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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] Empty Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi]

Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:49 pm


Enter Rita's Post

Tokyo was a bustling place in the world, was it not? Lots of people, beautiful sights and protected by one of the stronger organizations on the planet. It was a pretty neat place to live, but that didn't mean it wasn't without it's scars from the war. After all: a lot of people ended up dying as a result of World War Four and that meant all sorts of land was up for grab.

Hence, being the opportunistic bitch Rita was, she was scouting all sorts of different properties in the city that were left vacant by all the horrible things that have taken place in the globe to bring forth this era of peace. Wasn't really uncommon to even find certain factories entirely abandoned as what was the need for full-on war weaponry if after a few years the world eased into a state of relative peace? Easy pickings for her.

So as the sun was coming down on Neo-Toyko (well, that's what Rita thought it was anyway! LOL), Rita was on top of an old abandoned building watching the people go by. This world was moving and there were so many people who just wanted to make it now that so many of the big wigs of the old world were fading away. Perhaps she could even employ some of these people? Rita lit up a joint, inhaled, and let the comforting embrace of these sweet mary jane flow into her body she pondered about her own desire to acquire resources and to perhaps help her fellow humans in some way.

Soon enough, her teal eye drifted to a few kids fighting in the air; seeming to spar to get themselves stronger. The two didn't look like they were trying to kill each other and it made her further contemplate what was the point of ascending further into the heavens.

"So much of this world is based on strength, huh? Go for it, kids. Shoot for the fucking stars."

She'd mutter that to herself before sensing a presence near her. Not really unnerved by it, Rita shrugged her shoulders and just called out:

"Yo, is anyone even there? I don't bite."

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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] WVMWLOu
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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] Empty Re: Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi]

Sat Nov 06, 2021 2:29 pm


Even though his heart was somewhat rooted in China, due to the bonds he had forged with others, Japan was, in essence, Kenichi's true homeland. He was filled with a sense of pride in knowing that many warriors had sacrificed their lives to ensure that this country would evolve and remain protected. He could not help but question his place in the world. He had admired the idea of heroism yet he would hardly proclaim himself a hero.

To simply help one in their time of need was good enough. Kenichi overlooked the city of Neo Tokyo as he sighed, reflecting on the past few days. He met a fellow cultivator that he found somewhat annoying by the end, though he welcomed the closure that came from that meeting. Still, he had no desire to see her again, at least not any time soon. Before he set out to explore the city, he caught wind of a female voice that called out to him.

"Yo, is anyone there? I don't bite."

Kenichi followed the voice until he reached Rita who seemed to be enjoying the view of the city while she enjoyed sweet ol' Mary Jane. Kenichi grinned from ear to ear, as he chuckled, walking over to bow before her politely before sitting a few meters away to respect her personal distance. People were quite particular about that, sometimes. Still, observing her beautiful and buxom appearance, he could not help but make a shameless comment about how attractive she was to the eyes.

"Well, normally I don't allow anyone to bite me out of nowhere but for a gorgeous' gal like yerself, I'd allow it," he'd playfully quip as he smiled with carefree joy in his expression.

"Pleasure to meet you, miss. Sorry if my presence startled you. I was observing the city thinking of something to do tonight to pass the time."


Last edited by Iori on Sat Apr 23, 2022 12:18 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] Empty Re: Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi]

Sun Nov 07, 2021 7:15 pm


Enter Rita's Post

Rita continued to just enjoy her joint for a moment before letting everything roll and digest. Was she pretty hot? Hell yeah. Her own pride could admit that. She didn't really get by on her looks by any means, but there was some sense of vanity about her. So, the woman gave a nod of her head as if she were agreeing with the guy said.

"Wouldn't be the first guy to say that, won't be the last~ All the same, of course I'm hot shit."

There was then a hard chortle that came out of her mouth as smoke left her lips. Still, to not get too high off the supply of her own self-worth, the woman focused her teal eye on the male before holding out her right arm to shake his hand.

"I ain't bothered. This city has people crammed to the ass with folks. Just call me Rita."

After getting that out of the way, the woman took a glance back while still shaking his hand before posing out a question:

"The hell ya' doin' out here? Folks tend to go dead building to either think, do drug deals or other nefarious shit.."

