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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare]

Fri Dec 10, 2021 3:14 pm


Enter Rita's Post

Rita's mind was moving a million miles per second and sometimes even she herself barely took notice of it. Although her face turned a bit red at the comments, she didn't feel embarrassed and instead had a sharkish grin on her face as she figured she was a pretty high-energy person to be around. Therefore, the woman took a nod of the head before coming up with a response:

"Too fast for you? Ya got me: I like being a showy 'gal."

There was then an innocent roll of the shoulders before Rita started following the older woman. Although, in hindsight, her eyebrow rose a bit at the honey comment. Although Rita mostly reserved herself and was just focused on taking her seat for the time being, she certainly felt weird being called that, but she figured it must've been from where she was born. It wasn't even a negative feeling, either. She just didn't seem like the southern type to call people honey and all that. But nah, there goes her mind again. Going too fast. So, Rita took the smoke gladly and lit it up with a lighter in her right sleeve before leaning back in her seat.

"Then we can slow down~ Perhaps I need to myself before I zoom off the ledge."

Rita nodded her with a sense of confidence before narrowing in on the next bit of words spat at her:

"Name is Rita Grace as you know and I'm currently running a bunch of small food, medicine, and other essential services-related businesses across North America and Europe. I figure since the world is blind as to what the next step is, it was best to take advantage of the post-war state and use those profits from those acquired businesses to keep buying up land and build up resources."

With her hand shaped in a gun, she motioned with that hand as if she were shooting at Kegare before going on.

"Whole world is fucked, right? This is the best time to make something of ourselves and perhaps do something good for humanity by making sure it a decent cut of the planet stays in human hands. As my goal is to provide something for my fellow humans in the long run."

Then she eased back in her chair before taking another puff of her smoke and concluding.

"Was that a mouthful or did I ramble on too fuckin' much?"

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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare]

Mon Jan 24, 2022 8:45 pm
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Kegare couldn't help but give an amused smile as she listened to Rita seemed to roll with the punches as it were, seamlessly shrugging off her request for the girl to calm down and making an admission that she was the kind of woman to simply get a bit too enthused. Kegare chuckled softly and gave a nod of her head. "'I can certainly see that. I don't think its a bad trait, just a bit much for me all at once." She noted lightly enough, it was hardly anything awful.

All the same, she nodded along as the woman began to explain her .....strangely diversified portfolio. And how very unspecific an explanation it was. At least insofar as just WHAT companies the woman seemed to own. "And just what was it that got you into the business of owning so many small companies? Not often a girl just has a couple companies land in her lap." She noted lightly, drumming her nails along the edge of the table as she watched the woman closely. She .....stopped. Her fingers toming to a rest and her head canting to the side for a moment as Rita went a bit more into the details of what it was she was doing.

It was certainly an .....idealistic notion to scrounge such a large amount of wealth, land, and money under the guise of keeping things in the hands of humanity. While at the same time having such an ....indulgent personality. Though she supposed the personalities of martyrs rarely met very positive ends. One such idealistic martyr having met their end lately, she let out a soft sigh before she smiled again. "Is that right? Certainly that's rather ambitious of you. And all with these numerous small companies of yours, no less." She murmured thoughtfully. "I have to admit, you don't quite strike me as the ....type for these sorts of endeavors. You feel much more like a gameshow host. Vibrant...lively...a fun person." She closed her eyes and tapped the table a few times before glancing back up. "These days money is not always the manner in which such territory disputes are decided. It seems these days that some of these....larger organizations simply swallow some places up. I can't imagine some Vastime official givin a damn about money if they see fit ta take a place they think is valuable. How do you plan to keep safe these investments of yours? Especially when you go about staking claims as valuable as land." She asked with a tilt of her head.

Though she smiled, chuckling softly to herself. "Sorry, was that a bit too serious of me? I certainly wish you luck in your endeavors. They definitely sound like the stars so many shoot for. And you aint blathering or anything, got the energy levels just about right." She assured Rita.
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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 3:27 pm


Enter Rita's Post

Rita was like a drug as far as she was concerned. Once you get one whiff of her, the high that radiates from her aura can get you fucked up six ways to Sunday. And if you aren't prepared for that kind of rush? It can be overwhelming. So it was up to her to lower the high a bit and cool her gears. So, her teal eyes focused in on Keagre as she simply nodded her head at her saying it was a lot to take in at once. As what was spoken after that was far more interesting to her. It was the notion of HOW such companies fell into her lap, and that's when Rita's mind went blank for a moment before she instantly snapped back.

"The world is up for grabs, so prior to the war, I did some bodyguard work for high-profile clients, got some riches from 'em and played my cards right as the whole planet was going to shit and pounced when these buzzards died off."

