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- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]
Mon Jan 31, 2022 12:15 am
Ehefra was....out like a light. Sleeping a dreamless sleep, But a warm one. She shifted slightly throughout the course of the night, until finally, those morning rays cracked through the livingroom window and reached her face. She didn't wake up all at once.... but she DID wake up first. Having been the only one between the two of them to get some water in her, she only felt SLIGHTLY like shit as she slowly let out a Ghhhhf of air eight into the pillow she was laying on. Her grip on it shifting just a little as she let her eyes crack open into little squints. Slowly getting to feel her head muddle and slowly defog itself from the crack of dawn staring her in the face. Ughhhhhhhh, she did not wanna get up.
She shifted her arms, simply hugging the pillow and trying to just go back to sleep when a little spark coursed through her. Eyes snapping open. This was...... in fact.... not a pillow. Slowly opening her eyes in entirety, she was looking at a clothed navel which her face had been more or less buried into. Her arms, in fact, around a set of hips. She raised herself up, blinking owlishly.....and then looking down at herself. Still clothed, a small relief, And then she looked at the face connected to all of th-yep that was Ira. She sure did.....fall asleep......on top of Ira. And even worse, it was kinda comfortable.
"...Ira?" She asked quietly, debating on whether or not to.....she wasn't quite sure WHAT she would do either way, but all the same, she had the immediate instinct to check to see if the girl was awake or not. Guy. Fucking......FUCK.
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]
Mon Jan 31, 2022 12:26 am
Ira, by contrast, did not sleep a dreamless dream. In fact, it was quite vivid, and for the vast, vast majority of his nearly 7 decades on this Earth, he would have even called it a mighty fine dream. But then he woke up, and remembered almost immediately where he was. Perhaps more pressingly, he remembered...well, some of what had happened last night. Definitely not all of it. But more than he'd have liked to, and it made those dreams seem quite sour now.
He was amazed he could get that out, actually. His head was absolutely killing him, and he was dehydrated beyond all hell. He'd have loved to get up, go get some water, but even beyond those major obstacles, Ira just didn't want to make Ehefra move.
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]
Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:08 am
There was a visible disappointment in her features when she realized Ira was, indeed, awake. She paused.....glancing down where her head had been just moments before. She licked her teeth, checking for any....unfamiliar tastes. She sighed in relief, alright, good.
"I uh..... " She didn't know JACK about why she was in this position. She didn't know WHY she was enjoying it. This was fuckin GAY! Er.....was it? Thoughts and questions for later. She looked up at him. Making note that he hadn't asked her to move. She kinda just wanted to..... Lay back down. She frowned to the side, thinking. "Did you....uh......sleep well?" She asked quietly. Quite potentially knocking a few more memories loose from Ira's foggy haze from the other night, primarily by virtue of the soft, earnest, insecure look that was so very suddenly on Ehefra's face in that moment. Though there was, also, the potential for just outright envy that the girl seemed to have completely subverted a hangover in her manic water drinking last night. Not that even SHE remembered that.
All the same...she remained....still more or less....on, Ira. Waiting to be told to leave the spot.
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]
Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:39 am
This was not ideal. The memories of last night sure were pretty hazy, but he wasn't nearly so out of it as to not recognize that cute face. God, he should've had more to drink, because remembering all that wasn't doing him any favors.
"Yeah, I slept just fine. Had plenty to drink, after all."
That wasn't to say anything about the simple fact that he'd been perfectly glad to have her laying there. Now that his head was clearer, without any liquor holding him back, he didn't quite have the same courage letting him just brazenly tell her the truth of the situation. So instead, he just studied her face, at least as much as he could with the splitting headache. But then he gave her a little pat on the head.
Couldn't help it, he guessed.
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]
Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:16 am
Ehefra blinked a bit at that and stared, making note of his qualifier as to why he had slept well, and he'd see the hope drain out of her expression, shoulders slumping just a little as she glanced down. Nope, those are thighs. She looked off to the side, face a bit pink. She lowered herself back down, asoft sigh escaping her as she let out a slow, steady groan. She may have avoided most of it, but she still was a bit hung over, burying her face into Ira for just a moment as she felt a wave of depression roll over her like an 18 wheeler. Carrying bricks. And depression.
Some part of her registered that this might not be the play, and the rest of her thought that part should shut it's fucking mouth until she wasn't hung over. "How bad was it?" She asked, voice still primarily being funneled into Ira's abdomen, but being loud enough that it would still carry the question up to the no-doubt-distressed man. "Please tell me I didn't show you the closet...." She groaned, too tired to even realize her self-report on that one.
