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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah]

Mon Dec 27, 2021 4:15 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

Liltotto only gave the response a little shrug, but really she was thinking about it. She possibly was talking to someone well-known for her skill level; well, that made the earlier response make a little more sense. She wasn't being outright bitchy towards her ignorance, so she felt it safe to just shake it off - definitely no egomaniacs offended and appalled she didn't know of them here.

Though what she was really surprised her to hear was that she hadn't been apart of the Gotei for some time. Unless her statement was an incredibly, unnecessarily polite way of saying 'I got exiled', the impression she was given that perhaps they changed a bit over there. With what little she knew about them before, their whole system was cruel and unfair at best, of course thinking of them aside from her own personal feelings. Regardless of her feelings of how the shinigami seemed to overstep in their operation throughout the past hundred or so years, she could understand Hannah's situation.

"Well sheesh, that sucks," She'd begin, "Least you made the most of what you had. Good amount of people would be a far worse place in a circumstance like that."

END | Miss me?
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah]

Tue Dec 28, 2021 5:18 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"Indeed. Some people would, and indeed did, die in that slave camp. If I hadn't lost Peach, I would have nuked that place to it's foundations. But losing your Zanpaktou, having it wrenched from your soul like that...everyone reacts differently, and I reacted with soul-crushing ennui that couldn't respond to stimuli"

She'd let out a sigh, and shake her head. It was rude to unload on strangers like that.
"But anyway. I have indeed made the most of it. My powers are even sharpened from when I was in the 4th division" Hannah exclaimed, holding out a hand. There was a light flash of spiritual power, and then the world vanished. A six foot dome around them was all that existed, and outside of it was a pitch-black void that let in neither light nor sound. "This one, for instance, is great for some peace and quiet. It inverts the energy used to create it and keeps it inside the barrier so that nobody can sense it's presence. Without running headlong into it or having some exceptional spacial detection capabilities, it, for all intents and purposes, simply does not exist"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah]

Wed Dec 29, 2021 12:46 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

Liltotto's small form was leaned back in the chair, her feet dangling as she'd listen with raised brows as the woman exposited a little about what led to her current situation. Slave camps? Lost Zanpakutos? Damn, what a rollercoaster-styled nightmare. Liltotto had been through her own nightmare circumstances, and thus could sympathize with her on that front. She was just curious about how Ms Doctor even got to this point, but given she cut herself off she figured it wasn't a subject she was eager to share with a total stranger, instead going off on a little showcase of her ability - something Liltotto almost jumped out of her skin over, but relaxed when she realized it was just a harmless cover from the outside world.

"Impressive and all.. A little warning would've been nice but, yeah, impressive..." She'd let out a sigh, before sitting back up. That need to react to a potentially dangerous situation was alive and well in Liltotto, and being in the company of a Shinigami was a bad coupling of those tendencies. She wondered if she could still detect the woman's energy, but refrained - she wasn't nearly as interested in presenting her own play of cards, but wondered if she could coax more out of her,

"Takes a good amount of skill to do something like this. You're the real deal alright," Despite still speaking in that low, lazy tone, she was grinning softly, standing in her chair to lean forward a bit, "What else you got?"

END | Miss me?
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah]

Wed Dec 29, 2021 4:01 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"Warning is for people with no imagination" Hannah replied, finishing her sandwich and dropping the barrier to return the light and sound. Though, she did give a coy smile. As much as she tried to remain humble, when someone wanted to see her show was hard to resist.

"Hmm, well. Flashy stuff tends to leave craters were cities once were, and I don't want the trouble that comes along with that. But..." she'd pretend to think for a few seconds before a green cylinder was made in between her two cupped palms. Glowing brighter and brighter, it flashed and the world lurched, bringing them somewhere else entire.

"This is the local gym. I tried coming here for a while but...didn't work out" Hannah said. Though, looking around...gym could be used. If, the exercise you were getting was one that involved leather, paddles, and chains. Hannah's blindness seemed to have missed the gym closing and a new place opening up in it's stead.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah]

Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:54 am

Liltotto Lamperd

All Liltotto could do was click her teeth at such a statement; yeah, sure, if you lived wild and recklessly you'd never want nor need warnings, but it was more a common courtesy to let another know what you're doing before you do it than anything else - nobody could see into another's head and discern their intent in their actions. Though, this time she was quite literally asking for it, so she prepared herself for whatever foolery she was about to get into.

"Yeah, i'd much rather you not do something that would atomize a city," Of course the first thing that comes to this woman's mind as a show was foolishness like that. Oh no, can't be to create something or show something interesting, no no, the first thing that comes to the minds of those with grand power must be to tear up the lands and seas, so impressive. Perhaps part of why she decided to lead a more normal life until the circumstances demanded she developed more, that idea that power can twist one if not careful. She was many things, 'careful' being a large part of those things.

Course, that wasn't til once again the request for a warning was ignored, righting herself as the world morphed and changed, them taken elsewhere,

"I LITERALLY just said not... to..." Liltotto's voice trailed off when she realized what kind of place they were in, before looking at Hannah with an absolutely indescribable expression of confusion and mild irritation,

"...This is not a gym," She'd speak briskly, "This is not a fucking gym- did you even ask anyone if this was a gym?!"

She'd grunt and grab Hannah's hand, yanking her along, "Forget it, let's leave."

END | Miss me?
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah]

Fri Dec 31, 2021 8:35 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Not one with any amount of physical strength, Hannah's muscle memory was in the use of Kido. So when she was grabbed and yanked, she instinctively cast Bakudo 61 to pin her 'assailant' in place. Her brain kicked in before Kurohitsugi though, which was always a good thing.