That was the truth. Well, of course, there was more to it, but that's all she needed to know in Rita's mind until she could be trusted. This is why Rita never averted her eyes, kept a cool smile and her body seemed super relaxed as there wasn't a tense bone in her body when she was telling her truth.

From there, Rita decided to take a swig of a drink on the table and observe her murmurs as she seemed to ramble on about her ambitions and being a lively person. Of which, Rita couldn't disagree and why there was a satisfied grin on her face as she proudly nodded her head. The lass could certainly keep a room entertained if she chose to, so it was nice to be complimented in a vain sense on her positive attributes as she liked to herself praised to a degree.

"Thank you for noticing~ I certainly don't like to give people an awful time in my presence if I ain't trying to put an axe over your head or something."

There was a small laugh that exited Rita's mouth before she absorbed all of what the woman said about maintaining this region of power. Of course Rita thought about the potential of conflict when expanding her empire. That was just human nature! If people saw a threat brewing, they would snuff it out before it got bigger. This is why her nose wriggled and she leaned in close to Keagre to meet her bluff.

"If you are a benefit to the world, aren't hostile, and are simply a native of this world trying to build a magnificent empire, then it would seem downright dictator-like to crush someone just running a business, eh? I have some weapons, resources, favors and all that good stuff I can pull; but politically I'm sure I could pull some leverage if people tried to stop me."

Then, Rita would snicker, flick the nose of Keagre and add on.

"And by land, I don't mean claiming entire nations just yet. Just buying up real estate, businesses, open-land space and operating within the confines of the law as this little jewel of mine grows. I have no need to start going around trying to take over the world or anything crazy like that, but I definitely want to start buying up spaces for the future."

After that, Rita leaned back, took a swig of her drink, and let out a satisfied sigh.

"Course, I should probably start sowing the seeds of favoritism and start helping out some of the orgs of this earth more so they see I'm not trying to start some crazy empire. That'll go a long way to not having my throat slit open and my fine-ass body being cooked for dinner."

With a wink of her eye, Rita confidently chuckled before spreading each of her legs out to get more comfortable before closing her eyes and thinking for a moment. When she came to an answer, they opened with stars behind them.

"Nothing is too serious for me. I've seen the blackest part of this world and the richest parts; so I'm down for whatever you got to throw at me, darling."

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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare]

Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:59 pm
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Kegare blinked, a bit surprised to see Rita keeping up that energy, a little envious in fact. But all the same, she watched as the woman closed in on her and gently flicked her nose, head tilting a little to the side before a light smile crossed her features. It certainly was an .....interesting story. Just gaining some money and being fortunate enough to just snatch up some companies. She could only WONDER just the SHEER ammount of money she'd have to gain to pull that off. Which only led to further questions. But she already could smell a place she didn't want to go sticking her nose. Bodyguard work though.... THAT caught her attention. Just how strong, WAS this woman? "Is that right? You must have been damn good at your job for all of that to come down. I can't say I much enjoy the idea of playing those political favoritism games. I've thought about it, and it would probably serve me well in the long run. But something about the way some human beings like to exploit that kind of angle just turns me away from it." She murmured, closing her eyes and letting out a soft sigh.

She glanced back up, reassessing the situation. At this point Rita was practically ontop of her, but well, she kinda got the impression that Rita might ALWAYS be this enthusiastic and invasive, not that she really minded for the time being. It was kinda nice to see the energetic woman. "You make a pretty good point I suppose. Gues I was never one for grand schemes like that. Always just preferred to work with my gut on that stuff." She paused, head canting a little to the side before she would rest her cheek on her knuckles.

She paused..... smiling for just a few seconds, looking up at Reida and then drumming her free fingers along the edge of the table for a moment. "You're cute. Idealistic.....optimistic even....driven. How I wish I could be more like you." She chuckled, shaking her head and giving out a sigh before she promptly took her drink and took a nice slow drink from it, a sigh escaping her as she felt that slight mental fuzz that rolled in in the wake of the drink, before turning her attention back to Rita. "Though I suppose I can't be doing THAT bad if I'm still capturing your attention."
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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare]

Sun Jan 30, 2022 6:17 pm


Enter Rita's Post

Ah, ain't it a bitch when certain words piece together a string of unpleasant memories? Not that Rita would fold her cards here, of course. Just a second or two of staring off into space when recalling the visions of blood on her hands, the adrenaline-filled nights and the looming dread of being a mercenary for hire certainly takes it toll during such dark years as there were prior to this relative peace the world was under. As far as Rita was concerned, whatever the hell Earth was turning into was a far better version of the planet than the shithole she grew up in.

