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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:29 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 HEADER_98892341_p0_master1200

Whoa boy. He did try once or twice to get up onh is feet, but he soon realized...yea...he probably should just sit down and rest his back against some of the rubble. Just as she'd said, he wasn't gonna be going anywhere anytime soon, frankly he might actually have to use his Gigai and regain some spirit energy at this rate! However, he DID perk his brows when he made note of that venture of hers. Was she...smiling down at him? He wasn't sure, it made him kinda dizzy when he looked all the way up at her. WHEW!

"Whew. Uh...WELL... if you're....askin." He paused, taking a nice, slow, deep breath, so that he could talk regularly before giving a little chuckle. "Probably too many! I mean... Even just the Shunko aside, you're kinda one of the more fascinating Ex-Captains around. Pretty much all of them have been kinda just...sitting around the last hundred years or so. IF not kinda being in the gotei's direct supervision. So Uh... I mean... I'm kinda curious . I guess asking what youve been up to is a little personal. But uh...what's it been like?" He ventured with a tilt of his head.

After all, SOMETHING seemed to have radically changed. She left and it was kinda... no secret, at least if the rumors were to be believed, that the woman wasn't all that happy on her way out. She hadn't retired, she'd flat out QUIT! And then gone off to thew world of the living, changed her name. And he couldn't help but wonder what that had been like for her. If there was anything he respected, it was when people took their lives into their own hands. Taking a rest. Building themselves up. to make SOMETHING out of their lives that felt real. Maybe he was romanticizing the situation, but he couldn't help it. It FELT right out of a western coming of age book.

The Captain FAMOUSLY known for strict, rule-abiding work in the most rule-laden division ever. Putting down her Captain's coat and living out in the world? In the wilderness? Just being her own woman for the first time maybe in her life? And THEN, just when her old life tries to pull her back, in, she chooses to stay with what she'd found? Clearly she'd found SOMETHING. And Igen was curious at least, even if she wouldn't share what it WAS. At the very least, he wanted to see how she ....FELT about it all.
God of Love
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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:53 am
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 O56jPf1


That really wasn't all that surprising of a question. Shaoling had almost expected it, given her situation. She knew exactly how many questions it had raised, even among those few she felt knew anything about her. She had to imagine that those who only knew of her from the outside would have considered it outright baffling that she'd even left.

"It's been rewarding."

That was as much as Shaoling was willing to say on that matter. Giving him an answer at all was already more than most would have gotten by asking. She certainly had no intention of waxing poetic about her students, her time committed to simply living.

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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:27 am
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 HEADER_98892341_p0_master1200

Igen blinked, staring a bit at Shaoling before a soft chuckle spilled out of him, even though it hurt a little to laugh, he still kinda couldn't help but be amused by the response. But even WITH how short that esponse was, he still looked out to the rest of the wasteland, and thought about it. Rewarding huh?

"Hmmm, didn't earn enough points for that one huh? Makes sense.." He murmured, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Shifting a bit to get comfortable. Well, in actuality, he was TRYING to stand up and be all cool. Maybe say something like 'I'll be back next time stronger to get more questions!' But uh.... he still couldn't get up. Holy shit what the hell had she hit him with? And he ....thought back, trying to remember the blur of when he'd been hit. Shit, if he wasn't so damn exhausted he'd try it out himself , try to ...SOMEHOW get a gist for what she'd been doing. But he was flat out pooped!

"alright, I'm not gonna lie. I'm friggin wiped, and I can't think of any questions." He admitted with a sheepish chuckle, rubbing the back of his head. "Next time I'll have to bring food or something, holy crap. Any requests?" He asked the woman, not like he'd be so rude to bring food and NOT let her have any after all.
God of Love
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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:09 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 O56jPf1


Shaoling continued to study Igen for a moment or two, wondering why he was even asking something like that. Requests? She hadn't even asked him to bring food. She simply stared down at him for a moment or two, then spoke in her typical dry tone.

"Bringing food, hm?"

She had nothing she'd ask of him, and she doubted that he would be able to make her few favorites in any manner better than she made for herself. Of course, then she paused for a few moments, realizing that wasn't entirely true.


It wasn't exactly easy to make while traveling.

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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:20 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen smiled at that and nodded. " Of course! I'm not just gonna keep showing up to bother ya without making it worth your while. That'd be pretty rude of me, especially since I probably suck as a training partner for now." He reasoned as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Promptly he raised his brow and nodded as she finally gave him an answer! He was .... actually a little surprised she gave one!

"Shibakuze eh? Hmmm, that'll take a bit of time. Alright alright. So I'll seeya again in a week, with some lunch and Shibakuze!" He declared, very pleased with himself. as that would be the PERFECT amount of time to try and work on his kido and hakuda! And uh... maybe try to figure out something about heavy hits like she could dish out.
God of Love
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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:41 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 O56jPf1


"If you're thinking of it as bothering me, showing up with or without food would already be rude, wouldn't it?"

The fact that he'd mention this would take a week certainly wasn't lost on her, however. If he was planning to simply make it himself, then Shaoling could certainly respect the gesture, even if she found it a bit excessive personally. If nothing else, there was resolve in that course of action.

"I'll expect you, then."

Not that she would still be in the same location by next week. Shaoling always traveled with her students, and they wouldn't be in the same part of the wastelands within a week. She wouldn't tell Igen that, of course. If he wanted to learn, he'd find her.

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Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling]

Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:51 pm
Nice to met You! [Igen, Shaoling] - Page 3 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen chuckled and smiled sheepishly.Alright well she DID have him there. "I guess you make a good point. Buuuuuut I think if you minded me showing up you'd ask me not to, or just put me through another rock. Which... you know...would suck. So yea! If I ever get annoying feel free to tell me to buzz off or find a rock." He chuckled jokingly, before peeling his zanpaku'to from his hip and promptly sinking it into the air. A senkaimon gate peeling open in stark contrast to the wastelands around them. Gosh he was thankful he didn't have to like.....WALK to any particular location to do this damn thing. However, he DID perk up a bit when she acknowledged the timeframe.

"Sweet! It's a date." He chimed, grinning from ear to ear before promptly walking into the senkaimon and heading back to the Soul Society. He had to admit, the trip had gone a lot better than he expected!
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