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Sat Oct 08, 2022 8:44 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Whew. Man what a place.

Igen was panting just a little as he shot through the forest, eyes darting around as he made note of the hollows following. Holy SHIT there were a lot! He had expected some....difficulty when he'd made his way here. The place was pretty lousy with hollows and all that junk, even just from the reports. He'd figured he'd just pick a spot, clear the area, and go from there. It had been a so so fight, but he'd pretty easily dispatched the initial hollows. Easy right?

What had hadn't taken into account was that other hollows had been drawn by the bloodshed. His eyes locked ontot he bounding forms of the jaguar-like hollows speeding after him. And he felt a sudden tingle of adrenaline up hiss pine as he zigged and zagged, using Shunpo to try and lose them, causing the small pack of hollows to shift out of formation at the jarring relocations. As they slowly adapted to the pattern of his movements.

THAT was when he struck.

A sudden about-turn, shunpo-ing directly into one of the hollow's faces and SLAMMING his shoulder into the center of it's mask. It's surface splintering, cracking viciously as blood spurted. But it didn't shatter. And with suddden viciousness, it LUNGED and sank it's teeth into his side! A HISS escaping him as his muscles flexed. Those teeth biting into the skin, but not managing to penetrate the muscle as he could already see the others closing in around him. He wrenched himself to the side! Skidding as him and the hollow came to a stop, and then thrust his hand. Ramming his fist into the hollow's throat, and digging his fingers into the inside of it's neck, nails curling into soft flesh for purchase as he twisted, lifting the hollow off the ground ith it's own momentum, and then SLAMMING it onto it's back! His zanpaku'to flashing across it's throat, blood rapidly filling the space his fist was rammed into as he tore free. His flesh already closing back up. His Pre-emptive Kaido already closing up the wound.

That's it. Show them you're King.

He barely even registered the voice as he pumped reiryoku into his fist. A shunpo closing the distance between the nearest hollow and himself, as he rammed his fist clean into it's face. This time the result was far more...pronounced. That burst of force amplified by his Hakuda shot through the Hollow. It's mask caving in, and a sudden jarring crackle sounding through it's body as the force went straight down it's body, snapping it's rubs away from it's spine as it was jarred out of place.

It crumpled almost in an instant. Just as jaws clamped into Igen from behind. Making him GRUNT! Taking a deep breath! "Baukdo Number Nine. GEKI!" A bright red glow coursed over his back, and suddenly there was a BANG, as the hollow's head was flung from his flesh! a SNAP sounding as it's jaw was dislocated from the force. A loud, warbling groan bubbling up from it's throat as it staggered back and began thrashing in pain. At least until Igen's zanpaku'to sank down and stuck it's head to the ground, ceasing it's thrashing on the spot as he huffed.

"Whew..." He murmured, blinking rapidly before he made his way over to the crumpled hollow. It's eyes rolling in it's head, fully paralyzed from the blow down it's spine. He sank his zanpaku'to through it's eyes and watched them roll up. Wincing a bit as he did. He really hoped cleansed hollows lost their memories when they were cleansed.

All the same, he looked around and paused as he ....took stock and did a bit of math. He'd been running for quite a while... This.....was around where he should be ... right? He had the estimated location of where they were camping. But that had been BEFORE he'd sensed reiryoku. Were they fighting as well? Possibly. He glanced briefly at the dead hollows and hummed, already he was usind Kaido to patch himself up. Hm... nothign to help with all the blood and holes in his outfit though. Well, he was sure she'd understand.

He used shunpo again, closing in on where he could feela ll the energy and paused a short distance away from.... what seemed like He wasn't sure. He didn't sense any hollows nearby. But all the same, if reports were to be believed, he'd have noticed him nearby. He waited patiently for some sign that she'd recognized his presence, or until...she just stopped. Wither way, he'd soon approach, a big smile on his face, despite the state of himself , his zanpaku'to promptly sheathed again before he offered a respectful smile and a wave.

