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God of Love
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Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:41 pm
Bam! If You Please [Kyo, Mizu] 8ZovUmi


This was finally the day Kyo had waited for. For years, he'd maintained a faint irritation that the blueprints he'd drafted for the 7th division's barracks hadn't been put to use. They'd been perfectly spectacular, and yet the captain had insisted on using the tents that had now become a permanent fixture. Well, that wasn't an issue any longer. With the implementation of the 8th division, Kyo finally had the opportunity to put his blueprints to use, and he'd wasted no time assembling a construction team for the new barracks.

Of course, even when he wasn't overseeing the construction, he was still spending time around the 8th division's temporary offices. If he wanted to learn more about what it meant to be an ideal shinigami, and an ideal man, he'd have no choice but to work alongside the full breadth of the Gotei in one capacity or another. Sure, today it was mostly just delivering paperwork, but that was part of the job as much as anything else.

"Miss Morikawa! Paperwork from the 1st division for you, and confirmation on the latest progress on the construction of the barracks."

His towering stature and loud voice certainly made for an imposing presence, especially in the fairly empty 8th division, but Kyo wouldn't have it any other way.

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Sat Oct 15, 2022 8:10 pm
Morikawa Mizu glanced up from her desk, her focus temporarily shifting from the mountain of paperwork she had admittedly brought upon herself to the mountain of a man before her. There were others in Soul Society who made her seem tiny in comparison, but it was that much more apparent when no one else was around to balance things out. For Mizu it didn't matter how big or small someone was, only the rank they wore on their sleeve. "Thank you, Sawachika-san." the small blonde said as she happily received more paperwork to peruse. Others might dread this kind of work, but Mizu most certainly relishes it as it's one of the few things she's always excelled at.

Standing, Mizu's golden eyes locked onto Kyo's on as she spoke again "We in the 8th Division appreciate everything you and your family have done for Soul Society", the Shinigami silently thinking about how without the Sawachika house Seireitei would likely look entirely different, and perhaps the brand new 8th Division wouldn't have so easily and swiftly begun construction on their barracks. Having transferred to this new branch upon it's creation, Mizu was grateful for any help the currently-near-barren Division could get. Following her verbal appreciation for Kyo, Mizu bowed at the waist, something other seated officers may look down upon when done to an unseated Shinigami like him. As she stood back up the blonde Shinigami greeted Kyo's vision with an overly-serious look that proved her sincerity.
God of Love
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Sat Oct 15, 2022 8:32 pm
Bam! If You Please [Kyo, Mizu] 8ZovUmi


It caught Kyo more than a touch off guard to hear this woman speak so politely, but he supposed he really shouldn't have considered it too surprising. By anyone's standards, Kyo was a remarkably boisterous individual, and that was certainly more apparent when he was faced with a polite, demure girl like this. He simply offered her a polite bow in return, though it was accompanied by a cheerful grin.

"Please, no need to be so formal. Just call me Kyo. And I'll be sure to let my father know you appreciate our work." His voice was just as much of a stark contrast to Mizu as the rest of him, upbeat and friendly. He didn't mind the difference in rank between them, though he did certainly respect it.

There was still a reason to be serious, though, and it wasn't as if he was here for a reason. When he continued, there was a bit more gravity to his voice. "Is there anything else you need help with, ma'am? I'm not quite qualified in anything more advanced, but I'm pretty good at taking orders." She was, after all, rather significantly above him in rank. If she needed something done, Kyo would gladly get it done.

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Mon Oct 17, 2022 6:21 pm
Mizu was no stranger to other Shinigami asking her to be less formal with them, especially as most did not grow up with the familial expectations she did. Her expectations of herself also contributed to her formality with others and so she struggled initially with Kyo's request to be called by his given name "A-ah, alright Kyo-san. And you may call me Mizu." She had appreciated his helpfulness and didn't want to come off as a stick-in-the-mud so she acquiesced.

