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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] Empty Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt]

Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:31 am

The North God

"Where the fuck didja go, damn rat!?"

It wasn't actually a rat, but the shape and size of the feline, combined with Micaiah's frustrations, was enough to have it basically be a rat. Micaiah was on the last legs of her Europe tour, filled with tons of familiar demon cuisine and culture. Most recently, she arrived in Konisburg, which operated at stark contrast to the rest of Europe. Mostly in that the demon influence on the beautiful city was at a minimum. Also, because it was the first place she'd been to where a fucking cat stole her spray paint and skateboard.

Have no worrries, Micaiah wasn't out and about engaging in them nefarious degenerative acts. The girl found a flier on a bulletin board for art classes, and part of the class was practicing different kinds of art forms on different canvases. Today, they just finished using spray-paint cans for graffiti-style art on the bottom of skateboards. You brought your own skateboard, or the class provided one, and you could buy the skateboard to take home--which is exactly what Micaiah did.

But, on her way home, a cat ran across in front of her, practically begging to be pet! And when she put her board down to pet it, the cat up and jumped on top of the skateboard and started speeding off. Like, really, really, speeding off. What?? Cats do that now? Nope, doesn't matter, the board had to be retrieved.

Fortunately, she found the board abandoned by some stone walls near the pier. Thank god it wasn't abandoned in the waters--it'd be a pain to go fishing for it. And just as Micaiah approached the stone walls to retrieve her board, she caught sight of someone already there, inspecting the masterpiece.

"Hey, you there! That board is mine, it's not lost or abandoned!"

Micaiah came running forward to the person.


Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:41 am

Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

For his part, Erchanhardt didn't quite understand the appeal of these skateboards. They had been around for quite a many centuries now, and still he was not sure what the appeal was. He moved the whole thing all around, inspecting it carefully, before glancing over at the very small girl that was rushing over, yelling loudly that it was apparently hers.

"My apologies, young girl. This cat of mine does have a way of collecting all manner of trinkets."

There was some faint degree of both reprimand and amusement in the Duke's voice as he gave the black cat on his shoulder a pet behind the ears. He was familiar with how she liked this, after all. Holding the skateboard out for the girl before him, Erchanhardt sized her up, as he more or less always did with anyone he met. Centuries of martial training simply gave one that instinct.

"What brings you to the city of Konigsberg, if I may ask?"

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:47 am

The North God

Blessed be, this man wasn't looking to jipp and drop real quick. A man of honour! Once arrived, Micaiah held her arms out, motioning to take the skateboard politely. Her eyes were drawn to the cat on his shoulders, slanting in derision, but a cat was a cat. If it didn't have an owner, Micaiah might've just had it as a meal as retribution, but since she got her board back, no harm no foul.

"What brings me to Konisberg? Hmm... The spirit of adventure~. I was traveling through Europe, moving in towards Russia as a part of my journeys, and after walking along a beaten path in this direction, I arrived in Konisberg. So now, I'm here to absorb your culture and knowledge, from liberal art to martial art. They call me, the Usurper! Hahahaha~"

Micaiah brought her hands in front of her eyes in a flamboyant gesture of grandeur when she said "usurper", before laughing heartily at her own joke.


Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:58 am

Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

The girl's words were rather enheartening for someone as tired as Erchanhardt was. Though, he found, he had become a bit more attentive to the little things in people than he had once been. He supposed he had a lucky black cat to thank for that, and he continued to give her attention as he spoke with the young lady before him, chuckling softly at her enthusiasm.

"That is as noble a reason as ever, young miss. I spent many a year in my youth pursuing much that same spirit. If you have come in pursuit of these arts, then I promise you will not leave unsatisfied. Come, walk with me."

Erchanhardt kept his smile as he turned to continue on, walking down the water's edge slowly, but with confidence.

"Ah, I have forgotten my manners. I find I have been doing so more and more lately... My name is Erchanhardt. I do hope I might ask yours in return?"

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Wed Jan 29, 2020 3:19 am
Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] Yugiri-cat-template

Kitty Cat Yugirin

"Sorry, the skateboard looked really interesting so I tried it out. I gave it back anyway."

The cat spoke, its tone like that of a young boy that had yet to get any real hair on his chest.

"Hey, what's your name anyway? I'm Yugiri, this is Erckenhertz."

Purring while she was given the scratches she flicked her tail happily.


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
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Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

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Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:11 pm

The North God

Ahh, so this man was also one who went on journeys to usurp knowledge and arts. Ohoo~, a fellow person of culture.

"Ohoo~, a fellow person of culture, I see. Brethren in spirit! The Fellowship of the Wanderers--are you still wandering?"

Micaiah spoke out while adhering to his request and following along. Along the way, she tapped the gourd at her side with her skateboard, and the skateboard suddenly vanished, replaced with a card. The card soon vanished after.

The girl kept her ears focused for the man's words, but her eyes were drawn to the sea, reveling in its majesty. The sea held a special place in Micaiah's heart. She was born and raised at and near sea, after all.

"Oh shit, I forgot too, no worries, brudda. I'm Micaiah; nice to meet you, Erchanha--whatthefuck[!"

