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Fri Mar 11, 2022 11:39 pm
Kabuto Itagaki

shin'o academy

The walls of Shin'o academy loomed, shadows lean as souls came and went. The wind was soft, hair shifting freely against Kabuto's skin. His hand tightened round his zankpakuto, a long stare sliding across the structure, before locking eyes with a man staring at him. Kabuto raised his hand, waving. A look of confusion across the stranger's face, accompanied with a similarly confused shout. "What do you want?!"

An hour or so passed after Kabuto walked to the man, speaking to one another as they walked the perimeter. The shadows lengthened, clouds shifting as the day slid forward. Then sky erupted with light, the passing of clouds pouring midday sunshine into the man's eyes. A hand raised, blinking back tears as he cleared his throat, turning back to the instructor walking beside him.

"Sorry. Like I was saying - I think I could jog some memories if I tagged along on a lesson. Or two." He emphasized the two, lowering his hands back down. A hopeful glance towards the man, his gaze immediately darkening with the grimace of the instructor.

"I'm..." Kabuto's jaw tightened. "...Not so sure that's a good idea." the man gestured openly at Kabuto, a mix of barely disguised disgust and concern. The giant's brow shifted, his scar twisting with a flare of anger. I'm sure he has a good reason. he replied wordlessly, speaking silently to Yuben'na.

The instructor's eyes widened, a notable panic as he stammered. "It's not- look. I need to verify that you were a student here." Kabuto's face shifted immediately, nodding slowly. "Would seeing my Zankpakuto not be enough?" Kabuto questioned, sliding aside his cloak to reveal the hilt of a sword.

The instructor paused, turning back to look at him. "...I suppose that would do." The uttered words, the bright green glow - a shocked look of recognition. An agreement was reached: Kabuto would be allowed to watch over a classes lesson on Zankpakuto and Asauchi, given that he would speak after. In the meantime, they'd get him dressed in something more fitting - a shinigami's robes tight against his frame.

Kabuto leaned forward, ducking out of the school hall's doorway into the training yard. Students were lined up, about 10 in total, facing away from Kabuto and towards an instructor. His eyes locked with the instructor's, a shocked expression followed by the shake of her head. A small raise of his hand, and he took a seat against the wall of the building.

"Afternoon! Today, we're going to learn about the growth of your Zankpakuto."


422 words | | apologies for the rambling, feel free to take the reigns on the instructor

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Sat Mar 12, 2022 10:00 pm
School of Rock [Lerna]  HEADER_16fe51ef82eb949dc40f727d157785ce

Lerna had been focused on the class. Zanjutsu was a subject that frankly she had become abundantly curious about ever since the discovery of her own. And the ...strange situation that was what her Zan spirit had turned out to be. Needless to say, the minute details of the zanpaku'to's inner workings had become a subject she had most certainly grown very fond of learning about. As such, she was absorbed into the lesson, and as such it was only when the instructor had grown distracted that she turned to see what it was that had caused the ruckus. Almost immediately there was a clamor among the students in response to the .....strange masked man. Lerna herself a bit less so than others, simply raising her brows a bit as she made note of the strange metal nature of the mask. What on earth?

All the same... the instructor seemed intent on continuing the lesson. Was this....expected? Did she know this man? It was clear she wasn't the only one a bit put off by his presence... but one by one, they refocused on the teacher, Lerna as well looking back to the Instructor. The lesson more or less going .....mostly as planned? Lerna however intended on focusing until the lesson was done, the man in the mask more or less forgotten until the lesson was over.

Of course, eventually, the class itself came to an end, and Lerna herself would look around, Was that weirdo still around? Even she had to admit it was a little bizarre, and even a little worrying to see such an odd individual just....heading around. And the teachers were just LETTING him show up with that mask? It seemed disruptive. What was going on? Hm. She decided not to try and think about it too hard.
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Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:43 am
Kabuto Itagaki

shin'o academy

The sense of deja vu was deeply uncomfortable, as usual. Kabuto attempted to sit through his apparent discomfort - or it would had, if his mask had not unwittingly formed moments after taking a seat. Pointless memories, it would feel, as the man silently watched. Yuben'na's voice called, and for the time, Kabuto felt compelled.