"Hey there! Nice day huh?" He wasn't the greatest with intros.
God of Love
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Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:32 am
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] O56jPf1


Some might have had difficulty noticing when there was a decent spiritual presence nearby, but Shaoling was unilaterally not one of those people. She'd noticed another shinigami in the area well before he actually seemed to be coming her way, and even as he started moving in her direction, she didn't so much as pause in her training regimen. Cutting through stone with a single shunko-augmented kick, over and over, until she was satisfied with the result, Shaoling barely even paid the moving soul any mind. It was only when he arrived near her, offering a greeting, that she stopped long enough to turn toward him, her expression as stern and distant as it always was toward strangers.

"Can I help you?"

It wasn't that she was offering anything, of course. Rather, Shaoling was under no illusion that this young man was simply passing through, and had come across her completely by chance. She'd noted the faint hollow presences disappearing as he moved, and out here in the wasteland, there were plenty of people itching for a fight. If that was what he wanted, she'd simply handle it quickly.


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Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:46 am
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen's brows raised slightly when he'd caught sight of the manner in which the woman was training! Well, he Shunko WAS pretty legendary, it only made sense. But all the same it was pretty impressive to see it in person and in action. And some small part of him couldn't help but wonder how exactly she was even doing it.

All the same, when she spoke up, her paused and then gave a sheepish smile.

Ah right, why he was here!

"Ah, sorry if I'm coming at a bad time. My name is Igendai, I'm a member of First Division. But uh... I'm not really here on business or anything. I was hoping to ask you a few questions." He promptly clarified. Not even wilting in the slightest under that piercing gaze of hers. As a matter of fact, his eyes practically shined as he looked at her, curiosity practically radiating from him. Was she taller than their records stated? Maybe it was just the incline, but she didn't SEEM as short as she was supposed to be. Hmmm.
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Sun Oct 09, 2022 10:37 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] O56jPf1


The young man certainly seemed chipper, if nothing else. That wasn't particularly endearing a trait to Shaoling, but she didn't have any outright hostility toward it, either.

"Then ask."

Shaoling didn't bother giving her own name, or even addressing his position. If he wasn't here professionally, then he'd want something else, and whatever he wanted, she'd rather hear it quickly. She simply returned to her training for now, waiting for whatever it was the prettyboy had on his mind.

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Sun Oct 09, 2022 10:58 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Huh, it was weird running into someone like this outside of work. CERTAINLY there were a few people like Shaoling in first division, but that was in like, a professional setting. Though..... given what he knew. Maybe she just sortof lived the professional setting. Which he had to admit was kinda cool, he couldn't imagine having THAT much energy to always be professional. He paused, briefly imagining it, before remembering she was waiting.

"Well it was a little strange. The extension of the Captain Commander's offering a seat of Captaincy, I was just a little surprised. A lot of us kinda figured that if you weren't interested that you'd just say no outright. Kinda seemed like what the records about you leaned toward. Lots of commendations and recognition for diligence and being concise. Not really the kinda woman who would change her mind or be unsure about things. And then you wound up turning it down after the fact. I guess it got me kinda curious. Just what it is down here that made you wanna stay down here." He admitted.

It was HELLA presumptuous, but well.... Igen kinda sucked at being careful around subjects. Even as he spoke, he did find himself staring just a little as she went back to her training. Trying to sus out just ....what she was doing, and how she was doing it with his reikaku, out of sheer habit.
God of Love
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Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:10 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] O56jPf1


"It's awfully presumptuous of you to simply come here and ask about my personal matters and intentions, wouldn't you say?"

Well, not that Shaoling necessarily minded that kind of behavior. It was the same sort of self-assuredness that had led her to take Yuujin in to begin with, after all, though perhaps not to the same degree. However, she also wasn't the sort of woman to simply spill her inner thoughts to anyone, even those closest to her. And this was hardly someone she could say she trusted.

"I stay here on Earth for my own reasons. The Gotei's offer to me was a perfectly reasonable one, but I don't believe it would be as rewarding as the time spent here, bettering myself and helping my students to do the same."

