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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] Empty The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Sun Nov 06, 2022 6:03 am
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] 8ZovUmi

Kyo was rather glad his transfer had gone over without too much difficulty, though he did at least feel faintly guilty about it. He'd enjoyed his work in the Fifth Division, and he'd certainly had friends there that he'd miss spending lunch with and the like. But his ambitions demanded that he focus on his future, and right now, the Eighth Division was unquestionably the place to do it.

"Officer Morikawa! 20th Seat Sawachika, reporting!"

While he certainly could have simply called her Mizu, based on their prior interactions and their good relationship, Kyo felt it would be a far more amusing way to greet her if he announced his arrival in the division with such a formal declaration. Besides, being able to word it in such a way was always nice to Kyo. He liked making such bold statements, needless as it might be.

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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Mon Nov 07, 2022 8:18 pm
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] O2HaqQt


To think, just a week ago much of the 8th Division was yet in it's infancy. Now it was full of hustling and bustling Shinigami of all shapes and sizes, all working towards a common goal of making the 8th the best it could be. The division's 5th Seat, a small woman with an innocent but tightly wound energy, who's golden eyes and hair framed a face one could not be faulted for mistaking for a girl not remotely close to her rank and prestige, could not be more thrilled. Having dedicated almost every minute of every day since transferring to this branch, she was gratified to see her work pay off even if she was but a cog in the much greater machine.

Mizu's office had been finished and furnished only a couple days ago and she quickly made it her own by getting right back to work. Though it lacked many unique fixtures, one thing she insisted upon was the phrase Do Your Best! placed upon the wall directly behind her desk. Mizu didn't mind such a decoration may seem childish to others because it was a motto she lived by.

Sitting at her desk Mizu was filling out paperwork meant to record the 8th's roster. Recently she had to make many adjustments as new recruits and transfers poured in every day. One name in particular had stood out to her, a Shinigami she had met and immediately connected with. A man now standing at her office door announcing his presence with the same boisterous gusto she recognized from when they met. Looking up at the red-maned giant in her doorway Mizu practically leapt from her chair and responded to his uncharacteristically formal greeting "Kyo-san! Uh, ahem, Officer Sawachika-san! I was wondering when we would meet again. Welcome to the 8th Division!"

God of Love
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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Mon Nov 07, 2022 8:55 pm
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] 8ZovUmi

As Kyo entered into Mizu's office properly, his eyes naturally moved immediately to the large, bold statement hanging behind her desk, and he grinned approvingly as soon as he read it.

"Thank you for such a warm welcome! I see you've made your office into one worth being proud of!"

Looking to Mizu proper now, Kyo felt he ought to at least explain his reasoning for having transferred here. Sure, it was probably relatively easy to figure out, but he'd never been the sort of guy who liked to leave things to subtext and assumptions. A real man always spoke on everything properly and forwardly!

"I'm glad to be able to work with you properly, Mizu-san! I hadn't originally expected to join the 8th, but speaking frankly with you, your spirit was quite convincing. This is certainly the best place for me to hone myself as a shinigami, and if we're going to be walking the path to captaincy together, it's only natural that I be nearby!"

He'd already shifted right back to the more casual demeanor that the two of them had established in their first meeting, but that just made sense to him, really. Kyo wasn't a formal person, and he'd only taken up such a formal demeanor as a bit of a lighthearted joke to make his arrival more bombastic.

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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Tue Nov 08, 2022 5:48 pm
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] O2HaqQt


Mizu's porcelain cheeks turned cherry red as Kyo complimented her and her office. This was the first time someone had, at least somewhat sincerely, praised her design choices. The snickering and quiet whispers of others didn't bother her in the least, but this man always seemed to know what to say, inadvertently or not, to keep her out of her usual demeanor. "Thank you Kyo-san, I'm glad you like it!"

She was glad her friend had chosen to remain himself instead of changing just because they were now in the same division with a singular chain of command. While Mizu always showed the utmost respect to those above her, and frankly everyone else too, she also knew not everyone showed respect the same way she did; for her it was the use of formalities and to never offend, while others showed respect through honesty about who they are. Mizu was glad to know which kind Kyo was.

