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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] Empty Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:44 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

In an attempt to keep himself humble Hyosuke had just returned to the dojo from deploying more flyers made by his own hand, by his own hand, and as he came to rest in the dojo again he was pleased with his efforts of late. He did not expect his return to interacting with the wider Soul Society to be as successful as it was, or maybe he was just less curmudgeon about the whole thing than he thought he was.....

Shrugging idly to himself Hyosuke would begin to heat up more tea, the day's efforts perhaps warranting some more relaxation. Though he was far from exhausted Hyosuke was pacing himself throughout the entire day in the off-chance another student arrived. Once tea was done this time, Jasmine as usual though more milky this time, Hyosuke would step out onto the front of the dojo and simply enjoy the evening.

Unlike most he did not at all mind being alone in the Rukongai, especially not in the higher numbered districts, so he simply cradled his tea and stood on the simple wooden porch in front of the dojo. Little more than a way to break and disperse dirt from the street nearby and nothing fancy but Hyosuke did not mind. Noble or not he had still experienced worse and he kept an eye out for anyone carrying one of his flyers. He had lounged and passively accepted students earlier but now, to keep himself engaged, he decided to greet a few of them at the door.

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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:49 pm
Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] HEADER___astolfo_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_kawacy__cd425d3c1cef15e03f578c9334fe19c9

"Kinda nosy aren't ya?" The short tiger girl murmured as Igen made his way through the Rukongai. He cast a glance toward his Zanpaku'to spirit as she strode out beside him, an unamused look on the Zan spirit's face as Igen let out a little sigh and gave a sheepish smile. She certainly had a bit of a point. There really was no reason for him to go nosing around this .... dojo? But he had to admit he was curious. "There's nothin wrong with checking it out. I mean, look at the flyer. It kinda promises quite a bit doncha think? Besides. The guy's an Ex Captain. That's worth a visit I think." He reasoned with a wave of his hand dismissively.

Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] HEADER_Sc-223
"Uhuh..... sure. Why wouldn't you go check out a Dojo when there's a whole academy chock full of Ex Captains for you to go get training from. Silly me." He frowned a little, but decided to ignore her for the time being.

He'd done a little digging on the individual. A little help from Squad Six got the man's name, and well, at that point it wasn't really hard at all to get a sense of who the guy was. An Ex Captain doesn't just get to move around without drawing attention to themselves. Especially given the advertisement. Approaching the dojo, Igen took a moment to eye the structure from afar, curious to see how big it was, how many students might be around. Before promptly making his way to the front. Certainly he and Ko would cut an interesting pair. The shorter girl with what appeared to be cute little tiger ear ornaments in her hair, and a fairly tall pink haired .... well.. young man. But eh, these days Igen felt like it was a bit of a coin flip with how people saw him. But all the same, Igen would promptly pop a bright, friendly smile as he approached what he presumed was the lord of the dojo.

"Heya! This yours?" He asked, holding up one of the flyers he'd picked up from around the rukongai. Ko, all the while,
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 3:11 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

As Hyosuke hummed to himself and enjoyed the air outside he took a sip of tea before spying an approaching pair, a flyer in the hand, and nodded his head in satisfaction. Cradling the cup above a cupped hand Hyosuke would lower it down to his sternum, showing the individual they had his attention before Igen smiled a cheery smile, and asked him if the flyer was his. Hyosuke would return Igen's bright, enthusiastic smile with a smaller, but nonetheless warm, smile that tilted up one side of his mouth.

"It certainly is, personally written as well, I felt it would show a bit of care in what I do."

Hyosuke stated this with a simple, calm, matter-of-fact demeanor as it was, put simply, his actual thoughts on the subject. He saw teaching, perhaps due to his own father training with him so much, as a very personal and important role for anyone to take. As such he felt it was only right to put a bit of himself into every aspect of how his potential students might meet him. Hyosuke's lips would curl into something more resembling an amused grin as he glanced to Ko, then back to Igen, and then into the dojo.

"I am afraid if you were looking for peers the dojo is quite empty at this very moment. Frankly all the sessions I have held recently have been private to the student, hopefully that is not an issue."

Hyosuke only mentioned this as Igen seemed a very upbeat and extroverted individual, no doubt someone who would quite enjoy having peers or classmates to compete with and compare his advancement to. But Hyosuke would quickly follow up that statement by motioning to the dojo and, consequently, the single obvious dirty spot in the center of the room. All the dust and grime in a single, strange near circle on the mats.

