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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:49 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

Diversion. Avoid physical attacks until they gauge this large gillian's abilities. Attack from a distance to stir it's attention towards him. In other words, throw himself right into the fire - just as he expected. Kenichi nodded to confirm he was alright with the plan of action, even if some small fragment of his soul was chastising him right now. His damnable pride was a strength and a crux. How he kept getting roped up with her was beyond him at this point.

Maybe it was destiny, or maybe he was simply too damn gullible, unable to say no. Depending on how this all ended, he could probably reflect on that later. Now, it was time for action. Kenichi cast a parting glance towards Saber as she shrouded herself within that ever-familiar watery cloak.

As expected, she would act from the shadows. Vanishing from sight, Kenichi turned towards the lumbering beast as it prowled towards him, placing a hand in the pocket of his hoodie. Of course, before he could even make his first move, his eyes were assaulted by a light that encompassed the entire forest. His vision was slightly compromised, but far from blinded. For the moment, however, his hazel eyes could make out the distinct silhouette of that Gillian as it approached.

Even with his temporarily compromised vision, Kenichi prepared to defend himself as he pulled the meteor hammer from his pocket, but didn't quite expect the beast to feed on the fallen husks of hollow flesh that were already present. He could hear the grisly crunch of flesh and bone from a few meters away. Ever so slowly, he regained his vision to see the territorial beast hurriedly eating away at one of the corpses. Now was his opportunity to strike. Exhaling deeply, Kenichi's body would slowly pulsate with a voltaic surge of reiryoku, shrouding his body in an aura of cobalt blue. The lightning path.

Shouryuu Ken.

Circling electrical energy through the chain holding the spherical ends together, Kenichi manipulated it's size through his adept use of mediumship, so that it was big enough to at least rattle the beast, but not so large as to render the weapon unwieldy. Swinging the weapon around to gather the requisite momentum, Kenichi slings the meteor hammer forward. A spherical end layered within reiryoku that held an electrical property would surely be enough to catch it's attention, and at the precise moment it did... the fiery martial artist set his feet into motion, prepared to evade and divert the beast's attention until it showed off it's abilities. Hopefully, they weren't as terrifying as the multi-armed monstrosity he faced months ago, but he wasn't holding his breath either way. Expect the unexpected. That would be his approach here.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Jan 03, 2023 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:53 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

The weapon was certainly a surprise. He had struck Saber as the type of human who prided himself in the use of his fists, having only ever seen him fight barehanded. All the same, she had to refocus. That brilliant light caused her to be a bit wary. A sudden burst of speed was utilized as she promptly sped in a circle around the gillian, moving behind where that line woulnd't shine directly on her, She had to wear them down. There was a risk of inciting some sort of reactive ability, but that was why she'd brought the human.

As the young man charged towards the beast, those glowing red eyes would dart upward. He managed to get rather close! That electrified weapon speeding towards the beast's frame before something would quite suddenly cause the air to howl! A thick, lengthy tail peeking out from it's cloak and curled around itself would suddenly swipe upward with such speed that Kenichi would only get an instant to react, pushing his reflexes and skill as a martial artist to respond as that massive appendage aimed to plow into him with terrifying force, enough force to send any normal human slamming up into the ceiling above to certain death, but for a man like Kenichi he had plenty of tools at his disposal to mitigate the damage, though the sheer size of the limb meant that if he couldn't find a way to dodge it, it would certainly rattle his entire body.

But there would be no time for rest, another roar shaking the area as it's frill lit back up. That blight blindingly intense befre that glow flowed inward, collecting in it's mouth before firing with a sudden brilliant intensity! A blinding white cero fired in a sweeping beam. The beast didn't seem to be aiming specifically for Kenichi, but rather simply firing wildly as if to ward any would-be attackers!

And though the beam likely wouldn't strike Kenichi directly, it would burn it's way through the canopy above, digging into the stone and causing a sudden cascade of sandstone! Thick slabs of that heavy compacted sand collapsing down from the ceiling, threatening to drop dozens of stories onto the martial artist in massive chunks, each at least a few meters in width raining from the ceiling!