Micaiah literally jumped backwards in shock. Her eyes were focused on the sea, but she did draw them back for just a moment to respond to the man, and when she did so, the cat started talking. Now, a talking cat in this sort of world may not be the most strange, but Micaiah was totally unprepared. After all, she was chasing this cat just moments ago; by all means, she assumed it a genuine, normal cat.

The girl took a bit to collect herself before responding.

"Uh, yeah, n-no problem, ahahaha."

Maybe not entirely collect herself. She was still a bit wary. Enough that, she just went along with the flow and answered the same question again.

"Nice to meet you, Yugiri; I'm Micaiah."


Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Wed Jan 29, 2020 3:59 pm

Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

"Micaiah? Well, that is a lovely name. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Micaiah, and I do apologize if this little one has startled you too terribly."

The Duke couldn't quite help but laugh quietly at Micaiah's reaction, and he watched her put the skateboard away with a fair bit of fascination. Truly, it seemed he had failed to learn so very much about the world.

"To answer your initial question, however, I do not wander so much these days. Far more often when I was a younger man, but these days I find it preferable to remain here in my Duchy, unless something should draw me out. It is a lovely little place, and it certainly allows me to whet my need to train. Though, I suppose, I have found as of late that it may not be so ideal for learning as I hoped."

Erchanhardt's scratches moved down Yugiri's neck and to her back, rather obviously implying to her that she had taught him as much.

"I do wonder if that spark of wanderlust has not left me entirely yet."

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] Empty Re: Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt]

Wed Jan 29, 2020 4:40 pm

The North God

"Nah, don't worry about it, I guess. It's, uh, a cute cat."

Micaiah wasn't lying. Yugiri was a cute cat, as most cats tended to be, though the girl was admittedly still creeped out by it. Like, this whole time? It was a talking cat this whole time?

"Oh, train? What kind of training do you do--or do you guys actually have trains? The only place I see really use trains a lot anymore is back in the asias, and even then they seem more like a novelty or a cultural means of travel. Nowadays, everyone's portal'ing, not really taking time to see the scenery on their walks, yanno?"

Micaiah spent her childhood on the isles of Solomon, and since birth she was always filled with wanderlust. So, it was hard to appreciate the expediency and efficiency of fast traveling. It seems people didn't really appreciate the journey, just the destinations. A sentiment that had Micaiah sometimes feel alienated. Which is why meeting people like Erchanhardt, or Alex, was kinda exciting. These were kindred spirits, people who could understand her.

"To be honest wit'cha, I'd think it a damn shame if the spark ever did actually leave ya. I figured a wanderer only ever stops wandering if they find themselves seeing all there is to see, or something's stopping them from seeing the rest. And, yanno', in this day and age, you can never really say you've seen it all, right? So unless there's nothing stopping you, I really encourage to seek out that spark again. Too many things to miss out on."


Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] Empty Re: Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt]

Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:59 pm

Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

"She is indeed."

Erchanhardt said it quite casually, and he did mean it. She was rather precious in this form.

"I am afraid the railways were shut down long ago, but the children do still find them a rather fun place to explore. I meant quite genuine training, typically in my martial arts. Though, of late, this one has been teaching me the fundamentals of agility."

With a pensive nod, Erchanhardt took a moment to think about Micaiah's words. It was true, the spark still lay deeply within him, but...well, he was most certainly aware that something had indeed stopped him from doing so. Not only his responsibilities to Konigsberg, but his own penance of sorts. There was far too much for him to do for him to simply see the world. However, as Yugiri had shown him...

"There is indeed much I have failed to see in the world. My life in recent times has, for the most part, been spent here within my Duchy. It has become clear to me that in failing to pursue that spark, my pursuit of knowledge has become stunted. Your words ring quite true, that there is far too much I might miss out upon."

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Joined : 2013-11-04
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Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] Empty Re: Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt]

Wed Jan 29, 2020 10:00 pm

The North God

Micaiah was about to comment on the learning agility from a cat thing, but to be fair this cat could talk, and other martial arts have been developed with less intelligent animals in mind. Well played, Erchanhardt, well played.

"Oh? What kind of Martial Arts do you practice? I don't mean to brag, but I'm a fast learner, so if you were fine with it you could just show me a bit of the 'ol one-two, and I can make you feel proud real quick, brudda!"

Micaiah brought her deceptively thin arms up to a flex as she spoke.

"As for seeing the world, if you're Duchy is stopping you, I'm not going to say 'screw your duchy', or anything like that. Home is a special place, after all. There are things and people back home that I wanna be there for myself, protect if they needed protecting, so on and so forth. But, recently we had a new person come into power, and from what I heard they were doing alright, so I felt it was fine for me to not come by. Besides, I'm a bird, or a tiger, in spirit. Solitude and journeying is my true calling, and I can't let myself be held back for others sake at every turn. My priority is my own well-being, and then I can worry about others.

If you have people, maybe friends or whatnot, who you can trust to keep the place safe, or well-governed if that's yer' concern instead, maybe you could leave it to them for just a few weeks or so, and then go out on an adventure. For ol' times sake. Then, you come back. Vacations are important for the soul, after all."


Life is Long and Lost [Private/Erchanhardt] 8Bvy1N8


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