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Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Empty Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo]

Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:05 am
Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Header2


Kasha admittedly didn't know what he was doing here, was it peculiar for the two of them to meet at the other's estate? Perhaps rumours might begin. Ah, how troublesome that would be if that were to happen for the both of them. Still he was here and dressed to his usual standard, make-up and hair done while nails painted. He had even donned a green scarf that matched his eyes over the shihakusho.

Knocking on the door to the residence he must admit the Sawachika estate was more well built than you'd expect with the other noble families' opinion of them. Kasha for his eye and appreciation of aesthetic found it quite well detailed.

Hmm, was he early or on time? It wasn't good in his eyes to appear early. That'd make him look too eager.


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Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Empty Re: Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo]

Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:11 am
Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] DF2cTg5



Before any of the Sawachika household attendants might have answered the door, a loud yell echoed from the rooftop, and immediately after, a large figure lept from said roof and to the front gate. Even without any introduction, or simply being a man of import around the Seireitei, it would have been fairly easy to discern that this was none other than Lord Sawachika himself.

"What can we of the Sawachika do for you, young lady? Looking for architectural work? Or simply in need of some heavy lifting?"

Lord Sawachika's attitude made even Kyo's bravado seem almost small by comparison, to say nothing of his build. Of course, his immense, cheerful grin made any sense that he might be intimidating swiftly disappear.


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Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Empty Re: Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo]

Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:16 am
Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Header2



He looked up at the imposing giant that lept from the rooftops into his sights, standing over his small figure while he cocked his head to the side. A stray hand reaching into his sleeve to pull out a fan and cover his mouth. It saved any stray smiles being taken as disrespectful. He was quite the character wasn't he?

Far different than Kyo.

"I"m here to see one of your sons, Kyo. If he's available, Lord Sawachika."


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Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Empty Re: Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo]

Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:33 am
Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] DF2cTg5


"Hmmmm? Kyo!?"

Naturally, Lord Sawachika's expression went from cheerful to one of surprise, running through this whole situation very quickly. Another woman? No, that certainly wouldn't ever be the case. Kyo knew better than to be seeing another woman! Surely, right??

"I see. He is available at the moment. I'll gladly lead the way, come along, young lady."

Hm... She certainly didn't seem like she would be Kyo's type, anyway, so that was a point in his son's favor. But then again, maybe that would explain it. Was he expanding his horizons? No, certainly not... His thoughts continued to run back and forth as he walked through the estate, the myriad paintings he'd purchased lining the walls.

"I don't suppose you're willing to speak on your reasons for visiting, hm?"

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Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Empty Re: Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo]

Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:33 am
Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Header2


My my, he seemed quite shocked. Well this was an opportunity to work on his subtefuge and so one such as Kasha would continue the facade for the moment. It ought to be harmless for just a bit of amusement if anything, after all the Koizumi was more than content to play ignorant of the misunderstanding that had occured.

"Hmm? He's never mentioned me before? Ah, that is most disappointing. I would've hoped that he mentioned me at least once during our time in the academy."

He explained, assuming that's what Kyo's dad was fishing for. Kasha knew that it wasn't but the fan concealed his own smile which could just be interpreted as a lady's modesty in attempting to remain elegant.

"We're to share tea this afternoon, I'm quite interested to try the Sawachika's blends. I hear they are quite strong flavours which is different to what I'm used to. My tastes are quite modest so this is sure to be quite invigourating."


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Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Empty Re: Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo]

Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:51 am
Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] DF2cTg5


Lord Sawachika's indignation was becoming increasingly transparent, though to his credit, he was doing his best not to simply assume his son had become a womanizing cretin. Surely he'd raised Kyo better than that? It was just gentlemanly to invite a lady over for tea, surely!

"Kyo tends not to speak about any women, no, apart from that Furukawa girl he's been seeing. Hm, the Academy... The only person he speaks of from the Academy would be that friend of his, the one who went into the Gotei with him. Ah, what was his name..."

Of course, this talk of names did light a small spark in Lord Sawachika's head, and he quickly realized his grave misstep in etiquette, turning his gaze once more toward his guest.

"My apologies, young lady! I've forgotten to even ask your name! I do hope you can forgive me for that."

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Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Empty Re: Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo]

Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:26 am
Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Header2


"Ah, is that so? Fascinating."

Kasha could feel the charade coming to the end here, a faint grin growing a bit more underneath the fan that was hiding his mouth. How true of Lord Sawachika, he had indeed failed to introduce himself and that was an awfully rude thing of him. The fan that matched the colour of his blue-green eyes with its cloudy pattern snapped shut and he gave a polite bow.

This was after all the head of a noble family he was addressing.

"Koizumi. It is an honour to properly make your acquaintance, Lord Sawachika. I believe you and my older sister have history. Yes?"


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Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Empty Re: Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo]

Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:23 pm
Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] DF2cTg5


Koizumi... Well now, that certainly changed things, didn't it! Lord Sawachika's grin widened quite significantly, and he let out a laugh at the young lady's question. Sounded like ol' Kasha had been talking, eh?

"I didn't even know she had a younger sister. Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised she'd go around telling you about our little history. But that's in the past now, young lady! There's only one woman in Soul Society for me now, and that's Sawachika Ai!"

Lord Sawachika was certainly all too willing to boast about his wife at any time, but eventually he stopped, gesturing to one of the handful of small fields of unhewn stone that the Sawachika estate kept, and by extension, to his son, currently chiseling away at one of the larger slabs.

"Well, you'd presumably know about him and Furukawa then, and you don't exactly come across much like your older sister, so I don't think I need to warn you about trying to seduce my son."

And off he went, laughing in such a way that made it, really, unclear whether or not he'd even been joking about that being a concern.

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Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Empty Re: Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo]

Tue Sep 06, 2022 9:41 am
Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Header2


"I'm glad to hear of your success in your pursuits, Lord Sawachika."

He said while feigning surprise at the next one which was kind of a warning of sorts. Kasha tilted his head to the side and gave a puzzled look. He and Kyo? How strange to picture in his head.

"My my. I would never do something so indecent, sir. Your son is certainly a good man but I think I would be most unfit to be his spouse."

Kasha explained with a small smile to assure the poor man that his son was safe from whatever scandal he was creating in his head. The kind of thing that Kasha wouldn't find appealing at all even if it were plausible in his head.


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Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] Empty Re: Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo]

Wed Sep 07, 2022 12:48 am
Burning Hot Tea Party [Kasha, Kyo] 8ZovUmi


Ah, but that last little comment did make Lord Sawachika look back over his shoulder very briefly, a large grin on his face even as he was departing, his voice calling out to Kasha as he walked.

"You think so? I doubt any lady of the Koizumi would be unfit!"

But Kyo, for his part, didn't hear any of that. He only heard the idle yelling of his father, and he turned to see Kasha, of all people, standing off in the estate. How long had he even been there? Had he been speaking with father? The longer Kyo thought about that, the less he liked what he was imagining, and he stood to greet his friend, tossing a towel over his shoulder and wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Kasha! I'm a bit surprised to see you here, of all places. Should have sent a letter ahead, I would have made sure I was ready for a visit!"


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