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Train-ing (Elyss/William) Left_bar_bleue0/0Train-ing (Elyss/William) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Train-ing (Elyss/William) Empty Train-ing (Elyss/William)

Tue May 26, 2020 9:05 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Scenery flies by as the train on tracks continues on to its destination. The crew are busy walking about taking care of the passengers as the conductor watches the rails before him making sure nothing out of the ordinary occurs. Though, the sight of something up ahead causes him to panic somewhat before pressing the button to stop the train. The hissing screeching sound of metal wheels stopping shook the moving train, waking sleeping passengers and disturbing the peaceful atmosphere of the ride. Moments later, a commotion begins to pick up as to why the trip has been stopped. This commotion is what wakes up a certain passenger with blazing red hair and onyx eyes.

Elyss couldn’t help but yawn tiredly before finding herself annoyed with everyone talking and moving about. If something has happened, it shouldn’t be anything that severe, right? This train is heading towards Vastime. With that in mind, what would dare bother it unless they wished to incur the wrath of the Vastimian Nation?

Ding dong, “Attention passengers. Due to a blockage on the tracks, we will be on standby until assistance arrives. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.”

Huh? Blockage on the tracks? Now, what the Hell does that mean? What could be on the tracks? Elyss groaned to herself and simply thought of going back to sleep, but with the woman and her child next to her talking loudly, she found it difficult to lull herself back into dreamland. Ugh. Now she just wants to get away from everyone because of all the noise. Would the train people be angry with her if she took this time to step outside? Well, her answer is soon given as the train doors are opened and people are allowed to step out to spread their legs a bit since the cause of the stop seemed natural and there are no signs of danger. Perfect.

Soon, Elyss found herself outside with others who decided to stretch their legs as well. Of course she decided to escape from the group, and with her curiosity slightly peaked, she moved towards the front of the train to get a better look of what’s in the way of the train.

“Oh… What?”

She sees quite a large pile of boulders on the tracks. Now, there is a mountain practically next to the tracks which may be the culprit for this, but Elyss thinks it a bit too pretty for just a random rock slide. Eh… Well, she’s not an expert on this kind of stuff, so maybe it’s just a coincidence. The conductor and a bit of the crew is standing near by discussing what to do, but instead of approaching them, Elyss keeps to herself off to the side.



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Train-ing (Elyss/William) Empty Re: Train-ing (Elyss/William)

Wed May 27, 2020 4:48 pm
William was woken from his drunken stupor with a start. His eyes blinked repeatedly as sunlight drowned his senses leaving him to slowly sit up and try to wake up fully. Last he checked this train ride should have lasted much longer than this as it wasn't supposed to end until later in the night. Something serious must have happened for the train to have stopped in its tracks in the middle of nowhere which William surmised by drearily looking out the window behind him. As he stood the clinking of glass bottles falling from his lap to the ground went unnoticed by the strangely dressed man. Though not exactly an alcoholic William was still getting used to things like train and plane rides which didn't exist where he came from.

Stepping out of his privacy cabin a still slightly drunk William surveilled his surroundings and noticed there was practically nobody still on the train. The lack of screams from outside the locomotive at least indicated it wasn't a Hollow attack responsible for the stop. Maybe everyone had just gotten off the stretch their legs which seemed like a good idea to William too who stepped off the train and joined the gathering crowd outside. Not liking crowds he immediately made his way to the front and exited the group and came upon the situation and cause for today's events. A massive pile of boulders sat in the way of the train.

Though his spiritual powers had increased over the past few years William knew there was nothing he could do about this and so he walked further from the crowd and stood in silence at least enjoying the heat of the sun on his face a pleasant callback to the Hellish land he hailed from. Still he didn't want to be stuck here all day and found himself to be a bit annoyed by things "Man, this sucks..." he said to no one in particular as he kicked a small rock, sending it flying directly into the pile of boulders damning his day.
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Train-ing (Elyss/William) Empty Re: Train-ing (Elyss/William)

Wed May 27, 2020 8:15 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

The murmuring among the crew about what to do soon became little more than white noise to Elyss as her eyes traversed the area around. She seemed to be lost in thought as other passengers began to make their way over due to concern about the status of their trip. Some of them seemed worried about whether they'll make it to their destination, which is silly considering the issue at hand is nothing more than a pile of rubble. Once word reaches the station, surely, they will send someone or something capable of easily clearing this hazard. Though, how long will it take? Now, that’s what some of the other passengers decided to discuss. And, Elyss finds herself thinking much the same despite keeping to herself. It’d be best if they could clear the way themselves.


