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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 4 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:34 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 4 HEADER3_tumblr_p8xhacnVWL1tki4vbo1_400

Lerna nodded along as she slipped on the rest of the outfit, though she slowed to a stop and sat on the changing bench to listen as Murasaki talked about her other potentials, or rather the lack thereof. It really seemed like she was in the kindof position to consider other options given the sheer ammount of living world experience she had, which felt strange given ....well..her own memories of how the gotei used to work. At least what little tidbits she got from killing and eating shinigami back in the day. Still, it was interesting to hear such things from the woman. She supposed given her answer it only made sense she'd wound up with the Gotei. Though she did wonder why she hadn't wound up in Vanguard... but she decided not to push too far into that subject.

"Sounds like you really thought a lot about this. Guess it's a good thing you fit so well into the Gotei to make Captain huh? And hmmmm, that doesn't sound too bad. You seem like a nice enough woman to have as a boss. What's the rest of your division like? Or ....even ....any of the other divisions? I think I heard something about you guys cutting down or something?" She asked before she paused, raising up a hand in apology. "Psh, listen to me talkin yer ear off about work shit. And after you were nice enough to say you'd put a word in for me. Heheh, guess I'm just too nosy about this kinda thing. Always liked hearing about what people do. But hey, I guess I'll learn when I put my foot in the door. In the meantime: How do I look?" She asked, doing a little spin and smiling to Murasaki. The woman had chosen the outfit, and Lerna had taken the trouble to tie some of her hair back in a Half-ponytail to try and accent the outfit. This looked nice right? Fuck if she knew.
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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 4 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Wed Nov 10, 2021 12:52 am
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 4 NsOqTkn


"Rest of my division's pretty casual, honestly. At least, I like to think so. I know not everyone's gonna just be like me, and that's totes fine, I'm not trying to keep everyone just like me or anything. We've got a few more traditional people, even a few real old folks, but honestly I feel like a lot of 7th Division's younger people. We're cool, with the times and all that."

Of course, Murasaki was overexaggeratedly sounding as if she were decidedly not with the times for the sake of the joke, but that was still pretty true, as far as she could tell. A lot of the rest of the Gotei was still fairly similar to how it'd always been, but she felt like she kept her division pretty modern, pretty far removed from how the rest of the Gotei ran.

"Personally, I think ya look great. I'm sure all the guys'll be breakin' through the windows just to ask for your number."


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White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 4 Empty Re: White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki)

Wed Nov 10, 2021 7:31 pm
White Girl Stuff (Lerna/Murasaki) - Page 4 HEADER3_tumblr_p8xhacnVWL1tki4vbo1_400

The blonde couldn't help but smirk just a little at that, maybe it was just because of HOW much her squad drew in the human world types and she wasn't truly aware of that. But from her point of inexperience it almost seemed like Murasaki WANTED her in their division. To which she put on a bit of a proud grin, pleased that she could delude herself with importance in this instance. "It sounds like a pretty great time. I'll certainly have to consider it. Though I guess even if I DO make it it'll be a while before I'm in a position to go making that decision anyway. How long does Shinigami University even take these days?" She asked, canting her head a bit to the side.

She almost imagined herself in some sort of cliche graduation ceremony. She all dressed up in one of those fancy graduation robes and little diamond hat thingies. And of course people cheering, because she's awesome and amazing and probably the top of her class, and probably with like...eight girl/boyfriends and everyone is super jealous. And of course Murasaki would be in the crowd, holding up a sign like 'I knew you could do it!' or 'Your legs look awesome!'. Yeaaaaaa, that'd be perfect. She grinned to herself, pleased in the idle headspace of her brief little daydream.

BUT there were other things afoot! Namely Murasaki approving of her outfit, something which further made Lerna glow with pride, even flexing a little and looking down at herself to make sure nothing seemed out of place. "It DOES suit me huh? I might have to come to you for this kinda thing more often. And as for the boys, well they'll have to get in line. I already got a PrrETTy big line of suitors." She noted, lying through her snakey teeth. Were there plenty of people who hit on her? A Fair ammount. But her in the world of the living usually didn't mix well with ....that kinda stuff. Not only that but humans were fucking disgusting. With short, pointless lives. She'd get....what.... maybe six or seven decades out of one? That'd be more like a pet than an actual partner. Besides, even in this humanoid form, she was still the same monster she'd always been on the inside. She only respected strength, and most humans couldn't even deal with a hollow, let alone meet her standards.

But still, the thought of feeble human males clamoring over her anyway still stroked her ego, so she accepted the assessment. "WELL, now we can go get that drink! If you got time. This did take a bit longer than I expected....." She murmured, tapping her chin for a moment. She'd allowed herself to get caught up in their conversation, and so shopping had been...well.extended a bit. She wasn't sure how often this woman had to get into work mode. "Ah, actually you declined the drink offer. Guess we really were just out here to get clothes. Which, Beeteedubs, thanks for that. We should do it again sometime." She offered with a pleased smile, her focus now on the woman after she had a moment or two to admire herself in the mirror. She'd certainly gotten more out of this than she expected. She .....actually might have made a pretty good ally. Acquaintance? Contact?

......Hot girl with connections. Bingo. And that was a pretty big win for the day.
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