Saber herself had to suddenly veer off in her flight. Having been charging in to try and swipe at the gillian's ankles, she suddenly had to bank and divert her path, avoiding a particularly massive chunk of sandstone crashing down in front of her. Flying right into another slab, pushing herself off of it's surface, her own speed and dexterifty affording her the ability to pus off of the rock rather than get flattened. Rather than going in for a strike, she parted her fangs and there was a loud series of POPs as she fired small dart-like bullets of water at the massive beast. Those bullets peppering the massive beast's body, punching through flesh and digging holes into it's flesh, causing it to cry out. But even with the penetrating power of those bullets, they were small injuries on the beast's massive frame. And it simply screeched all the louder.
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:15 am
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

Blending the electrical reiryoku around his feet, he immediately took advantage of his body's superhuman reflexes, pulling the spherical end backward, quickly deflecting the tail roaring in towards him, avoiding a direct impact as his body was sent flying. As a result of that deflection, the rebound effect rattled him slightly, but the durable meteor hammer managed to lessen the overall damage of the tail swing.

Suffering an injury of any magnitude would only dampen their chances of victory. As such, judging from this beast's reaction time, the fiery martial artist knew the importance of remaining diligent. For something boasting such a sheer degree of size, it's reaction time was remarkably swift! Shifting his body in midair, Kenichi's initial intention was to land towards the ground and employ an alternate strategy. Yet, the titanic Gillian remained aggressive in it's assault.

Another roar shook the imposing pillars surrounding them as the large hollowed opened it's wide maw, discharging a radiant beam of energy in no specific direction. For a moment, a visible look of confusion dominated Kenichi's expression. Yet, a moment is all that he would be allowed as that sweeping beam of energy shot toward the canopy above. The berserker hollow's beam of light would cause thick slabs of sandstone to rapidly fall apart, with several stories of those slabs heading falling towards him. As if he were applying for the role of Spiderman, Kenichi swing that meteor hammer forward, wrapping the reiryoku-strengthened chain around one of the descending slabs of stone in mid-air, swinging his body forward to land against another slab of debris.

Maintaining a delicate balance, each piece of debris he jumped from served as momentary footholds. His eyes shot forward to one piece of rock in particular as if he recognized a jackpot on a slot machine. Soaring forward at the exact moment Saber was peppering the Gillian within a flurry of high-pressure water blasts, Kenichi pulled his fist back as if he was holding a bowstring, generating particles of electric spirit power around his fist. Gathering the necessary energy, he swung his fist forward to that large piece of rock, releasing an atmospheric force wave similar to the dragon-shaped attack he employed several times during their first outing.

The particular difference here, however, was that this particular technique could be augmented by his array of spirit power principles - Goshoku Ryuuken! The electrified force wave and the slab of stone were sent barreling towards the beast's crown in a dualistic barrage as Kenichi remained airborne, surveying his surroundings for remaining debris to use as footholds while they contended with the beast. Even now, Kenichi was sincerely wondering how Saber intended for the two of them to restrain and remove this monstrous beast's mask, but his maddening exhilaration simply dispersed any doubt. No doubt, this was a battle that required absolute focus.


Last edited by Iori on Fri Jan 06, 2023 3:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Thu Jan 05, 2023 6:36 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 MN_sample-1a1faa354017e317558b5815dff45e64


The beast roared out as those attacks peppered it's body! Even amidst the falling slabs of rock, between Kenichi and Saber, they managed to drown the beast in their onslaught of attacks! From those powerful water bullets fired from Sabertooth to draw it's attention. Kenichi followed up with his own navigation of those falling slabs of sandstone, until finally Kenichi unleashed another electrical. attack toward that slab of stone, launching it shrouded in his own coursing electrical energy coursing around the chunk until it slammed solidly into the body of the big beast, that hunk of rock STABBING into it's neck, drawing out another cry of pain as the slab managed to avoid the beast's head as it flailed around, causing a sudden cascade of blood!

Meanwhile as that cascade of sandstone subsided suddenly a downpour of sand ROARED down from above! Sand cascading in and suddnely blanketing the area! eliminating any visibility as the lot of them would be faced with a deluge of sand threatening to bury them! This would continue until a light suddenly broke in from up above. Compared to the dark menos forest, it was blinding. The moonlight from Hueco Mundo's moon cascading in through the hole in the canopy, the edges of that hole still spilling a steady stream of sand. And of course, once that light shone in, the frill around the beast's neck would suddenly light up. Drawing in energy from the light as that gash in it's neck would begin healing around the sandstone buried in it's neck. A low rumble escaping it as it rose up to it's full height, emerging from the enormous dune of sand that had been dropped on them as it's eyes glowed a pale blue matching the moonlight. As if empowered by the light up a above!

