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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Sun Oct 24, 2021 6:48 am
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 HEADER_Dc71vjTUwAAb7PE

Lerna raised a brow slightly at the woman’s response, unable to help but wonder if perhaps she was missing something here. ”Don’t you guys come out here on patrol for like… months at a time? I guess I never really asked how that thing works for you guys.” she mused, hardly feeling slighted but now wondering just how shinigami patrols were even structured. Did they have mandated ‘on alert’ hours or something?

On the subject of fashion Lerna gave a chuckle and a sheepish smile. ”Not exactly an expert on fashion. I don’t even exactly know what you’d call my look in fashion lingo, other than some of my friends call me a tomboy. Is there a word for button-ups and pants?” She murmured, briefly letting her eyes wander as she was lost in thought. Ugh, someone like Haji would probably know this shit. Wherever that little rat was.

”Anything works honestly, not like I’m gonna be picking up hotties at the bar later or anything.” she murmured, hiding her lack of fashion knowhow with feigned disinterest. One look at Murasaki and she could sense that the girl at the very least had some fashion competence. She envied the fact that a shinigami probably blended with humans better than she did, and that little inner pride of hers flared in the slightest given she usually enjoyed having more world of the living knowledge than the soul reapers she ran into.

Subconsciously she was already trying to think of something she’d know better than this woman as her internal drive to compete started up.
God of Love
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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:48 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 NsOqTkn


"Hmmm? Well yeah, sometimes we do come down for a pretty long time, but not always. I'm a captain, so it wouldn't be a great idea for me to stay down here for so much time. I usually just stay for a few days, maybe a week or two if it's somewhere that needs a lot more attention."

Regardless of all that, though, Murasaki still led the way through town toward one of the stores that seemed a little more uh...practical, to put it nicely. This girl didn't exactly seem like she'd appreciate a more fashionable outfit, but that was fine.

"What, not plannin' to head out on the town after ya nearly got popped like a grape? Guess that makes sense."

Despite the whole situation having been fairly dire for a minute there, things seemed to have calmed down, which was sorta the only thing she could really ask for in a situation like this.

"And I think we just call that casual stuff. I'm not really familiar with formal fashion stuff either, I just make my own clothes most of the time."


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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:32 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 HEADER_Dc71vjTUwAAb7PE

Lerna grinned, immediately feeling somewhat better that the one who had shown her up so hard was a Captain. "Is that right? And you go sober when you go on these little outings? Makes sense I suppose. Ready to fight at any time and all that." She hummed, rubbing her chin thoughtfully as she smiled a little to herself. Though those bright violet eyes snapped back to the Shinigami when they made a little joke, her expression breaking out into a pleased grin.

"Nahhhh~ Normally I would, but you know how much humans can wine about things." She chimed, a little pleased to see that sassy sense of humor from the woman.

She gladly followed the woman as they seemed to have a destination in mind, perking up when she noticed the shop that Murasaki seemed to be beelining for. She wasn't familiar with the place, so she had no comment thus far, but trusted the Shinigami's tastes for now. However, she DID raise her brows and give the woman a side-eye at her final comment. Looking..... impressed honestly. "You MAKE your own clothes? How did you wind up getting into that? I mean I know you guys live a long time but still, I can't imagine having enough free time that I'd learn to make my own clothes....not that that's not sorta cool."
God of Love
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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:06 am
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 NsOqTkn


"I can hold my liquor just fine n' all but I'd rather not take any chances, ya know what I mean?"

Murasaki shrugged the whole thing off, keeping casual about the situation and leading the way toward what she was fairly certain was a more down to earth shop. Of course, she couldn't help but grin proudly at Lerna's surprise. It wasn't exactly a common hobby, but hey, Murasaki wasn't a common girl, now was she?

"Yeah, make 'em all myself. Didn't use to, obvs, but I spent a real long time down here on Earth after I got outta the Academy. Couple hundred years, and I'd kinda just travel around and camp out. Options for new clothes weren't exactly growin' on trees out there, ya know."