"You are of course welcome regardless, and may even have some tea if you like, I find it helps one calm and prepare for the rigors of training. Ah....."

Chuckling a low, warm chuckle Hyosuke smooth his hair back behind an ear, his singular eye meeting Igen's gaze before he inclined his head gently in a show of respect.

"Where are my manners? I am Hyosuke Niyagata and you, young man, are the first student I have had today I do not recognize on sight."

Straightening up Hyosuke would step aside, somewhat toward the dojo, to allow Igen to enter without having to sidle by him.

"Which is saying something considering you cut quite the unique figure."

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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 3:35 pm
Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] HEADER___astolfo_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_kawacy__cd425d3c1cef15e03f578c9334fe19c9

Igen wasn't too surprised as the man explained. He figured things would be a bit more quiet in the afternoon. Though he did raise a brow slightly as the man mentioned that he didn't really have a lot of students. Well, then again, he did have a kinda ...intense look about him. A sortof high end noble kinda look? And well, Nobles themselves could be a little odd about stuff. Certainly he'd gleaned as much by speaking with some members of the Sawachika clan. "Oh I see! Well I guess that makes sense. I guess most people probably wind up in the Academy." He noted. Truly he'd been rather intrigued as to the idea of a dojo outside of the gotei. But even sooooo...

Eh? Unique? Igen rubbed the back of his neck and glanced down at himself. A fairly tall individual, androgynous, bright pink hair. Not to mention that thanks to his recent training and ... well...being not really conscienscious of his uniforms, and well...winding up destroying them a lot. He'd wound up having to switch to the shoulderless backless shihakusho. Which certainly didn't help with the androgeny thing. Not to mention the figure Ko cut. Though the feline tilted her head a bit to the side, her ears twitching a bit as she peered a little at the man.

"We're not really here for Tea. I'm more here to see you get beat up." She pointed out with a sly smirk toward the man. Causing Igen to tense a bit and frown at Ko. "Hey come on, that's just rude Ko." He noted disapprovingly, a little sigh escaping before he turned back to the man and put on a sheepish smile.

"Actually I kinda just had lunch not that long ago, so I'll pass on the tea. But I actually was hoping to see what you were all about! This is like. A true blue Dojo, right? Setting up a place of training is pretty gutsy." He pointed out, flashing a smile before turning to fully face the man and gently bring his fist and his open palm together. His open hand at an angle. Not quite a bow, but a show of respect toward someone he aknowledged as being strong.

"My name is Igendai Gyakusuma. This is my Zanpaku'to, Ko." He chimed with a calm smile. Which no doubt, would trigger a slight alert in Hyosuke's mind as a previous Captain. After all, Zan spirits didn't just manifest themselves out in the real world without a strong bond. With that said, Igen put on a fierce smile. "I would like to Challenge you." He declared, thats how Dojos worked right? You trained people beneath you, and at times people would challenge your dojo for like...honor? Either way, he could think of nothing more interesting than to see how an Ex Captain handled himself.

After all, Igen had already had some intense trainers. Shaoling Feng. Rio Shihoin. It only made sense that he'd want to see how this guy would compare.
Cala Paracer
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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 10:37 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke gave a low hum as Igen seemed to get a bit sheepish at the compliment, looking down at himself as if he forgot what he looked like, and Hyosuke got the distinct impression Igen was used to much different reactions to his appearance. Nonetheless when Ko spoke up and Igen chided her for being rude Hyosuke kept the same cordial smile as Igen got sheepish. Poor thing. Two things about this conversation already seemed to unbalance Igen and Hyosuke chuckled softly. Looking at Ko with a bit of appraisal Hyosuke responded.

"I see.... well do well with your partner and you may yet see it."

At Igen's comment about setting up the place being gutsy, and the dojo's status, Hyosuke would nod and take another sip of tea as Igen did his own rather energetic form of a bow. Hyosuke was briefly reminded of Kaito in this, if only a little, as Igen seemed much more 'fiery' while Kaito was much more cool about his direct attitude. As for Igen's Zanpakuto spirit following him, truthfully it felt a bit rude to Hyosuke to comment on it directly, Igen had already been made quite sheepish twice now and when it seemed like compliments made the pink-haired boy embarrassed Hyosuke did not want to throw Igendai out of his currently determined demeanor. After all, what could he have said but a genuine bit of praise for his connection?

As Igen declared his challenge Hyosuke finished the tea and nodded, his singular eye meeting both of Igen's as he looked down ever so slightly at what was not a student, it seemed, but a challenger. With a small, appreciative sigh Hyosuke placed the tea cup back in his hand and his smile turned into a bit of a grin.

