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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Sat Oct 30, 2021 5:59 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 HEADER_image-buebuy3bu-cutout

Lerna raised a brow slightly as she listened to Murasaki with interest, already trying to imagine. Ah right...Nobles, she hadn't even thought about them for a while, bur she wrinkled her nose a bit at the idea of Shinigami considering themselves above others. Sure, there was that sort of thing these days on earth, but well....everything exploding at one point or another had shaken that up a bit. Huh...she wondered if the wars had had an effect on the Noble classes as well. She didn't imagine, but she supposed it would be something to ask.....not Murasaki probably. She didn't seem too into that stuff.

Though when Murasaki mentioned boots she perked up. "EXACTLY! They felt restricting, I could barely move!" She insisted, the memory now quite fresh in her mind as she followed the woman around, tilting her head for a moment before glancing down at the woman's fat fuckin thighs, she could only imagine how bad it was for HER, fuck those things were even thicker than Lerna's. "Even tighter now huh, so you guys DO age. Not that I figured you didn't, but you know how humans are. You'd think after so long they'd get their facts straight, but I guess the fact that you Shinigami age at such weird rates people make stuff up anyway. Though I guess that's just souls in general. Being a shinigami don't effect your aging does it?"

She paused, smirking just a little at Murasaki's little counter. "Fair enough. That apply to your job as well? Not that I don't imagine some find it fun even without friends." She ventured as she eyed the racks. A pause as she came to one full of varying types of shorts. They were all sorts.... ripped, jean shorts, booty shorts, running shorts, biking shorts, hiking shorts. She glanced at Murasaki as if to ask the woman if any of them struck her fancy, though a quick pause made Lerna peek down her own shirt past her cleavage, briefly distracted before smirking. "Bout friggin time." She murmured, taoking a moment to poke the spot which had now fully closed up. Now she just needed her new clothes and she'd be all set. "All set for bared midriff looks." She noted to Murasaki with a thumbs-up. Clearly enjoying herself.
God of Love
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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Tue Nov 02, 2021 9:57 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 NsOqTkn


"Well, I dunno if it's really age. Ya spend enough time trainin' and it'll show. My mom's like, at least a thousand and honestly I don't think she looks older than me by that much. I think it's probably gotta do with how strong you are? She's in Zero Division so she's no slouch, but I dunno, that's kinda outside my area of expertise."

Shrugging to herself as she pulled a torn-looking pair of jean shorts off the rack, Murasaki kept looking through whatever was around here. Hm... Well, if she was healing up, that helped a lot. She could work with that.

"That's perfect then, I think you'd totes rock that look. Not everyone can, so you definitely gotta work it. I guess my job's more fun with friends? But I try not to send myself out with 'em for too long. Might look bad if I'm doin' that all the time. It'd be nice to send me and my boyfriend off somewhere pretty, but I'm still a professional. Gotta do my job right."


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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Tue Nov 02, 2021 10:18 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 HEADER3_tumblr_p8xhacnVWL1tki4vbo1_400

Lerna nodded slightly as she adjusted the jacket she'd put around her waist. Now that she wasn't bleeding everywhere, it was a simple matter of getting it off herself. Peeling it off and folding it up so that the bloody part was on the inside, leaving lerna in the tanktop she'd had on underneath. Hm....though it did have hole in it still. And it was a bit bloody. Yeesh... She held the folded up Jacket over her front, keeping it obscured as she....briefly considered the age subject. It certainly did seem more ....strength based. But it was hard to tell from just a glance. All the same, she paused to think it over.

"I guess that makes sense. Though I'd have thought they would teach that stuff in Shinigami school. Guess that takes a back seat to other stuff." She mused.

Her attention shifted to the shorts and she put on a grin. "Ya think so huh? Been a while since I've actually tried the look. Won't know till I try it on though." A pause at the mention of a boyfriend. Her mentioning sending them off somewhere like a vacation. It sounded so ....mundane. It was bizarre. She looked over the clothes they had been looking at, and she couldn't help but feel like this was almost normal. She knew she had a biased view of the Shinigami but it was strange to see such a ......pedestrian view of their lifestyle.

Shopping with friends.
Going off with their partner.

They seemed like humans. A small part of her didn't like to think that. Or maybe considered they had simply changed over time. But now she was thinking about it. What did it actually mean to be a shinigami? She'd fought them. Run from them. Killed them. Ate them. She was trapped by them. And so much more. Even if memories were hollow and dry like a carved out log.... even if she even wondered if they were real.. It wasn't something she could ignore. Not with Murasaki giving off such a ...... quiet vibe. She'd watch, waiting for the woman to pick out the rest of their first trial outfit. Before ultimately she found herself speaking up.