Lifting the hem of her captain's haori, Murasaki was quite clearly showing it off, no small amount of pride in her work.

"Even made this myself! It was takin' forever to get mine since there was a whole buncha paperwork for when I got the position, so I figured I'd just stop waitin'."


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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:29 am
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 HEADER_62670574_p0

Lerna nodded appreciatively, admittedly liking the logic the woman had behind her reasoning. And of course she allowed the subject to simply pass. The fact of the matter was that Lerna herself did not actually drink. No way was anyone going to cut her fuckin head off again. So it was probably for the best that the woman had declined. She wasn't actually familiar enough with any of the bartenders in this area that they would know not to give her anything with actual alcohol in it.

All the same, they were soon more or less right at the door of the store when Lerna gave an appreciative whistle when Murasaki began to explain her little hobby, even showing off some of her handiwork at that. Lerna took a moment to eye the article in question and in particular just how well it fit the one wearing it. She'd never MADE any clothing, but she'd haf to fix it from time to time, and dealing with the fit of an article of clothing was something she knew very well. "Well color me impressed! That's some fine work. Wouldn't even recognize it as a homemade one from any of the normal ones I've seen." She praised, before her attention turned to the store. Hmmm....

She began peeling her jacket off and promptly used the sleeves to tie around her middle. Partially obscuring just how dire the blood situation was going on. There were hollows in the area, so a little blood wouldn't be too out of the ordinary to see. So long as nobody saw the extent of it. "Alrighty. That should do it. And hey, you wanna help me pick something out? If you're out there making your own clothes you must have a pretty keen fashion sense, if you don't mind that is." She offered with a grin.

She was quite aware of her own tomboyish tastes, though she certainly wasn't incapable of straying outside of that. And well, given her hobby she had a feeling this was one of those girls that might not prefer to be seen around a girl of Lerna's tastes. Not that Lerna gave a shit about what she wore anyway. Besides, it could be fun.
God of Love
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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Tue Oct 26, 2021 3:59 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 NsOqTkn


"Well what can I say, I am pretty good at this. But a coupla centuries is more than enough time to get good at somethin' that necessary, ya know? I think it'd be weirder if I wasn't so good at it by now."

Now that was sort of a surprising offer, but Murasaki was perfectly willing to take her up on it. Honestly, she'd been meaning to find some reason to check out all the newest fashion stuff down here anyway. Himiko was always telling her about whatever was exciting, and it usually ended with a magazine or two getting left on her desk. That Iron Lady did always have some pretty cool stuff on, though...

"I don't mind helpin' at all. I don't think you'n me quite have the same look, but I'm pretty good at all this, so I can find somethin' that'll look good on you."

Better to leave it unsaid that the two of them quite visibly didn't have the same sort of style in the slightest. Murasaki figured that was probably just visible at a glance, given the sort of things she tended to wear, and how starkly it contrasted with...well, the much more casual attire Lerna had. Not that there was any real problem there. Leading the way on into something that seemed more up her companion's alley, Murasaki scanned the place for something that popped out.

"Ya like shorts? You seem like the shorts type."


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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Tue Oct 26, 2021 4:22 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 HEADER_62670574_p0

Lerna simply nodded along thoughtfully. She DID raise a good point, Lerna herself had a few skills she'd honed over the years, but this was hardly the time to go bragging. Not because she didn't want to, but because there was just more interesting avenues to the conversation. A smile flashing across her face as Murasaki promptly agreed to the idea of helping Lerna pick something out, something that further tarnished her notion that Shinigami were so different from humans. Well, some of them at least. "Oh no doubt about that! But I still look forward to seeing what you got. I don't think I've ever seen what a shinigami's fashion is like, so honestly you don't have to cater to me too much or anything. I'm not the kinda girl who's gonna refuse an outfit just because it isn't my vibe." She pointed out. After all, they almost always wound up in the world of the living in uniform. It would be interesting to see how soul society influenced their sense of fashion. But of course by stark contrast, she basically wore just whatever.

