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Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) Empty Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle)

Wed Mar 09, 2022 5:55 pm
Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) OQyz8yp


Helle Armstrong. From the moment Freyja arrived within the City of Lights, that name had found itself at the forefront of Freyja Solheim's mind. To be certain, it was unequivocally one of the defining reason why she traveled here, why she chose to join the Sternritter Division.

Truth be told, she certainly viewed herself as a worthy candidate for the Knights of the Stars. Her natural-born talent, coupled with a strategical mind and a well-rounded skillset, made her an ideal fit for their division. From the beginning, however, a greater portion of her curiosity had always been set on confirming something that bothered her ever since the name "Armstrong" reached her ears. Could she be the one?

The ever-gnawing question continued to elude her ever since her arrival. No longer. She aimed to reach the answers she desired - respectfully, of course. As they were a part of the same division, Freyja was able to easily discern where her director resides. Traveling to her home through her use of hirenkyaku, the woman would set foot before her house, gracefully knocking at the woman's door.

To be certain, she hoped she was not impeding on the woman's time. There were rumors that she had not been in the best condition since she returned from a difficult mission. Easing this woman's spirits was her first priority and if she ended up finding the answer to her questions - even better.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Jun 28, 2022 8:48 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) Empty Re: Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle)

Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:57 am
Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) V3UAJ9S

Helle Armstrong | Lost Savant

Being allowed in, as with every visitor, Freyja would find herself directed to where she may find Helle which proved to be the woman's bedroom. Unlike every other individual who had the chance to meet the Director in the living room, after certain events, Helle's state has forced her bedbound. However, the blonde woman did not look too ill. Her heart monitor kept a steady beat as her chest rose and fell. It would seem she is sleeping, but that would not be the case as the sound of her bedroom door opening and closing would bring her head to a slight tilt.

"Yes?" She inquired, a brow raising despite her eyes remaining closed.

Frail and Confused | END POST
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Sat Mar 26, 2022 1:30 pm
Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) OQyz8yp


Honored to have counsel with her director, Freyja would bow before the woman after she was allowed to meet her in her personal quarters. As expected, the director of the Sternritter was resting her body. Forming a seat with her reishi, Freyja would sit a few meters apart from Helle, observing the woman with azure eyes. Even if her intent was to confirm her curiosities, Helle was her director and she would monitor her condition in a similar fashion to those who currently reside in her household.

"Pardon my intrusion, Director. An opportunity for visitation had presented itself. I did not wish to let that opportunity elude me. My name is Freyja Solheiim. I was recently chosen as a coordinator for the Sternritter Division. Though we may be on unfamiliar terms, it is my sincere hope that you allow me to offer my support in these trying times."


Last edited by Iori on Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) Empty Re: Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle)

Tue Apr 05, 2022 5:59 pm
Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) V3UAJ9S

Helle Armstrong | Lost Savant

"Rest easy. There is no need for professionalism as we are. This is my home, and you are a welcomed guest, Miss Solheim."

She allowed herself a quick moment to open her eyes and look upon the woman in her room. Ah, the formation of reishi under Freyja reminded Helle of the times she so effortlessly willed the energy of the world to move. It made her expression somewhat solemn, but she did not allow it to sullen her mood as it is now. This is an interesting case. Already she finds Freyja a new specimen before her. Out of all that have come to visit her, this is the first that a particular person has not shown a bit of concern pertaining to her condition. It is somewhat comforting to have a conversation now shrouded by her condition, but only time will tell if Freyja's stoic look fades.

"Have you come for a simple introduction, or do you require more from me? I am not immediately opposed to simple conversation."

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Wed Apr 06, 2022 10:25 pm
Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) OQyz8yp


A graceful smile formed within Freyja's countenance as she listened to Helle speak. Even in a state such as this, her words were elegant and composed. She knew what occurred that led her to this path and part of her regrettably wondered if she could've assisted this woman. That was neither here nor there, however. Freyja ruminated on what she felt she ought to speak about with this woman. For the first time, she found herself holding her tongue before she took a deep breath and gazed at the woman with azure eyes.

An emotion of longing filled her heart. Memories of her master who passed away and him desiring one thing from her. Find and protect the remaining Armstrong. If this woman was the one he spoke of, Freyja felt as if her mission was a failure before it truly began. Even if she had never crossed paths with this woman before, she was still a fellow peer worthy of her respect. Her stoic expression remained, even if it felt as though her heart was falling apart at the seams.

"Whatever you will allow, Lady Helle. To tell you the truth, I've come here to sate my curiosity about something that's eaten away ever since I've arrived. However, considering your condition, I did not wish to impose on you or cause any stress that would impede your recovery. It concerns something about your last name. However, as I said, I will only ask so as much as I am allowed."


Last edited by Iori on Thu Apr 07, 2022 4:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) Empty Re: Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle)

Thu Apr 07, 2022 4:09 pm
Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) V3UAJ9S

Helle Armstrong | Lost Savant

"A first," Helle responded, her mind perplexed with the idea that her last name could ever hold any significance to another. She is but the last of her family. Any history of them were lost in the many travesties that befell the Quincy. Helle's own actions almost made the Armstrong an extinct family among the rest, another name lost to the seas of time. Though, Helle knows no reason why she should disallow Freyja to make her concerns known. What could possible trouble the woman that she feels wrong to question Helle on the subject?

"Continue, please. I assure you, anything you ask will be far from too much."

