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God of Love
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Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta] Empty Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta]

Tue Feb 04, 2020 2:30 pm

Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta] BENzhUU

Cyrus of the Blissful Flame

So much to do, so very much to do. Preparations for the assault in America, which was surely coming any day now, atop all of the typical leadership associated with the title of Grandmaster. Of course, Cyrus was not truly the leader of the Vandenreich, but she had taken up the mantle of leadership out of necessity, and she would do everything she needed to continue that leadership. Such included, on days like these, the welcoming of new members into the fold, even when she had other things that perhaps demanded her attention. Ninsianna could handle them in the short term, after all.

The Grandmaster walked through the streets of the City of Lights, giving her usual warm smiles and waves to all those who she passed. At this point, the people of the Vandenreich had simply become used to this side of the Grandmaster. Some, presumably, preferred it tremendously. But for now she had a very specific target in mind.

"Miss Karlene? My sincerest apologies for the delay in meeting you. I am Grandmaster Cyrus ast-Auramazda. I have meant to make your acquaintance for some time now."

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Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:59 pm


Enter Nicoletta


Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta] 6EdIfMt

It had only been a few days since Sylvia had given her that brief tour of the city before being pulled away on important business. Of course, doing that had left Nicoletta stranded. But luckily, the raven haired woman had kept herself busy. For the past few days, she had been flipping through a rather impressive number of books in what little of the library that she could access. Of course, many of the books covered only the basics of Quincy Abilities. But she had been able to learn about a few new things. For one, Ginto Forging. That was perhaps the largest book that was on the table that she had been sat at for a good few days now. She had been routinely passing out and waking up.

And since she had very few of her own things on hand, she didn't exactly look her best. She had been able to keep herself looking mostly ok though. After all, Sylvia had heavily implied that someone important would come to see her eventually. If Cyrus looked at the books across the table Nicoletta was sitting at, she would see an interesting variety. Ginto Forging, Cross Creation, and several books that each held detailed descriptions of techniques that were either abandoned or known, but difficult to use, such as Ransotengai. Of course, she was nearing the end of the largest book by the time Cyrus spoke up. Hearing her name out of nowhere after days of silent studying of course made her jump nearly out of her skin.

Of course, hearing that this woman was named Cyrus made her raise an eyebrow. Her appearance wasn't anything crazy, thankfully. She held all the appearance of being a normal woman. Still, she cleared her throat and straightened out her clothing. "Well, I would introduce myself, but it seems that you already know who I am, Ms. Auramazda. Still, I suppose it'd be rude. It's nice to finally make your acquaintance. As you already know, my name is Nicoletta Karlene. A woman named Sylvia brought me here a few days ago." She explained as she held her hand out to shake. Unsurprisingly, she seemed to carry herself rather confidently, even in the presence of someone with such a lofty title.

Of course, she knew very little of the organization whose base she had been spending the past few days in. But, it seemed that the time had come for her to at least start meeting people, so perhaps that was getting ready to change.

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God of Love
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Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:33 pm

Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta] BENzhUU

Cyrus of the Blissful Flame

"Ah, please, do feel free to simply call me Cyrus if it would make you feel more at ease."

Taking the woman's hand in hers, Cyrus gave it a gentle, elegant shake, one well in line with the whole of the demeanor she gave off in this Aspect. In truth, she knew little of Nicoletta, but her reports had all indicated that she was brought here by Captain Brauer. Given the trust she had placed in Sylvia, that alone was enough for her to approach without concern as to this guest's moral fiber.

"Do forgive me if I am presumptuous, but I would imagine you have come to the City of Lights to join the Vandenreich, correct? We are always looking for those who would assist us in making a safer world."

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Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:16 pm


Enter Nicoletta


Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta] 6EdIfMt

It was rather odd hearing someone with presumably a rather imposing amount of authority insist on being on a first name basis. Still, she had been hoping to run into someone who had a bit more authority than Sylvia held. So to run into the person in charge of all of this was perhaps the best luck she could have hoped for. Of course, she took note of her request. But it wasn't one she planned to follow, just yet. She held a firm belief in both politeness and professionalism in cases such as these. Still, she shook Cyrus's hand. The first thing she noticed was that there was a definite difference between the way they approached this. Her own grip was firm, and Cyrus's was gentle and elegant.

It wasn't unsurprising, given her appearance, really. Still, she gave a polite smile. "I will keep that in mind, Ms. Auramazda." She said as she drew back her hand. Of course, she was immediately asked if she had come to join the Vandenreich. That made Nicoletta chuckle softly. "Well, I do not have any reason NOT to, from what little the woman who brought me here was willing to talk about. But I admit, I've found myself poking around, trying to find just where her own aspirations end, and your organization's actual goals begin." Given what she had been reading, that sounded odd. It seemed more like she was trying to better her own craft. Of course, she had already claimed to have been here for a few days. And given Cyrus's position, it was more than likely that she knew all about the wandering that Nicoletta had done.

