Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 2:21 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra noticed the uncertain look on Ira's face, and she did wonder if she was being a bit too forceful, but she definitely wasn't going to just back off entirely. All the same, she did relax that stern face of hers, even breaking a soft little smile when he assured her that he would be sure to let her run her tests and such. She paused, blinking once when she felt that little pat to her head. She HAD noticed Ira always trying to do it, and even a few times she had allowed him the little gesture. But it was.... a very different emotion she felt this time around. One she ....archived for later fretful worrying.

"Excellent!" She chimed and promptly led the way in and made her way to her little 'lab'. It was by no means anything official. It was, at best, a little space she'd cleared in her home in order to help her with helping Ira. There was even a computer and a small table. Which .....was now a little small for the woman. She'd have to make a new one later. She bent over, hurriedly moving stuff around a little as she cleared some space. It definitely was a bit less clean than usual. A few soda cans and such which she just sortof.....scooted off to the side for now before she turned and brightened up. Good enough. "Alright! So stand right....hhhhhere. Hold stil, and I want you to just flex your spiritual pressure. Not at full strength, just enough to get things flowing okay?" She hummed as she would promptly kick her desk. Beeps, her little cubic companion, promptly flickering to life, waking up and then floating up into the air to begin orbiting around Ehefra. Ready to scan Ira once he got into position.

"SO! Just a quick scan. Uhh...I don't really have an ....X-ray programmed in....I don't even think.....anyway. For now we'll just do a scan of your reiryoku flow, then I guess I'll just do a physical exam to check for anything that seems out of place. Then we'll be all set." She noted with a bright smile. Knowing, of course... that he wasn't the most fond of this stuff. Ir well....he didn't ...seem to be? Ira always seemed a bit off when she did these. But then again, being scanned was probably always a weird process. So she decided to try and occupy his mind a bit while she bent over at her desk and started up her computer. "So what do you have in mind? For the celebration? You must have some traditions from back in your day, right?" An attempt at conversation as everything was readied.
God of Love
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 2:35 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 SgHGbAG


"Aye aye, cap'n."

Giving her a lighthearted little salute, Ira moved to the spot she'd designated for him and watched the little cube wake up at Ehefra's beckoning. He had to admit, he found her methodology pretty relatable. He didn't get any of this stuff she did, but he liked her approach to it. At her direction, he focused on the faint spiritual energy that he did have and let it get to flowing. Honestly, even if he had let it go at full power, he doubted it would have been much of an issue, but hey, no sense in going to hard on it. Besides, the whole point of this was to make sure going all in wasn't gonna cause problems.

"Traditions from back in my day? Ya put it that way and it sounds like I oughta be in a museum or somethin'. I may be old, missy, but I'm not that old. Besides, I'm a sailor, we don't exactly have any special celebrations. Just drinkin' and grillin', maybe a song or two if we really want to get excited. What can I say, I'm a simple fella."

Well, that wasn't completely true, there was definitely a little more to it when the crew came into port, especially after a good haul when they'd been out for a long while. But the last thing Ira was going to do was bring up all that, especially not now.

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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 2:53 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra couldn't help but smile just a bit and chuckle as she heard him talking, her computer finishing it's boot up as promptly Beeps began the scan, looking over her shoulder to watch him talk and tense. She paused, definitely still......getting used to what Ira was now, lightly itching her cheek. "Drinking and grilling? I see, well I didn't really get the sortof groceries for grilling, but I'm sure a nice meal and some booze will be more than plenty to celebrate." She noted with a smile, taking a seat in her desk chair as she eyed the screen itself. She paused, furrowing her brows for several moments. Waiting for Beeps to finish the scan and inspecting them for a moment.

She was familiar with Ira's normal flows to say the least and she did .....see ....difference. It was subtle, but definitely there. Then again she wasn't entirely sure WHAT it meant. She might have to try and contact an expert or something. Hm. Well, in the meantime she could just collect what information she had, then hit up an expert to make sure the girl was going to be alright. Well....with Ira's permission of course. But that was a conversation for tomorrow no doubt. Standing back up, she gave a smile. "The scan's all done! Rudimentary scan is all set, and the high definition one should be reasy to look at by morning." She noted, gently patting the table.

"Alright, hop on up. I'll just take some measurements and then we can get to celebrating. I'll check you for anything concerning, and then ....well I guess at this point we should at least keep track of your growth. Regular measurements. See if you're still growing or not. If you ARE we may have to refocus your training. IF not, then we can just continue as usual." She explained, waiting for Ira to hop onto the table. There was a slight tension in her spine, EVEN in her ...clinical mode, this definitely felt different. But she was more than professional enough to push past that. She paused, glancing at Beep as the companion pulled up a screen.