"What an ambitious kiddo you were." From behind a frown of golden teeth, an exacerbated salesman standing behind a barren stall. "Back when things used to be simple." Yuben'na chided, wagging a finger in Kabuto's face.

"It... Is sweet." the man replied, staring through the barren white into reality, whether it be past or present. "You weren't so bitter back then." a faint grin, dissolved by the immediate deriding of his Zankpakuto.

"And you weren't a shell." a glare of contempt, followed by gesturing Kabuto away. "Now get back out there. You wanted this."

He stood slowly, the world coming back into focus around him. His own journey into semi-obliviousness was met with more than a few stray stares, making for either his size or deformity. It was no anxiety for him, a slight annoyance shoved to the side.

Stepping forward, the instructor that had brought him in nodded towards him, words drowning in the distance between them; the instructor speaking to another beside him. Kabuto wished he could read lips.

Kabuto made his way to the front of the training assembly, his mask fading away in emerald flames as he did. A shift in his gaze as he turned, scanning the small crowd. When was the last time he spoke in public? "Hello!" his voice resounded, a dark crackle against the back of his throat. "My name is Kabuto, and I'm a shinigami." he continued, the last embers of his mask fading into the sky.

"I'm here to show you an... application of what you went over today." He paused, raising his hand as if to ask a question. "Now, if you had to guess, what kind of Zankpakuto do you think I have?" he gestured loosely at himself, as if to note his own disparity in height - the shortest member of the class coming up squarely to his navel.

"You," he pointed down into the group, snapping with the same hand as he did. "The girl who's been staring at me."

387 words | | pointing at youuuuuuu

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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School of Rock [Lerna]  Empty Re: School of Rock [Lerna]

Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:47 pm
School of Rock [Lerna]  HEADER_16fe51ef82eb949dc40f727d157785ce

It was a strange thing to be sure, she did her best to focus on the lesson but again and again she found herself glancing back at the man. Even after the mask had vanished, ESPECIALLY after the mask had vanished. Was that a hollow mask? Almost immediately Lerna found herself feeling ....tense. Watching as the man seemed to grow distant and vacant for a few moments, entirely unaware what went on with the strangers own inner workings. But perhaps what was more strange was when the lesson fro the Teacher had reached it's conclusion, that the man soon moved to the front of the class.

She shared a few uncertain glances with her classmates before quite suddenly the man's hand was poniting in her direction. Lerna tensed almost immediately as the class soon had it's attention on her. Not that that was rare these days, her own ......transformation recently had drawn a lot of attention, and now the class had it's moment of all looking very squarely at her. He wanted her to guess his zanpaku'to?

She let her attention shift to the zanpaku'to itself. Lacking any sort of guard, sheathed inside of a stone sheath. But nothing else really stood out about it to her. "I.... don't know? I'm not very familiar with you in general." She pointed out. Not sure if he just wanted her to take a wild guess in the dark? She shrugged and spoke up.

"I suppose.... ...maybe you have a zanpaku'to that vibrates?" She inquired, causing a few giggles throughout the class. She had no idea, so she defaulted to a joke.
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Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:32 pm
Kabuto Itagaki

shin'o academy

Kabuto immediately realized the aggression in his voice, the weight behind his finger. The echoes of a metal mask laughed quietly, ever ringing in his ears. "No, no." Kabuto responded, following a slight pause.

"I don't know quite where you got that," he chuckled lightly, "so what about you?" he turned, pointing less directly this time at another student among the class, his eyebrow raised.

"Something... Big?" a young boy replied, adjusting glasses with nervous fingers. Kabuto's finger raised slightly, a half smile creasing into his scar.