"I'm happy you've joined, Kyo-san. It'll be nice having you so close, so we can stay true to our promise." Finding herself wanting to eliminate the obstacles between them Mizu pushed back her chair and stepped around her plain wooden desk to stand a few feet in front of Kyo before speaking again. "So, Kyo-san, what did you have planned for today? I do not have much in the way of Divisional duties to complete, so if you had something in mind that could involve a companion I'd like to volunteer."

God of Love
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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Tue Nov 08, 2022 6:54 pm
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] 8ZovUmi

Mizu's cheerful demeanor could only be called infectious, though as she flushed such a bright red, Kyo couldn't entirely help but look away briefly, just out of respect. He'd found many women didn't tend to like being looked at when they were blushing, and while he didn't completely understand it, he wasn't going to question it, either.

"Ah, I didn't have anything immediately on my agenda, I'm afraid! It seems like a diligent seated officer has already taken it upon herself to handle all the busywork that needs doing. Awfully respectable of her, wouldn't you say?" Kyo gave Mizu a knowing grin as he said that, frankly having fully expected a situation like this when he came to the 8th. Mizu was a respectable, commendable woman, after all! "I would have been showing my friend Kasha around, as well, but I believe he's preoccupied with family affairs at the moment."

Really, Kyo didn't entirely know what Kasha would actually be busy with, but he wasn't the sort to pry into his friend's personal life, either. Better to let him handle those matters on his own, and speak about them when Kasha felt appropriate. Kyo had his own matters to attend to, after all!

"While I'd like to invite you to train, Vice Captain Arima of the 6th Division's told me I should take some time for myself, before it cuts into my well-being and makes my practice detrimental. I don't suppose you'd like to join me for tea? Now that we're moving into a new season, I have a few blends I've been honing that I haven't shared with anyone yet."

Kyo was, after all, tremendously proud of his tea blends.

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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Sat Nov 19, 2022 7:46 pm
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] O2HaqQt


Mizu was still unaccustomed to being complimented so casually, but did her best to take them in stride. She certainly did pride herself on her proactive approach to busywork and, perhaps more than any other reason, it was why she had made her way up the ranks to the 5th Seat. "Thank you, Kyo-san. I merely seek to live up to the expectations of my position, if at all I can." At the mention of his friend Mizu perked up, recognizing the name from enlistment paperwork she had filed. "Oh? So you already know someone else in the Division? That's great! If they're your friend I'm sure we're lucky to have them."

Mizu nodded along as Kyo spoke. While in the past she would disagree with the concept of taking time off from training or work to avoid burnout, now she found herself more and more fraternizing with others instead of busying herself 24/7. At his invitation to join him for tea Mizu broke into a wide smile and gratefully accepted, being a bit of a tea lover herself "Oh yes! That sounds wonderful, Kyo-san. I've mostly been drinking tea from the Division's cafeteria, which is fine and I'm sure the preparer did their best but it's not quite the same as what I grew up with. I must say though, you continue to surprise. A Shinigami, an architect, and a tea connoisseur? You have many talents, Kyo-san. Am I next going to find out you're a painter as well?" At this she chuckled softly.

God of Love
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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Sun Nov 20, 2022 12:59 am
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] 8ZovUmi

"Ah, wonderful! Then I can have a family attendant bring them here from the family estate. Unless you'd prefer to get out for a bit? I imagine handling all this work for the day hasn't given you much time to stretch your legs."

Of course, it wasn't like it was that long of a trip to the Sawachika estate or anything like that. He went home for a meal fairly regularly, after all, but it was still something, and Kyo didn't quite like the idea of her staying cooped up in her office all day, even if it was for professionalism's sake. Of course, he hadn't failed to note the other questions she'd asked, either, and he shook his head with a bit of a smile. "Painting has never been the artistic endeavor I pursue, I'm afraid. Takes a little too much time, and I've already got lots of other ways I need to spend that!"

But Kyo was certainly an artistic sort, and he relished any opportunity to share his skill on that front as well. After all, how many shinigami of the Gotei had a spear such as his, with countless poems etched neatly into the shaft?

