Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:59 pm

The Shihoin Shadow

Yahiko Shihoin

Yahiko figured a spar would be fine as it had been a while. Shadowboxing was a good way to look at it. But not entirely on the mark as he decided to show her one thing. The smog shifting between his upper and lower body. Slide seamlessly upon his chest and arms. Not going below his waistline anymore as he inhaled. "Put your guard up cousin, I'll show you something." She wasn't wrong about what it was. Yahiko's body didn't move for now waiting for it. Closing his hand into a fist the shadow mimicked this movement flawlessly. If anything it was like a glove bending with his hand. "Hundredfold." He said softly before sending his fist forward. It was when contact was made that Rio would understand. When his fist hit her guard she would see. It was as though one hundred punches had been condensed into one. All the power one could expect from throwing one hundred punches at a target. But in a single blow instead of all of them.

Yahiko straightened his form up as he decided to explain his Zanpakuto. Rio would be the only one he divulged it's secrets too. " Keieiichinyo, it copies my moves and amplifies them by a given number. Hundredfold is my limit presently in Shikai. As you may guess cousin, it allows me to empower my Hakuda..and Shunko as well." He said giving her an explanation of just how his power worked. It was perfect for a Shihouin, it copied and empowered their natural traits. This even included Hoho as he could increase his speed with that by wearing it on his lower body. He could even shift between them as he let her decide the next stage. But she'd now learned the secret of Keieiichinyo, of Yahiko's Zanpakuto. It was fine though he didn't mind.

She was the protector of the family, this would help her and his training session. If she understood just how his Zanpakuto functioned. He didn't activate Shunko in fact he oftentimes didn't do so. Because using it was taxing but very effective. Yahiko took not a traditional stance. As he brought his hands up slowly putting his left at his waist like he held a shield. His right hand clenched into a fist was raised like a spear. Yahiko used this stance to confuse people he fought and it worked sometimes.

Other times not so much, but Rio was getting to see just how strong his power was. Was it worth noting that he focused his time and effort into Hakuda? No, she simply held an edge in power for sure. This wasn't about ego on his part, they were family and she deserved to know his Keieiichinyo.
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Tue Feb 18, 2020 4:06 pm
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Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

The moment Rio was told to put her guard up, she wasted no time in positioning her body into a firm defensive stance. When she said to spar, she certainly hadn't meant to do it now but she was up for the challenge if that is what he desired.

At that moment Yahiko had entered an offensive stance and swung his fist forward. His fist had made contact with her arm, but something about this strike was a far cry from a single punch.

When he uttered a hundredfold, at that moment, it seemed as if her arms were being bombarded by a multitude of fists, all in the space of a single blow.

When the 100 strikes had finally let up, Rio let her arms down and whistled with a hint of amazement in her tone. So that is what he was capable of. Rio could not help but be excited by the idea of training him or placing him through training to master the extent of his Shikai. She had heard of Kido-based Zanpakuto but a Hakuda-Zanpakuto was definitely something to open the eyes.

She wished to see more of this and to test her reaction time. And so, raising her hand forward, she beckoned him to come at her again.

"Don't let up, then, Yahiko. Show me the extent of Keieiichinyo!"

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder

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Tue Feb 18, 2020 4:32 pm

The Shihoin Shadow

Yahiko Shihoin

He smiled a bit as he could see her understand now. His Zanpakuto's power as he inhaled and focused. Slowly like slime sinking over his legs. His shadow equipped to them as he prepared to show her. His Zanpakuto was far more than that. It was a complicated tool that he spent time working with. Sometimes things require longer due to nature. She had a guard up that made things difficult for him. He'd not wield Shunko in this form. Due to its destructive properties and his being Wind based. Yahiko's frame got ready to move as he muttered a hundredfold yet again. This time amplifying his Flash step. The problem was a simple one, he was the base and multiplied by that. So whatever his skill was constructed by one hundred. Using his Hoho he stepped blasting forward with immense speed. Sending a side quick as he arrived with hundred kicks behind it. He'd used this combination before as it helped.

Yahiko had combined his step which had been far faster than normal. By using his Shikai's power, this allowed the increase of one hundred of those steps into his first. And then his kick also benefited from it. His Zanpakuto while different did use many means. Before using the same foot to kick off her and land back somewhat. He inhaled air into his lungs as he got ready to unleash another move. The One Hundredfold Sweep, Moving his frame quickly he spun sending a rapid spine kick. Out of his leg shot a wave of darkness that rushed Rio. With damage similar to that of a car crash. Yahiko's Shikai power did have one final place he could take it.

"Only one thing remains, though I'm poor at controlling it..Do you wish to see Shunko with Keieiichinyo?" Something he didn't do often in fights but for Rio, he made an exception. She was someone going to help him grow and become stronger. His body didn't feel too much strain from this. His capabilities were sharp and overwhelming when he fought with the next part. Yahiko's Shunko wasn't rare among the Shihouin. Many of the family could use them, what was rare was a Zanpakuto that functioned with it.

