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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] Empty Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:51 pm
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra was perhaps a bit more excited to see Ira than she would have normally. After the ....INCREDIBLY stressful situation of organizing and running operations on the Anaconda Investigation mission, as well as ....overseeing some of the processing of the assets they'd acquired from the operation, she hadn't had an actual day off to just.....relax for quite a while. So when she found herself texting Ira, it was a flood of relaxation that hit her. And so, a bit out of the ordinary, it was Ehefra who suggested that Ira come by and stay for a while at the City of Lights. The notion of ...well...socializing outside of work was just what she needed. No coworkers, no work related thoughts. Nothing but just spending time with her student.

And that excitement only grew all the more palpable as Ehefra sat on the edge of a small wall surrounding some plants near the customs center at the City. Smiling, she mostly looked through her phone, glancing up now and then to scan the coast for any sign of Ira emerging from Customs, making sure that she was in as visible a spot as she could manage. Obviously, it wasn't as if she could TALK about the stuff that had gone on at work, but truth be told, she felt even just sitting there and hearing about what IRA had been through would help cleanse her palette.
God of Love
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Fri Jan 28, 2022 11:00 pm
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] SgHGbAG


Well, it'd been a bit since Ira'd run by the City of Lights, but he was all too happy to take a trip on down when he got a text from Ehefra. An invitation to come and just hang out? Well, he was all on board with that, and once he'd made sure Yugiri knew where he was headed, he caught the first plane down there. It was nice not to have to take a boat.

Walking through the customs gate, confidence plastered on his face and nothing but a duffel bag slung over one shoulder, Ira looked around for a few moments before he spotted Ehefra on a bench. She looked comfy, eh? He made his way over with a confident grin, and upon his approach, he leaned down to at least get his gaze somewhat closer to hers. It was primarily just as something of a gesture of greeting, though it did end up showing off something of the cleavage that had started to exist on his person.

Not that he actually even realized that.

"Hey there, missy. Waitin' for someone?"

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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Fri Jan 28, 2022 11:30 pm
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra didn't really respond at first to the woman that approached. Initially she didn't even notice that they were walking her wsay, as they simply seemed to blend in with the other pedestrians that moved around her. It wasn't until the stranger was almost upon Ehefra that she did a little double-take and blinked in slight surprise, a brief dart of her gaze up and down as her brows furrowed, wondering if she knew this woman.

Oh. She was tall. A dull static tingle coursed up the middle of her back when the woman leaned down to get on eye level with her, a sensation that only worsened when she noticed that this woman was seemingly showing her a bit of cleavage. Huh....Missy. Strange. She decided to ignore it and put on a warm smile, or tried to. "hHih!" Her voice cracked. What the FUCK was THAT?! Instantly she chastized herself internally. Caught off guard as she cleared her throat, ignoring the echoing cringe that whispered 'You should kill yourself, NOW!' in the back of her mind.

"I'm ....yes! I'm actually waiting for someone, but if you need something I don't mind taking a moment to help you." Through the course of a single sentenced that strangled voice evened out into a calm, warm professional tone accompanied by a light smile. It was a professional mindset when she was in the city of lights, after all she felt it was her duty as a member of the vandenreich to make herself available to assist the public. Had she NOT had that professional mask to hide her internal cringe behind she may very well have just had to suffer her own incompetence.
God of Love
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Fri Jan 28, 2022 11:52 pm
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] SgHGbAG


Ira couldn't help but chuckle at the sound that left Ehefra's mouth at first, finding it pretty amusingly awkward. Well, that was in line with her, he guessed, but that was part of her charm, so he wouldn't exactly say it was a mark against her or anything. But it seemed like she didn't actually realize who she was dealing with, which gave him plenty of chance to mess with her.

"Well, funny you should mention it, I'm supposed to be meeting someone here myself. Any chance you've seen her around? About...yay tall? Black hair, funny little red stripe? Real cute face, too, she'll make someone a great wife some day."

