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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

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Thu May 05, 2022 1:16 pm

The Danava of ????


Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"There is also a log cabin in Norway. Which...I guess is equally hard to get to" Lethe put in, following Helle to the restaurant she knew. Somehow it turned into Helle doing the cooking, even though Lethe had offered to do the cooking. But people were strange, so she wasn't going to argue.

"Danava are known borning there-" she'd then stop and untie her tongue. "Danava are born knowing their concept. It's the first thing the can be sure of, before anything else. Even if that is the only thing they ever know. I know what it is, I was just" she'd stop and exhale through her nose, shaking her head gently.

"Built with a person in mind. From the small things that leak out of me trying my best to ignore it, they are a figure that causes me pause. For many reasons"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Thu May 05, 2022 5:01 pm
Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 ZT2s7Qv


Built with a person in mind? An eye-opening clue had been presented before the graceful Shinigami, shifting her curiosity onto an alternate subject concerning Lethe's existence - that is, whose image was she built with in mind? Who was the centerpiece, the inspiration behind her nature? Familiar with the core concepts and ideas, Danava commonly represented varying concepts and ideas. Hime knew that much. It was a common knowledge that was universal, even.

Otherworldly existences though they were, they weren't necessarily a rarity if one frequented the world long enough. So as long as concepts and ideas exist, there would likely always be a Danava born into the world whose nature represented them. Even so, was there even a precedence for someone born with someone else present in mind? That was the overarching question within her mind now. Guiding the woman along in silence, piecing her words together, Hime wondered who this figure was. They would quickly reach their location as the elegant woman greeted the shop owner. Welcoming the two into his shop, he would show them to a table.

"A pleasure to see you again, Tatsumiya. Here to try my cuisine or do you wish to outdo me again and prepare a meal for the lovely lady with snow-white skin?"

"I offered to prepare something for her instead. I'll be in the kitchen shortly. Have any interesting tips you picked up from me in my time away?"

The shop owner would chuckle as he shook his head and returned to tend to other customers. Hime would turn to Lethe as she decided to pose another question, hoping the snow white danava would answer it --- or rather, be comfortable enough to elaborate on such a sensitive topic.

"Far be it from me to be so bold to ask... but who is this figure? Why do they give you pause? There must be a significant reason as to why you choose to ignore the nature of your own existence whereas most commonly embrace their nature - unless, of course, as you alluded to earlier, there are those present to keep their nature in check."


Last edited by Iori on Tue Jun 14, 2022 2:32 pm; edited 2 times in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Empty Re: Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe]

Fri May 06, 2022 7:29 am

The Danava of ????


Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Entering into the shop, Lethe would be her usual chipper self, greeting the man happily and then entering the kitchen. But, upon asking who it was she was built for, Lethe's body shuddered. Not a natural shudder, but one that reverberated her skin, running a soft tanned colour along the edge. Lethe's hair turned red and her eyes golden and glowing. Sclera black like a Hollow, and roaring with passion, pride, and fury. After a few seconds, she managed to get control of herself and returned to her normal nature.

Taking a breath and steadying herself, she'd lean against the wall.
"I don't know. I don't know their name or anything like that. I only get small things that leak through the barrier I push against to prevent this possible apocalypse. She is...Fire, and Ice. Furious beyond measure but loving without end. Can I handle being that person's successor, that person's new doll, crafted in the likeness of? A repository of what they were? Even from what I have seen so far, how can a person be like that? How do they get to such a wild point?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Fri May 20, 2022 3:33 pm
Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 ZT2s7Qv


A shudder---no, a reverberation danced along Lethe's snow-white skin. Her hair turned red, her eyes golden, with the black sclera of a hollow. For a single moment, so infinitesimal as to be transient, a mere delusion of the mind, Hime had felt an ever familiar aura emanating from the Danava, her temporary shift in appearance forcing the noblewoman to reflect on a woman she once thought to have parted from this realm. Hime remained silent as her azure eyes maintained their unwavering gaze on Lethe, noting the snow-white woman having managed to get a hold of herself as she leaned against the wall.

No... it couldn't be. Could it? Her spirit ought to have passed on elsewhere. Truly, the elegant Shinigami was at a loss of words. Could it be? Turning to Lethe, Hime would approach the woman and observe her appearance for a moment before stepping back a few paces.

"When you mentioned being built with someone else in mind, I had not an inkling of a reference as to what you meant. Though it highly unlikely, it is not entirely unprecedented if one were to consider certain factors were included in the process that brought about your creation. Still, I cannot answer any of those questions for you, Lethe, but I do know the name of the woman you speak of. She was as grandiose as she was eccentric, fiery as she was passionate. Her name was... Ulv Auber."


Last edited by Iori on Tue May 31, 2022 10:16 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Empty Re: Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe]

Sat May 21, 2022 11:09 am

The Danava of Martial Arts


Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Ulv Auber.

When Lethe heard those two words, there was no denying it. The Sun that existed inside her mind turned, and looked at Lethe, a coy smile on her face. That, was no memory, that was no feeling given to her by Nidhana. She was real. And with that, the mental veil collapsed, and she was stripped of her distance, the Danava slamming into her hard enough to knock her off her feet. Metaphysical impacts could effect the physical with enough inertia.