Elyss already knows she could probably clear the way with ease, but she could also make the situation worse without caution. Her eyes lazily studied the rocks gauging the best way to clear the path. With a huff, she might as well talk to the conductor to see if trying is even worth it. She’s no geographic expert, and starting another rockslide is the last thing anyone wants. So, with a quick sigh, she begins her walk, but the sudden spike in energy in the area catches her attention moments before a female screech pierces through everyone’s low murmurs.

Elyss’ eyes turned just as quickly as her body did watching as a woman was dragged up through the skies carried by some winged monstrous man with horns all over his body. The shouts and screams all exclaimed “monster” or “demon” and laid out the tragedy that just occurred explaining how the demon simply appeared from out of the shadows, but its attack was too precise for it to be random. It had to have been watching them and planning on who to attack specifically with how quickly everything just occurred. Maybe Elyss’ original thoughts about the rubble in their path being more than just a rock slide held more weight than she had hoped. That doesn’t matter however because, moments later, the body of that woman returned to Earth with a thud, her body seemingly nothing more than a dried scrawny carcass.

Elyss can feel her anger building up already at the loss of a life, and her eyes move up to the creature still in the sky as veins begin to sprout from her arms, her eyes flashing red briefly. Though, things, at this point, devolved into chaos. Barely anyone aboard the train showed any capability of handling this thing besides Elyss. Knowing such, everyone became frantic to find safety, and the only safe place around just so happens to be the train.

The people practically began to trample over one another to get back aboard the train as the creature in the sky continued to circle them, seemingly looking for another to turn into a meal. It became hard for Elyss to focus as person after person began shoving her, but she managed to escape from the crowd out near the rubble. However, as her eyes returned to the skies, she could no longer see the creature that stalked overhead. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the blur of something moving fast, and moments later she was staring in disbelief at a child on the ground. She now has a clear view of the creature, it is no doubt a demon with large batlike wings and clawed feet. Its lower half is covered in some weird black bonelike plating with its arms sharing the same covering. It lands before the child, obviously picking the small boy out from the fleeing passengers, approaching as if knowing no one would stand in its way as it prepares to dine much like it did with the woman.



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Train-ing (Elyss/William) Empty Re: Train-ing (Elyss/William)

Wed May 27, 2020 9:21 pm
William continued to stare a bit mindlessly at the horizon as he waited for something to happen. Hopefully someone or something would come soon to get things back on track, literally. The initial excitement and interest even began waning for the more...lets say mundane passengers. For William it was all a bit boring. He found locomotives and vehicles immensely fascinating given the first time he rode in one was just a few months ago and so not being able to continue on the train was disappointing to say the least.

As the blond haired man stood facing away from the scene a sudden bloodcurdling scream rang out and caused him to turn on the spot. As he spun around William's line of sight was drawn to an incredibly creepy winged man-creature lifting an innocent woman high into the sky. Dulled by the copious amount of alcohol William had consumed today his reaction was not fast enough to do anything before the victim was dropped to the ground, killed with a resounding Thud. "What the hell?"

William stared incredulously at the woman's corpse for a few seconds before drawing forth from a pocket his signature Drachma and palmed it, turning the small gold coin into a large Spirit weapon capable of firing saw-like discs of energy. William stood his ground as the frightened crowd made its way back into the "safe" confines of the train. Luckily he had already separated from the other passengers and could surveil his surroundings without disruption. It was during this surveillance William spotted the strange beast heading towards a nearby young child laying on the ground, likely knocked down by someone in their haste to board the train.