"That whole thing with your boyfriend. I can imagine it probably is hard for that kinda thing. You know...being busy as a Captain and all. Probably even dangerous a lot of the time. Ya ever regret becoming a shinigami? Ya spend so much time out here in the world of the living. You ever just consider living things out down here? I mean, with how much ya seem to mesh with Living World culture, I'm a little surprised you're sticking with the Shinigami thing." She noted. Being honest. And ....a bit curious. As ....she WAS starting to consider the notion. What if ....SHE went to try and become a Shinigami? There was a lot she wanted to know about them. Wouldn't that be the best way to find out?
God of Love
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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:05 am
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 NsOqTkn


"Not like it really matters too much. Least, I don't think it does when it comes to gettin' the job done. Most people probably don't really stay with the Gotei their whole lives anyway, ya know?"

Murasaki kept looking through the racks of clothes even as Lerna was running through the situation, but of course, she was thinking it through herself. It was pretty weird for someone to be asking these kinds of questions, wasn't it? Well, that wasn't too surprising. A lot of people wanted to know this sorta stuff, it seemed like. They were always getting more substitutes lately too, even if not all of 'em were...well, amazing.

"Regret it? Nah, not for a second. I joined up because I wanted to help people, do what I could. I think even if things aren't perfect with the Gotei, I've got a lot of opportunity to make changes that I couldn't really get if I wasn't a Captain, ya know? Besides, it might sound kinda silly, but ever since I was a kid I've wanted to be Captain Commander one day. I'd still like that one day."


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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 6:09 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 HEADER3_tumblr_p8xhacnVWL1tki4vbo1_400

Lerna nodded slowly as she listened to the other woman, eyeing the racks thoughtfully as Murasaki offered her .....strange perspective. Or well...unexpected perspective. After all being a Captain she probably had a lot more administrative perspective for a lot of things that happened. She began sorting through tops, glancing at Murasaki now and then, checking to see what she thought of them before she paused and.....parsed the information about Murasaki's reasoning for becoming a shinigami. She looked over her shoulder to stare a bit at Murasaki and was.....perplexed.

She joined soul society to change it? She had ....well alright she had HEARD of that. But she always imagined that in the long run that they would be chewed out by the system. But that Murasaki had such an ambition, and SEEMED to still have it was bizarre. She was.....what she could feel safe around. Lerna realized she was staring for a moment and then glanced back down to the clothes she had in her hand. "That's.......really impressive. I mean, you always hear a lot of stories about people like that. People who WANT to do something like that. But the fact that you made it and still have that mindset is ..... a little ....awesome." She murmured lightly.
God of Love
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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Fri Nov 05, 2021 8:58 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 NsOqTkn


Oh, now that was perfect. A fairly tight black crop top that showed off plenty of midriff, that was good. Maybe some sorta vest or something? That was risky, not every girl could swing that look, but Lerna kinda had that rough and tumble angle goin' that could probably make it work...

"Oh, well thanks. I dunno, I never really thought about it as too impressive or anything. I'm just doin' what I feel like I oughta do. I've got a lotta problems with the Gotei, and I probably wouldn't've even gone back if they hadn't fixed some of 'em."

Shrugging as she handed the top over, Murasaki's cheerful demeanor remained in full effect. Not because she was so unassailably happy, of course, but rather just because she was confident enough to not let negativity get to her.

"Far as I'm concerned, it's just a matter of what I'm willin' to do and how hard I'm willin' to work now."


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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Fri Nov 05, 2021 9:18 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 HEADER3_tumblr_p8xhacnVWL1tki4vbo1_400

Lerna coulnd't help but chuckle a little as the girl just brushed that shit off so passively. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh, enjoying getting to laugh like this. You wouldn't have thought she had a hole in her not that long ago, but she did perk up at the choice that Murasaki had pulled out. It definitely would have a lot of skin out there, but she hardly minded that, she smiled, holding it up to her front and grinning a little to herself, already imagining the looks on some of the other gals faces that she knew in this area. Which admittedly was like...two...she hadn't really been socializing around here. But all the same, it would be pretty funny.