The pair had a brief moment of respite before the monster's energy started flowing down the length of it's body, pumping into the sand beneath, causing it to suddenly shimmer and glow, the light slowly building in intensity all along the ground below, some of the sand beginning to sizzle and burn as the ground was oversaturated in the energy being pumped into it. It seemed the beast was preparing another attack!

Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Sabertooth found herself struggling to stay upright! Shooting from chunk to chunk of sandstone and continuing to fire off those sharp bullets of water. She continued to pump out water, converting energy into a steady supply, using as little as she could, but realizing that this was a waste of her water. She'd need to change up her strategy.

That dull rumble caused her to perk up. Noticing that sand was crashing down she hissed and suddenlky SHOT out, using a sudden burst of water, narrowing her frame as she shot through the forest at high speed, avoiding that sand for fear of it soaking up the water she had wrapped around her body. Kenichi would have to find his own way out of the sand or risk being buried. She stoppeda short distance away, panting and with eyes narrowed as she turned to look at the beast as it bathed in the moonlight. Her eyes narrowed. It was absorbing light? She paused, her eyes darting around for Kenichi. She didn't see where he'd wound up. She had to start prepping her own attack.

Landing on the surface of one of those massive tree trunks, she sank her claws in and anchored herself. A slow hiss escaping her throat as the water around her body suddenly started to glow. Pumping spirit energy into it as she reinforced it with a bit of her energy. she didn't actually have much, but she still focused, using her skills with her water to compact it along her frame like a watery armor, spines of water sticking up from her body as her frame started to glow. That rippling energy slowly starting to course. She didn't have a lot of energy that she could put into the water. She had to get creative instead.

That water wrapped around her frame would slowly start to move. Gradually at firset, before rapidly beginning to pick up speed, coursing along the surface of her body until that shimemring begame a sudden buzzing flicker of glowing water speeding around her body. The speed and pressure slowly honing until that thin veil of water became a razor-like current around her body, utilizing her own mastery over her abilities to keep that water flowing, the water already starting to saw into the bark that she was latched onto as she locked her gaze onto the hollow.

They had managed to damage the big thing with those ranged attacks. There was no guarantee that it would be vulnerable or that there wasn't any sort of abilities, but Kenichi didn't seem to be stricken with a curse or anything when it hit him with its tail. That'd have to be good enough. Now she just needed to wait for an opening. Hopefully one that would be provided by the human.
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Sat Jan 07, 2023 7:18 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

There was little time to celebrate his direct hit as the immense wave of sand clouded his vision as Kenichi found himself descending towards the ground at high velocity. He couldn't even tell if there were any slabs of stone left to use as footholds anymore. For a few moments, his vision was being compromised by the heavy downpour of sand, until a glimmer of moonlight shined from above, providing him with timely reprieve. There was no time to pause, though. He couldn't let Saber face that monstrosity on her own. Thus, a thought clicked. If there was no debris to keep him afloat, he'd simply use the air! Kenichi focused his electrified reiryoku around his feet, spinning around in the air as he shot forward, forming a faint foothold of reishi to propel his body forward, almost as if his body were being shot forth from a cannon.

Avoiding the sand burial by a hair's breadth, Kenichi surveyed his surroundings through the air to lock in on his target. The moonlight illuminated he hollow's hulking form as it stood on it's own two feet, allowing him to pinpoint it without any inherent difficulty. Kenichi could feel the energy pulsating as he approached. It seemed to be charging up for another attack! At that moment, the fiery martial artist knew there was little time to relax. He had to shorten the distance, approach, and serve as the diversion Saber instructed. His technique was going to be a risk, to be certain, but no battle could be one without throwing some measure of caution to the wind!

Focusing a significant portion of spirit power around his feet, Kenichi would burst forward like a lightning bolt flashing across the air, appearing above the beast from a vantage point in the sky. Descending towards the large Gillian, Kenichi swung his meteor hammer forward, swinging that spherical end, amplified by his reiryoku, across it's crown. No moment would be offered to assess whether or not it struck true, to say nothing of whether it affected the beast to any discernible degree. No, Kenichi landed atop the Gillian, attempting to wrap the chain of the meteor hammer around it's neck. As he attempted to restrain the hollow, Kenichi brought his fist forward, channeling the electrified spirit power of Shouryuu Ken, repeatedly punching against it's exterior in a furious array, applying shock damage with each successive blow.