Frail and Confused | END POST
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Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) Empty Re: Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle)

Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:40 pm
Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) OQyz8yp


Nodding softly, Freyja would maintain an air of composure as she thought of the most proper way to begin her tale. She didn't wish to assault the woman with a myriad of information. To be certain, the graceful quincy who always wore stoicism and duty on her heart had never expected to find her here, believing that her journey may have been a fruitless endeavor---and yet, here she was laying in a bed before her. Why was it so difficult to speak now? It was natural to her as breathing, to be poised. How disgraceful, she thought. Steadying her spirit, she would place her hands on her lap as she gazed at Helle.

"As one who I am sure is well aware of the atrocities that has befallen our kind in the past, the reason why your name holds a measure of importance to me is that.. my parents were casualties of the genocides of the past. I was but a mere teenager who was never aware of the ire some held towards our race but in the midst of that tragedy, an elder man had saved me. He raised me as his both his own daughter and his student, for he had no children of his own even having lived a long adult life. He never really revealed much about himself or his background and the name he wore, to my knowledge, was a false one. Even so, he gave me a spirit weapon as something to remember him by, an heirloom of some kind that I would fuse together with my own."

Freyja would form her hybrid spirit weapon - Sigurd - within her hands setting the blade on her lap. It was a large blade, yet given the woman's strength and reishi manipulation, the weight was little more than a minor infraction, if that.

"Moments before his death, he revealed to me that he was an Armstrong that had abandoned his people out of the fear of death. He couldn't bear to look himself in the mirror or come to terms with his shame but when it came to protect me and ensure my safety, he ordered me to take this weapon and live on, to go away from him. He... had also revealed that there was one more Armstrong left and pleaded with me to find and protect that person... and so I wonder."

A small tear would form in the corner of her eye as she gazed at Helle.

"It may be a lot of information to mull over and I do not expect you to believe me considering he claimed that all Armstrongs were brave people, yet he himself was a coward. Even so, I cannot help but wonder if you truly are the person I've been looking for all these years... The Last Armstrong."

Freyja felt as if she was the grand fool. To strive to protect one who had seemed to suffer so much, knowing she was nowhere to be found to prevent this woman from experiencing even an ounce of agony. Every moment she gazed at her within that bed, felt as though her own heart was being torn apart, yet she remained composed, she had to. Maintaining her composure was the only thing she could do within this woman's presence.


Last edited by Iori on Sun Apr 24, 2022 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) Empty Re: Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle)

Sun Apr 24, 2022 8:58 am
Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) V3UAJ9S

Helle Armstrong | Lost Savant

"I very much believe you. Upholding every individual to the same clause as one another is a folly on its own. Not every person, no matter their family name should be overly expected to live their life as if ordained by law. Emotions sway us all, whether fear or bravery. I simply wish I could have met another of my family."

Helle understood. Did she not commit such a sin not too long ago? Besides, as the last Armstrong, it is her right to decide the man's fate, even after his death. Though, she's now forced to remember how she left her people, but she also remembers wanting to return to them once the attack had begun. She was not allowed to. She was even placed under stasis. She did not regret the power then, but now, she finds herself a shadow of what she was. Now, she's but a remorseful woman. However, time continues to move, and she has time to find the pride she once had.

"Well, I suppose if anything, this is the best of times to come to my aid. I doubt you would have been needed before, but I could use another helping hand these days."

Giving a small smile, Helle tried her best to make light of the situation, but that does not cover the absolute truth of the situation. They have both failed greatly in their tasks.

Frail and Confused | END POST
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Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) Empty Re: Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle)

Sun Apr 24, 2022 1:36 pm
Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) OQyz8yp


To know that her words were accepted and the Sternritter Director believed her words without questioning them even for a moment, Freyja could only feel a sense of elation consume her spirits as she peered into warmth of that woman's countenance. To be accepted and know that, even with her failure, she could still honor her master's memory by offering her loyalty to this woman was truly a moment of happiness to be kept frozen within time.

This moment would never leave her memory. A dream felt as though it had been fulfilled, yet this would not prove to be the end of her path. Correcting her failures would be the next obstacle. Moving towards her, Freyja would sigh softly as she gently wrapped her arms around the woman, pulling her into a soft embrace, a tear forming in her eye.

"As you wish, Lady Helle. Know that I will offer my utmost to help guide you through these trying times. Even if it feels as though I've already failed you, I cannot change the past. Even so, the future is bright and I will do my best to ensure no manner of harm ever befalls you again. I swear that upon my honor and my pride."


Last edited by Iori on Wed Apr 27, 2022 9:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) Empty Re: Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle)

Wed Apr 27, 2022 9:07 am
Pledge My Pride To(Freyja/Helle) V3UAJ9S

Helle Armstrong | Lost Savant

"Bright? Infectious behavior, I must admit. Hopefully, the coming days bring nothing but fortune."

Honestly, Helle has more than just faith in Freyja to run on. It would not be impossible to believe that there was a possible chance that Helle learned of the man that is being spoken of from other sources. Maybe, possibly, an investigation done by the blonde simply out of curiosity about her family's current existence. Such did not change the fact that she remains the only true Armstrong, but it did give her much understanding of what had happened to the others. Maybe she had disliked Freyja's adopted father in the past, but the past is hardly a place Helle wishes to return to these days.

"Now then, how do you find yourself fairing? The city is proving to your taste?"

Frail and Confused | END POST
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