"MY biggest concern would be your spine So I'll just need to look at your back and your neck. Make sure nothing looks out of" She murmured, scrolling through some google images of basic spine structure while Beeps looked up chiropracty. If only Ira knew how much of this she was winging. But hey, she could always learn enough to give a proper exam later. For now she'd just check for anything obvious. Which, admittedly, given the sheer ammount of growth, if something WAS wrong, the growth would have made it pretty obvious.
God of Love
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 3:04 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 SgHGbAG


Ira was, thankfully, smart enough to know that his rapid growth made any literal hopping onto the table probably not as good an idea anymore. He didn't really know what the thing could take, but he wasn't one to put undue pressure on it. That was just a terrible idea.

"Good enough for me. Haven't had anything to drink since...well, you know. So I guess I'm probably one hell of a lightweight these days."

The mention of his state did of course bring up a faintly sad edge to his voice, but it passed just as quickly. It wasn't that Ira was any less saddened about what happened, of course, and he still didn't much care for seeing his own reflection. But he'd gotten used to it, at least. As for the measurements, even if he himself couldn't really study them at all, they made it pretty clear that he would definitely be growing more. There wasn't anything actually wrong, though.

"Well, look at whatever ya need. My shirt in the way?"

It didn't really occur to him until he'd already made the offer that it might be at least slightly uncomfortable. Well...oh well. No sense in saying anything about it now, right? He'd rather just pretend it was fine.

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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 3:26 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra actually chuckled a bit at that, smirking slightly and tilting her head to the side. "Oh REALLY? You sure you weren't a lightweight to begin with?" She asked with a crooked smile, lightly bullying him as she took a moment to walk behind the table and pause. That question did break her stride just a little, "Uhhh....." She glanced toward Beep's display. She....WOULD need to check to see if the vertebrae were aligned properly. That seemed to be one of the more concerning things. "A little. Unless you just want me to do the measurement by touch." She noted jokingly, waiting patiently for him to slip his shirt off before she moved in and peered. She raised her hand and promptly collected reishi into her hand, a soft, crackling noise made as she condensed the reishi into rudimentary glasses. Though they were more just like simple magnifying glasses than anything else. Between her construction spellcraft and some designs downloaded from Beeps? And she was slipping them on to peer a bit at Ira's spine.

A pause... she took a moment, looking from Ir'as body to the display itself.
[color=steelblue["Alright....everything.......LOOKS normal...."[/color] She murmured, reaching in and lightly using her hands to aply some light pressure down the length of the spine, looking back and forth from the woman's....Ira's back to the instructions. "Do you feel any ...discomfort?" She asked, smoothly making it not TOO obvious she was reading from a guide. Ignoring MOST of the questions, since, well. She was sure Ira would have spoken up if he was feeling any sharp pains or the like. "Hm, we might have to have you get seen at the hospital, just so they can get a closer look, but I guess this'll have to do for now." She murmured. Thoroughly confident that she probably had gleaned....INCREDIBLY close to absolutely nothing from the exam. Sadly her particular skills did not quite make up for a lack of medical training. Maybe she should start taking classes... she made a mental note to look into it. She peeled off the madnifying glasses and blinked a few times.

"Alright! Now al that's left is measurements." She noted as she peeled out a tape measure that she had for ........reasons that were nobody's business. "We'll get your height, weight, your BWH and a quick measure of your limbs and then we'll be all set." She chimed with a smile. THIS at least, she didn't need medical training for.
God of Love
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sun Jan 30, 2022 2:39 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 SgHGbAG


"Ey! I'll have you know back in my day I could pound back a whole bottle of rum with the crew!"

Ira laughed that one off, but, as he actually took off his shirt, and as Ehefra's hands moved down his back, he definitely realized this might have not been as well thought out as he'd thought it had been. But it was too late to tell her to stop now, so he just focused his thoughts on the more immediate matter at hand. Definitely not and idle thoughts about where else her hands could go--

No, no, none of that, no sir. That was not good. God, he was old enough to be her father, what was he doing with his life?

"Right, right, sure thing. You got a scale?"

He turned to her, so caught up in all of his other thoughts that it hadn't occurred to him that he, you know, hadn't put his shirt back on before he faced her. Shit. Just stay cool, act like it's not a big deal or anything. No other way to go about it, honestly, this sure wasn't something he wanted to put much brain power toward.

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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:01 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra smiled, amused by his response to her little jab before refocusing onto the work. Measuring the spine was all well enough and she did pause when Ira......turned around. She stared for half a second, before her expression shifted, her hunched shoulders dipping for only an instant before that bright, optimistic smile popped back up. "It's wild how much you've grown." She noted with a chuckle, and started measuring her. Limbs, and then a pause before she gently reached up and stood up. "The last few measurements you can do yourself. I just need your BWH, Bust. Waist. Hips." She demonstrated, applying the tape measurer to her own, body. "And then a vertical measurement of your navel at the pelvic bone to yourt clavicle." She noted, straightening her body completely before demonstrating the measurement. "You need to just keep perfectly straight. Keeping track of the front measurement vs the back will help make sure the spine isn't ..I dunno...growing unevenly? If different parts of you are growing asymmetrically, I guess, would be the main worry." She instructed and stood back.

