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Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:29 am
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen blinked twice for a moment as she finally turned and faced him. Seeing her look him up and down he gave a sheepish smile. Yea, Igen didn't really look, or probably feel like much. At least in her frame of reference. At least as far as guys went. No doubt even Yuujin would look like a manly man next to Igen. However, when she spoke up about Shunko, he paused. He was dense, but he knew when he was being offered a fight. Which, frankly, was probably a REALLY bad idea.

In the Gotei? Sure! With you know, people to jump in if things got out of hand, or if someone needed medical attention. Out here? A whole lot could go wrong!

However. His mind flitted back to his fight with Lady Ai. And he remembered that feeling. Of just flat out being unmatched. Truth be told, Igen didn't LIKE people who couldn't hold back. Seeing some of those snooty rich noble types just try to bully and show off over rukongai applicants really had tailored his expectations. Or at least.... he thought it had.

But Lady Ai had sortof ...challenged that. Naturally, she hadn't been TRYING to kill him. But she also hadn't been holding back either. It had been....conflicting. If Igen had WATCHED that fight from the outside, he might have flat out just shaken his head a bit. But being in it in the moment. It made him.....curious. As he remembered being in the thick of it. Not quite the ....thrill. But . Being pushed like that. It made him feel like he was back out in the further rukongai districts again.

"That's fine! No pain, no cocaine right? ....Er...Wait..." He frowned, what was that human expression again? "Well uh... anyway. I don't mind getting my hands a little dirty." He chimed, smiling from ear to ear, before his expression got a bit more serious as he widened his stance a bit and raised his hands, a bit more....intensity slipping into his expression. A bit of excitement.
God of Love
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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:59 am
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 O56jPf1


"Is that so?"

Shaoling took up her own stance then, though hers was by contrast rather reserved, and most might barely even have realized that she was ready to fight. But the intensity of her eyes told a far different story. As far as she was concerned, the two of them were no longer simply speaking now. The fight had already begun, and her gaze flitted over the whole of his form, watching for even the slightest movements. Her shunko was ready to respond to anything, but for now, it simply flowed silently over her.

"The challenger receives the first blow."

Not that she would actually abide by that in a real fight. Shaoling was far too pragmatic for that. But she wanted to see what this young man was made of.

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Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:24 am
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen couldn't help but chuckle a bit as she offered the courtesy. His eyes briefly scanning her stance, remdinign himself that the woman was very proficient in Kido as well as direct combat. "I feel like that's just as dangerous." He chuckled, pondering to himself. Would he have time to use Jinjashō? But there was also the fact that he wasn't sure where she'd hit him. He'd probably not be able to react.... no, he'd just have to plan for the long game.

His frame flickered, a sudden shunpo closing the distance between them as he promptly pumped Reiryoku through his body, hardening his frame especially pouring extra into his fist as he went for a straight punch to the center of her chest, a jab more than anything, not wanting to give her any momentum to throw him, before promptly twisting into a full roundhouse kick, packing force into his leg. The motion itself was more focused on speed than strength, but using Hakuda, he packed enough force in it that someone around his own level would be sent skidding along the ground from the impact.

The first move was always a dangerous one, especially if someone was well-versed in counters. And so, his plan was to try and bait a counter. After all, this was all about learning right? If you were stronger than your opponent, then your goal was to end the fight as quickly and decisively as possible. But if you were weaker, then your objective was to find a weakness to exploit. Easy peasy right?
God of Love
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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:42 am
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 O56jPf1


Mm. He was certainly a bit more skilled than Yuujin, at least, but Shaoling still couldn't say that he was remotely on her level. His speed was lacking, his technique was passable at best. She knew that her standards were higher than most, and she also knew that, were this even a few years prior, she would have likely snapped both his arm and his leg for his effort.

Instead, she simply held out her finger, her mastery of hakuda combined with the wind of her omnipresent shunko to match his kick rather effortlessly. She could have simply beaten him senseless here and now, but she doubted he would learn much of anything from that.

"Do you have a better approach?"

There was a faintly taunting edge to her voice as she said it, even if her expression hadn't become any less stern. Dancing behind Shaoling's eyes was the faintest sense of cocky superiority, and she simply watched him expectantly, waiting for his next move.

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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:59 am
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

He expcted the effortless counter to his punch, but the sudden blocking of his entire leg and body with just a single finger had his eyes widening in sheer surprise. Just one finger?! THAT WAS AWESOME! And even amidst this dangerous fight, a big grin spread out across his face! But one thing was clear: She didn't seem to be using Shunko. Which was what this was all about! Recovering from the attack he blinked for a moment and gave a chuckle.