"That," he congratulated, "is a lot closer." A full grin now as he reached down, drawing his blade out - edge shimmering against the sun. "It was!" he exclaimed, sheathing the blade with a resounding clank, of steel against stone.

"Back when I graduated, my shikai was an enormous weapon, a sword that could cut through anything." he continued, arms crossing his chest. "Now?"

His voice dropped, a whisper beneath his breath. "Skin them raw, Yuben'na." Reiatsu arced around him, a green shine erupting from his sword's hilt. Yuben'na's whip coiled around his torso, the shifting light erupting in broad daylight.

"Remember, your Zankpakuto is an extension of yourself." The blade collapsed away almost immediately, returning to his hip. "They can, and will, grow with you. All but transformed." What was intended as aspirational came across almost unhinged, his brow stiffening against the stretch of his lower jaw, scar distending.

A wince as his nerves recognized the disfigurement, a hand raising to cradle under his jaw in silence. "That said..." Kabuto mumbled, a glance at the instructors on the side.

They did not look happy. "....Any questions?"

274 words | | stammering and stuttering oh dear oh no

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Snake on Sun Apr 24, 2022 2:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:59 pm
School of Rock [Lerna]  HEADER_16fe51ef82eb949dc40f727d157785ce

A pause at that, Lerna watching for a moment as the man seemed to falter before picking out another audience member and produce a question. Strange, it seemed, that he would come here to show off his zanpaku'to? No, she was being arrogant probably. True, she herself had managed to learn her zanpaku'tos name but nobody else in her class had managed to do so, though a number seemed to be getting close. Even now she could see a number of her classmates seeming to be intrigued by the display, and it became abundantly clear perhaps that she was an outlier in her ...lack of being impressed. Right....there were mostly other Rukongai citizens. She, being from earth, had seen plenty of Shikai, a number of them with very wild and strange shapes and abilities to them. She knew very well that a Shinigami's powers could hardly be guessed. And especially, the life she remembered before that. A very different experience interacting with shinigami.

She sat quietly as the class reacted, and a number of them spoke up, questions hot on their lips and with clear interest in the subject itself. And Lerna, for the most part, sat quietly in her seat, looking forward, but not really looking AT the guest speaker. Allowing herself a moment to somewhat ....detach herself from the lesson a little. Barely parsing the young female student asking about if he had chosen the form or not.
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Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:10 pm
Kabuto Itagaki

shin'o academy

Kabuto's hands lowered as he answered questions, jaw having slid back into place with no small amount of force. Probably needed to get that looked at. "I didn't," he remarked, the flash of a similar question, centuries old by now. "The appearance could be modified?" a voice so much younger than now, an indifferent response hidden in the static of history.

"But it is more than possible." he'd continue his answer, a momentary pause between words as his mind righted itself. Clearing his throat, he shifted his gaze to the rest of the audience - faintly noticing the still present stare. "My...Well, a colleague of mine, he would modify his shikai's appearance once every few weeks." a nod followed the words, as if reaffirming himself.

A murmur ran through a few of the students, although it was short-lived - one of the instructors coming to the front of the gathering. "Thank you for your time, Kabuto." was reaffirmed with a handshake, the instructor turning back to the students. "And that'll be it for our guest speaker, you're free to go to your other lessons." A faint shooing of hands, whispering to the monolith of a man as they passed him.

"The head administration pulled your records, if you want to go look at them." A smile creased Kabuto's face as he turned, walking with the instructor for a moment. "Thank you," he whispered back, a long sigh as he ruminated for a moment. "I hope that was alright, I'm a bit... rusty." No response would come to reassure him, the instructor peeling away before the words were spoken.

He turned his head, back and forth a time or two. Still something felt off to him, sight slipping into the same woman's stare. He'd stop, standing some distance away from her - "Sorry, do I know you?"

