Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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School of Rock [Lerna]  - Page 2 Empty Re: School of Rock [Lerna]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 6:06 pm
Kabuto Itagaki

shin'o academy

The words didn't process at first, Kabuto's focus distant in thought. Another step forward before he stopped, hairs rising on the back of his neck as it set in. For a moment, the itch dissapeared - and his skin began to burn. "Wait, what?" a spittle of confusion as he turned on his heel, visible concern in the arch of his brow.

"No, not-" he'd immediately begin to correct himself, failing hand gestures combined with stumbling words. "Not whatever you were muttering." Kabuto reaffirmed, a thumb jutting upwards. Pointing at his face, the grit of teeth quieted his speech, although still discernable. "I was wearing the mask?"

A silent shout was sent deep within, hollow echoing back with metallic laughter. A steel mask, floating in the void, stretching into a smile. Kabuto's knuckles strained as fingernails dug into his palm, exhaling slowly as he could manage. Troubling. The singular thought repeated ad nauseam, the tone increasingly mocking. The concern for his reality would come across plainly, although wholly unintentional.

Another swivel of his head, taking glancing views at the academy staff. "Are you sure?" he'd force out, the hint of dread foul.

191 words | | nvm figured it out

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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School of Rock [Lerna]  - Page 2 Empty Re: School of Rock [Lerna]

Fri Apr 08, 2022 4:10 pm
School of Rock [Lerna]  - Page 2 HEADER_16fe51ef82eb949dc40f727d157785ce

Lerna frowned the instant he started murmuring to himself. Yea.... no....that was a big no. She did not like that. She didn't let him start dosing off into his own little mumble world. Striding right up to him, she got right in the man's face, fearless as she looked him in his eyes. "Hey. Bucko. What do you mean by that? you didn't KNOW? You can't TELL when your hollow mask is on? Cuz that sounds like a pretty important thing to know when you're around STUDENTS, my dude." Her voice dropping in tone, VERY unhappy with what she was hearing from this man.

"Yes, I am VERY sure you had your mask on. And I think you should leave. IF you don't have your hollow under control then you shouldn't be here. At all." She noted gruffly as she nodded in the direction of where he'd come from. Her tone entirely serious. The students here were mostly just that. NEw shinigami who could barely form a Kido spell. She'd been here only a few months. But she was gonna be damned if some weirdo with no control over his hollow was going to endanger her friends. THEY might be fairly helpless, but SHE wasn't.
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School of Rock [Lerna]  - Page 2 Empty Re: School of Rock [Lerna]

Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:13 pm
Kabuto Itagaki

shin'o academy

Lerna did seem to spook Kabuto with her response, visible concern having taken up at least two-thirds of his face. The other troubled, if not worried. Tworried as he was, it wouldn't stop the man from speaking, regardless of if silence would benefit him more in the moment.

"You might be right." Understated tone aside, his mouth continued to curdle at the edges as eyes closed tight. Fingers cradled the bridge of his nose with an irresponsible amount of pressure, before dropping the hand in noted annoyance.

"Being strong willed is good." An attempt at teacherly advice, if she took it as such. "It'll keep you alive." his hand would turn, as if to pat Lerna's shoulder, before being forcefully drawn back to his side.

Something unsaid would trail behind the words as he shifted on his heel, exhaling slowly from torn and scarred nostrils as he spun away. Massive shoulders still held together another man's ideology, though his name was the same - the danger of his new reality swirling behind emerald eyes.

If I can't tell when he's trying to get behind the wheel.... the frown would remain, a stain on his disposition as he walked away, moving to collect whatever information he could. The girl he had seemed so intense with an already fleeting experience, the future an un-waking dream.

222 words | | soz for the wait

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:32 pm
School of Rock [Lerna]  - Page 2 HEADER_16fe51ef82eb949dc40f727d157785ce

Lerna couldn't help but frown as the man continued to talk while NOT leaving. She had half a mind to grab him by the scruff of his neck and simply haul him the fuck out of the area when he seemed to turn and begin making his way out. That at least was good, but she continued to watch as he left, making SURE he wouldn't be doing any turn-abouts. Kabuto ..... god dammit. She sighed, rubbing at her eyelids before blurring with a Shunpo, it wasn't a great one, but she promptly made her way to the man's side.

"Hey. Before you go running off. Name and Rank. I'm Lerna of Squad Seven. I'm a substitute Shinigami. I want to know whose superior I'll be having a conversation with about your presence in the Academy, and whose name I'll be handing over to the staff to make sure that you don't come aorund here until you have your situation under control." She noted tersely. In truth she didn't ACTUALLY have any Authority, she was hardly a seated officer, but all the same, she was confident that at the very least her concerns would be addressed. As acceptable as Vizards had become, she was VERY sure that current administration would be very aware of the danger they could pose without proper control. If nothing else, she imagined he might be restricted from certain areas until .....whatever was going on was settled. Or at the very least he was given an evaluation? The second seemed more lickely from what she could remember of her own time within Squad 12. Probably a few tests.... though more likely he would be put under observation if she were to guess. Though it felt...weird thinking about those days.

All the same, she walked beside him, and kept up a pace, making it abundantly clear that her asking the question in no way meant that he should stop making distance between himself and the academy. Some small part of her wondered about going and informing the instructor. But she also had no idea if this weirdo would just wander off into some other class. No, she was gonna see this guy out. At the very least if the guy had some sort of episode then ....shed be there, right? She wasn't actually sure, she had never really felt ...IN DANGER in the academy. Ugh, she'd have to ask one of the professors what the protocol on these things were. Was she even.....allowed to do what she was doing? She imagined so... class was over, and she was just keeping an eye on him and asking for information to have her concerns followed up on. At the very least, she was sure this is the best thing she could do for now.
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School of Rock [Lerna]  - Page 2 Empty Re: School of Rock [Lerna]

Sun Apr 24, 2022 3:12 pm
Kabuto Itagaki

shin'o academy

Yet still she persisted.

The tick of a second and she'd appear, the man at first refusing to acknowledge her. Lerna's vocal protest would go unanswered, regardless of her dogged pursuit - till the man stopped. Kabuto turned to her, a raised eyebrow stretching against scars. Surprised despite his own ambivalence, the allure of antagonism rattled loosely in his skull, behind the glimmer of steel.

"I see." from behind pursed lips, the words meant nothing to no one - "Stubborn, more than strong willed."

He stared at the woman for a moment, a shake of the head with heavy breath. It was... The Third. if he remembered correctly. Well, not officially. No need to mention it.

"My name is Kabuto Itagaki, and I'm the fourth seat of the third division." Another moment of trust for his zankpakuto - lie or otherwise. "I can't blame you."

His tone shifted, some actual note of sincerity as he'd again turn away, beginning to step away from the student. "I'm scared of me too." a half cracked smile, a passing wave as he moved forward. The words felt familiar, a flash of deja vu. A fire beneath his face.

Frankly, he had no idea if he should be concerned about the girl's complaints, some leak of doubt perforating his errant thoughts. Yet to no avail, his immediate concern doggedly ahead of him.

"I hope you enjoyed the lesson." he'd shout backwards to Lerna, a frown silently locking against Kabuto's jaw. What happened to me?

247 words | | is he really though?

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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