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]
Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:39 am
Well, Ira realized he probably should have been more honest now, but he couldn't just take it back. As Ehefra laid back against him, he simply left his hand on her head, running his hand through her hair almost as second nature. He didn't even realize he was doing it, at first, but then it occurred to him that he kind of liked it.
"It wasn't bad at all. Honestly, I had a pretty good night. I'd do it again any time. But, you didn't show me the closet."
He could have asked, and part of him really wanted to. But that was the same part of him that had been behind those dreams last night, so he wasn't really putting much stock into it.
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]
Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:52 am
Ehefra closed her eyes, not even registering the intent or anything behind that gentle hand running through her hair, she just sighed softly and scooted a bit firther up, until her arms were around Ira's waist and she was more comfortable. Ira's navel was definitely kinder to her chest than Ira's knees had been. She smiled, relieved to say the least when Ira responded in the negative in regards to that embarassing thing. "Alright.....thank you..." She groaned in tired relief, sighing just a little as she just lay there, face in Ira's sternum, trying to get her headache to go away. And honestly feeling a lot better as those fingers gently stroked through her hair. Ira, if he was paying attention, sure would notice that that little red swoop really did just seem to be part of her hair.
"I'm hungry...." She murmured softly into Ira's chest, more an observation than any sort of request. Staring off into the distance as she ...... just....thought about .....all of this. Had they.....done something? She didn't taster anything, but .....that didn't necessarily rule everything out. They had been dressed....could they .....DO stuff while dressed? What did two women have the capability to do? She supposed they could have just sortof.....rubbed up against eachother? Would that even feel alright? Maybe they just kissed.... Oh. That was kinda nice for a mental image. Fucking what? She blinked rapidly, not sure where THAT thought had come from. Did.....did she want to kiss Ira?
She glanced up, staring at him in the face with....CLEAR indecision on her features, as if she were trying to solve some equation. "Ira....if.....if I kissed you.....would it be gay?"
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]
Mon Jan 31, 2022 10:43 am
Ira had indeed wondered if that little streak of red was real, and he was a little surprised to see that it was. Of course, he wasn't half as surprised by that as he was by the feeling of Ehefra's arms around his waist, but he'd just deal with that. Besides, then he got hit with one hell of a question, one he actually had to think about for a second or two.
"Uh...well, no. I don't think that'd be gay. I mean, I'm a guy. You're a girl. I wouldn't be gay if I kissed you, so I don't think you'd be gay, either."
That made sense to him, though he also didn't like to admit as much, if only because the idea of kissing her was definitely one that kept coming back into his mind regardless of how much he pushed it to the side. God, she wasn't helping at all, but he wasn't even sure if he could hold it against her.
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]
Mon Jan 31, 2022 11:00 am
That answer made her......pause. Her brows furrowing. Was that how that worked? She thinned her lips, clearly trying to parse what that really....MEANT. Not only that, but her hungover self did finally connect hat Ira really did just seem to ...SAY the most kind thing he could. If she WAS a gay, would he call her one? She didn't really think he would. And now that question started to bother her.
She stared up at him, and her expression shifted a little. From confusion, to determination. She stared up at Ira, and began prowling up the woman's body slowly raising herself up as she was staring her directly in the eyes, searching Ira's face for a moment, as if.....incredulous. She didn't SAY that Ira was lying to her. But it was very visible on Ehefra's face. And suddenly, Ehefra was straddling him, peering down at him as she ....decided if she could plausibly just take his words at face value. She didn't know when she had gotten a hold of Ira's wrists, but she had them now. Too tired. Too hung over to think about what a bad idea this was. She leaned down.
It didn't even START as nice and chaste. Ehefra needed to know if she was gay, and she wasn't fucking around with finding out. And when she finally pulled back, she was almost entirely out of breath, staring off into space, and narrowing her eyes as she tried to FEEL if she was gay. But having no idea what she should be looking for.
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]
Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:18 pm
Oh. Oh no. Ira knew what was happening well before it actually occurred, but she was also much stronger than he was. If he'd tried to stop her, he wouldn't have been able to in the slightest, so he just sort of let it happen.
No, that was a lie.
He absolutely returned the gesture. There were a lot of reasons he could have said for why he did that. Maybe it was just because he couldn't do anything else, maybe it was because of how hungover he was, or hell, maybe it was just on account of how much he'd already accepted that he was way into her. But honestly, he probably could have kept himself from kissing her back, if it wasn't for the fact that that kind of assertiveness was hotter than hell itself.
What was he actually supposed to say to her in the aftermath though? He didn't even know how to put it into words, so he just...watched her. Fuck, she really was cute.
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