Still -- it wasn't time for that. It wasn't wise to divulge your whole life story, feelings, operations, and everything to someone you just met. The woman certainly felt relaxed around Keagre, but there were other things in her heart that weren't as open for the time being. So perhaps bodyguard was a poor choice of words, but she figured she'd redact at a certain point as you can't always be on the pin-point of your own inner story when dealing with the day-to-day interactions of life.

"Politics? I fucking hate it. It's a pain in the ass. But life is fucked up and you can't avoid shit you don't like in it. Sometimes you have the play game you loathe to win and change the rules of it once you have enough chips to make what you want in the world."

There was a hard snort of breath that exited the younger woman's mouth as she flipped her up with it and leaned back in her seat. Nowhere in the four corners of her burning heart did she take pleasure in politics, but they certainly helped in instances if you couldn't outright brute force your way through a circumstance with raw power. Gotta play survival and live to fight another day until you secure that big W of a win. No shame was felt in her game as you had to adapt and do whatever you could to not get slaughtered in this dog-eat-dog world.

With those grim thoughts aside, there was an amused grin on Rita's face as that vain aspect of her personality kept getting patted on the head like a pleased dog getting a treat. Being attractive, driven and all these wonderful things were just icing on the cake as far as she was concerned. Sure, her whole core wasn't a vapid as that, but there is nothing wrong with soaking in a bit of good feeling where you can in this world when others acknowledge ya. It's only human, right?

"Damn right I'm a bundle of sunshine that's easy on the eyes."

Then, Rita rose one finger up and once again flicked the nose of Keagre.

"But wishing to be anyone but yourself is a recipe for hell. Ya have no idea if you'd even recognize who you are or like yourself if qualities of others got in your head, fucked it up, and morphed the essence of who you are. All ya can really do is study the traits of others you admire, break em' down, eat it and let it turn you into whatever version of yourself will be best."

No sense of ill-intent there. Rita was just straight speaking from the cuff with that little bit of cheeky dialogue. Life was hell when you were already a player fighting against the whole world; no sense in making the battle within yourself as hard as the external one. And she'd rather be able to steer someone away from that if she could help it at least.

"So yeah, ya doin' damn good to get my attention. But I can tell you like that, right?"

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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare]

Tue Feb 01, 2022 2:42 am
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Kegare couldn't help but raise a brow just a little in response to the woman's assertions about politics and all that sort of thing. Certainly it seemed to be a complicated subject for her. But....even so. She still got the impression that there was something else going on in this picture. Though, it seemed that the woman was intent on something else, another ...interesting philosophy lesson. Certainly it seemed like this girl kinda knew what she was about, and didn't quite strike her as the ...contemplative type. The sort of personality that young, successful, attractive people garnered, and then upon reaching Rita's age, sortof....developed into any number of things. Certainly she seemed.....unshakeable. Which really was a bit of a shame. She couldn't help but feel it was a little...harder to work with such individuals.

"I have to say, I admit I don't think I could handle too much of your sort of attention." She noted with an amused little chuckle, reaching up and lightly rubbing the spot where her nose had gone being flicked. "I am a little curious though. Normally the investors and such that come to these things are so very tight lipped in terms of motivations. Even more, you certainly do seem to have taken a liking to my company. Why exactly, were you so willing to leave behuind the party? Even if it was particularly boring, it was still an important gathering, with deals to be made and opportunities to be made furthering your ambition. Why exactly give that up for an evening slumming it out in a bar with someone such as myself?"
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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare]

Tue Feb 01, 2022 2:23 pm


Enter Rita's Post

"Oh, you can certainly overdose on my attention~"

Rita definitely agreed as some parts of herself did indeed feel she was perhaps a hard person to get along with. But, eh, that's not a reason to not still try, right? Better to have tried and lost than to have never tried at all.

Regardless of that tidbit, her teal eyes focused in once more on Kegare as she seemed at a lost in regards to her actions. Why skip out on the meeting? Why miss a chance to network? Why focus on some lonely person like herself? All valid sentiments and she took a moment to close her eyes so that she could gnaw on that thought to respect the woman and give her a proper, honest answer.

Once she had her answer, those eyes of hers opened once more with another tinge of life behind them and she just pressed forward.

"I made enough money, enough connections, and resources today. Why should I stick around further and burn myself out? There is only one of me and if I don't take care of myself nobody else is going to do that."

Blunt, confident, and to the point; Rita wasn't really afraid to express her feelings, so she marched ahead.

"You seem to have a lower sense of energy than myself, so perhaps sticking around with you can bring some kind of balance in my life maybe. So I poke people's brains, get a feel for their energy, and hope something interesting comes from it as life is just a pool of risk. You are always leaving money on the table, so no sense to torture yourself over it if you can find something that makes you more money by being happier and in a good frame of mind to fuck the world's shit."