Of course, she held no shame in her actions. She had only been told so much, and had been forced to make her opinion based off of that. "Of course, that has been somewhat difficult to manage, as very few people have been willing to entertain a stranger, such as myself. But, I at least wanted to attempt to get a better idea of what was grounded in reality before I ended up talking to someone more important."

It was a simple explanation, truthfully. But she would hope that it would suffice.

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God of Love
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Fri Feb 14, 2020 2:42 am

Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta] BENzhUU

Cyrus of the Blissful Flame

"Ah, yes, Captain Brauer does have a great deal of ambition. That is not so bad, certainly, but the Vandenreich has very specific goals, and I do not wish for them to be muddled or lost. We have simply goals, to keep the peace in the world, and to assist in keeping the balance of the realms, such that they do not collapse in upon one another. I have made no pretenses otherwise, and I think such honesty is the only way in which we could ever truly achieve such aims."

Smiling at Nicoletta's propriety in conversation, Cyrus turned and gestured for the woman to follow. It would not do much to have just a quiet conversation in this little out of the way place. The City of Lights was grand, far grander than this. Best to share it with the woman.

"Well, I do not mind entertaining any strangers. After all, everyone in the world is worth our time and attention. If I am to try and assist the world, I should think it would only be best we begin at home, hm?"

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Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:20 pm


Enter Nicoletta


Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta] 6EdIfMt

If Nicoletta had gained anything as the 'one eyed face' of the blacksmithing operation that her uncle ran, it was a good poker face. So as Cyrus did indeed prove to separate the goals of the Wandenreich from those of Sylvia's own goals, Nicoletta nodded, her expression not shifting at all. She thought she was holding a very professional air rather well. Still, she hadn't been expecting Cyrus to turn and gesture for her to follow her throughout the city. But she didn't let the "mask" slip just yet. She was still trying to gauge everything. So she followed, muddling over what Cyrus had said so far. She was the one in charge of everything, given that she held the title of Grandmaster.

And of course, she couldn't really find any problem in the stated goals that had been laid out before her. If Cyrus and Sylvia had both been lying, then they certainly had quite the poker faces. "I suppose that you have a fair point, Ms. Auramazda." She said rather succinctly as she straightened her own hair and clothes out a bit more. Of course, she still wasn't fully used to the frankly too long hair that she had decided to grow. But that would fade away eventually. That being said, she almost immediately began to follow Cyrus, deciding to pick up the silence before she had a chance to really start monologuing proper. After all, this was quite the setup for it.

"You know, it's quite interesting how wildly different the atmosphere here is compared to anywhere else I've been. Until now, everything has felt rather..I suppose muted is a good way to describe it, when it comes to the density of reishi. Here, however. It's like that sense has had its eyes opened, for lack of a better term." It was obvious that she was trying to choose her words carefully. And yet, she had gotten her idea across rather least she hoped.

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God of Love
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Sat Feb 22, 2020 4:25 pm
Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta] 4QMtWSw


"Well, such is simply the nature of the Quincy in such a place, and in particular of my own intentions here. The world, once, was not so different from how you find it here. But the nature of power in many beings has meant that there is less and less of it around the world. For we Quincy, who use the energy around us rather than simply hoarding it within our souls, it is far easier to fill the world with life."

Smiling to herself at that explanation, Cyrus simply led the way down the street, idly passing by the many men and women who lived in this place. Though it was true that it was the home of the Vandenreich, it was still the only homeland that many Quincy knew, and there were quite many who had taken up almost civilian positions within the Reich to maintain the place. In time, Cyrus hoped, they might become a nation in their own right once more.

"It is that tranquility, that power in the world around us, which I quite wish to return to the whole of the world."


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Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:32 am


Enter Nicoletta


Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta] 6EdIfMt

As explanations for this city's strangely reishi rich atmosphere went, Nicoletta supposed that there could have been worse ones. What she was hearing was something that did make sense, and matched up with what knowledge she already had. So she didn't really try and push for a further explanation. Instead, she found herself watching the reactions of the people they passed as she listened to Cyrus talk. As she expected, most people recognized her, and even gave the usual polite greetings. But every so often, she would catch a glimpse of someone who seemed very confused looking at her. Hm. That was odd.

But that would be a question for later. For the moment she had to react to what was currently being told to her. Hearing the goals being echoed from what she could only assume was the source of said goals was comforting to Nicoletta, in a way. If she was being tricked, then it was being handled in a way that she couldn't really pick up on. Still, she found herself chuckling in response to what Cyrus was saying.

