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Mon Jan 02, 2023 6:13 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

The rising sun shined brilliantly over Shibuya. As an epicenter of such storied culture, there was expectedly a significant hustle and bustle taking place within the city, as one might expect from a city teeming with activity. It was a vibrant scene, enlivening the spirits of those who entered. Occupying a position outside the city, Kenichi paid little attention to the scenes unfolding around him. He had selected a location he grew familiar with, a small training ground he built somewhere, situated in a park that seldom saw any visitors. It was an ideal space. He could execute and perform his techniques as desired, fierce and unrestrained. There were those who passed by, observing him momentarily at certain intervals, only to attend to their daily quotas. His soul was filled with an unnatural sense of bravado today.

His improvement as a warrior was undoubtedly pristine. His techniques were quicker, his will resounding, and everything seemed to be operating at maximum efficiency as far as his body was concerned. An azure layer of reiryoku pulsated around him as tendrils of energy emanated from his form. He was, in a sense, feeling himself. It was a shame that there was no particular opponent to test it against, though. No one who passed him seemed interested in challenging him, so, he continued to train. A straight line swing of the fist to the right, an uppercut soaring in through the left. A spinning kick from the left, a downward axe kick from the right. Repeat, repeat, repeat...


Last edited by Iori on Mon Jan 02, 2023 6:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Mon Jan 02, 2023 6:33 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

That bitch.
It had been harrying her ever since the encounter. That damn shinigGAMI! Her anger had it's outlet. A hollow shorn clean in two. Them, and the human that they had been stalking, leaving Saber panting, growling as her hackled rose and she glared down at the corpses beneath her. She grabbed onto the dead hollow, latching her teeth and fangs onto it's mask and face before prying them clean off, chomping down and swallowing down before a faint whimpering caught her attention. Those blood-red eyes darting to the side and seeing the human's soul. Torn clean in half. And for just a sheer instant, she stared at them, as if only now remembering they were there. Fear..... and uncertainty written across their face. A look that twisted her own fury into something worse. Something BITTER. And she STOMPED onto the soul. A loud, wet pop as they simply pasted, and she licked the viscera from the underside of her paw before she stalked off. Still hateful and fuming.

She was livid. Angry. And she didn't even know why. That fucking bitch, that BITCH! She'd knowqn Limewire for a long time. They were both covert hollows. The kind of hollows that stuck to the shadows. Didn't make a fuss. They had even attempted to trick eachother into getting killed a few times. It was ... as close to friendship as hollows really got. Or at least as close as Saber got. She respected them. Even admired the spindly hollow's moxy and creativity. Once or twice, they had even collaborated. They were the whole inspiration for her own .... projects with humans.

But... She'd sensed a change in their spiritual energy and .... She wasn't taking it well. Even now, her mind danced to avoid the memory. The boy.

She stopped in her tracks and .... turned to the west, to where she had a vague sense of his direction. Curry would be no help. No, he was an employer, and he wouldn't go taking orders, and manipulating him into attacking Lime would take too long. But .... the boy. That would be simple. She probably wouldn't even need to lie. But .... would he be enough? She didn't know, she avoided Hueco Mundo for the most part. Too many politics. Too many roving gangs of Menos. But .... Lime had disappeared, and now, she sended the familiar hollow from Hueco Mundo. And now it was eating at her. Some hollows had been going around, recruiting others. For arrancar. Tch. She'd detested it the moment she'd gotten wind of the situation. And now, ....well...she needed to know what happened.

She narrowed her eyes, water wrapping around her frame, before she shot off, a burst of speed as she vanished with a flicker, and sped off. It wouldn't take long before she arrived, a subtle rumble of her spiritual pressure before she slunk into the training area. Not bothering to hide herself. She closed in on the human and that veil peeled back. Showing herself as she stopped a short distance away. She didn't do her usual song and dance. No greeting. No buttering up. No prep. She didn't have the time or patience for that.

"I need you for something, Human."
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Mon Jan 02, 2023 6:59 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

The familiar voice called out to him, forcing Kenichi to momentarily pause his movements as he directed his attention towards the source. His energy still emanated, of course, but his attention was wholly focused on her. Ah, he recalled this hollow. He wasn't particularly sure she had an official name outside of Sasha, but since she resembled a sabertooth tiger, simplicity compelled him to refer to her as Saber for the sake of memory. It had been months since their last encounter. Of course, the aura she radiated at the moment was far from cordial.

