becoming visible all the sooner. She spent a good amount of time while they walked looking up at the sky, and simply enjoying the view.

A soft sigh broke the silence between them after a few minutes, and she dug her hands back into the pockets of her vest. It wasn't a sound of boredom, or of realization. She was... She was content. This was a nice way to spend an evening, she'd decided. Her soft grin continued to greet the landscape as they traveled, and she got lost in her thoughts and admiration for the world around them.

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Fri Nov 15, 2019 12:31 pm

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These times of silence are best for reminiscing; letting your mind wander while marveling nature at its purest form. There is nothing as beautiful as natural occurring wonders such as a breathless night where the silver clouds darken just the tiniest casting shadows down upon the Earth from the lustrous shimmer of the moon. The sky is littered by dazzling diamonds of stars millions of miles away creating constellations and magnificent patterns for one’s eyes to explore. There’s just a splendor to the darkening world right now in this wholesome area without many city atrocities around to annoy and bother this moment.

Well, if only Elyss was one for niceties such as this. Yes. She can enjoy a solemn calm moment, but having her mind wandering is something she doesn’t need. Too many things she’d rather not think about at the moment, so the best way to handle that is the fill the void with something. That something simply being conversation.

“Sylvia? How strong are you?”

Pretty random question, but she figured it’d just be another thing to learn about Sylvia. They’re both warriors, yeah? Well, Sylvia doesn’t exactly know all of Elyss’ capabilities, but Elyss also barely knows anything besides Sylvia’s one issue. It’s a common ground, correct? Maybe she should have asked something else. She can’t take back what she said anyway? Either way, if Sylvia responds or not, Elyss has her eyes up to the skies.



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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Fri Nov 15, 2019 12:47 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 GDQCzUl

Again, she was pulled from her thoughts, and now by an odd question. She looked over at the redhead wit a quizzical expression, and had to think about it for a moment. How strong was she? How... How does one even begin to answer that?

"I... don't know." Sylvia answered truthfully, and shrugged lightly before returning her attention to the path in front of them. "I can't livt heavy zings, if zat's vat vu mean. I'm good at manibulading reschi, put..." She thought about the question and her answer both for a few moments, before glancing back at the woman walking beside her.

"Vy do vu ask?"

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Fri Nov 15, 2019 1:45 pm

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Not strong? Elyss thinks a bit about herself rolling her shoulders in thought of her strength and weaknesses. Reishi? Elyss has never really ever tried to control Reishi. Without a doubt, Sylvia is better than her with it comes to that, but Elyss feels her physical prowess is probably far above her friend’s. What was it she learned from the Academy? Quincy prefered ranged combat, correct. It makes sense for Sylvia to lack in more hand-to-hand qualities. Though, why did Elyss ask this?

“Eh… I was just curious is all.”

She flicks her eyes to Sylvia with a brow raised and has a weird thought which causes her to take one step bigger than the rest to circle around Sylvia and reach forward suddenly. Sylvia will surely be surprised by the sudden action, but if nothing actually stops Elyss, the redhead’s hands would attempt to lock under the blonde’s armpits and lift her from the ground which is surprisingly easy for Elyss to do without any countermeasure.

If all that even occurs successfully, Elyss would just stare up at the lifted Quincy with a blank slightly surprised expression more shocked with how simple she had picked up the other. In fact, she’d be holding Sylvia about half a foot off the ground slightly above her own head.



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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:01 am

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 GDQCzUl

She shouldn't have answered. Elyss certainly shouldn't have asked. The quincy had had long enough to recover from her last reflexive use of her Blut, and couldn't help herself as, in mere moments, Elyss was reaching for her so suddenly.

The curling, blue lines returned to Sylvia's face and arm, and power coursed through her veins as she stiffened against the impending touch. Maybe if she'd had time to think about it, she would've been alright with another hug. Now, like this, however? It was too sudden, and she immediately returned to her alert self.

At the first moment of contact, a highly potent electric current flowed through the two women; ultimately harmless to its creator, yet a likely deterrent to anyone trying to touch her again. The first shock was hardly restrained, nor was the swift glide backwards with her hirenkyaku that planted the buzzed quincy squarely on her backside in the dirt.

Sylvia flailed for a moment on the ground before finding purchase with her hands and feet and backing herself further from the redhead. Energy in its most pure form arced from her body towards anything and everything nearby, and her eyes glared at the woman with a distinctive mix of worry for Elyss' well-being and her own safety.

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:33 am

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Yes. That should have been expected. Why shouldn’t it have occured? Maybe Elyss was just feeling herself up a bit too much in her own head. Or maybe she was in a weird mindset between Ulv’s act as she wishes and her aloof brashness. Her mind isn’t in the best place at all. The alcohol doesn’t help one bit. Everything happened rather quickly; a bit too quickly for her to process until it was all said and done. She simply knows her body is tingling in an unpleasant way seizing up her muscles that makes it difficult to move as quickly as she’d like. Yeah. It’s just like a full body soreness that didn’t hurt or anything and barely affected her movement, but it’s there.

She rises rubbing her head from her position on the ground sitting up. Well, that woke her up quite a bit. Though, in a way that has her adrenaline pumping rather than filling her stomach with food. It’s her fault however. She acted way too fast and abnormal to her usual manners. She just felt like testing her own strength, and at that moment, surprising Sylvia seemed like a good idea despite everything she knew. She bangs on her own head a bit before feeling her stomach churn, and in the next moment, she’s puking onto the ground beside her; her many drinks flowing up from her throat ungracefully. That must have been caused by the current currently running through her systems. Maybe she did drink a bit too much.

Her throat is burning now as she just lays back down on her back and looks up at the moon with a sick look. Drinking sucks, but it’s also nice at the same time. It’s a double edged sword that she tripped and fell on one of the sharp ends of instead of on the flat part of it. She raised her arm up lazily as she waved at Sylvia.


She sounded pathetic at that moment, but she quickly groaned after her short apology and places her raised arm over her face closing her eyes and goes still to just let the sickness run its course and hope for a better feeling to magically wash over her.



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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Tue Nov 19, 2019 10:46 am

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 4 GDQCzUl

Despite her worse thoughts warning her of otherwise, the redhead never pounced again. In fact, Elyss was taking her Blitzschlag rather poorly, and vomiting all of the contents of her stomach onto the ground with a sickening retching. When she was done, all she did was lay back down and utter an apology.

Sylvia, on the other hand, had burned through a good portion of her buzz with her actions. Whether it be an effect of her Blut Vene, or her Blitzschlag, or just simple adrenaline pumping through her, she was more clear headed now than minutes earlier. Slowly, she stood and dusted herself off, but made no move to approach the other woman or help her to her feet.

"I'm... koing to ko, now." Her voice shook a little, but she had no intention of staying. Whatever trust Elyss had built between the two of them had been spoiled, and if it'd been anyone else, she might've left without a word of warning. Her expression said enough: fear, a bit of anger, sorrow, and disappointment.

The quincy looked at the woman lying on her back for another moment, considered changing her mind, but ultimately stuck to her better instincts. She vanished nigh silently, and rode her hirenkyaku to what she felt was a safe distance away before a bolt of lightning struck where she had run off towards.

With that, she was gone, back to the Stadt des Lichts to make her report.

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