The grin he'd already had on only grew a bit wider as he listed out his descriptors, all too amused at being given the opportunity to do so. It was fun to mess around with her.

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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:14 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra perked up, surprise showing on her face before that smile broke back out, a soft and earnest thing as she sat up a bit straighter. So she was looking for someone too! All too happy to pass the time waiting for Ira to help this woman. For purepyl professional reasons of course. She leaned in, curious as she listened to the beginning of the woman's description and ....then... she blinked. Her face lighting up as became.....abundantly clear who they were talking about.

Being called a good WIFE?! There was, a tiny portion of her brain that was primed, who might have snagged on that particular little reference. However. Her attention to detail was....compromised at the moment. The fact that she was being ....blatantly flirted with, by this attractive woman, somewhat steamrolled her ability to catch that detail. She gave a nervous chuckle, panicking internally.
Fucking WHAT?! A good WIFE?! Slow your roll bitch! Yo but ...she....she could be kinda. NO SHUT UP!

It took several seconds before her own internal dialogue managed to wrestle a response out. " uh...." She paused, eyed darting briefly to the customs gate. ........Surely...Ira would understand r- No Ehefra, you are NOT ditching Ira to hang out with a cute girl. "I....really DO have someone I'm waiting for. But....I wouldn't mind helping you find this uh...girl you're looking for sometime. Do you wanna exchange numbers?" She asked hopefully. Unfortunately, even if Ira WASN'T her student and friend, she wasn't the type to ditch plans for something like this. BOY did she wish she was.
God of Love
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:48 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] SgHGbAG


Well, now Ira actually didn't know what to do. He was hardly a fool, and he could tell he'd clearly swung a little harder than he'd actually meant to here. Ah geez, this was...kind of awkward actually. At least this little exchange here would straighten things out, yeah?

"Course, missy. Here, put your number in my phone."

Handing it over to her, he figured this would pretty quickly get the situation resolved. After all, he already had Ehefra's number in his phone, so she'd have to see it when she went to put hers in. As for the followup conversation...well, you know, they'd figure that one out.

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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:08 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra paused, briefly worried that maybe she had misstepped, however upon seeing the woman offering out her number she put a smile on, definitely glad that she'd get to see this woman again after she hung out with Ira! "Great! Now lets-......" She paused, blinking twice when she started putting the number in, and her phone suggested an auto complete. That matched the offered number. She stared for several long moments before she looked back up. Her entire face lighting up for just a brief instant before.... wait.

"Ira?!" She blurted out, not overly loud, but definitely audibly as she stared the woman .er....Ira..up and down. And just like that she stood up, her eyes lighting up. "IRA!" Almost immediately she pulled him into a firm hug, that sudden vigor SWEEPING the taller woman up with a strength that Ira would have only seen when they trained. The same sort of strength that Ira had seen Ehefra use to rip a small hollow's chest clean open when it had interrupted their training outside of the city. Thankfully of course, it was controlled, but all the same, it would be no less startling when Ehefra set the girl down, smiling from ear to ear. "Look at you! This is...FASCinating! You grew! How.... I need to do a scan later... maybe some tests...I..." She paused, recontextualizing both that they were still in the middle of the street and of course, the brief exchange from just a few moments ago.

"Sorry for that, kinda missed you. It's been a ...stressful couple weeks. Uhm.... lets get off the street and head to my place." She asserted, looking around and promptly shifting to a more decisive mindset. First thing was first, she hardly wanted to go interrogating Ira out in public. And at the very least they could talk while they walked. " how...ARE you? What uh....happened?" She asked, gesturing up and down toward Ira as she took a few steps. Ira would recognize that enthusiasm that always burgeoned up from Ehefra whenever she was fascinated with something. This was ... a bit more amped up than that. Definitely there was a LOT going on in Ehefra's head. But, one thing at a time right?
God of Love
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:25 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] SgHGbAG


Yep, that was the greeting he'd been more ready for. It was pretty welcome, even if it did feel a little more strange given the exceptional change in his height recently. He'd shot up nearly a foot and a half, but hey, at least things like this didn't change. He walked alongside her quite gladly, perfectly willing to chat about this topic with her.