Compared to the last time they crossed paths, Kenichi could sense that there was a purpose behind her appearance here as if she were seeking him out for something other than a casual reunion. Truth be told, Kenichi wasn't particularly keen on pursuing another mission of "Hollow Hunt: The Sequel", but his prideful ethics simply won out here. In any case, a competitive part of his soul was prepared to show her how much he had improved and learned from the last time. His weapons, his techniques... he wasn't going to be a liability this time! Or so he hoped, at least.

"Last time it was Nino, and now it's back to human. My name's Kenichi, ya know. Ken would be nice, too. Anyway, long time no see, Sasha. Judging by the way you've appeared before me, I can tell this is urgent. Heh, you've caught me at a perfect time. I'm excited to jump into some action, today."

Grinning softly, Kenichi would stand beside her after approaching the hollow, cracking his knuckles as he awaited further direction. There was no hesitation on his part. There didn't need to be, really. She was here for assistance, he wanted to participate for pride. An even trade, no doubt.

"Lead the way."


Last edited by Iori on Mon Jan 02, 2023 9:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Mon Jan 02, 2023 7:38 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

She wrinkled her nose behind her mask as he responded so boldly. But this wasn't a time to be disgusted. She hid her visceral reaction, and ignored the memory of that appreciative whistle. She didn't care, but as he so promptly put on a smile and a confident expression, her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she braced herself for the next part of this conversation. He was eager. That was good. But for a moment... she narrowed her eyes and seemed to consider the notion. A snort escaping her nostrils before she turned and the air tore apart beside her. The yawning darkness of a garganta promptly peeling itself apart to show the void beyond.

"I'm in a hurry. We'll need to use Garganta to get there in time. Hop on." She intructed him firmly. There was indeed no shortage of urgency in her voice. There was no reason to put on an act. She just needed him to hop on, as much as she detested him riding her. That didn't matter. He seemed..... different.. She wasn't entirely sure what had gone down with the young man. It had been quite some time. But if nothing else, she certainly hoped he had improved since they had last met.
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Mon Jan 02, 2023 9:15 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

Compared to the last time they met, there certainly was a level of boldness to Kenichi's bravado he hadn't displayed in their past meeting. He hadn't changed entirely from the man he was to any degree in particular, but there was more of a focus about him this time. There was less of that naivete', and more of a determined man who wasn't simply trying to play nice. Perhaps, in some deeper aspect of his soul, he was waiting to see her again. To be sure, there was something about the way she agitated him that made him feel challenged, that compelled him to show her that he truly was strong. Those threats of devouring him had certainly lit a fire under him. As it was before, he had no intention of being anyone's meal. Whenever death reached him, his soul would pass on proudly into the afterlife. That was his intent before, and that was his intent now.

After Sasha instructed him firmly, Kenichi nodded his head curiously as he gazed at the Garganta. Ah, so they'd be traveling elsewhere? That suited him fine. If anything, that was perfect. There would be no civilians to worry about there. Leaping atop her back, Kenichi grinned as his hazel eyes were rooted towards that tear in the space before them.

"Ah, so our sequel is taking us elsewhere, I see. Fine by me. As I said, you've caught me at a good time. Let's get this show on the road!"


Last edited by Iori on Mon Jan 02, 2023 10:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Mon Jan 02, 2023 9:57 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

What an utter fool.
The thought crossed her mind unbidden. The sheer audacity to allow a hollow, especially one as cunning as her, to simply bring him into a realm from which he had literally no means of escaping back from was beyond insipid. Something she would never even dream of doing in her most zonked out state. And he did so with sober determination.

Well. That WAS why she'd gone to him now wasn't it? She narrowed her eyes, and afforded the young man a simple peer. As if to see if he would suddenly change his mind. But he wouldn't, she KNEW he wouldn't And so she turned, water wrapping around the both of them, claoking them from the outside waorld before she shot into the garganta like a bat out of hell. The air roaring around them before suddenly it was almost entirely dead silent as the garganta closed behind them. It would be dark for quite some time as she charged through the garganta. B ut it wouldn't quite be the insane journey Kenichi might have expected. The worlds were separate, but the fabric between them was not quite as vast as one might think. After several minutes of racing through the dark, another maw yawned open before them. and she promptly leapt out and into the darkness. Or well, lesser darkness. After having adjusted to the garganta, Kenichi would have a much easier time staring out and perceiving the shapes around them. Tall massive dark pillars. With branches that spanned dozens or hundreds of meters, creating a massive maze likely beyond any sort of Forest Kenichi might have otherwise imagined.

