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Fri Dec 24, 2021 8:40 am

Liltotto Lamperd

A bright weekend morning accompanied Liltotto as she walked about the white city. She was off making mental notes of every nook and cranny of the place, learning the streets so she had a good mental map of what was around. She always did this anytime she moved somewhere new, especially to know and avoid the seedier places, if there were any. Really, she never imagined she'd be doing this with anywhere ever again, but here she was...

...Then she felt those all too familiar pangs of hunger - and of course she forgot to bring something to keep it busy. Peachy. Well, she swore she saw a coffee place a block back, might as well backtrack and get some stuff for the day.

Thus she made her way there, some quiet place on the curb with a few occupants. And of course it smelled stupidly good in there - the scent of coffee and sweets brought some shade of pleasantness to her drag of an existence. Going up to the counter and placing her order, which drew out into an absurdly long list of sweets along with a latte, the woman managing the register growing increasingly wary of the amount of items she was ordering, before finally going,

"Uhm, this sure is a lot of food!"

"I mean, yeah. I can pay for it." Liltotto was already looking through her wallet as the woman smiled nervously, "..Isss your mom okay with you getting so many sweets?"

That comment made Liltotto stop dead in her tracks, eyebrows raised, before letting out a slow, angry laugh, before her expression deadpanned,

"I've probably lived several of your lifetimes. Not my fault I look like a fucking snot-nosed grade schooler," Hints of irritation and anger were in her voice as she spoke rather poisonously to the cashier, who only looked like she immediately regretted her comment as Liltotto paid for all of that food, before giving her a decently sized cash tip,

"I'm just gonna pretend this exchange never happened, okay? Mostly for my sanity." She'd smile bitterly before walking off to the pickup counter, grabbing her large bag of food and coffee, before catching an unusual scent, one she knew well of - A shinigami was here.

But- where- why?!-

Her eyes scanned the room frantically before lying on a pretty blonde, off on her lonesome, clearly just going about her day. Well, that was definitely not the picture she had in her mind when she thought of shinigami. If it weren't for her senses, she'd just seem like another person going about their day...

What was her deal? Why was she here? These of course, were burning questions that would lead to her day being derailed. Walking over, she'd stand a few feet away from the table - god even approaching her gave her the willies; even if she was pretty she had some quiet, irrational inkling she'd pull a sword on her any moment now.

"Morning," She'd wave for a quick second, before pointing to the seat across from her, giving a bit of a forced smile, "Mind chatting with a total stranger for a sec?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Dec 25, 2021 7:35 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] 6EdIfMt

A nice cup of tea after work was lovely. This cafe was one she frequented often, so she knew the staff here. A few cafes had tried to rip her off in the past, abusing her blindness to give her less than what she ordered, or something different. The Urge To Kurohitsugi was strong then, but she managed to resist for the sake of her reputation.

And then, as she was sat enjoying herself, a.....person came in and ordered a shit ton of sweets. The cashier made a comment about her mother, and the lil person seemed to flip out and go mad. Questions of the woman's appearance and race aside, Hannah gave a soft smile. And then it turned warm as the woman came up to her and asked if she could sit.

"Didn't your mother teach you not to speak to strangers, little girl?" Hannah asked. There was a hint of fun in her voice as she asked that, though no emotion in the eyes. Those eyes didn't seem to be looking anywhere, in fact. Just, staring into blank space, glazed and pale.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sat Dec 25, 2021 3:41 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

"Very funny, you must be a comedian with how hilarious that joke was," She spoke with a flat face and a monotonous voice, all to further encompass what she thought of the woman's playful remark.

Liltotto would hop up and take the seat anyway - obviously this chick was just playing smartass. She pulled out one of the pastries and started on it while sipping her coffee, noticing her off, aimless eyes.

So... Blind shinigami chick? Huh.. Not a sword in sight either.

"Name's Liltotto, new to town. Was just out figuring where everything was," as she spoke, she was eating rather quickly, to the point it was a surprise she didn't choke as she spoke, "Freaky how white the buildings n' shit are, right? Never seen a city as pristine as this one before."

She'd slow down with eating some halfway through her bag, chewing for a bit before letting out a 'hmm', "So what brings you here?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Dec 25, 2021 3:50 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] 6EdIfMt

"With how loudly you announced it to everyone within earshot, I thought you wanted everyone to mention it" she replied, taking a gentle sip of the tea. In a world where a woman could set a city on fire simply by getting excited, someone eating and talking at the same time barely rated a sidebar. A Real chatterbox though, made comment to how pristine the buildings looked.

"I wouldn't know about building appearances" she'd reply between the sips of tea. "As for what brings me here. I am Hannah, less new to town, having figured where everything is. I work at the local Lux Orior branch"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:50 am; edited 2 times in total
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Sat Dec 25, 2021 4:38 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

"Oh come on, I wasn't talking that loud," She'd chuckle softly, rolling her eyes as she'd recline a bit in her seat and kept eating. She wasn't stopped until she realized her mistaken language along with the blonde's remark of not knowing about building appearances,

"..Rrright." Liltotto's voice had a painful inflection as she made a rather fierce mental note to avoid talking about seeing-related topics, for very obvious reasons. She didn't want to make this any more awkward than it was to begin with.