"How thoughtful. Hmm, let me see..." There was much to do at the 8th Division in these early days of it's infancy, whether it was setting up temporary housing or helping out at the recruitment office. Mizu didn't want to send Kyo on simple errands though, she was more interested in getting to know her fellow Shinigami. After all, one of her main responsibilities was building relations with the other Divisions. "Actually, there is something you could help me with. I haven't had a chance to see everything your Barracks designs include yet. If it is no imposition Kyo-san, would you mind showing me around and telling me a bit more about yourself and your Division?"
God of Love
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Mon Oct 17, 2022 8:39 pm
Bam! If You Please [Kyo, Mizu] 8ZovUmi


"Absolutely, Mizu-san! I'd be glad to show you around. I've been working most recently on the concert hall that Captain Otoribashi asked for, but other than that there's still plenty worth showing!"

Kyo was quite visibly proud of having designed the barracks, and he picked up his blueprints as he gestured for Mizu to follow him. This was a big deal! And besides, how could he not be glad to show someone around? As he led the way toward the unfinished construction, he spoke in his typical upbeat tone, voice certainly loud enough to get past any sounds of construction that were carrying over to the temporary office.

"As far as me, I'm a pretty recent graduate from the academy, and I've been spending the last year or so as an unseated member over in the 5th division. We mostly handle stealth operations, spying and reconnaissance and things like that, though I don't think I have to tell you that I'm not too suited to that!" Kyo simply laughed at that, though, not at all bothered with the idea that he might not be cut out for sneaking. It wasn't exactly the life he really wanted to live, hiding in the shadows and skulking around. Other people were more cut out for that.

"I mostly just handle architecture, helping find weak points in places being infiltrated. Ah! Here, I'm very proud of this." Stopping quite suddenly, Kyo pointed to the barracks as they approached, drawing a bit of a line as if to highlight the view from the front as he continued to talk excitedly. "I made sure the upper floors of the barracks wouldn't be too claustrophobic or feel cut off from the rest of the division, so not only did I add wraparound balconies, I made sure to gradually increase the size of the windows with each ascending floor."

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Tue Oct 18, 2022 5:30 pm
"Thank you, Kyo-san. Mizu said before adding quickly "Captain Ōtoribashi-sama sure loves his music." After Kyo gestured for her to follow Mizu stood and did just that. She noted in her head she must look like a child next to his towering figure, something hardly new for her. Some Shinigami were practically giants and her 5'2" height only added to this perception when they stood near her.

Mizu took notice of Kyo's outward pride and exuberance. She wasn't sure if he was especially excited at the opportunity to show her around and discuss his designs because he didn't wasn't often appreciated or if it was just standard issue pride. Either way she would gladly learn what she could from the man. His background could also be a factor as it sounded like he was just as young as herself, a Shinigami who hadn't even eclipsed 30 years of age yet.

The blonde haired Shinigami listened intently to her compatriot's words, taking this interaction as seriously as she would any other. As he described his division's basic duties the image of this burly man trying to sneak about caused her to laugh in synchrony with him, hers less boisterous like his and more of a girlish giggle. When they came to an abrupt stop Mizu teetered for just a moment before correcting her balance and listening to Kyo describe the Barracks' features. She couldn't help but be impressed by his knowledge and the care he'd put into his designs, especially given his age and recent graduation from the Academy "How fascinating. I can see you gave the layout much thought, Kyo-san. How long have you been studying architecture?"

Last edited by Paradigm on Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:57 pm; edited 2 times in total
God of Love
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Tue Oct 18, 2022 8:56 pm
Bam! If You Please [Kyo, Mizu] 8ZovUmi


Kyo couldn't entirely help but note that she laughed along with him, and found it a fairly endearing gesture. He might have even commented on it normally, but he was here on work, and while once upon a time that wouldn't have mattered quite as much, Kyo had certainly grown more serious in the past week. Relatively speaking, anyway.