"I dunno. But let's find out!" He chimed before promptly lowering his leg and rushing in! It was a simple rush. Scooting closer, attempting to put pressure on her with a flurry of hand strikes. Jabs, chops, and back punches executed in quick succession! Of course he didn't really HAVE any ...special techniques. Igen didn't have anything.... great about him. No shunpo specialty, no zanpaku'to. He honestly wasn't that special of a guy. What DID he have to use. But then again, it wasn't like he was trying to win.

He just needed to push her! Shunko... a special type of hakuda and kido combination. The art of extending and flowing reiryoku through the body and the environment. He knew how to do both, but just not at the same time. There was no way he could just figure that out on the spot out of nowhere. HE had no special main character powers. All he was really good at...was Kaido.

And well, may as well go with that right? Each and very hit would be increadibly easy for her to dodge or block. But every time that she made contact, she'd likely feel it. A little jolt of his own healing Reiryoku being pumped into her body. Bruises. Scuffs. Small little things she might have accrued during training, would start to hurt less and less.

It was a bluff! OF course. HE wasn't some kinda Kaido master, he couldn't surgically cut muscle or tendons or anything like that. Honestly the best he could do was inject her with a bit of healing energy. BUT! Maybe that unexpected flow of Reiryoku would be enough to distract her enough for her concentration to slip. He just had to focus, waiting to see any sign of slippage!
God of Love
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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 2:59 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 O56jPf1


Shaoling didn't entirely know what Igen's plan was with this flurry, but she remained entirely on the defensive for now, studying his attacks with a plain, almost disinterested expression as she dealt with each blow effortlessly. As he began to mix kaido into his strikes, however, her curiosity was faintly piqued. She wasn't certain what his approach was, but given his apparent spiritual power, and the fact that she didn't sense anything from it other than genuine healing, there were two possibilities. The first, and most certainly likely, was that he was bluffing. She could commend that, certainly, and she knew she likely would have tried something similar in her younger, more inexperienced years.

The second option, and infinitely less likely, was that this was a remarkably advanced technique he was using, that a prodigy of extreme caliber had somehow gone unnoticed by herself or anyone else in Soul Society for such sufficient time that he could develop a dangerous new approach to kaido.

If the first were true, she felt it was praiseworthy. And Shaoling was certainly a professional enough woman to prepare for the second option even if it were horribly unlikely. So, as the next blow came through, she didn't slip, wasn't caught off guard. But even so, she showed him what he was probably hoping for.

All at once, a two-finger jab flew toward his chest, at speeds she doubted he could even fully perceive. At the moment of contact, her Shunko began to accelerate rapidly, and for the briefest of moments even he could have felt its overwhelming spiritual presence before it became too fast to fully track. That alone would have sent him flying, but all of it was in service of amplifying what was already a perfectly executed Tsukiyubi.

Hopefully he was as tough as he was bold.

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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:21 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

It didn't come in the form that he quite expected. He expected some sort of retaliation and as she deftly blocked, parried, dodged, and shifted out of his grasp, he couldn't help btu wonder if she had even noticed his actions?! Was he really THAT weak? Hahah, probably. HE wondered if he'd have to change things up, and that was when that flidck suddenly was executed.

FAR too fast for him to react to, or have even anticipated. Some small part of him had considered where she might hit him. But well, he couldn't juggle his little kaido punched AND his Jijanshō at the same time. That was why he had been focusing his Hakuda not really on putting force behind his attacks, but by hardening his frame. So when that flick came to his chest, he was INDEED sent flying. Barely keeping from the air being knocked out of his lungs thanks to his controlled breathing and ...well...sheer luck that he'd been between breaths when she'd hit him.

Igen flew a solid twenty meters before he slammed into one of the slabs of rock nearby, possibly even one that she had been striking for training not that long ago, and CRACKED it's surface as he was thrown into it. BWUH, alright, that DID caost him a bit of his breath. Any normal shinigami likely would have been KO'd on the spot! But if nothing else, Igen WAS a tough boy. And that had only further been amplified by his use of Hakuda.

"H-holy shit. THAT WAS AWESOME!" Igen's voice carried through the dust, and he'd be seen walking out of the dust, a hand over his chest, as the welt she'd left on his chest promptly vanished with a more direct use of Kaido. But his eyes were still shining as he emerged, smiling from ear to ear. "Again! I got it this time!" He insisted, and his spiritual energy would WELL up. A noise almost like a snarling tiger or lion coursed out from his frame. It wasn't a lot of energy, but he was clearly getting fired up.