Her eyebrows raised when the woman introduced herself and what business she had here - local Lux Orior branch, huh? She hadn't gotten properly acquainted with what was here, but it wasn't terribly surprising they'd have some setup here. Then again, that sensation of internal screaming at the idea of any shinigami coming by here, actually recognizing her, and probably having a bone to pick, was made just a little bit sharper-pitched.

"Coooool..." She'd breathe out, "I just got finished moving in; joined up with the Vandenreich and whatnot - Sternritter work in my near future. It's been a long time since I actually settled down anywhere.. World having been up shit's creek and whatnot."

"So what do ya do?"

END | Miss me?
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Dec 25, 2021 4:47 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] 6EdIfMt

"Sternritter?" Hannah asked, looking up at the woman suddenly. "I knew the Vandenreich had been allowing others in for a while, but I didn't think they allowed none-Quincy into the Sternritter ranks. Hmm" Hannah would flick her eyebrows and finish the tea. Admittedly, she didn't know a lot about the Vandenreich other than the depressingly common capability of poking the wrong bear and being decimated for their efforts.

"As for what I do, general clerical work. RnD, Spiritual Development. Anything that comes by the Division, honestly. I am not picky so long as it is something I can do"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sat Dec 25, 2021 6:41 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

"Well, yeah. Heard there's a pretty colorful spread of guys in the fold. Interesting change of pace, but I guess 'Help Earth after a buncha fuckin' shmucks screwed it up' is a wider reaching message than, 'Oh, we're a bunch of Quincy guys, Quincy-ing, over here, also dippin' dicks where we shouldn't'. Least the new guy in charge isn't eager to throw em into horrible, cull-worthy trouble looks like, so at least he's doing a better job than most were."

She'd sip her latte rather nonchalantly, having little sweat in giving some air to what she felt were incompetence in those who previously led the Quincy, whether or not she was familiar with them. Last guy she didn't know much about, but if his actions led to so much death, she just assumed he had fucked up in many more ways. Her feelings weren't too dissimilar towards the first she knew of - Yhwach; leading them into a war they couldn't win, swaying so many into dying for his vision, only to die himself.

"Ah, doctor-type work, huh?" She didn't even hesitate, accepting the idea immediately despite the glaring problem with that idea, "Let me guess, kido practitioner?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Dec 25, 2021 6:59 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] 6EdIfMt

"'a bunch of shmucks screwed it up' is the abridged version of the entirety of human history. But there is something to be said for broad goals. It's hard to pick fault with a vague sense of trying to help out" Hannah commented, setting about on a small Panini left to cool so it didn't burn her fingers. The slender appearance from afar slowly melded into a nearly unwell lack of musculature when one sat close to her for short while.

"Mmm. Yes, doctor-type work is one of the things I take part in. You could certainly call me a....practitioner, of Kido" Hannah tried to keep civil and polite, but it was amusing. Radioactive was a practitioner of physical capability, and The Sun was a practitioner of being hot.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sat Dec 25, 2021 7:56 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

"Well yeah. I'm talking about a specific group of shmucks who fucked up," She'd chew on a croissant before going further, "Not the absolute fucking mess that is intelligent life. Though yeah, proposing some direction and healing in this screwed up time is probably pretty enticing - though I didn't hop on the bandwagon for that oh so virtuous reason."

She'd roll her eyes, remembering some of the ignorant remarks some younger recruits were making in her vicinity, ones that clearly had never experienced watching their comrades die horrible, stupid deaths left and right. But at the same time, hoped they'd wise up and realize the gravity of their role, else they'd die early and stupid, too.

Noticing that inflection in Hannah's tone, Liltotto narrowed her eyes, "You're free to call me a dumbass if that's how I came across, yknow. I'm just figuring you out."

Her gaze drew to her hand touching the sandwich, in which she really got a grasp of how... Frail, she looked. She thought she was just skinny, but now she was wondering how on earth she even got here on her own,

"So, I dunno how involved you are with them but... What's it been like in the Gotei? Or just, Soul Society in general..."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] Empty Re: Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah]

Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:52 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] 6EdIfMt

"I would not expect a person to know everyone of note in the world. So don't worry about it" Hannah replied, taking a bite of her sandwich. Though, when the question about the Gotei was asked, Hannah certainly reacted. Blind eyes revealed no emotions, but her body twitched at the idea. She needed to get back there and deal with her lasting resentment and trauma, but it still existed in her heart.

"I am not" Hannah would eventually say. "We parted ways a few years ago after what can politely be considered an incident. And after that I gave them the widest berth possible. Not hard when they are in a whole different realm"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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