And then, of course. Would be the energy. Not JUST the powerful, far-off energy of menos. But the very air itself was saturated with a dull humm of keen energy.

The Menos Forest. And they weren't alone. In the distance, there would be massive hulking figures strewn about the ground. None of them alive. The herds that usually roamed had since dispersed. All ..... save for one. A massive, hukling beast shrouded in a dark cloak, it's mask a narrow pointed thing like a hawk's beak. Howling into the dark forest as ..... Saber stared from afar.

Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  MN_sample-1a1faa354017e317558b5815dff45e64

Limewire. It was .... hard... but she could still just barely recognize that spiritual pressure.
"We're going to wear it down. Do NOT kill it Human." She hissed over her shoulder. There was no sugar coating this request. This was more than what they'd faced in the past. The sheer spiritual energy radiating from the monster was large. Larger even than the huge beast they had fought in the past. And of all things, Sabertooth was asking to restrain it rather than outright kill the thing. But well, there was more than just the task at hand for him to take in. She'd see just HOW dedicated he was to helping her.
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:04 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

Kenichi was rendered speechless the moment they arrived in the Forest of Menos. Imposing pillars of darkness and branches spanning several meters surrounded him entirely. Indeed, It was considerably far away from any forest the young man could ever fathom. It was an otherworldly sight for a man who commonly spent his days in the living realm. Of course, he could not regard this mazelike sight with awe. No, he had to keep his wits about him here. Maintaining a strong level of focus was important.

The likelihood of losing himself within this maze of a forest was certainly a possibility if he traversed this place and lost sight of Saber. Of course, his silence would come to a resounding end the moment his hazel eyes followed the hollow's gaze. There, in the distance, a single hollow stood among a sea of lifeless husks strewn about. A howling, hulking beast shrouded in a dark cloak.

Through a hissing tone, Saber firmly instructed him to wear this monstrosity down, as if to imply she wanted him to restrain it. At hearing that, his expression warped into something that could only be described as incredulous confusion. He recalled the last time they battled the multi-armed beast that nearly sent them both on a one-way train to nonexistence. At the very least, they were allowed to brutalize that bastard.

This, on the other hand? An entirely different story altogether. To begin with, how did one wear down something as ferocious as that? The spiritual pressure this hollow emanated was on an entirely different level compared to what they faced before. Sighing exasperatedly, Kenichi simply accepted the situation for what it was. He had to walk a tightrope here or risk earning Saber's ire. For a moment, a thought rose unbidden. Did she share a connection with this particular hollow? Curiously, he posed the question.

"Sheesh...That's a tall order, but I'll bite. We were killing hollows the last time. What makes this one so different? Is it a friend of yours or something?"


Last edited by Iori on Tue Jan 03, 2023 4:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Tue Jan 03, 2023 4:46 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Sabertooth's gaze was transfizxed on the distant figure, her brows furrowed behind her mask as she stared. Hatred and concern twisting inside of her. How dare she, this ... bitch. Talking so high and mighty. But now look at her. She had such a powerful will, even though she was careful, she was decisive. She hated that about her, she was a damn blowhard.


Seeing this was ..... concerning. She knew of many worthless hollows that weren't worth the salt in their bodies. But .... Limewire.....she'd assumed that...

"No. we were not friends. As a matter of fact, I had planned on killing her. But .... this .... is not quite her." She murmured. This ....thing....looked nothing like her. And yet, she could sense the woman's spiritual energy in there. So distinct, that strange citrusy aspect to it. She hated it so damn much, she could sense it basically anywhere she went and it annoyed her to no end. But this creature that was giving off that distinct energy.... it didn't seem like her at all. So she wanted an explanation.

