Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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A Burden's Truth Empty A Burden's Truth

Sun Feb 14, 2021 3:15 pm

A Burden's Truth 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

The monster had outclassed him entirely, he'd gotten wounded and badly so. Almost losing his vision, had his regeneration skills not been so potent. Vait saved him there, helping the body recover from that pain. His mind went back to the situation as he sat in his room. Suddenly the image changed and the room flooded with a different location.

His inner world had been entered, diving into this manifestation. His eyes were met by Bakagiri. She looked at him with a remorseful stare. She was clearly upset, about the way it went. She walked overtaking a seated position near him. Dragging two large black orbs behind her. The burden she carried, he could only summon part of it.

"I'm sorry, the powers of that name are weak...I should have let you call my true name." She said before lowering her head in disappointment. She didn't want to see him butchered and battered as he was. What if he'd not been able to recover?

"Can we continue training, I'd like to get your name completely and start fighting using your true power."

He said as the Zanpakuto nodded, before standing up as her weights turned into the Zanpakuto. Both blades, as previously shown with the blades and forms. Kabutowari was the form they both took when he drew his now. Having gotten to a released form.

"My power presents as Gravity, for that is the weight of the Burden we carry. That's all that will come out of the Shikai. Is the Burden's weight, not the nature of what it is. But let people see the chains as gravity..that is fine."

This was a discussion, she planned to train him certainly. That was the impression he was getting from her. That the discussion of her powers was stuck in this state. So for him, it was an entirely different process. The discussion of Bankai was far away right now more so.

He brought his swords upwards as the female sprang forward, slamming down one. Quickly chains began forming around him. She'd manipulated them and sent them forward like this. Before she brought her frame back and straightened up.

Slowly she released him as he felt the weight of those chains slip off his frame. The speed and quickness to launch such an attack. It was impressive, that was a technique?

"That was Seihon, the Binding technique will wrap a target up in as much chain as needed. This is a move that can be used for restraining, can use it to create a follow-up." The principals made sense to him. It released a chain that bound the enemy up. Manipulation and control the weight and gravity of his weapons.

She thrust a blade forward, this time impaling him in the rib cage. This caused him to stumble backward. The wound began closing slowly as small bits of the chain began to fall apart.

"Omoni, the gift of a Burden shard into the chains. The damage you get will be put into those chains as they rust and decay. Opening you up for the final technique you have. " So this was a technique, that tied into something else?

Was it a regeneration technique, that built upon his power to take a beating? She seemed to sit down and sigh, it was not a painless technique. She demonstrated slowly showing the pieces of the shattered chains laying around. They began to move around circling him.

She brought her digits towards him and they shot at him, each piece piercing different portions of his body. She was done as she sat down, believing it was almost time to this to the next stage.

"That...wasn't needed, you could have at least warned me." He laid on the ground for a moment his body beginning to recover. The last move was a combination, healing that resulted in a technique. The healing was slight since his mastery was lackluster.

"We aren't done, it's time you learned my name in the entirety and trained for the next level of growth. We can't defend her as we are now, so stop slouching and get ready..because we are going to fight..until I'm satisfied. " Bakagiri said her expression hardened as she stood up.

Bringing her hand up, she snapped her fingers. Causing thousands of swords to appear around him. Hanging in the air as the pair he wielded vanished shuffling into the chaos.

"Only I can bear your Burden, let's go."

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Last edited by Geeky Raven on Tue Feb 16, 2021 7:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Burden's Truth Empty Re: A Burden's Truth

Sun Feb 14, 2021 6:49 pm

A Burden's Truth 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

He sensed the seriousness of the situation, as he began to rationalize a way to fight her. His hand grabbing the nearest sword, he rushed in to get the first strike. When Bakagiri brought down one of hers. Smashing it into splinters as the hilt fell apart in his grip. Quickly he dodged backward. Grabbing another and defending only for it to break into pieces.

"Desperation, won't save you from me. Is this all you have, I won't carry your Burden like this?"
In an instant she shot forward and he went soaring into the ground. This battle had begun to pick up its pace.

"Not even close, I'll win this Bakagiri." Grabbing two blades he came upon her bringing them down. Shifting his strike on the right and bringing the left hilt in first. The left blade cracked against her body. As she slashed him across his sternum. The right blade she caught and snapped like a small piece of glass.

"Pathetic, prove to me that you are worthy of my power." He backed away quickly, noticing the blood dripping down his body. This was a problem, rushing around and using them wasn't enough. He could rely on Vait, but that would piss Bakagiri off.

She was taking the time to educate him on her power, show him the way to obtain true strength. The power that resides inside of him, no one else was worth looking at. Not at this moment, his hands gripped another blade. Thinking and considering the feel of the blade.

This was like finding a needle in a haystack, this training of hers wasn't easy. But what did someone expect, when learning greater power. That it came without a cost or price. That it was a simple walk in and have it situation? He gripped the sword swallowing the lump in his throat.

He looked around seeing the swords remaining, the horizon was covered in them. She stood atop a small building grinning sadistically as she watched. This was the start of a real training session between them.

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A Burden's Truth Empty Re: A Burden's Truth

Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:44 pm

A Burden's Truth 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

The sound of metal breaking and clashing as the two of them fought. Time became a linear thing, something he just couldn't find. He'd been at this a while, that was the sense he got. Wounds on his body began healing again, it wasn't anything deep. The vastness of those words and how many he'd broken.

How many swings had it been, how many hours had passed him? He'd not been sure of anything at all. It was just a drop in the lake that was time. The ripples continued to span this eternity. He moved to bring a sword down when it broke again. He felt his digits clasping the broken hilt. As the question entered his mind finally.

