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God of Love
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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 11:49 pm
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 3 8ZovUmi

"No, I don't need to be married before then. But if I'm going to inherit the estate, it's only natural that at some point or another I start planning around having a family. Not that I intend to rush into things. I'd prefer to be the best man I can possibly be for the woman I marry."

Kyo nodded confidently to punctuate that point, then turned his attention back to the training ground, though his thoughts weren't so much on it than the circumstances that had led him to build it. How long would it take, he wondered, to become someone that could genuinely inherit the Sawachika family name?

"My father told me when I was young that the Sawachika name doesn't only belong to me. I'm borrowing it from my ancestors and from my descendants, and when I pass on, I should make sure that I return it to them in an even more magnificent state than when I was given it."

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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:11 am
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 3 O2HaqQt


"That is a beautiful sentiment, Kyo-san." Mizu considered her own family's beliefs about the Morikawa name, and how their expectations of family members were much the same as Lord Sawachika's. "My family believes the same. Every Morikawa is meant to add to what it means to be a Morikawa. All our exploits are meant to add to the family name and it's legacy."

Mizu turned from Kyo and walked a few feet further into the training ground's clearing. There she lifted her head and briefly looked into the sky above before speaking again "It is a bit funny Kyo-san. Despite our own dreams, we are all, in some way, beholden to the expectations and desires of family. How long has Seireitei been around? How long will it be around? How many people lived just fine before Sawachika and Morikawa came along, and how long will it take for them to be forgotten to time?" Not typically one to wonder about such philosophical questions, something about talking to Kyo led her to ponder things she wouldn't usually.

God of Love
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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:56 am
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 3 8ZovUmi

"Hm... I guess that's pretty true. Things have been going for a long time, and they'll probably keep going for a long time. As a builder, I always try and plan for a long future in everything I do, but I'd be lying if I said I ever actually expected my work to last as long as I plan for. I've done more than enough demolition work to know that even the most impressive structures in Soul Society might be gone tomorrow if the Great Noble Houses or the Gotei need them gone."

The transience of anything he constructed, no matter how sturdy, was the part of architecture that Kyo found the most meaningful, though he also found it difficult to fully articulate in what way. That wasn't necessarily on account of a lack of ability, but rather because he was simply not used to speaking with people who might have understood his feelings on the craft.

"I think the fact that everything might end up being forgotten is just more reason to make as much of a mark for ourselves as we can. One day, nobody will know our names, that's probably true. But people might know the names of our descendants, or of the people we inspire. Even if it's only indirectly, I think anyone can leave a legacy that lasts forever. I don't need someone to remember my name or anything like that. As long as what I did in life is still making a difference one way or another, that's enough."

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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Thu Feb 02, 2023 1:18 am
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 3 O2HaqQt


Mizu found herself once again listening intently to Kyo speak, her attention hanging on every word he said. He seemed to always have something profound to say, and to Mizu they were as far from empty as could be considering how strongly they resonated with her. She did wonder momentarily what mighty creations and constructions may have existed in the past, but she could not be weighed down by such thoughts. Legends of the past were important, and certainly worth looking up to, but every day it became more apparent to Mizu how much the now matters above all else.

Kyo's last statements in particular were especially agreeable to Mizu. So agreeable in fact that, with a surge of excited energy, she faced him and raised her fist to emphasize her thoughts on the matter "Hai! Absolutely! They say even Kidō eventually fades with time, so why dwell on it? All we can do is be our best selves! Paving a way for the next generation is how our memory will live on, and luckily we have each other to make things easier Kyo-san!"

God of Love
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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Sat Feb 04, 2023 12:32 am
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 3 8ZovUmi

The optimistic gusto with which Mizu spoke was all too welcome, and Kyo grinned as he stepped out onto the engawa and took a seat, watching the sky as well for a moment before he spoke again.

"I'm glad we'll be working on this improvement together. Having someone else to test yourself with, gauge your growth and all that, is plenty motivating."

Glancing to one side, he noted that one of the family retainers had brought the tea and the hot water he'd requested, and disappeared as silently as they'd arrived. One day, Kyo felt like he ought to ask them if he could study under them, but subterfuge wasn't quite his style.

"But, speaking of living in the moment, we probably ought to enjoy our tea before this lunch break ends, eh?"

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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Fri Mar 03, 2023 1:05 am
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 3 O2HaqQt


Mizu knew better than to lose her sense of decorum just because she feels strongly about something, but even still she didn't want to be the statuesque vision of nobility her parents wanted her to be. Besides the fact she isn't even a noble, Mizu enjoyed talking about the future and her dreams if someone was willing to listen, and Kyo was proving to be a good listener. It helps, in Mizu's eyes, that they share some of the same dreams.

For a minute the blond Shinigami had completely forgotten they had planned for tea, and was shocked out of her ambitious trance by news of it's arrival. "Of course! I am looking forward to it, it's sure to be wonderful Kyo-san." On that note Mizu moved to head over to the veranda her companion was sitting at and allowed him to take the lead from there, not wanting to appear rude by jumping the gun too much.

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