"We're going to pry off her mask. And then I'm going to eat her. You're free to leave if you're feeling like having second thoughts." She noted firmly to him. Hiding the fact that she very much hoped that would not be the case. She had to do this. Lime was a stupid cunt and she was going to enjoy breaking her. But ..... for such an...intelligent and willful hollow to lose herself. To become this ...unrecognizable thing. She knew that losing your mind as a menos was common, but ....even Lime? THAT was why she needed to do this. To get some.......confirmation that Lime was SOMEWHERE in there.

She HAD to be.

And it was then that the creature slowly turned it's head their way, it's glowing eyes narrowing as it affixed to them. And a low, rippling growl spilled out loudly, so loud in fact that it seemed to shake their bones as it slowly rose up to it's full massive height.

"If you plan on running away, this would be the time to do it. But don't expect me to go looking for you to take you back home."
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:08 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

"By now, I think you and I both know that running away is the last thing I'd ever do. I highly doubt you would have asked for my help, if you thought there was a distinct possibility I'd hightail it" he commented rather plainly, turning towards her with a fierce expression, a wide grin as if to assert that he was correct. Indeed, only a madman would pursue a sentient beast into an unknown realm without a way home , only a madman would willingly fight alongside that same hollow against the mighty monstrosity roaring from a distance.

Men of lesser mettle would have simply told her to look elsewhere. Fortunately, for her, Kenichi knew he was consistently reckless, that his immutable will would never allow him to back down from a challenge. To wager one's life in a grand pursuit of experience was simply another aspect of his principle tenets. It was, perhaps, the very height of insanity, but he was well aware of that. To overcome the insurmountable was a matter of pride to him. That was all there was to it. One might have reasoned that she held the advantage of transportation over him, but that simply wasn't true. He was exactly the sort of man who would attempt to overcome even that.

As a growl spilled forth from the menos lips and it rose to full height, Kenichi firmly gazed towards it as he assumed a fighting stance. He figured that they'd play the role of strategy, misdirection, and soaring in at unawares, but he looked towards her curiously. Surely, she had some game plan to contend with this thing...

"In any case, I'm here for the long run. Man, for you to be a hollow, this is the second time I'll be risking my life to do you a favor. Those things are usually reserved for friends or a lover you know," he humored, chuckling with a light tinge of exasperation in his voice.

"Any ideas on how we approach this before it starts rushing us down now that we've been noticed?" He inquires, drawing his fist backward as though he were drawing a bowstring.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:43 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]

Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:26 pm
Second Contact[Kenichi, Saber]  HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Insipid as ever. It wasn't a matter of mettle, if nothing else, the human's..... tendency to allow himself to geyt roped in was suicidal. Something she, frankly, would never quite understand. But that didn't mean she wouldn't exploit it.

"I can certainly appreciate your own specific brand of stubbornness. But no, we won't be using the same strategy as before. Frankly... I have no idea what abilities she has. She was always quite secretive of them. You'll be running diversion. Meet her head on, but if at all possible, avoid physical contact until we have a better idea f her abilities. You had some manner of ranged attack, did you not? You should use whatever ranged options you have to get her attention." She murmured as water coiled around her body and slowly clouded her frame, suppressing her spiritual energy as she melted into her surroundings and slowly started to slink around the parameter.

As for Kenichi? That beast Lime was slowly starting to prowl towards him, that massive frame seeming to leer directly at him, not at all seeming bothered by the sudden disappearance of Sabertooth, it simply focused on what it could sense, and it's maw opened up, and a low buzzing HISS escaped it's beak! the yellow frill around it's head slowly spreading open and starting to glow. At first just a shimmer, before slowly it began to light up with growing intensity, and soon enough, the entirety of the forest seemed to be lit up, almost BLINDING light blared towards Kenichi as it stalked toward him. Of course, it gave him a very clear sight of where it was. But as it lumbered closer, he'd find it rather difficult to actually see what she was doing through the light itself! He was hardly blinded, but he'd find himself having to squint to make out the silhouette of the massive gillian.

However, it suddenly stopped a short ways away, crouching over one of the many corpses and ROARING out toward Kenichi. As if territorially defending it's food. That light would brighten before suddenly it dipped. And Kenichi's vision would suddenly reel, having to adjust from that bright light, no doubt his vision would be covered in dark purple overstimulated spots. But he'd still be able to hear the crunch as the beast hurriedly started eating. As if terrified that Saber or Kenichi would rob it of it's meals. IT certainly was a territorial beast.
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