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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] WVMWLOu
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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] Empty Re: Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi]

Fri Nov 12, 2021 2:38 am


Kenichi chuckled at the woman's retort, tapping heartily at his knees. She was a confident woman! He admired that. A confident heart was always an essential component to achieving one's goal in life. There was no shame in the way she carried herself, and the relentless dragon welcomed the playful aura she exuded. It was certainly a nice change of peace from a girl he had met a week ago. He turned to her and stroked his chin, as if lost within a thought, only to plainly state his reply on why he chose to wander out here.

"Although I indulge in an opium pipe or even what you're smoking right now, I am no drug dealer," he'd quip playfully, a chuckle dancing from his lips. "As far as coming here to think, that is correct. I needed some time to myself to think of what my goals and desires are in life or what I can offer to this world, namely my homeland."


Last edited by Iori on Sun Nov 14, 2021 5:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] Empty Re: Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi]

Sat Nov 13, 2021 2:10 pm


Enter Rita's Post

Homeland, huh? Rita never really considered herself to have a home. Ever since she was young, the concept was always moving from one place to another in seek of more safety and security. So, the woman tapped her chin for a moment before she gave a roll of her shoulders and replied to the male with what she figured he might need.

"The world is a big ass place. You can travel forever and ever and still not find what you need. I dunno dick about your life, but why don't you ask yourself why you want to even give value to the place you came from?"

The woman leaned against the railing as she continuted to observe the sunset. The hazy amber and plum colors were hella' relaxing to her. So, she let out a content sigh before taking another puff of her joint and finishing that thought.

"This is a spiritual world, so when you face those internal battles, you tend to awaken something in your soul. I'd start connecting to the dots to what brought you here in the first place."

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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] WVMWLOu
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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] Empty Re: Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi]

Mon Nov 15, 2021 2:24 pm


Kenichi thoughtfully stroked his chin, ruminating on Rita's words. He possessed great strength and a martial prowess that any ordinary man would welcome in a heartbeat. Kenichi possesed fighting spirit and undeniable talent. His conudrum was ultimately wondering what purpose that served him, what purpose that served those around him, and what he could do to alter his path.

He gazed at the night sky, smliing bashfully at the predicament he found himself in. He was a young man who still had many years to figure out the answers to all of the questions that troubled him. His tale was still being written. Raising a hand towards the sky, Kenichi fiinally answered Rita.

"I suppose I want to give you value back to this place because I was raised here. I take pride in observing the warriors who reside here. I would like to offer my assistance as well. I have many talents as a fighter and I think I've grown bored with the idea of sparring... simply for the sake of sparring. I want to fight for something. A cause. I want to burn with a passion and put my life on the line. Call me crazy but I can't bear the thought of living a dull life."


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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] Empty Re: Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi]

Sun Nov 21, 2021 10:50 am


Enter Rita's Post

Humans generally had a desire for greater things once they gained a better perception of the world around them. That's a trait that was even lingering in Rita as she steadied herself on whatever path presented itself before her as she amassed her resources among her miniature empire of businesses and real estate. To that end, the woman figured that the male was looking for someplace to belong, and perhaps having another person working under her business wouldn't hurt to have. So, her teal eyes glanced toward Kenichi before speaking.

"I don't know about giving you a grand purpose in the universe, but having a place where you work goes a long way toward having a purpose in life."

With a snap of her fingers, a small device flowed from her shirt sleeve and levitated toward the male. In a matter of moments, holographic imagery and letters started unveiling some of the properties, businesses and workers that Rita had distributed across the globe across Northern America and Europe. They were all food supply, medicine, and essential items; services that were much needed in the wake of global war and that were thriving. All the while, with all the death and open areas in the world from the loss of such massive powers on Earth, many places were up for grabs and he'd see a sprawl of residential and business homes that Rita was buying up.

"If you want, we can both perhaps start finding some purpose in this life. I figure amassing all this shit in the wake of World War 4 may help myself and others down the line as more things become owned by humans. I'd rather not live through the crap fest that the world was prior to that war, so maybe giving back to my fellow humans might be a worthwhile pursuit since I plan on capitalizing in this void in the world."

There was then a pause before she looked at Kenichi.

"Or is that too vague, eh? What do you think?"