Of course, there was a far more personal side of it than that. She cared for Yuujin and Yugiri both a great deal, and she didn't especially relish the thought of leaving behind a life where she had found something to live for of her own accord.

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Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:23 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

"Yea I guess it probably is." Igen conceded with a smile, not no real hint of apology in that.

Still, what she DID reveal caused him to perk up, glancing at her as she practiced, and then looking around to the surrounding area. He supposed it ...WAS A pretty intense place to train. Heck, he'd almost died on his way over here if he wasn't as strong as he was. And the mention of students made him think about that as well. He had always wondered about what it was that made someone become a teacher. He smiled a bit at that.

"That's really nice of you. I guess I never really thought about if I'd have to choose between helping others and my job. But thinking about it, I guess there's probably a lot of people I'd probably give up my job to help too..." He thought of Kyo in particular. Some of his other friends as well, like Katori. He wondered how she was doing. It was kinda funky, being .... responsible for people. Teaching. Guiding them. He looked to the woman's training and could only imagine the effort she put into her students.

"Heh, I'm kinda relieved. A lot of the old Captains.. Well, the records kinda are very .... limited. But when you hear about them, or even meet some of them. It can be kinda underwhelming. You definitely seem a lot cooler in person then the records." He observed, tilting his head a little.

"What are you practicing? It looks kinda...weird." He finally blurted out. Frankly it wasn't even as if he'd been trying to be polite, he had just been distracted by the conversation. But now that he had a moment he flat out asked. Whatever she was doing, he certainly didn't recognize it.
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Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:46 am
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] O56jPf1


"Nice, hm?"

She certainly wouldn't have thought of herself or her actions as 'nice' a few years ago, but then again, Shaoling could hardly say that she was the same woman she'd once been. Whatever the Gotei's reports on her likely had written down, she could only imagine they were horribly out of date now. But, in a way, that was to her benefit. She didn't like the thought of being predictable.

"Shunko. I'm still a far cry from my peak."

That was all she would elaborate on to someone she hardly knew, even if he'd managed to ingratiate himself to her a bit just with his demeanor. It was hardly her style to simply brag about the intricacies of her every technique. No, she would only do that to those who had already fallen to them.

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Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:56 am
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

That smile only widened as she gave that passive murmur in response to his assessment, chuckling just a bit and shrugging his shoulders. "Well, you said that you valued bettering yourself and your students more than the job. It sounds like you're a pretty good teacher. And that takes a lot of good intentions to do properly." He reasoned, at least it made sense in his own head.

However, when she mentioned what it was that she was training, his eyes widened slightly and he stared in .... confusion. Wasn't Shunko really explosive and powerful? But he could barely notice it! Or well, his Reikaku at least.... he didn't recognize it as something that would BE a shunko. It was a little insane, and he thought, briefly, about how Katori was with Kido. She certainly had a penchant for making Kido do things it normally wouldn't.

"Shunko....." He murmured softly, making no real attempt to hide his surprise and slight awe. "Can I see it in action?" He ventured with a tilt of his head. The notion of asking about it's intricacies frankly didn't even occur to him. He wasn't honestly that smart when it came to know...Kido. He was alright with it, but not to this extent, and he hardly would put the burden of explanation on her like that. But MORE than anything, he knew he wanted to see it in use.
God of Love
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Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:02 am
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] O56jPf1


Shaoling continued her repetitions a few more times, then turned around to fully face him, arms crossed as she sized him up. Despite the fact that he was nearly a foot taller than she was, it didn't feel as though he really had much more of a presence than she did. That wasn't terribly surprising, admittedly, but anyone could stand to project a bit more.

"I don't show off just for demonstrations. My techniques are for combat. Violence."

She doubted he would care about that if he was in the Gotei, though. One didn't run into many pacifists there, after all, and she had to say that the few who did join were all imbeciles. If Igen wanted to fight, she'd oblige him. She wouldn't go easy on him, though.

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