Without thinking William immediately broke out into a full sprint towards the child. Though his primary method of attack was ranged he did not want to risk missing and hitting someone else by accident and so he quickly placed himself between the monster and it's would-be victim. "Pick on someone your own size, you ugly as hell Man-bat!" William had the drunken confidence of someone far stronger than himself, but thankfully his senses and mind were sharpened by the situation's sudden severity. Before the creature completely closed the gap between them William fired off a trio of spinning bladed discs of energy from his Spirit Weapon hoping to at least inflict deep gashes on the assailant.
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Train-ing (Elyss/William) Empty Re: Train-ing (Elyss/William)

Thu May 28, 2020 10:50 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

The demon did not expect for anyone to show such foolish resistance during its hunt, and with a disgruntled surprise, decided to tear through the foolish man who stepped between it and its prey. As the demon lurched forward with surprising speed, the three discs of Reishi fired at it were intercepted by its left plated arm; the disks digging into the bonelike plating by a few measly millimeters before the demon slapped the energy apart with a swipe of its arm and continued forward hungering for, not only the child’s, but William’s life essence as well.

However, the demon found itself intercepted once more. Though, this only shows the prowess of the creature as its left arm shot up again in a 90 degree angle right before Elyss’ shin made contact with its head, sending the beast sprawling to the side due to the physical power exerted by the redhead. The best is quick to catch itself though, opening its wings wide to cause the air to soften its flight and quickly spins in the air to land back onto its feet letting out a warning hiss in Elyss’ direction. The demon doesn’t see another obstacle in its path. All it sees is another prey to feast on.

“Get the child to the train.” Elyss is quick to throw out an order for William. Getting the civilians out of the way is the best course of action for right now. Elyss can feel a slight throbbing running up her left leg. Whatever that hard stuff is around the demons arms and lower half, it seems to have rather annoying defensive capabilities. This won’t be a pretty fight, and nuisances on the battlefield will only make it more difficult. With that said, “You should also stay on the train as well. I’ll handle this.”

Elyss dismisses William and takes a step forward. The demon snarls at her before smirking in a taunting matter. That’s all it took to get Elyss riled up, and in the next few moments, she’s dashing at the demon. Her forward attack is intercepted however as the demon claws at her with its right which she simply ducks under as her own right comes upwards in an uppercutting fashion. However, the demon shows its own physical prowess as it uses its wings to pull itself backwards to dodge her punch as its armored knee finds itself into Elyss’ gut. That causes the redhead to pause as she gasps, but her arms wrap around the demon’s leg quickly and she stomps down, twisting her body taking the demon with her before slamming it down into the ground. Both of them are quick to recover from the floor and continue their fight, seemingly keeping pace with each other easily.



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Train-ing (Elyss/William) Empty Re: Train-ing (Elyss/William)

Thu May 28, 2020 3:57 pm
The arrival of the redhead was a welcome one as it became clear William was outgunned against this strange demonic creature. She seemed pretty strong and with what little ability Will has to sense others's spiritual power he could tell her confidence wasn't just for show. Still he wasn't exactly a fan of being ordered around especially by some stranger. With a grunt of agreement William grabbed the child roughly by the arm and tugged him along until he could force him onto the train, not really caring if his parents found him just then. William might not have wanted to watch an innocent kid be torn apart or worse by this beast he wasn't exactly a hero or even a very nice guy.

Would it make him a hero to go back and help the redheaded woman? Perhaps it's what a hero would do, but intention matters and William quickly ran back to the fight more out of selfishness than selflessness. He hates being told what to do by others and didn't feel like being completely overshadowed by some random woman either. Thus he soon made it back to the battle and observed the two combatants for a moment, deducing at least for right now they were likely close to being equal in prowess. While he understands his own limitations William also knows if both sides are equal it only takes a nudge to turn the tide.

"Refusing help will just get all of us killed, lady." Figuring the best way to help would be to support his temporary comrade-in-arms from afar while she battles William raised his Spirit Weapon and took aim before firing off another trio of rapidly-spinning discs of energy. These saw blades would zip through the air directly past his ally towards the chest of the beast. Unlike the earlier shots though William applied a higher rate of spin to these new projectiles with the hope that if his target tried blocking them with it's wings they would tear through their bat-like membrane and eliminate it's ability to fly. If unsuccessful, William's hope still lied in it being a decent enough distraction for the redheaded woman to hit their enemy with a surprise attack.
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Train-ing (Elyss/William) Empty Re: Train-ing (Elyss/William)

Fri May 29, 2020 7:06 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Such criticism should be left to those who can prove themselves in a fight. If not, those individuals should just stay on the sidelines and stay out of the way. Elyss would have liked to relay that to William, but she’s far too occupied in her little scuffle. Maybe her mind is too narrow. Right now, the only thing on her mind is protecting everyone, even William, from this demon even if she has to throw her life away. It’s better if she’s the only one to suffer harm instead of others. That is why, when she felt the energy building up around William, she felt herself sigh mentally. It seems she doesn’t have much choice but to allow the man to help if he’s going to be stubborn.