303 words | | didn't they teach you staring is rude

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Mon Mar 28, 2022 9:52 am
School of Rock [Lerna]  HEADER_16fe51ef82eb949dc40f727d157785ce

Lerna was at the very least happy that her little jab was well received, and thankfully enough to jarr the guest speaker back onto the subject that he was trying to teach the class about. She herself settled back and allowed herself to simply observe as he finished up with his little guest lecture. She admittedly was on the familiar side of the subject, and so she really didn't contribute much more to the lesson, taking a few mental notes as the lesson went on. Though she did seem a bit distant and distracted, usually letting her attention drift off to the sides as her classmates asked questions she herself already knew the answers to.

And soon enough, the little lesson had reached it's conclusion. Lerna couldn't help but wonder a little what on earth was going on with that guest speaker, staring off toward the opposite wall, knowing that he was on the other side as she contemplated that strange METAL mask. That didnt' seem like a normal hollow mask, but then again it wasn't as if she was terribly familiar with Vizards. Still.... it had been a shock to see one pulled out so suddenly, and she knew a number of the other students were worried as well. Even the teacher seemed to be keeping an eye on the guest speaker.

Those thoughts, however, were interrupted when she noticed someone walking toward her, glancing to notice none other but the lecturer himself walking up to her. Almost immediately she stood up to her full height, prepared to make a respectful bow. At least until he hit her with that question. Once again, she was caught off guard, visible confusion written across her face. Did she know him? Not in the slightest, she'd seen kmany shinigami but certainly THIS one didn't seem familiar.

"Uh..... you okay dude? I mean.... no I'm pretty sure I've never met you. But this is the second weird question you've asked me." She noted with an amused, lopsided smile. In actuality she was baffled, but number one thing you learn on earth, never let anyone see you floundering.
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Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:58 pm
Kabuto Itagaki

shin'o academy

Kabuto shook his head, waving his hand in accompanied annoyance. A frown twisted with an awkward smile, otherwise known as cringe. A conflict of emotion bridled against his tongue, heavy in a moment both now and before. Like all things that have come to pass, in reality it was nothing more than a moment, a twinge of contracting muscle.

"Mm." a faint grumbling as his mouth contracted, "I'm not a fan of being stared at." his tone a vague attempt to be friendly, although the gravel that bit his throat had little aid in the matter. Garbled words from a man who had little to say, Kabuto's gaze catching errant glances that lasted longer than comfortable.

The - Woman? Girl? - no matter, seemed to take it more in stride than to offense, a good thing to note for the voices in the back of his head, and unheard of in his own mind. What the fuck was that? For now, his own faculties were more worrying.

"I used to look different," he'd reply openly, to no one in particular. A stare that would slide into the sky, holding for a quiet moment - "Not that I can really show you." Kabuto's focus seemingly snapped back, meeting eyes with Lerna before he turned away, beginning to step away. The itch was unbearable.

219 words | | floundering w/where to go from here, if anywhere

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Sat Apr 02, 2022 12:23 am
School of Rock [Lerna]  HEADER_16fe51ef82eb949dc40f727d157785ce

Lerna stared for just a moment in response to the man's apparent discomfort. She let her head tilt to the side for a moment before speaking up. "It's not often that a face usually has a hollow mask on it in the middle of class. I understand not wanting to be stared at, but when you show up looking like one of the main things that stand to endanger our lives, people are bound to stare, and I know for a fact that I wasn't the only one starin, Jack." She noted pointedly, folding her arms under her chest.

She was about to comment further, but once again, she was ......put off by the sudden comment. About how he used to look? "Your face isn't really what grabbed the attention." She murmured in slight defeat as the man turned and started to walk away. Primarily confused. What was that? And why had he singled her out especially? Under normal circumstances, she might have attempted to continue conversation to...SOME degree. But ultimately, the man turned and started walking away. That was usually the sign to an end to a conversation.

Shrugging her shoulders, lerna let him walk off, turning her attention to her classmates.
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