"As goals go, that sounds rather lofty." She said as she continued to look around, taking in the sights of the city as they walked through it. However, she obviously wasn't finished talking. "But, this place wouldn't exist without lofty goals like that. So I can respect the idea." She said as she continued to walk down the streets with Cyrus, her eyes scanning over the woman to try and figure out why some people even now were looking at her with confusion, while others were treating her as a completely normal woman. There was no real tell of what was confusing people.

Perhaps it was the dissonance between name and appearance? No..while that might have been the case if nobody had ever seen her before, this was different. Some people treated her as a normal sight down these streets, and other people were looking at her with confusion. And while it nagged at her, she wasn't going to simply bluntly ask about it.

After all, it was possible that some people had just never seen her before. And today was more about getting a good grip on if this was someplace she could find herself staying at long term. So far, she was getting a good feeling about it, and deep down, she found herself hoping that this vibe continued until she was actively forced to make a choice. It would make the choosing so much easier.

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God of Love
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Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta] Empty Re: Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta]

Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:16 am
Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta] 4QMtWSw


"Goals, I have found, are best separated into two sorts. The first are those goals which we can tangibly see the path to, those we can lay out for ourselves and accomplish in relatively short order. They are tasks, even if grand ones. Many put a great deal of stock into these sorts of goals, but when accomplished, there is nothing left to rely upon. Groups which live by these things will ultimately collapse when they must find any further meaning."

Cyrus spoke confidently about all of this, though whether she had any particular group in mind as she spoke was not especially clear. She simply continued to walk, giving gentle greetings to any who passed by. Naturally, as the caretaker of this place, she wished only the best for each and every person who lived here. Even the smallest of things, such as a greeting on the street, did wonders for one's well-being.

"The second sort of goal is the sort I have built for the Vandenreich. One which cannot be simply accomplished through one single action, but rather demands active effort in the lives of many. To change the world is not so easily done as removing those who have made it this way. Rather, we must first remove the issue, and then live our lives such that it does not return to this state. There is so much more work to be done than any of us, even myself, could ever see completed in a singular lifetime. These are the kinds of goal with unify people, which allow them to see past useless delineations such as race or purity of blood which have bound the Quincy for far too long. They are what make individuals into a people."

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Tue Apr 07, 2020 10:56 pm


Enter Nicoletta


Welcome Aboard [Cyrus/Nicoletta] 6EdIfMt

It was interesting seeing the mindset of someone who was in charge of so many people. Nicoletta had always led a life that had been focused more on what she could immediately handle around herself. Never the big, worldwide picture. She knew that humanity had precious little place when it came to the big picture of who was running things. So when she tried to look at the bigger picture, she saw a war that could never be won, from her own perspective. There were simply far too many beings of the non-human races for them to make a dent in it all..right?

And yet, with the way Cyrus was talking, it seemed like her view was different. Of course, it helped that she seemed to be ok with the idea that if this goal was going to succeed, then she very well might not live to see their glory. It was a viewpoint that threw Nicoletta off, admittedly. That being said, she did find herself agreeing with several points that had been made. From what she had seen and heard in her few days of wandering, Cyrus had indeed managed to make what were tribes that had been split, a united people.

It made Nicoletta lift up her right arm, staring down at the bangle on her wrist. Her own personal symbol of unity. A literal family tree. And that was when it really hit her. The goal that she had seen as something so far out of her reach. The goal she believed deep down to be impossible. Not only had Cyrus managed it, but she had managed it on a far greater scale. Her arm dropped back to her side as she followed Cyrus, mulling many things over.

"That might very well be true. But you don't strike me as the naive type. Changing the world is an agonizing process. One that many countries have tried to do. But what is there to stop some of the very people we are passing from breaking under the pressure, and going back to that all too familiar kind of hatred?" It was a question that she didn't really want an answer to, and her tone reflected this. Still, she sighed softly.

"I apologize. That was uncalled for. You really have managed a wonderful thing here. And while I personally don't know which way the wind will end up blowing..I don't think I could live with myself if I went back home and idly twiddled my thumbs for the rest of my life. Not when I not only have the power to help change things, but also have somewhere to go that is designed to assist in that."

She had plenty of ideas running through her mind, certainly. But at this point, she was merely speaking the truth that was on her mind. She had been thinking about merely returning to her old way of life..and it was almost as if the very fibre of her being was rejecting the idea. And the more people they passed..the more Cyrus showed off her city, the stronger that feeling became. The more familiar the feeling of walking around this city felt. Even now, this city was beginning to feel like a true home. Something she hadn't had in quite some time.

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