The disc whisk by her after she broke away from the demon, seeing how their earlier engagement ended in a stalemate. The demon, however, didn’t even attempt to block the discs with his wings expecting them to be just as lame as William’s earlier attack. That would end up being a mistake as it allowed the discs to shred into its chest with a shocked expression. The discs began to dig it deeper than the demon had initially thought they would, and quickly, it reacted by reaching with its plated hands and ripped the Reishi discs to shreds before they dug too deeply into itself. This goes to show how tough the demon actually is, but it seems his unprotected body isn’t as durable as the rest of him. Still, William’s extra bit of effort in his attacks proved effective, for that blunder from the demon was all it took for Elyss to close the distance once more and land a powerful right hook right into the jaw of the demon sending it flying backwards. This time, it did not catch itself and hit the ground, skidding a few meters further, before crashing into the pile of boulders that blocked the train from moving.

Elyss flinched after her punch however, feeling her hand go slightly numb from punching the demon so hard. Her eyes moved to the debris knocked up by the demon's hard impact, and narrowed her eyes as it rose from the pile. Its chest leaked black blood, but one can see how the small wounds began to seal themselves slowly as the creature looked on at both William and her with angry contempt. It began to snarl and hiss as it lowered its body and spread its wings. Elyss could feel the energy building up inside the demon and found herself dashing forward.

“It’s preparing an attack, get back!”

She’d yell to William as blackish orbs of demonic energy appeared around the demon lining up within its wings before it flapped once with extreme speed and power sending the orbs scattering all around crashing into the ground all around Elyss and William and sending the train rocking on the tracks. Elyss, however, kept herself moving forward dodging the orbs with slight struggle before finding herself stopping and catching the train wobbling further on the tracks. Dammit! Her direction changes as she jumps over the train and catches the one cart that almost tipped over with a grunt and starts trying to push it back onto the track. It’s heavy, but she finds herself capable of holding it up.

William, however, if he had escaped the multiple exploding orbs, would find himself alone at the moment with the demon that would take to the skies again.



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Train-ing (Elyss/William) Empty Re: Train-ing (Elyss/William)

Sat May 30, 2020 11:11 pm
Success! The duo had managed to achieve multiple direct hits against their demon foe. William's attack had both done damage and distracted his target long enough for his ally to jump in and strike a blow against it hard enough to send the beast flying and skidding across the ground like a flat rock on a lake. This victory would be short lived unfortunately as the demon dragged itself to its feet and shook off the injuries seemingly using some sort of high speed regeneration to close the shallow wounds William had inflicted upon it. Though not exactly an expert on reading the emotions of hideous batlike demon creatures William could see the heightened animosity on his enemy's face and predicted the battle would escalate from here on out.

It turns out William was correct in his prophecy as hellishly black spheres of spiritual energy formed around the beast's visage. Evidently it was no longer interested in engaging in a hand to hand fight where a two on one advantage could be more meaningful and decided to graduate to widespread destruction. Not wanting to be caught unawares William shifted and began running in the direction opposite of the train having the additional goal of drawing the demon's attention away from the train with innocent civilians in it.

The abrupt chaos of sudden explosions across the newly minted battlefield was ignored by William as he continued his full-on sprint away from the conflict. Unfortunately he would not prove quick enough to dodge all the attacks as one of the pitch black spheres exploded mere feet behind him generating enough concussive force to force William into a double front flip before landing face down with a thud. William found his senses drowned out again this time by ringing in his ears and stars in his eyes not to mention the air that had been knocked out of his lungs making it difficult to catch a breath.

Now alone with the demon on this side of the tracks William knew he could not stay like this for long. Forcing himself to his feet William turned to watch his assailant ascend to the sky with his ally nowhere to be seen. He didn't think she had been killed because of how much stronger she is than him but for the time being he would have to survive without help. Cursing his helplessness William's eyes burned with hatred and contempt at the situation he found himself in. With anger enveloping his heart his Quincy blood burned and suddenly a light covered him head to toe for a few seconds as his spiritual power rose and rose. Perhaps to the other two involved in this battle William's maximum strength wouldn't be much but it still greatly enhances his capabilities and would make him that much more dangerous.