"Don't even worry about it. I've been doin' well, been keeping up with training while I travel with Yugiri. Guess you could say puberty hit me all at once, and let me tell ya, wasn't an easy few weeks."

In fact, that was a pretty tremendous understatement, but Ira wasn't really the sort to talk about stuff like that as if it were a big deal. Growing pains, all sorts of hormones, and traveling with someone he found remarkably attractive the whole time, it'd been total chaos.

"And now I'm like this. Honestly, I've got a feeling this ain't the end, either. Hopefully it takes a little more time next go around though."

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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:45 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra raised her brows and nodded along as she listened to Ira's explanation. All at once... and no doubt it had been a tremendous experience, she even winced slightly as she recalled her own such experiences. No doubt at such an eccellerated pace... "Are you alright? That much growth all at once... have you noticed any pain or discomfort when training? Walking? Hopefully growing so fast iwouldn't cause any malformations..." She murmured with furrowed brows, taking a moment to pause and step infront of Ira, walking backwardsa s she studied him up and down clinically.

No....nothing really seemed.... deformed in an obviuous sense. All the same... She let out a Tch. Situations like this made her WISH she'd gotten a medical degree. "I definitely would like to do an exam. You've been...PACING yourself with the training right?" Overworkout while growing was a known cause of such malformations. The risk of such things would be even greater when growing so fast... definitely concern was writen all over Ehefra, but sheturned, returning to her place walking beside Ira as she led the way up to her own place, clicking the lock open and then leading the woman inside, deep in thought.

She DID however, stop in the doorway, looking over her shoulder at Ira for a moment and ....briefly imagining an even MORE mat- She almost choked on the saliva that collected in her throat before she lightly straightened herself. "Ira, IF that's the case then we definitely ....." She ..... paused, hesitating to figure out how to word things. She walked up to him and gently reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I can certainly see why you'd be excited. You've every right to be after what you've been through. But I AM worried about what this sped-up growth might do to you. We aren't even sure if this particular growth spurt is over yet." Her other hand came up, gently resting on his other shoulder, the gesture alone asking for his undivided attention. "Try and .....hold your horses. We don't want ya getting all busted up from being overzealous, right?" She reasoned, perhaps kneecapping Ira's enthusiasm, but alas her worry for him HARD overwrote how happy she was.

And she .....did She did already feel herself being a bit ....she was being rather doom and gloomy wasn't she? Her eyes drifted to the side, the fantest curl of her own lip, as she briefly felt disgust with herself. Damnit, why couldn't she just not overthink this stuff. "I'd like to do just a quick scan. Just to be sure you're alright. Then after that, why don't we celebrate?" She tried to extend an olive branch in this little....self-driven internal struggle.
God of Love
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:57 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] SgHGbAG


Ehefra's worry was something Ira couldn't help but appreciate, even if it did almost throw him off. He wasn't quite as used to this side of her, but then again, it was entirely in line with what he knew about her. Her backwards walk was endearing in its own way, and he made sure to keep an eye for anything that might trip her up as they walked.

He could have interjected at some point, but really, he was willing to let her talk as much as she wanted to until she'd gotten it out of her system. She said it had been a stressful few weeks, and hey, Ira was perfectly willing to believe her. If anything, he felt a little bad just dumping this on her now, but as she put both of her hands on his shoulders, a thought crossed his mind.

He didn't like this. Or, well. He did. That was kind of the problem.

"I appreciate the worry, Ehefra, but don't go gettin' yourself too worked up over me either, alrighty? 'Course I'll go through any tests ya wanna run, but I don't wanna see ya all stressed out about it. A celebration sounds like a good ol' time."

Reaching up, he offered a reassuring pat on the head to her, something he hadn't exactly been able to do before. It was a gesture that just came naturally to him, given his age.

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