Lethe laid their for a second, and then she blinked, and sat up. Tears streamed down her eyes as she got a full frontal of everything that Ulv had ever done, felt, and had done to her. The World...was so very cruel.

"Algos" Lethe exclaimed, staring at the wall in front of her. That, was who it was. She was the Knight of Asthavon, beloved of the Princess, Algos. The burning promise that Ulv had given persisted through time itself. That was who she loved, with all her heart. Who she had given herself to, and who had abandoned her. Weak. So very weak. She was pathetic now, a mewling brat with no power.

"Hime" Lethe would then say, looking up at her with an airy smile, before reaching out to kiss her passionately.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue May 31, 2022 5:18 pm
Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 ZT2s7Qv


The sudden shift of events had gave the elegant woman pause as she observed the snow-white woman, who now laid on the ground after being, quite literally, knocked off her feet. Judging from the fall, Hime could not liken it to the falling motion one experiences when they faint. It appeared as if some metaphysical force had brought about this invisible impact.

A reaction to the revelation, perhaps? Then, there were tears as she uttered a familiar name, considering it's reputation. Algos. Why had that name escaped her lips? Hime wondered. Any further analysis was somewhat compromised as Lethe seemed to motion in for a kiss.

A graceful smiled formed on the woman's lips as she leaned forward and kissed the snow-white danava on the cheek before helping her up. There was a lot to register now but the noble woman could certainly acknowledge that something had changed within Lethe, a far cry from her initial demeanor.

"Are you alright, Lethe? Most people faint when they receive overstimulating information. I can't recall a case of witnessing one quite literally being knocked off their feet."


Last edited by Iori on Wed Jun 01, 2022 5:12 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Empty Re: Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe]

Wed Jun 01, 2022 4:05 am

The Danava of Martial Arts


Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"Haha, you little Minx. Trying to tease me, are we?" Lethe asked, her tone and demeanour changing to a flirtatious one as she was helped up to her feet. "You know I want so much more than that" Lethe would reach out to slide her arms around Hime's hips and pull her in close. The distinct lack of physical strength was very apparently, however.

"After all, why bother with anything, after it all went so dramatically downhill in such a fashion? I should just enjoy myself, if everything is going to go to shit regardless" Lethe's glimmering eyes were blazing with an amber light, and her coy, sultry smile. "So let's get out of here. Or not, if you are that kind of girl, I admit to a lack of toys here but I can make up for that with skill~"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Wed Jun 01, 2022 5:25 am
Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 ZT2s7Qv


Ah, there was indeed some measure and aspect of Ulv present in this woman now. This brazen way of speaking and the complete disregard of one's personal space was very much traits and facets that belonged to the woman she had met many times before. How might she act from here? She wondered.

Hime was somewhat at a loss as to how she should operate now. Her intent was to treat the woman she felt to be, almost relatively, a stranger, to a meal as she unearthed information. Well, now she got more than she bargained for but she remained composed nonetheless. Lethe had the Ulv pomp and spirit but not quite the strength, which meant that Hime could dictate the situation. She ruffled the woman's hair as a graceful smile lined her lips even as the woman hugged against her hips.

"Knowing you, I'm more than aware. Even so, I cannot indulge you. I'm spoken for and I don't particularly know if I'm allowed to step outside the boundaries of my relationship. If you wish for us to go from here and continue speaking, I'm more than acquiescent to the idea... Ulv or Lethe... I'm confused as to how I should refer to you now."


Last edited by Iori on Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:18 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Empty Re: Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe]

Wed Jun 01, 2022 7:56 pm

The Danava of Martial Arts


Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Getting her hair ruffled was enough to knock Lethe out of the feelings she was having, and she quickly let go, scurrying backwards with a bright red face. This was awkward! Extremely awkward! She'd just stare for a few moments, give something that wasn't quite coherent as an answer, and then sprint for the door. Barreling through it with all the grace of a Rhino, Lethe went full speed anywhere that was not here, because if she ran fast enough, she might be able to escape what just happened!

Not that full speed was really that fast. She wasn't weak or anything, but by spiritual standards, Lethe was extremely lacking, and stood out in a crowd like a glowing neon sign, so was easy to chase down if Hime wanted too.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 Empty Re: Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe]

Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:17 am
Who are you, inside? [Hime/Lethe] - Page 2 ZT2s7Qv


Hime softly blinked her eyes as she observed Lethe scurrying backwards, a fierce shade of red coloring her pale cheeks. She would offer a hand out to Lethe only to gaze at the woman bursting through the kitchen doors as she darted away from the restaurant. Hime would tilt her head in confusion before coming to a swift decision that she would follow the Danava. If she had to guess, there was more to this whole picture she than expected. Perhaps Lethe was uncertain as to how she ought to handle the remnants of Ulv within her spirit and chose to run away out of embarrassment for actions that weren't her own? Sighing softly, a warm smile would form on Hime's face as a simple use of flash step would have her floating beside her in a matter of seconds.

"Please don't run away, Lethe. I'm not upset by what happened. I don't particularly understand the whole picture but I do know how Ulv is and I know that whatever remnant lies within you is the one who acted that way. She... was a rather straightforward woman, to put it lightly. I can see how that might be frightening but I'm here to help, if you'll let me."


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