Surely, if that slab of stone could pierce it, so too could his fist! Of course, this was a measured risk. An act taken to serve as the diversion. Unaware of this hollow's abilities, Kenichi was placing his faith in his current actions and Saber to soar in and land a strike with enough force to at least stagger this monstrosity. It was a gamble. Whether or not he'd pay for it would be entirely left up to the hollow and the precise time it would take this monstrous beast to recognize that Kenichi was trying to compromise it's attention. Rolling the metaphorical dice, he hoped this gamble would create an opening for Saber to exploit.


Last edited by Iori on Sat Jan 07, 2023 10:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Sat Jan 07, 2023 9:30 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 MN_sample-1a1faa354017e317558b5815dff45e64

The Gillian shrieked out as it seemed to Notice Kenichi's sudden closing in. a massive arm ripping upward, attempting to swat him out of the sky as he moved in. But it wouldn't be able to react in time, rather it's massive clawed hand simply shifted up, attempting to thrust up and into Kenichi, only to meet that sudden meteor blow, a sudden CRACK rippling down the length of ti's palm as it took the blow, screeching out as it's reach for the human was diverted. More than long enough for that chained weaponto wind around it's neck, and that sudden coursing electricity ran through it's body. IN an instant, the energy being pumped into the ground stopped collecting. Disrupted, and promptly erupted.

The noise around them suddenly drowned out by a high pitched ringing as that stored moonlight billowed upward, explosively cascading upward and ripping through the canopy of the forest all the more, widening that hole and causing a massive updraft of hot spiritual flames, the attack going off prematurely thanks to Kenichi's onslaught! By sheer luck that he was directly above the beast when it went off, it's own body took a large brunt of that explosive damage. But still Kenochi would likely find himself getting heavily scorched alongside the menos, hissing loudly as it would wip it's head to the side. Even as he attempted to lay into the beast, it aimed to rush past the clearing they had created and SLAM it's face and upper body into one of those massive trees. Attempting to squish Kenichi between itself and the trunk.

Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

That sudden eruption blew Sabertooth back, the force of that upward destructive blast and without a whole ass gillian to shield her, even without getting directly hit, she found herself getting shot back and plowing into one of the massive trunks throughout the forest, hissing as she struggled to pry herself from the bark. That compressed water had saved her injury, but she still had taken quite a hit, her concentration rattled as that water started to speed back up. Shit. She'd lost her chance to land a hit before that attack had gone off. But she wasn't going to let up now.

She SHOT from the trunk of the tree and aimed straight for the beast itself. That water compressing once again along her frame, speeding up as it irculated and glowed with the energy being pumped into it. She was getting low, but she didn't pay that any mind for now. She had to push herself, she NEEDED this hit to count. She could only hope that Kenichi would use this opportunity to land something big.

The hollow's frame slimmed down as she compressed herself, narrowing her profile and shooting herself likea bullet straight for Lime's mid-back. Just as it was slamming Kenichi toward the trunk of the tree, she aimed to plow into the beast from behind. A loud CRACK sounding as it came into contact with that ripping circulation of water, shredding through it's touch durable hide and into the solid bone underneath. She wasn't THAt strong. She wouldn't be able to break the beast's spine, or even cut that deeply into it. But she could at the very least infect it with that acidic touch of hers. Hissing as her whole frame suddenly lunged in.