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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] WVMWLOu
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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] Empty Re: Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi]

Wed Nov 24, 2021 8:12 pm


Kenichi's eyes lit up as he observed the floating device and the holographic imagery that presented itself before him. He was familiar with modern technology but holograms always left him in awe, especially with images as detailed as these. Losing himself within a profound thoughts, Kenichi analyzed and listened to the woman's words as he looked at the multitude of businesses, corporations, and properities - her respective workers and partners - and the resources they were providing throughout the world in the aftermath of the fourth world war.

True, there was no grand plan but Kenichi was amazed at how much the woman had achieved in such a short period of time. He held no strong or idealized concept of how businesses or corporations could be run but perhaps the woman really could involve him in something where he could put his martial prowess to good use, as an instrument of protection and guidance. He reflected on the lessons Hvit had taught and presented to him.

He desired to be a man who left his mark on the world and yet also craved to help the world, to fill the world with memories of pleasant days. He was the same as any young man and Rita presented him with an opportunity to lead his life in a direction he could truly be proud of, one he could commit himself to without question.

"It isn't vague at all, Rita. If anything, I do agree with the idea that work and cultivating one's skill is an essential path towards finding one's purpose in life. Goals and obstacles, a purpose, a job... I would gladly offer my support on whatever impact you wish to leave on this world. A date would be nice, too," he'd quip playfully, jokingly flirting at the end as he waved his hand.

"What type of work do you think a martial artist with impeccable combat skills could offer? A bodyguard, perhaps?"


Last edited by Iori on Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] Empty Re: Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi]

Wed Dec 29, 2021 7:46 pm


Enter Rita's Post

Lacking any goal of desire in this life leads to a depth of aimlessness that warrants death. You wither, decay, and fall to the murky depths of death itself on a long enough spectrum if you lacked any pursuit in this world. So Kenichi wasn't wrong in his notion of cultivating his skill in the journey toward finding his own sense of utility in this life. She'd then close her eyes for a time, figuring out how her next choice of words would come out:

"Already hitting on your boss? Quite the bold life you live, maybe you are some secret superhuman."

Without a breath of care in her voice, the woman vibed as it wasn't going to be the first or last time someone flirted with her. After all: she was a smoking piece of ass. Rita's own sense of self could see her own vanity in her appearance. Still, her own heart wasn't particularly searching for anything. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. No need to rush things along.

"I'd put a hold on the wedding bells. Not sure what the hell I'm looking for myself before settling into something like that."

Laughing in good spirit, Rita glanced back at the scenery and pondered for a moment before speaking once more.

"You aren't wrong, though. If you aren't moving in a direction, you can see how fucked up this world is and question if all this suffering really is worth it or not. An idle mind is a dangerous thing~"

Now, with her right index finger pointed at him, she posed a question of her own:

"Definitely can always use muscle, but tell me: where on this planet have you yet to see for your own eyes? Perhaps we can start building in a place not traveled much."

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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] WVMWLOu
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Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi] Empty Re: Employing Purpose [Rita/Kenichi]

Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:57 am


"Fortune favors the bold. That's what I believe at least. Of course, it's all in good fun to me. If you wish to accept, you may do so at your own pace or not at all. Where I come from, we're something of a shameless kind so I'm naturally a bold man by nature. I don't live with regrets or allow myself to be lost within what-ifs, you know?" Kenichi would grin, with a fiery blaze in those brown eyes. He was a man who rarely allowed himself to fall victim to that accursed trapping known as regret or shame.

If he failed, he would rise again and overcome any obstacle that stood before him. There was no need to be caught up with what could have been or what the future held. He could contemplate on his future, of course, but he would never approach anything with trepidation, never believe he could not achieve anything he set out before him.

As Rita pointed at him and inquired about what parts of the world he had seen, Kenichi had realized... he hadn't traveled that far. Between China or Japan, he had never entertained the idea of traveling beyond those countries. Perhaps Rita would provide him with that opportunity?

"Well, Boss... If I'm being honest... I don't travel much. I think I might have ventured to a location or two outside my comfort zone but I've only ever traveled between China and Japan. I guess a world tour would be in order, then, eh? I'm honestly open to any suggestions you have in mind, too."


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