"I've been studying architecture more or less since I was born! That's what we Sawachika do, after all, and my father has been teaching me since I was young. My first project was when I was 16, just a year into my time at the Academy, and I helped with the construction of the old Kenpachi Foundation. That's...well, it's gone now, but it served its purpose."

Admittedly, Kyo was still just a touch disappointed that the building had been demolished, but he couldn't lie and say that he thought it was unjustified. It hadn't exactly seen a ton of use, after all, and Kyo knew perfectly well that space was a valuable commodity in the Seireitei. They couldn't afford to leave buildings sitting around unused.

"Other than that, I've been in charge of a few smaller projects, and I handled the demolition of the Unabara family estate when they were exiled."

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Thu Oct 20, 2022 1:49 am
Mizu continued listening attentively to her acquaintance speak. She was genuinely interested in what he was saying and enjoyed learning about others. Perhaps this was due to her own conservative upbringing during which she so rarely interacted with those of differing backgrounds. Instead she had spent practically all her time under the tutelage of noble tutors or learning with her childhood friend, who admittedly had come from very different circumstances than herself. This woman, Tsuna, had never been too fond of sharing specific details of her childhood in the outer Districts of the Rukongai. Mizu herself had not grown up in Seireitei so even others of privileged backgrounds often had experiences she was unfamiliar with, leaving her in a bit of an awkward middle ground between the two ends of the spectrum people lived on in Soul Society.

The blonde Shinigami nodded along as Kyo explained his architectural history. She recognized the Kenpachi name, a name she had read about which had been given to utter demons of Shinigami, but did not know much about this Foundation he spoke of. She also had not heard much about the Unabara name but if they had an entire estate the demolition project must have been a sizable undertaking. "Oh, it's a shame that Foundation is gone now. I'm sure I would have enjoyed seeing more of your work, Kyo-san." One thing she had not considered was an architect being involved in destroying things, and inquisitively voiced her surprise at this and tilted her head slightly as she spoke "You also handle demolitions? As someone responsible for these wonderful buildings, do you have any qualms with doing so?"

Last edited by Paradigm on Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
God of Love
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Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:54 am
Bam! If You Please [Kyo, Mizu] 8ZovUmi


"Well, it is what it is. I'd be glad to show you some of my blueprints sometime! I've got a lot that doesn't get used, but it makes good practice just to design everything."

Of course, he hadn't actually answered the question about demolitions, and Kyo's gaze moved toward the currently under-construction barracks as he contemplated that, a hand idly running through his hair as he thought. Then, he spoke, his voice a little bit more serious than it had been, "Personally, I think demolition is something that oughta be handled by people like me. Designing something's a personal thing, and I think it's only right that when you tear something down, you do it with respect. Have to remember the time and passion someone put into designing it."

Nodding as if to punctuate his thoughts, he then turned to Mizu with an almost apologetic smile. "Hopefully that's not a little too serious an answer?"

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Thu Oct 20, 2022 6:40 pm
"I would certainly enjoy that, Kyo-san." And she would. Mizu had quickly grown to enjoy his company. She had been a bit starved of relationships since joining the Gotei United a number of years prior so she was hopeful about Kyo and the others she had the great fortune to meet recently. As he continued speaking Mizu's eyes grew in wonder at his passion. "Of course it's not too serious, Kyo-san. The sentiment is beautiful. You are clearly quite devoted to your craft." For a moment Mizu pondered her lack of any real hobby or passion outside of the Gotei and for a brief second her eyes darkened morosely.

Shifting, Mizu followed Kyo's gaze and wondered aloud about her one-track life "I...I wish I had something to love as much as you love architecture." This lapse in her usually positive and determined exterior was shortly rectified and she brightened like a morning sunrise. "S-sorry about that, Kyo-san. Didn't mean to bring the mood down. Of course, I love being a Shinigami. It's all I ever wanted. What made you want to be one? Did you always want to be in the Gotei?"
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