Now with a content smile on herself, the woman nodded her head to affirm herself of her own words before posing a question back in return.

"Nobody wants to be alone, doesn't that make sense to you?"

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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare]

Tue Feb 01, 2022 2:44 pm
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Kegare chuckled softly at the woman's answer. Certainly not the sort of thing she expected from a woman of Rita's qualities. All the same, she could smell a bit of .....some sort of behavior she didn't quite expect. "Is that right? Suppose I don't mind it then, if my presence is something that's good for you." She reasoned casually enough, taking another soft sip of her drink before setting it back down onto the counter and glancing back toward Rita. A few moments to parse the situation before finally she spoke up.

"And what If I simply told you that I was here to distract you? A plague upon your productivity as others weooped in and took your place?" She asked playfully, "Hired by your competetors to take you down a notch. What then?" She hummed, taking another sip before setting the glass down entirely and sitting upright as she watched Rita. Honestly she really wasn't going anywhere with this, more fucking around than anything, but she was still interested in Rita's answer.
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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare]

Wed Feb 02, 2022 12:55 pm


Enter Rita's Post

At this point, Rita was chilling out a bit. The woman took a few more shots of her drink so that she could relax a bit more. Once you felt the burning flow of liquor entering your chest, that sense of relief was a sensation of bliss as a soft exhale of breath left Rita's lips. Still, it wasn't enough to distract her from what was said and it gave her time to ponder on the little scenario Kegare at posed out before her. Then, on a dime, she replied.

"Don't mean dick to me. You are always in competition with the world, so if they have to use piss-poor tactics like that to try and bring me down, it must mean I'm doing a good job at kicking their ass."

She didn't seem to miss a beat before taking another swig of her drink. With a wriggle of her nose, she carried on:

"How can I be pissed off if they give me something nice to look at on my downtime?"

After letting out a lighthearted chuckle, the woman cracked her neck and closed her eyes to think for a moment. Once a few seconds had passed, she blurted out more of her sentiments.

"'Having resources, money, power; it's important, but there is little point to it if I can't enjoy the fruits of my labor even if it is risky."

Now leaning forward, there was a sharper look in her eye as she spoke before Rita moved each of her hands under her chin and her eyebrow rose.

"Hell, from the minute you are born, we inherit risk. The act of life itself is a slow march toward the risky pit of death. Do you really think we are gonna make it to the end without having encountered hellish risks along the way?"

Although the subject manner was grim, Rita still found a way to crack a smirk as she said her closing words on that matter:

"Regardless of your answer, I'd rather live a life of active risk, than to live a life of inactive boredom as death creeps on me."

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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare]

Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:05 pm
Resourceful Encounter [Rita/Kegare] - Page 2 HEADER_sample-fb90648d1d62fdaede481ef2918e7c13

Kegare nodded slowly, amused, it seemed, by the woman's responses. Certainly Rita was a strange one to be sure, and KEgare honestly couldn't fault her for that. the woman certainly seemed happy to have the platform to express herself, and it became abundantly clear that this woman certainly was the sort of charismatic player that she had initially imagined her to be.

"I admit, you certainly seem to know a lot about this sort of thing. Not only that but an ....interesting attitude when it comes to business. I admit, I have struggled a little to spread out into other areas." She noted, folding her legs and resting her cheek against her knuckles. "My own business origins fell within the scope of ..... more clandestine business. Initially all I owned was a brothel. But well.... the ....unsavory types that infested the business were tangled up in a lo of other venues in the area. So when I took over, I came into competition with them...." Her smile widened just a bit more slowly.

"My own process of......dealing with these negative elements meant that little by little, I wound up having to take possession of other businesses. After all, once the ones running them had been dealt with, I had to make sure that similarly unsavory types simply didn't move in and fill the vacuum.You can imagine the types and sorts of I found myself dealing with. Before I knew it I was making more money than I knew what to do with. And so I simply started acquiring other similar venues. Some considered me a savior, freeing their homes from these .....individuals. Unaware that I was simply taking their place. In some areas I tried to simply stomp it out. Drugs, gang activity. However I've been ....struggling in those areas. Others simply snuck in to fill the market, and I was back to square one." She sighed softly, closing her eyes.

[color=firebrick["You seem like smart woman. Given my position: what would you do?"[/color] She inquired calmly enough. It was a very bizarre question to say the least, and who even knew if it was true. Kegare had not made any solid statements about what SHE herself had wound up taking over, but had simply implicated the nature of these situations. And now, she waited for Rita to respond, curious. This woman who seemed so full of answers. How she would respond to a problem that couldn't simply be solved by throwing money at it. The nature of people, their desires, and what they were willing to fulfill them.
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