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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:16 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

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Finally, Helle accepted the help. It made Hannah sigh in relief and take a few steps back, waving with her hands for Helle to come follow her.

"Thank you. For a moment I was contemplating drastic measures. Now, take my hands" Hannah stated, sitting down on the ground and holding out her hands. Should Helle take the gaunt and thin hands in her own, Hannah would gently ease a thin strand of energy into Helle so she could be given a demonstration as Hannah was talking.

"If it is at all anything like my own, then your pain comes from a large build-up of stagnant energy, aided by stress and strain. Much like internal gastric pressure, this can push on the walls of your soul and cause a pain that physical medicine can not touch. You need to keep your energy in a cycle around your body. It doesn't have to be all your energy, just enough that it stimulates movement and keeps it from building up in any one area.

Imagine it, if you will, as the flow of a great river. In a cycle it goes, around and around, never stopping but always nourishing. If you keep it going for a few weeks, it will become like breathing and you will not have to focus on it anymore, though the first few weeks do demand focus"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Meeting Of Minds - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting Of Minds

Thu Feb 03, 2022 3:47 pm

Meeting Of Minds - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Must they do this on the ground?

With a soft sigh, she moved from her desk and took position before the blind woman, placing her hands into the other’s. She felt the foreign energy invade her body and bit back her annoyance from being prodded. The explanation made sense, but the resolution is far from simple.

At first, Hannah would spot splotches of energy inside the Quincy, masses of her power that seem stuck where they are. Underuse of her skills due to sitting all day has left Helle a bit congested. It’s relatable to when a runner stops running for a long period of time. It doesn’t affect one immediately, but they will find it harder to find those reserves of power they once had. However, diving deeper, Hannah would probably sense an energy beyond a simple mass, something that seemed to be stuck and also moving all at once throughout Helle’s whole body. It didn’t seem active though, like it’s sleeping.

“Well, anything?” Helle would mutter in an attempt to see if they could speed this along.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Meeting Of Minds - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting Of Minds

Thu Feb 03, 2022 4:12 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

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"Yes, and no" Hannah would reply, pulling from Helle's body to ponder that large energy beneath her. Almost like some kind of Ziamichi yet to be truly connected with. Most fascinating.

"There is something that I'll not prod, because you and half the city blowing up will be terrible for diplomatic relations. But the other part of it is right, you've got stagnant build up all over your body that can get washed up with some exercises. Your soul is as much of a muscle as any other part of you, so make sure you flex it properly. As for the other bit, I'd suggest talking to another Quincy about it. My expertise in spiritual matters is not so expert when it comes to specific racial capabilities" Hannah would advise, letting go of Helle's hands.

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Meeting Of Minds - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting Of Minds

Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:24 pm

Meeting Of Minds - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Hmm? Blow up the city? Helle suspects she naturally has such capabilities, but Hannah makes it seem as if something different from the norm is inside of her. Though, it took only a few seconds before Helle understood the situation. If anything, that large blob is simply the gift that was given to her by Cyrus. It is not something as simple as asking another to help with it, for it is a power beyond mortal maginations. It makes sense that it is just a large buildup of energy sitting inside of her, waiting for when she needs it. However, that does not excuse the other issues with her body.

“Ah… So, exercise? I’ll see if I can fit that anywhere on my schedule.”

She gave a tired smile, finding this whole process enough to wear her out. Maybe it’s just the lack of sleep finally catching up with her because of how little she is doing now. It’s hard to say if she’s truthful in planning around plentiful exercise.

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Mirja Eeola
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Meeting Of Minds - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting Of Minds

Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:34 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

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Would it be bad to knock out the overworked Quincy so she had a good night's sleep? At the risk of someone taking issue at it, Hannah would give a gentle smile. And under the cover of the spiritual pressure that made up her vision, she would Shadow Cast Hakufuku, purple cherry blossoms starting to fall from the rooftop. In normal situations, Helle would be able to resist the Kido with only a mediocre effort. But already so strung out, she'd have a serious fight ahead of her.

"The helpful part of this" Hannah would speak, using her Anima Mea to modify her vocal harmonics and give them a soft, lullaby effect to help the Quincy off to dreamland. "Is that you can do it wherever you are. Just a bit of focus keeping your internals spinning, and you don't even need to get out of bed"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Meeting Of Minds - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting Of Minds

Mon Feb 07, 2022 12:45 pm

Meeting Of Minds - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Her eyes narrowed, the sensation of energy swirling through the room making her uneasy. Of course, she guessed what’s going on, and she honestly didn’t care to resist it. For the most part, it is an easier way to leave her work undone, not like she wanted to, but if someone is going to tell her to cut it out, then it might as well be for a good reason. Though, she did throw a smirk Hannah’s way as she shifted and rose to her feet, moving to the couch in her room and placing herself upon it.

“I recommend departing if you are done here. The guards won’t be too happy about the use of Kido. They hardly enjoy my antics.”

Laying herself down, she allowed for whatever incantation to take effect. She would soon be out, whether Hannah stayed or not.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Meeting Of Minds - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting Of Minds

Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:02 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Meeting Of Minds - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Solidifying her Reiryoku after Helle laid down, she would draw symbols on her arms and then cast Tenteikura. This was not subtle or Shadow Casted, so the Guards that Helle mentioned would pick it up and definitely thing that the vague possible energy signature of earlier was this being started up.

'Good day, Mr Auramazda. Helle has passed out on the couch after our lessons and would benefit greatly from some transport towards a more comfortable and restful place than the office couch' Hannah would transmit to the man, standing up and letting the irate guards escort her out. Hopefully Helle would take care of herself more from today, or at very least do the exercises. But either way, Hannah felt better for having given the advice to her. If nothing else, her friends could support her in carrying on taking care of herself.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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