She'd HOPED to just rip clean through. IN one side and out the other. But the beast was FAR too tough for that, and instead, she suddenly found herself ENTIRELY submerged inside a chunky hole she'd bored into the beast's back, blood, flesh, and bone surrounded her on all sides. That thin veil of water getting diluted, And for just a brief instna,t she was STUCK! Hissing and RIPPING at her immediate surroundings with her fangs and her claws. Biting. Clawing. And thrashing as she was suddenly struck with a DESPERATE need to free herself from this beast before it attempted to retaliate!

even so, the whole forest would shake with the loud screaming screech that emerged from the beast as it crumpled, floored by the force of the strike, and dropping it's guard completely as pain wracked it's entire body. Certainly Kenichi had found that his fists were able to damage the big beast, but now that creature's roaring spiritual pressure would suddenly falter. Making it more vulnerable.
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:29 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

Good. His plan had not ended in a backfire. That filled him with a temporary sense of relief. There was little time to celebrate, though. The large hollow would confirm his suspicions as the fiery martial artist felt the heavy scorch of updraft spiritual flames burning away at his body as energy exploded around the large creature's frame. Gritting his teeth in a pained grimace, Kenichi tightened his hold around the beast's neck, relentlessly restraining it with every fiber of strength he could offer in that moment.

Of course, he was only one man, and it went without question that someone of his size compared to a titanic beast like this, could only achieve so much at his current level of strength. The monstrous hollow charged forward along with him on it's frame, aiming to squash him as it approached and slammed against a tree. Ignoring the burning sensation assaulting his body, Kenichi shifted his legs around, planting his feet against the tree, grinding his teeth as he locked his body in place.

Enduring the immense strain on his legs, Kenichi growled furiously as he shifted his body around, generating voltaic spirit power around his palm as he swiveled his arm around in several rotations, creating a small tornado of electricity. This would be the only technique he could perform, given his current position, and he aimed to make the best of it. Kenichi thrust his palm forward, intending to harm the Gillian through internal damage, transferring every fiber of strength and electrified reiryoku he could through it's frame.

Saber couldn't thrust through this beast's rough exterior, but Kenichi could at least hear her efforts as she roared into Lime's back from behind. A reverberating shriek filled the air. The deafening roar was enough to rattle Kenichi's ears as he noticed a subtle shift in the beast's movements. It was crumpling, seemingly opening itself up to any number of attacks. An opportunity had presented itself, though Kenichi slowly wondered about how much force he should exert here. No, he was ordered to restrain it. Hollows of this nature could regenerate within the blink of an eye, right? He couldn't tell, but he wasn't going to gamble on missing his opening.

Thus, he took advantage of the hollow's vulnerability, shifting around it's body as he focused a bolt of voltaic energy around each fist, slamming them across it's frame. Like ceaseless gunfire, he rapidly swung his fists against the beast's frame. For all his bravado, he wasn't sure he could keep it down for the count... but he would certainly try! Somewhere deep in his soul, he didn't particularly feel right about attacking a vulnerable enemy, but this was a life or death matter. As he said many times before, he had no intention of dying anytime soon. It was still as true now as it was back then. Honor held no place in a battle with one's life as the wager.

"Saber! You still around!?"

He was being precautionary. He could sense her, but failed to pinpoint her exact location. He simply knew that she was close.


Last edited by Iori on Thu Jan 12, 2023 2:56 am; edited 1 time in total
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Wed Jan 11, 2023 5:02 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 MN_sample-1a1faa354017e317558b5815dff45e64

Between Saber plowing into the beast from behind and that sudden onslaught of electrical punches from Kenichi, the beast was well and truly stunned. A loud roar tearing from the beast's throat as it staggered and shook, clawing at it's chest to try and pry Kenichi free from it's frame, staggering about as it's long claws raked along the nearby tree as well as it's own cloak! But that pummeling was doing it's work. Not just the sharp impacts of fists on it's body, but also the electrical energy ripping through it's body, causing it's muscles to lock and spasm, keeping it from properly extracting either of them! And that was just the opening that Saber wanted.

Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Ripping herself from the beast's body, she sped up through the air. Avoiding the courisng electricity as she promptly rounded. Pushing off of a platform of reishi to slam into the beast's mask. A loud CRASH as she broke through. That raging water ripping around her body struggling for just an instant. Before finally cutting through. It's mask splintering as it was broken away, and it's boady SLAMMED into the tree, pinned by the sudden force applied to it's face, as the mask was ripped away, and Saber found herself staring.

After all. A hollow was not an empty mask.
Behind each and every one of them. Was a face.

And so, breaking past that white veil, Saber's eyes widened as she found herself .... staring at a face. She had no idea if it was lime's. She had never seen the other hollow without her mask, obviously. But identity wasn't what she'd been looking for. No.... she .... had been looking for the beast's eyes.

Lime had been like her. Frankly her superior, when it came to being smart and crafty. Her tenacity was ...terrifying at times. Even if Saber would have never admitted as much.