"Niwa kama to
Ocha furumau ya;
Mizu wo kuwa."

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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Mon Nov 21, 2022 11:51 am
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] O2HaqQt


"Well, I suppose there isn't much cause for me to stay glued to my office today. Why busy an attendant when we can go ourselves?" Typically Mizu wouldn't just leave the 8th Division's Barracks midday like this, but they both brought up good reasons to do so. She didn't have much remaining work, if any at all, and with how much time she spent behind her desk it would certainly be good for her to go out and stretch her legs as Kyo put it.

Mizu nodded her head, it's blond locks bobbing around her face, in acknowledgement of the man affirming he was too busy for something as time consuming as artistry. She had avoided dabbling in painting or chiseling for the same reason as either would draw too much of her attention away from her regular studies. She figured he'd already revealed his main interests and talents, which is why Mizu was surprised by his reciting of a tea ceremony poem.

Though not the most poetic mind, Mizu at least understood the play on her name in it's third line "O-oh my, how pretty! You're a poet too, Kyo-san?? I'm not sure "cultured" does you justice at this point!" As she said this Mizu gestured for them to exit her office, after which she would close the door and could begin following him to their destination. All while thinking how much deeper and complex Kyo was beyond his boisterous exterior. He was impressive, practically intimidating to her, especially given her own lack of developed skills or interests. There had always been a lingering sense of self-doubt in her mind when it came to her relationships, whether they be friends, family, or coworkers, though right now she was too distracted for it to bother her.

God of Love
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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Mon Nov 21, 2022 7:34 pm
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] 8ZovUmi

Well, on one hand, Kyo was quite glad to hear that Mizu had accepted the invitation, and he led the way outside and toward the direction of the Sawachika estate. He was naturally focused on his conversation partner, though admittedly, he was also already keeping on high alert, in case he noticed any of the family retainers, or worse his own family. The last thing he needed was for any of them to see this, after all.

"I like to write poetry, but I don't think I'm quite involved enough to call myself a poet or anything like that. It's just a little hobby, something to keep the brain working. I heard someone say once that architecture and poetry go hand in hand, but if that's true, I haven't quite gotten there yet."

Despite his typical efforts, Kyo wasn't actually particularly used to being praised like this, and he seemed at least a little bit unsure of how to respond to it. Honestly, he didn't think he was anything especially remarkable. Sure, he put all the effort possible into being a man among men, but that didn't mean he felt like he'd magically made it there.

"It's one more thing to aspire to, I think. Having ambition is the most important thing in a man's life!"

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The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] Empty Re: The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu]

Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:24 am
The Great Uprising [Kyo, Mizu] O2HaqQt


Mizu couldn't help but notice her friend seemed not at ease and eminently aware of their surroundings, almost as if he was on patrol, as they walked to his family's estate. She wondered what could be keeping a man like Kyo on his toes, but did not want to pry too much in case it was something private. If he wanted to share a concern he would, she figured.

"I think both require a peaceful mind and spirit, but you would know more than I." she said with a forced smile as she thought how faux-profound that must sound to someone as talented as Kyo. With him not looking directly at her she shook her head a little as she groaned inwardly at her own lack of hobbies which made it difficult for her to understand others with such passions. To her any amount of skill in an art was impressive, even if the person with said skill didn't agree. Still, one thing she could understand is not accepting where you're at and always looking at where you want to be.

"I certainly admire your ambition, Kyo-san. You make me want to try even harder to reach my own goals. I'm glad we share goals, so we can reach them together! And the ones we do not share we will just have to push each other toward. Maybe spending more time with you will help me find passion for a hobby of my own, too. I think I would have better luck with you than my parents, at least!" she said with a giggle, knowing her parents tried desperately for years to get her to take up traditional hobbies which never stuck. After all, Mizu never believed she could take any time away from her studies and training or she would just fall even further behind her peers than she'd always already been. The only thing they'd managed to get her to do was learn a bit about Tsumami Kanzashi, which she dropped after deciding to just put lilies in her hair.

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