Following his transformation into Vollständig William would be revealed to now have a glowing orange cape, headband, scarf, and crown floating above his head. In addition his eyes will now have turned orange and his spiritual weapon Ilios would glow brilliantly in stark contrast to its usual form. With a wave of his hand William created and sent forth a multitude of floating, flowing orange orbs with seemingly minimal spiritual energy contained within. These orbs would spread across a thirty yard area between himself and the demon. Unlike the beast's own spheres of destruction these orbs would not explode on impact instead popping like balloons while releasing significant heat and bright enough light to blind those within close proximity. As if daring his enemy to come get him William raised his empowered spirit weapon and fired a Reishi disc much faster and stronger than those previously sent at it.
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Train-ing (Elyss/William) Empty Re: Train-ing (Elyss/William)

Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:20 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始


Yeah, that’s a pretty good summary of how Elyss is feeling about the current situation. Holding up one of the train’s cars shouldn’t be a problem for her, but it’s the fact that there are people onboard that causes her to hesitate. She could just push it back onto the track and get back into the fight, but she has to take care not to injure anyone in doing so. That is why she finds herself pushing the car slowly back onto the track as her fingers dig into the metal of the train. The sudden energy growth around William caught her attention however and caused her to realize that she’s left him to fight that demon alone. Damnit.

In the air, the demon continued to circle around the area like a vulture waiting for something to drop dead. However, none of its pretty has kicked the bucket yet and won’t until it has come down and torn them all limb from limb. The rise of energy about William seemed to deter it not as the orange orbs appeared between the two combatants. The demon seemed content in staying in the sky for now, but the stray disc of energy that soar towards it caused its flight pattern to take a sudden sharp turn midair to dodge the attack, and in retaliation, the demon deterred from its plan to quickly finish off the annoying Quincy so that it can better kill Elyss without distraction.

Flipping in the air, the demon batted its wings hard, shooting itself downward as it showed its expert agility by traversing the space between it and William without coming in contact with any of the orbs by rolling and gliding left and right as it descended quickly. Its maw opened widely showing its vampiric canines as it attempted to tackle William to the ground and bite into his head hoping to crush his skull in a single snap.



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Train-ing (Elyss/William) Empty Re: Train-ing (Elyss/William)

Sun Jun 07, 2020 11:35 pm
Even with his Vollständig active William could be brushed aside by all but the most inept fighters, but the tremendous gap in power between himself and this flying monstrosity would and could not be enough to bring him to heel. Instead of fleeing he stood his ground and kept his Spirit Weapon trained on his enemy as it deftly dodged the lone projectile. Seeing the beast turn its attention toward him William immediately raised his left hand and squeezed his slender fingers into a fist causing the scattered glowing orbs to begin moving towards him though perhaps not fast enough to collide with the demon.

As of yet William's opponent had not been struck by a single orb despite them now being in a closer vicinity to it than previously. As the murderous creature crossed halfway between it's original location and it's target the orbs now surrounded it with none quite close enough to directly touch it. Closer....closer....! thought William as his newly-formulated plan neared fruition. With only a moderate distance still between the two he knew it was now or never, reacting too late would doom himself and possibly dozens of innocent people if his redheaded savior could not re-enter battle in time.

With most of the glowing balloon-like spheres nearly within arms reach of the flying demon William raised and fired his trustworthy Ilios sending forth a rapidly spinning disc of Reishi. Instead of pointlessly causing a minor wound to the regenerating monster this projectile would instead strike the orb nearest William which also happened to be located almost directly in front of the demon. Upon impact the orb would audibly POP and release a sudden burst of light and heat. The purpose of this would be to temporarily blind the demon while also causing the disc to bounce to the nearest orb and pop that one as well. This process would repeat itself eight more times until all ten of Will's spheres would be detonated causing the temperature around the demon to increase considerably all while perhaps more importantly creating enough light to distract and harm it.

Despite hoping his attack would be successful William sluggishly rolled to the side in case he would not be so lucky and steadied himself, preparing for the worst. By this time his breathing had become ragged as exhaustion began to set in. This trap of sorts was the best he was capable of and if it failed utterly there would be little hope left for him. "Damn...done in by a weirdo...that's just not right!"
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