"Very well then Igendai-san, your challenge is accepted, though I certainly hope you wouldn't back down if I were to make the challenge a bit more interesting, hmm? Come...."

Hyosuke would then turn and lead the way into the dojo, calmly setting the tea cup on a low table off to the side of the room, the vague smell of some dust and copper in the air. Various weapons adorned the walls. Blades, polearms, most seemingly ornamental, though as Igen entered Hyosuke instead picked up a large red Wagasa and draped it over a shoulder. It's crimson fabric spreading open behind Hyosuke as he motioned to the single, stark spot of dirt on the floor.

"Apologies for the mess, one of my students was quite messy during her training, we've been quite active as of late."

Taking a place at the head of the room on the mats, Hyosuke would allow Igen to do whatever he wished to prepare for the challenge as he idly twirled Benicho Kogo.

"Now, as for your challenge, what do you say to a bit of motivation hmm?"

Hyosuke's grin grew to a bit of a jovial smirk as he looked Igen in the eye with just the smallest hint of an undercurrent of a teasing tone to his voice.

"You seem like you may need it after all."

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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:45 am
Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] HEADER___astolfo_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_kawacy__cd425d3c1cef15e03f578c9334fe19c9

Igen was rather glad! Even though he wasn't being assssssss...... certain and determined as he had oped this would be, at the very least Hyousuke seemed to take it all in stride! The both of them making their way into the Dojo. Though .... uh.... he did pause as they got to the doorway into the building itself. He looked around and gave a little chuckle. "Oh uh..... are you sure you wanna have the fight inside? We might wanna fight in a place less uh..... prone to break?" He suggested. After all, he was still not entirely versed in Shunko, or well, whatever semblance of Shunko he'd been able to manifest. Ko was easier to handle, but he did tend to cause a bit of damage when he fought. Especially since he'd gotten better at Hakuda.

All the same, wether they relocated or not, Igen's brows raised just a little as the mention of motivation came up. Weren't these fights more for like.... a point of honor?

"Uhhhhh, depends? I'm noyt really much of a gambler and I don't make a lot of money if that's where you're going with this." He admitted with a chuckle. Ko in the meantime, moved off to the side to watch. a playful smirk crossing the feline's features as she watched. But didn't seem like she'd be taking part directly in the confrontation.
Cala Paracer
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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 1:20 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Igen's concern for the dojo's integrity, inwardly chuckling that no doubt this young man wasn't from a noble family as a small slight like that would cause a scandal, or at least if Igen was he didn't seem to care. Either way Hyosuke wasn't phased by the comment and nodded his ascent, motioning for Igen to follow as he made his way out back to the bit of land attached to the dojo's back entrance. Fenced in and private it was used for much larger group demonstrations, with a small pond more for show toward the very back of the place. It wasn't massively bigger in area to move than the dojo's internal layout but at the very least there were no walls, furniture or supplies at risk.

As Igen mentioned not being a gambler and not having money Hyosuke took up a place toward the back of the open space, the pond a scant few feet behind him, and leaving Igen with his back to the dojo if they faced one another. Hyosuke gave an appreciative hum, that same calm smirk on his features unable to be helped as he chuckled, idly commenting.

"Oooh?~ Well if you're getting cold feet at losing some pocket change......"

Hyosuke trailed off for only a half-second before shaking his head.

"I jest, Igendai-san, no it is not your money I want. Rather you seem a passionate and devoted young man with an honest heart and a strong connection with your Zanpakuto, and I can think of no greater prestige or honor your defeat could offer my dojo than, should you lose, you agree to become a student of mine in full."

This time Hyosuke waaaaaaaaaas, just a tiny bit, pushing Igen's buttons but the core of the statement remained truthful.

"As for your side of the wager, what you would gain, I would be more than happy to offer you a purse if money is a concern. Otherwise, the choice is yours, within reason. Do you wish a nice dinner at the finest restaurants in the Rukongai? At least, something along with the honor of having bested me, naturally."

Despite talking about the prospect of being bested in his own dojo Hyosuke seemed almost.... intrigued by Igen's choice. Genuine interest in the pretty young Shinigami's mindset and how he operated though that, in and of itself, was his own way of preparing to train Igen should he be victorious.