"Of course it is a gym! I came here for a few weeks last year. They were exceptionally helpful with my blindness and also with my emaciated body. It was actually endearing that they scrambled to find 1lb weights for me. I'm not quite that frail but the thought was appreciated" Hannah exclaimed, shaking her head softly. "And the coordinates were perfect, so it's not like we landed in another place. You don't get to learn Forbidden Kido even exists without the ability to do it without flaw" Hannah would fluff out her hair and sigh.

"What is even with the sudden explosion, anyway? Did they change the wallpaper?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Fri Dec 31, 2021 9:07 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah]

Fri Dec 31, 2021 6:01 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

Before she knew it, yellow platelets slammed into her midsection, immediately uprooting a whole ugly mess of war nerves she almost forgot she had. Terror gripped her beating heart as she stared wide-eyed at the woman who just went along as if she didn't try using her Kido spells on her, insisting her correctness on this being a gym instead of trusting the word of someone with actual functioning eyes. She went from residual traumatic impulses, to anger, to focused irritation,

"Seriously?! Are all of you fuckers just crazy or something?!" She'd snap, obvious hatred in her voice, "Well shit, fuck me for trying to give a shinigami a shot at acting like a normal fucking person! I obviously expected way too much, man, i'm so fucking stupid for even getting comfortable with you!"

Liltotto's lip was curled, revealing a row of razor sharp teeth - something she didn't expect Hannah to see nor be intimidated by, but she didn't care, she was too angry as her hands trembled and twitched upward slowly, feeling like something was jamming her nerves as the plates seemed to slowly be eaten away at by her body,

"God, not only are you quick to the bullshit over nothing, you're fucking stupid too?! Maybe you should listen and trust people a little fucking better, especially over something as simple as THE STORE PROBABLY NOT BEING THE FUCKING SAME AS YOU REMEMBER!"

She'd grunt and struggle like a trapped animal, "Let me the FUCK go before I get MYSELF out..."

END | Miss me?
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah]

Fri Dec 31, 2021 9:16 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Hannah would hear the tirade of the woman, and smile gently to herself. Wasn't that just like herself, in those moments after stumbling from the trap that had been laid? So full of vitrol and hate. So she would not cast any hate towards the woman, and instead respond with love. Despite whatever that barrier around the woman was, that slowly wore away the Kido, Hannah was a league above the woman, and her Kido was a league above people who were her equal in power. So they had plenty of time. Letting her rant her tirade, Hannah would speak.

"I will admit, I was caught off guard by the sudden explosion of violent words from you. I stumbled, and in doing so tried to rely on what I knew. It was a flaw, though I never claimed to be socially apt. The Bakudo was more reflex because you were hurting me" Hannah would hold up her wrist to show a red welt where she had been grabbed. "My bones are strong, but the rest of me is weak, so I bruise and hurt easily. I've conditioned myself to react with binding Kido rather than killing Kido because it's better for everyone that way, but I still react when in pain"

Hannah would stare, roughly in Lili's direction, and speak again.
"I am definitely willing to talk about the possibility of this store being new, or not as I remember. But we should do so in a calm, and civil manner. I don't know what you have been through, and you have a surface level understanding of what I have been through, but throwing vulgarity and anger at each other will help nobody"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah]

Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:22 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

Liltotto still seethed as it felt like her very nerves were on fire, yet at the same time restricted by the kido spell. Her mind was already churning through half a million possibilities to absolutely fuck something of this woman's up, though she unfortunately was a captive audience. She didn't even want to try eating it; she was in public, eyes would catch what she did, rumors would spread - something she did not want. So in her misfortune, she listened to the blind woman's words, scrunching her nose up, "What!? I didn't grab you that hard, I..."

Her voice trailed off when she saw the clear bruising on the woman's arm. What? She frequently mocked her own strength for being comparable to a kitten's, how could she have done that much harm? Was the woman before her really that delicate? All she could do was look down in uncomfortable shame, gritting her teeth. God she did not want to say this to a shinigami of all people,

"..Sorry." She'd practically gag out, "For bruising you," she'd quickly add. She was not sorry for anything else, nor would she be in any visible future.

"Just, instead of kido-ing people in the face, just say 'ow you're hurting me' like a normal person. Reinforcing an earlier point - warnings matter." She'd breathe out, clearly trying to subdue the panic she felt just being in the kido's grasp,

"...Get me out of this already.. Anything I could do to get out would cause a scene, and thats the last thing I want today..."

END | Miss me?
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah]

Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:31 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Is This Seat Taken? [Liltotto/Hannah] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Dismissing the Kido so she could go free, she'd shake her head softly.
"The problem with reactionary actions, is that they happen before you realize. Your reflexes bypass the central cortex to act without thought for the sake of speed. It's a safety mechanism to keep you alive in situations were spending time to think is the difference between life or death. Like all systems, it has some flaws, namely no situational awareness. It doesn't matter how innocuous the situation is or what the context is, if something triggers a reaction, then you react"

Hannah would then shoot a few glowing golden needles into her arm, and the welt disappeared over a few seconds, leaving unmarred skin again.
"'That hard'. A funny statement, no?" She asked, pausing for a moment. "Warning, this next part may suck" Hannah would state, releasing some thirty five percent of her Spiritual Pressure, localized to Lilio. "I am not using 'that much' spiritual pressure. But you can still feel it like someone's turned the gravity up ten fold, right?" After keeping it going for a few seconds, she'd ease up on the release again. "Personal scale is often at odds with universal scale. It's why Martial Arts helps in a lot more walks of life than simply beating up the other guy.

You get discipline, you get focus, you get fitness, and you get a firm grasp of the ability to read a person's capabilities and adjust from there"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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