But well... there would still be signs. His breathing was a bit deeper now. Even just hardening his body did take a bit of energy and well...Igen didn't have a ton. An assassin like Shaoling would practically see them a mile away. slight wavers in that defense of his. Kill points. As enthusiastic as the young man was, he probably couldn't take too many more of those. But even though she could see the strain this put on his Reiryoku, she wouldn't see any of that on his face. He was grinning, ready for her to hit him again.
God of Love
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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:15 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 O56jPf1


So, he was tough enough to at least measure up to something fairly simple like that. That alone put him above the typical shinigami the Gotei had to offer, though Shaoling certainly wouldn't consider surviving a single basic technique to be a tremendous feat. His outward tenacity was bold, confident, aggressive even. She respected that. Had he acted as though it were nothing, she might have found it sickening, and crushed him here and now. Instead, she simply watched him, perfectly aware of every place she could strike to cripple him. Temporarily, or even for life.

Despite that, she simply stepped toward him with a single shunpo. She'd waited for the moment that his defense wavered, when his breath caught in his chest just a little bit longer, and that was when she struck. Once again, she struck at his chest with the same shunko-enhanced Tsukiyubi, her technique flawless for such a simple strike. This time, there wasn't any distance to lessen the impact he was about to have with the rock face, and Shaoling wasn't holding back any more than she had the first time. It would likely be even worse than the first blow.

Did she think he'd be able to defend against this? No. She could see it in his stance, in his offense. This young man might have had tenacity, but the difference between them in skill was tremendous.

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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:39 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 HEADER_98892341_p0_master1200

He noticed that she was surveying him, at least sortof. His eyes were open, but he honestly wasn't even looking directly at her. His eyes were squarely on the space between them. Not because he was trying to catch sight of her motion, but because he flat out wasn't even paying attention to what he saw. Rather, he focused his Reikaku. But that wasn't focused on her either. There was no way even his Reikaku would be able to follow the woman before him. Shaoling, formerly known as Soi Feng.

But then again, he wasn't really interested in how she got to him. His interest, was in shunko, and what SHE was DOING to him. And so, his Reikaku was focused entirely upon his immediate surroundings. For all the speed that Shaoling would muster, there was one thing. She would, upon impact with him, however briefly, stop moving when all of her momentum was transferred into him. It wasn't something he really scientifically understood. There was no math. It was just instinct. Once he was hit, he'd know exactly where she was. And so he focused, expecting another hit to his chest, and he was prepared this time. His chest pumped full of Kaido energy, as she made impact and just like before, he was shoved. But this time, there was nowhere to go. He was already RIGHT up against the rock, and in spectactular fashion, she hit him, he hit the rock almost instantly, and the rock exploded behind him, taking all of the energy as his chest promptly endured the hit.

Even between his natural durability and his hakuda, it was still HARD, and for an instant, blood vessels ruptured from the impact and a bruise flourished across his back and along his chest as he didn't have the luxury of going flying and losing energy to the air. But just as quickly, the bruising vanished as that prep-prepped kaido healed him on the spot, keeping the injury from becoming more severe through cascade effects, and even though he GASPED as the air was driven from his lungs, and he promptly crumpled to his Knees, he got what he wanted.

Just one moment. Using that same personal, close-range Reikaku that one would use on a patient. To sense intimately what was going on. For just one moment, he sensed ....fuzzily, what was going on. Of course, with Kaido, you had your hands on the person, and things were stationary. Just because you threw someone at an x ray machine as it went off didn't mean you'd get everything you needed. But it was still something! And Igen GASPED a bit for Air, still on his knees, before he clutched his chest and sucked in air. Yea, he didn't look cool or anything. Frankly he looked like he was about to pass out! She'd even wiped the smile off that face of his.

But after a moment, he smiled shakily up at her and grinned. "Hokhay.... I'mhalright....thwo is ghood." He croaked out, his whole body beet red as his blood pounded through im to try and make up for the brief loss of air. An excellent guise as Igen promptly realized that looking up at the shorter woman leering down at him was..... kinda hot.
God of Love
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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:17 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 2 O56jPf1


Shaoling had roughly expected this response, and she simply watched him as he made his best effort to pick himself up after having been nearly crushed against the stone face behind him. He looked abysmal, but it didn't seem like he was going to die. That was good, she could let him recover the rest of the way on his own. Had it been one of her students, she might have wordlessly healed them, but he'd come here unprompted and received this as his reward.

"Did you have any other questions for me? I don't imagine you'll be going anywhere right away."

She couldn't quite help but add that last little bit, her pride rearing its head just the faintest bit more. There even seemed to be the faintest possible grin on her lips, though given Igen's state, it certainly could have just been him seeing things.

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