As she broke past that mask. And stared at the face behind it. She saw.... nothing. Not a glimmer of recognition. Not a shred of intellect or cunning. She had .....hoped. That there she'd be. Right there. With that same menacing stare. Or SOME indication that this beast was operating consciously. And yet..... the face before her was simply pained. And wild.....blind menace. Teeth gnashing hopelessly.

Wire... was gone. Not that she cared about them. But .... it was .. an alarm. After all, Saber knew that there were few fates for a hollow. Evolve... or eventually get slain. That was one of the reasons she'd begun eating other hollows. She'd heard that it would make her stronger. And it would be so much easier than trying to hunt shinigami. But .... she hadn't expected this.

That someone just as smart. Just as determined. Would be reduced to this. If Lime couldn't keep her sanity.....what hope did Saber have?

All of this, flashed through her mind in an instant as she broke through that mask. And stared at that twisted expression of wild pain and shock. She waited only an instant. As if ...hoping that she'd see something pop up. But nothing did. And her survival instincts.... and her hunger kicked in. She drew her head back, bared her fangs. And then lunched. Latching her teeth around that face buried in the massive creature's head, and tore in.

The convulsing frame in Kenichi's grasp would shudder with sudden vicious strength for a brief moment before suddenly, it's body went limp. That enormous frame swaying, before finally the air rushed around them, and the beast CRASHED into the ground. Not even a twitch coursing along it's frame as Saber tore into it's head. And when most of it was gone..... and she peeled her head from it's bloody husk... she stared straight ahead. And felt a sudden alarm.

And then .... her spiritual pressure began to shift. That normally smooth, stable hum, starting to roil.

And she was filled with a sudden sense of dread.
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Thu Jan 12, 2023 3:27 am
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

Like a bat out of hell, Saber took advantage of the opening that presented itself with a violent ferocity. He may have found his battlefield companion insufferable at times, but he certainly couldn't help but grin whenever their strategies accomplished the intended result.

Soaring through the air, she deftly avoided any electricity that might impede her charge, and made short work of the large Gillian. Kenichi would not be able to get a front row seat at Saber's feast nor would he be able to see what occurred in the moment she paused before landing the killing blow.

He could hear that ever familiar crunch of bone and flesh, of course, but that was the extent of it. A violent jerk of the headless hollow followed as it's enormous frame crashed towards the ground, a sudden wave of air rushing around them, signifying it's end.

After an acrobatic leap, Kenichi landed squarely on the ground a few meters away from Saber, gazing at his partner in crime. Her attention seemed distant for all but a moment until Kenichi felt a disturbance in the hollow's spiritual pressure. The roiling pressure occupied a significant source of confusion in the man's expression. He couldn't help but wonder about this shift, and so he curiously walked forward, tilting his head to the side.

"We doing alright over here, Saber? Battle's over. That is, unless you're sensing some other threat in this forest that I'm not aware of, currently..."


Last edited by Iori on Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:09 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  - Page 2 HEADER_mi9bdbzbztf51

Her spiritual pressure continued to quake, and Sabertooth could FEEL the sensations welling up inside of her. And she could hear it. FEEEL it. Screaming. As if every cell in her body were yelling in her ears all at once. Drowning out almost everything else, barely managing to notice Kenichi speaking to her. She felt like she was going to explode, every inch of her frame was strained, as she twitched and ..... forced herself to look at the man. No. REFUSE. She HAD to keep herself together! HEr breath came in hot, steamy gasps as she slowly dug her claws into the corpse beneath her.

"I'm.....fine...." Her voice rasped out. Sounding..... alien almost. Different. As if several people were trying to talk at once. it down! You're going to be fine. You . are. GOING. To be FINE! By sheer willpower, she kept herself together, and growled as a garganta tore open messily beside her. Not the usual slim doorway she usually conjured, but a big messy gash across the air, the edges shifting as she stepped in. "Get in... we're...leaving." She managed to hiss out. She had to get back to the world of the living.

She was fine. IT was fine. Nothing... was.... happening. If she could get to the world of the living. Everything would be okay.

That's what she told herself as she strode through, not waiting for Kenichi to start following her as she hurried toward the realm of the living. If she could just make it. If she could JUST make it she'd be fine!
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