Did that mean she usually wore casual clothing? Absolutely, but that was simply because of how easy it was to get her hands on that kinda stuff, she wasn't particularly attached to the vibe, so she hardly wanted Murasaki watering down her ideas for that. The sheer leaning of course came when Murasaki moved to a section and promptly asked her a question like that. Lerna raised a brow and glanced at them. "Sure, Shorts are fine, nice when it's hot out." She responded, no doubt probably helping Murasaki start to discern just how Lerna's brain worked. It might take a while, but if she continued to go asking what Lerna liked, she would find things.... a bit lacking in variation. Namely, that she would just give a variation of 'sure'.

Possibly a nightmare for such a fashion-conscious woman as Murasaki.

God of Love
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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Thu Oct 28, 2021 12:02 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 NsOqTkn


"Well I hate to break it to ya, but if you're lookin' for shinigami fashion I'm probably not gonna give ya much info. All my tastes came from living down here on Earth, and when I talk about fashion with my friends we're pretty much always lookin' through magazines and stuff from down here."

Honestly, Murasaki had sort of expected that kind of response from Lerna, and she started looking through more functional shorts, not terribly exciting. Well, not exciting in their decoration, anyway. If you were a guy who liked legs, you'd probably think they were real exciting. Mm, what'd go with that...

"I figure you probably like boots more, huh? Tougher than other shoes and they'll definitely take more of a beating. Dunno if ya always get yourself into situations like this, but it sure seems like you're not the sort to like, ya know, sit around and sew or whatever."


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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Thu Oct 28, 2021 12:43 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 HEADER_image-buebuy3bu-cutout

Lerna raised a brow in sheer surprise. ”No kiddin? You guys really not have like anything particular goin on up there? I mean I know you soul reapers stick to your uniform but I still figured you guys had like spirit fashion or something….” she murmured. Then again she could only wonder how isolated the worlds were these days maybe their cultures had just mixed? Or maybe this woman just cared more about earth than fraternizing with spirits.

All the same she was deep in thought when Murasaki began to peruse the selection of shorts they had. The question causing her to tilt her head to the side. ”I usually prefer sneakers but boots do alright. So ling as they don’t go too high up. A friend of mine tried to have me wear some weird boots that went up to the thighs and it wasn’t fun. Would rather wear heels than those.” She thought back to the incident in question.

She did however stick her tongue out again. ”I know how to sew. Usually a with-friends thing.” she retorted with an impish smirk, taking feigned offense to Murasaki’s incredulity.
God of Love
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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Sat Oct 30, 2021 4:53 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 2 NsOqTkn


"Oh, there's plenty of stuff up there. All the noble families especially have like, centuries of fashion history, and a lot of people out in the Rukongai tend to come up with some pretty stuff. But it's not really my thing, I dunno. Most of their stuff is in the same sort of vein as what I can already make for myself, so if I'm doing any shopping I'd rather do it down here where it's different."

Of course, there was also just the fact that Murasaki wasn't especially attached to the culture of Soul Society as a whole. She'd definitely been getting more acquainted with it all over the past few years, and she'd never say she felt like an outright outsider anymore. But when you weren't born and raised there, and you didn't live there much...well, it was no surprise that it didn't align with her too naturally.

"Not a fan of the taller boots? Honestly I think they're super cute. I've been meaning to make a pair but I hardly ever have the time for somethin' that involved. Plus the last time I tried they were way too tight, not good at all for runnin' around in. That was a few years ago too, so they'd probably just be even tighter now. Hm..."

Murasaki was naturally aware of just how impressive her legs actually were, and that it was in no small part the reason for the issue with said boots. It'd be hard for anyone to make boots that fit comfortably around a thigh thicker than some trees.

"Anything's fun with friends, ya know, that's cheatin'."


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