"I mean, still, that's pretty fuckin impressive. But then again I guess making Captain in general is a pretty big deal." She hummed, eyeing the outfit. "This seems pretty alright. Even go with my boots! There's not ...TOO much blood on those..." She noted, glancing down to the footwear in question before glancing in the direction of the Changing rooms. She really wasn't gonna go trying on shoes if she could help it. All the same, looking back to Murasaki, she smiled. "You know you're also pretty alright for a Shinigami. Not that I've met tons of them but they usually seem sooooo... well I guess I might have just met them at odd times, but they seemed a lot more...on edge. It honestly looked like a miserable job most of the time." She murmured, peering a little at a rack of vests, jackets, and petticoats. There were definitely some out-there ones in the mix.

"You think they'd take a thug like me? I guess I don't exactly bleed the 'elegant executioner' vibe."
God of Love
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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Fri Nov 05, 2021 11:06 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 NsOqTkn


Despite being on the job, Murasaki had to admit that she actually felt sort of weird talking about work during all this. It was a pretty casual situation, after all, and she wasn't normally the type who mixed work and leisure time. Well, no, that wasn't true. She did that a lot with the camping and stuff. But she didn't mix work and leisure time this much.

"I was kinda surprised they let me be Captain when I came back, to be honest. I had a meeting with the Captain Commander, showed her I had Bankai and all that. Guess things have sorta changed since I'd last been up there, since it didn't seem like she was too worried about any other testing or anything. But I wasn't really welcome in Soul Society when I first got outta the Academy, so if things had still been like that, I never woulda stayed."

She couldn't help but laugh at the mention of her not being like other shinigami. Well, that was true, she had to admit, though she couldn't say a lot of the people in her division on the whole were really that normal, either. Maybe she just attracted all the interesting people.

"I wouldn't worry about not fittin' in. I sure don't, most of my division doesn't really either, I wouldn't say. Gotei's kinda just a buncha weirdos in general though, always has been in my experience. I think you'd fit in fine if you're lookin' for a job. Ya did pretty good out there, so I'd totes give ya a recommendation to go with an application if ya put one in."


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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Sat Nov 06, 2021 5:31 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 HEADER3_tumblr_p8xhacnVWL1tki4vbo1_400

Lerna snorted just a little at that. A bit amused that Murasaki had that classic 'I don't even know how I got the job' thing going for her. Well she supposed the Gotei HAD been through a lot these last couple centuries, it made sense for them to be altering how they operated. Strange after so many years, but she supposed nobody was immune to change. "Is that right? So if that had happened, where do you think you WOULD have wound up?" She asked because, well why not? She had seemed pretty surte that she would have retired. Did she have some place else she'd have gone? Just enjoyed retirement?

BY now they had finally picked up a full outfit more or less, and Lerna was heading with Murasaki to the changing area, and with her outfit she slipped in, promptly beginning to change into the outfit Murasaki seemed to settle on with the short shorts and the black crop top, as well as whatever additional upper garbs that the woman had deemed suitable for her. Of course that ALSO meant balling up her gross bloody clothes and stuffing them into a bag. She'd probably have to throw that shit out. Preferably NOT in the middle of the store where they could be discovered and cause a ruckus. She stripped down and .....pondered the woman's words.

It was ....strange. That the Gotei had become such a casual place. One where you could just....apply. They probably had tests and such, b ut even so it felt so casual the way Murasaki spoke of it. And as she eyed the bra she was about to put on she paused.... leaning against the wall and glancing toward the door before looking back to Murasaki. "Is that right? That's awful nice of ya. I think I'll take you up on that offer. Who knows: Maybe I'll wind up as one of the weirdos in your division." She smirked before resuming getting all dressed up and then doing a little spin, looking at herself in the mirror before turning her attention back to Murasaki to see what she thought.
God of Love
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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Sat Nov 06, 2021 10:42 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 3 NsOqTkn


Now that was a question Murasaki thought about a lot. After all, evenif she didn't talk about it, she knew it was pretty possible that she'd decide to leave. Maybe because she didn't like how the Gotei was going, or maybe just because the wanderlust started to get to her.

"I think I'd just keep wanderin'. I'm not sure there's anywhere else I think I'd throw my lot in. Too many groups that're all talk, and I'm not so sure I wanna associate with the ones that get things done."

After all, what really was there? Lux Orior? The Vandenreich? Vastime? No, none of those were the sort of place that Murasaki could ever see herself. For one reason or another, they were all way outside her wheelhouse.

"Hopefully ya do. Odds are you'll end up with me though, I think. People who know their way around Earth always end up in 7th Division, that's our job after all."


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