What was he doing here, why was he training this hard? Was it for the reason of power so he never got hurt again? No, that didn't sound right to him. He'd wanted to restart the Kenpachi, to begin a line of elite Captains. People who earned the right to fight for this place.

But why was he fighting now, memories of Hime, Hanako, and Laskt flooded his mind? There were people who held influence beyond the pale. These people weren't big influences who held pull and weight on this world.

They were cogs in a machine, run by the society and the world's elite. The Kings, Queens, Head Captains, and so many others. Did he fight to find satisfaction in battle? No that didn't seem right as he went through the motions of this battle. Fatigue had set in, some time ago it must have shown.

She'd pressed the attack on him, the hits he took had grown. As the puzzle in his mind, continued to move. Like a rubric cube slowly finding the solution to it. Why did he seek Bankai, what was it he was looking for in it? Why did he constantly chase power, was it to protect others?

He cared deeply for those in the Gotei, wishing to protect them from the monsters under the bed. Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red. That was what he believed and maybe lied to himself about. Was it lies he fed himself to give him a moral superiority in the end?

Was he being self-righteous and following what he called Zin's way an act? It felt like he used the man's name like a diety almost. Was the difference between him and Colin how they survived after? What had changed in the years since that moment?

When he broke the glass of the mirror, had it not shattered completely? His digits clenched as a small glow began to emit from his body. The tell-tale signs of his energy coming out. Cracking began forming on the swords, many of them shattering outright. His frame stood still as he clenched his fists tightly.

His resolve, burned brightly as the fires began to pour out of his body almost physically consuming the area. His eyes looked up, those blue eyes glimmering with power. He was done with doubt and fear, questioning himself at every turn. Comparing himself to other people, he was the last one.

"I am all that remains, I am not just some person left behind like the others. I am Yoshitsune Kobayashi, the last Crow. I wear my name with pride, I will not put them to doubt. My blade will find the strongest and fight them. My Burden is one that I carry with all I am. I do not seek your Bankai for anything less. Then taking the entire Gotei's Burden upon my shoulders when I walk on to the battlefield."

The aura he gave off was potent, as he began walking towards her. He didn't carry swords in his hands. He brought with him no weapon or feature as he found his resolve. Not just in this sense but the power of his determination. To protect and carry the Combat Division on his shoulders. He would revitalize it, the Kenpachi, and everything he set out to do.

He didn't know how not yet so every moment of this story was his life. He would wield his blade and use all the information and knowledge he had. Every last fragment of his being, to crack open the veil. He'd protect them all, fight any being he was shown to.

The blades around him began breaking and torn asunder as the Bankai began to reveal itself to him more.

The knowledge of the name entering his mind, the test of his resolve had been accomplished. But now came the challenge, that would shatter any notions he had about it. His form stopped as she clapped her hands together smiling.

"That's just what I wanted, my power isn't for one who doesn't know the answer within. You've passed this test, by the by all these swords here would break used by you." She said softly as she sat down now, on a rock. The next training would far less cerebral and focus on the physical element he needed.

Now they were entering the truth of the matter and the world as it stood. He'd come here to fight her, but the reality was nothing could harm her. Not while such doubt plagued him deeper within his mind. Hidden away behind the layers and layers that he'd built up over the years. He is as unknown as the depths of the sea, but slowly a piece had broken off.

The layers were peeled aside like an onion, though slow the progress was there.

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A Burden's Truth Empty Re: A Burden's Truth

Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:56 pm

A Burden's Truth 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

The training had begun in earnest, the use of his Bankai. It was a strange thing to train with. It was more adjusting to the power his Zanpakuto wielded. While obviously the previous skills and capabilities of it remained. The Chains were everywhere on the strange status upon the Lotus.

The size of it towered over buildings, large with a defined shape. It had a horse-like helmet it wore upon its head. Chains dangled from it, six of them total. Where it remained with half its body coming through the air. She began to display the power it had. As his arm was cut, it fell to the ground or would have.

Slices began appearing on the Bankai itself, it was taking the burden of the damage he took. Pieces falling, anywhere he got hit the statue took damage. What was the purpose of the Bankai absorbing his pain.

"Our Burdens aren't divided Yoshitsune, we are a single being who fight together not divided. Your pain is my pain, and my pain is yours. Your power is my power. "

He listened as he felt the chains rattling and moving with a protective nature. Oh, the while it seemed that this giant figure behind him took the punishment for him. But he felt the pain, every agonizing minute of it.

His powers of regeneration were put into overdrive for this. She smiled a bit as she saw the statue is beginning to fall into ruins. Cracks and breaking within its power. The cracks forming in the being and chains as they crumbled. The power that lay beneath the statue ready to be released.

"Omoni Shokan, Burden's Redemption, releases all the damage you've taken and shared with the figure. In a slicing light that cuts through everything within a thirty-mile radius."

His eyes widened, understanding the nature of the Bankai itself. It took damage for him, taking the outer destruction of his body for power. It was carrying the burden of destruction. It would release it all when he had taken enough. When the moment came, like a slicing tempest.

It would run through the enemies carving them into pieces, this attack moved through him without causing an injury. The name and nature of the technique were a build-up, slowly building to the crescendo that came. His Burden's Blade would slice through all that came.

But it would need to be used sparingly, as it wasn't something he could unleash with people nearby. His frame sat as his eyes began to open from the state of being. The sanity was chased away from this situation. The pain of gaining power, but then understanding it couldn't be used.

This was the realization of the true nature of his Bankai. It couldn't help others, not in reality with what it accomplished. His powers as a hollow would require more refining as well. This small step into the place he was going was hard.

But someday, somehow he had to develop and move forward past Zin Yuudeshi and Zefonse Kaizme. Moving towards a horizon that seemed so far away.

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