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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 1:35 pm
Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen perked up as they made their way through the Dojo and into the courtyard out back. A little relieved to say the least as he put on a calm smile and seemed to enjoy the idea of letting loose in such an environment! Of course he still was a little concerned, the Dojo wasn't THAT far from the spot and he'd caused larger scales of destruction before. though as Hyousuke went on to do a bit of teasing Igen simply smiled. "No not really. I just know better than to bet with soemthing I don't have." He noted innocently enough. Not even seeming to perceive any sort of implicated slight in his direction.

That said, as the two stopped in the courtyard, he DID raise his brows a little at the intended wager. Which, admittedly he noted TWO major things. First was the.... extent. Huh, this guy really wanted students didn't he? But also the ......lopsidedness of the bets. Becoming a studsent was a pretty involved process. Sure it was a mutually beneficial one, but it was quite a committment. Alternatively, the 'nice dinner' or 'lump sum of money' were more short lived things. And admittedly not even things he was particularly interested in. And some .... small...tiny part of him that hadn't been around since he was very young bristled just a tiny bit at the idea. But outwardly he kept that smile, and honestly didn't even register that little reaction.

"I'd have to pass on that I'm afraid. I have a lot of duties as an Officer of First Division. A lot of the time I'm training others actually. So while I certainly am not opposed to a little bet, I'm afraid that my time isn't my own to gamble." He noted, adjusting a few things before reaching up and making sure his braid was tight before promptly taking up a combative stance before the man. Flashing a calm smile.

Ko, in the meantime sat off to the side and hummed a little to herself, a little flick of her wrist. And a shadow would course it's way over from the woman all the way over to Igen. Racing up his leg before settling just over Igen's throat. A kanji that wouldn't be hard in the slightest for Hyousuke to read. "王" or "King" staining the skin just below his throat, nestled over his clavicle

"Ready when you are~" He'd chime!
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 4:35 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Of the two things made into a back and forth between them Hyosuke could appreciate the ease with which the young Shinigami smiled and, in truth, he was the opposite of disappointed with Igen's answer to his wager. Indeed he was almost downright pleased by it. While he may not be the biggest fan of the Gotei's modus operandi as of this moment it was refreshing to see someone who took to their duties with such commitment and passion. In fact Hyosuke genuinely smiled at Igen's answer, matching the pink-haired Shinigami's own calm smile.

"A respectable response, my eager challenger, perhaps I will treat you to the dinner regardless of this outcome."

As Igen seemed to unleash his Shikai Hyosuke decided to truly humor him, undeniably a bit of excitement racing in his own veins as he snapped Benicho Kogo shut and dropped it into his left hand. Only to then raise his right and gently lift his eyepatch off, his right eye opening as his crimson eyes gleamed eagerly in the sunlight, his spiritual pressure expanding massively as it rippled across the courtyard and Hyosuke took his own stance. Left side forward, feet apart and ready, limber and prepared.

However, Hyosuke thought better of releasing his own Shikai to begin with, and instead he would angle his right arm behind his back, hidden by his body from Igen's sight and the sight of Ko, while digging his nails into his right pale to draw blood. His expression never changing as it welled to the surface and Hyosuke nodded to Igen.

"I am prepared Igendai-san, show me what you can do."

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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 4:49 pm
Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] HEADER___astolfo_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_kawacy__cd425d3c1cef15e03f578c9334fe19c9
Igen flashed a grin as the man before him seemed to get ready. And much to his surprise, an eyepatch came off?! His brows raising just a little before Igen's face tore into an excited grin, that sudden torrential spiritual pressure was HEAVY on the pink-haired Shinigami. But it only drove him to fight all the more!

As he weathered the storm of downward pressure, that mark expanded. Black stripes spreading across Igen's body rapidly, coating him in those dark lines as he eyed the Ex captain before him. "Sure thing!" He promptly declared as the man indicated Igen could start them off. A sudden shunpo to close the distance between them. No hesitation, no feeling things out. Igen had been a lot of things throughout his life. But perhaps as a result of one of his teachers: A certain Ex-Soshireikan. He had a more direct approach to things these days. He sprung from the spot he'd been momnets before. Not only armored by those stripes, but also BOOSTED as Igen began to use Hakuda to boost his own speed.

Not that Igen would be aware of it, but he was actually a solid step slower than Hyousuke. However, with that sudden burst of speed from his Hakuda, it was entirely possible that the man might be caught off guard by the sudden accelleration beyond just the shunpo itself. With reiryoku coursing along his frame, Igen would execute a sharp and direct forward strike with his right fist, aiming to connect firmly with the center of the man's sternum with enough force to crater the earth beneath him and send him several meters back!

Hardly the hardest Igen could hit, but a solid way to start off this Challenge!
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