She paused, smiling before she promptly gestured toward the woman's shirt. "Alright! Time to celebrate then! Everything seems alright. No arms or legs weird or asymmetrical." She chimed before turning and promptly striging into the kitchen, rummaging around for a moment as she began to search through her liquor cabinet. "You'll uhhhh have to excuse me, I kinda don't drink too often, or really much at all outside of occassions. Most of what I have is recommendations from friends. I have a Scotch.... some Rum if you're feeling Nostalgic. A red wine.....and....whatever ....this is?" She murmured, peeing a bit incredulously at the unfamiliar bottle before looking over her shoulder toward the room Ira was in, already getting glasses out as she waited for his verdict. Cmon Ehefra, don't fuck this evening up, chin up.
God of Love
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:29 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 SgHGbAG


"Boy, you're sure not kiddin'."

It really was pretty crazy, and the thought was enough to get him back on focus rather than just getting caught up in any crass thoughts. Well, best to get to these measurements handled then, so they could get onto the real meat of the night. It didn't take long at all, though Ira's gaze did linger maybe a quarter of a second longer than he'd have liked when he watched Ehefra demonstrate. Cut it out, focus on the measurements...

"Alright, uh... God, what is this, centimeters? It's, right, bust is 86, waist is 58, hips...87."

The rest were done in pretty short order, and as Ehefra listed off the options, Ira slipped his shirt on a bit more enthusiastically than he might typically have. Honestly, that wasn't a terrible list of drinks, and he laughed to himself even as he knew his decision might be the wrong one.

"Well, if I go for the rum that's just giving me a head start. How about we go with the scotch, keep things sporting!"

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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sun Jan 30, 2022 10:44 am
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra paused for a moment and .....peeked at the door, staring for a moment. know.... making sure Ira was doing it correctly. And HEARING the measurements was much more context than she needed. WOOF. The instant Ira was finished she darted back behind the doorframe and got to looking for the booze. This required a STRONG liquor. She needed her head cleared the fuck out, and so hearing the mention of Scotch she smiled, promptly walking back into the room with a smile and glasses to go with the bottle she'd brought with her.

Most of her was thankful when she noticed that Ira had put her shirt back on, grinning from ear to ear as she promptly made her way over to the livingroom, curling a finger to have Ira follow her. And......pausing in the doorframe.... She looked over her shoulder. Hm.... "Beeps, Lock down all essential equiptment and computers. Restrict access until my Blood Alcohol level is legal and my hydration is at least at 80%." She instructed her companion, the little cube beeping twice before several devices in the house shut down or locked down. The last thing she needed was to do some stupid shit while she was hammered. And she planned on getting HAMMERED.

She finished making her way to the livingroom and set all of their celebration supplies on the table, smiling brightly as she waited for Ira to join her. She'd also dropped off her work jacket in the kitchen, leaving her in her sleeveless top as she promptly began to pour for the both of them, waiting for Ira to sit down before sliding them a glass and raising her own in their direction. "To You! You've been working exceptionally hard lately, and I can't have asked for a better student and subject for study." She offered in a toast, smiling warmly at Ira. "Never had a kid, but if I did, I'd hope she was as driven and hardworking as you are!" She chimed brightly, waiting for Ira to clink their glasses before taking a drink.

Though drink was an understatement. Her head was so full of.....stuff. Doubt. Horny. Anxiety. The Hit Movie Spaceballs. And a healthy dose of 'I need my head empty NOW'. She knocked back more than half of the glass in one go, her face briefly contorting a bit as she endured the rushing sensation of the alcohol, before clacking her glass firmly down onto the coffee table, basking in that wave of warmth and slight fuzz that came with it.

"WHEW! Been a while!" She chuckled heartily.
God of Love
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Sun Jan 30, 2022 7:37 pm
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 2 SgHGbAG


Ira only laughed as Ehefra locked everything down. So she was planning to go that hard, eh? Sounded good to him, he could go for that. 'Course, he knew he'd still have to go softer than he normally would. After all, he hadn't had a drink since the change. Accepting the glass, and doing his best not to think too much about Ehefra having taken off the jacket. It was just a jacket, jackass. Taking the glass from her, he grinned and clinked it against hers.

"Hey, can't put it all on me. You're a good teacher! Best I could ask for, I think. I'm a little old to be your kid, ya know, but hey, I'll take it all the same. You'd be a good mom."

Any question of why he'd said that, especially after how everything had gone up to this point, was quickly wiped away simply by slamming back the whole of the glass in front of him. Of course, he then sputtered and coughed, which was quickly followed by a hearty laugh.

"Well, thought I'd be a little more ready for that than I was, but at least it's all down!"

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