It could be wielded in sync with all the skills the Shihouin prided themselves. Hoho, Shunko, and Hakuda. What remained was for Rio to decide if she wished to see it. Yahiko's gaze remained prepared if he was to show her the limits. That was the next step of his Shikai's power.
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Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:26 pm
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Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

From Rio's observation, Yahiko's Zanpakuto was one that definitely held an element of surprise. She could see why he wished to keep such intel confidential. Even understanding the nature of the Zanpakuto didn't make it any easier to evade the strikes that came after it. Even still, she could tell that Yahiko's strength left something to be desired. He was no weakling by any measure of the term and there was a light bruise or two on her arms, but it wasn't as if she had lost her balance or been knocked to the ground so far, either.

One could equal a hundred in the space of a single second. In the hands of a true master, such an ability to multiply one's physical strikes could be a deadly weapon. With some training and control, he could be a warrior to be feared in the Shihoin clan.

This time, he performed the technique again, amplifying his speed as he shot forward like a speeding bullet and swung his foot towards her side, once again multiplying the number of times he could strike within an instant.

Rio kept her guard up once again, remaining planted in her position as she kept her ground. There was definitely potential here.

Before he could give her any time to react, he quickly went into another stance and executed a spin kick, and with it followed a wave of darkness that Rio did not bother to evade.

It wasn't as if she was taking these hits head on to show superiority in power or that she believed she could take the brunt of all this damage.

In a way, this was a method to gauge his power and the physical prowess behind his strikes, as well as the nature of his techniques. Keeping her arms held in a defensive position, she took the hit and was knocked back a few meters.

"I think I'm starting to understand the nature of your Zanpakuto. It's actually nothing like shadow-boxing once one studies the nature of it. That said, it is still impressive. Yahiko... with training, we could really be onto something here. Show me all that you can, and then we can get a full, clear eye of view of what you need to work on for the future. "

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder

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Thu Feb 20, 2020 12:06 pm

The Shihoin Shadow

Yahiko Shihoin

He nodded slowly as he didn't bother removing his clothing. It was a habit for him when using it. But as the shadow coiled up his legs. It began moving towards his upper torso like a coat. A burst of white began bubbling force as the wind howled. She was testing him he got that sense the gap between them was big. His clothing on the upper half was in tatters as the back and shoulders were blown off. The white reiatsu of the Shunko showing itself. He stood still for a moment as the black shadow began mingling with it. Creating a duplicate of his Shunko now. He didn't increase this one tenfold. As this required immense concentration. His forehead formed beads of sweat trickling down. His right hand extended slowly as he aimed at her with it. Inhaling a breath the energy of his Shunko began pooling. As darkness began engulfing the front as well. His shadow mingling and growing.

This would be two attacks in one so it would be difficult. His control over this bothered him so it was secret. He didn't unveil his skills or powers without reason. Nor did he like showcasing all of his tools. But Rio was family and trustworthy. This information wouldn't harm him. This fell into the category of he was unable to control it. The blast screamed across the ground towards his cousin. A whipping vortex in all directions. Held together by darkness and wind Shunko. It had the power of a small tornado ripping itself apart as he advanced. He didn't have the power to make the most of his skills. Yahiko's Shunko after this went away and his Zanpakuto sealed. That was the most he could offer her at this moment. She'd gotten to see the style he built.

He knew well that power was lacking as he reached into his pants. As his clothing fell off revealing markings. He had a tattoo on his shoulder from his band days. With a couple of other things that gave small hints. His life outside of the family was a strange one. A Bass and Drum vocalist for a small band called the Outcasts. He enjoyed himself with those guys and girls for a bit. Never letting on he wasn't human and blending in. So he decided to get two tattoos on his shoulder. That had their emblem which was drawn by him and another guy. It was a scarecrow that was dressed up in special clothing. Rocking out on its perch as the other was something else. It was on his back and became visible the moment he activated Shunko.

The Shihouin Clan symbol adjourned his back all the way across it. Moving down to the very bottom in ink. This Tattoo was done beautifully and perfectly. The care and pride he held as a Clan member. Yahiko's family pride was always with him. Even on earth he thought of them and decided to tattoo the important things on him. He wore his heart on his sleeve in a manner of speaking. He put the cigarette between his lips and adjusted his clothing. Covering the shoulder tattoo for privacy reasons. "They need to make clothing that doesn't do this with Shunko. " He said offering a compliant as he fooled around getting a zippo lighter out.

Lighting his cigarette he inhaled, he wasn't tired or out of energy. His reason for smoking had nothing to do with addiction. They just tasted good to him and he smoked only once and a while. This was just an occasion where he decided to do so. "That's about it Cousin, couldn't get much training done on earth." He said offering a gentle shrug of his shoulders.
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