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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 5:23 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

If Igen had, perhaps, acted more timid or coy about his straightforward demeanor Hyosuke would have been surprised by the speed, the ferocity of the younger Shinigami's assault. As things had gone though Igen delivered on exactly what Hyosuke was expecting from him and Hyosuke enjoyed Igen all the more because of it. Noting the stripes along Igen's body, and given his demeanor, Hyosuke made the educated guess Igen's abilities involved enhancing himself. Truly fitting.

Thus, as Igen rushed in, impressively fast in a pink blur that Hyosuke could somewhat comfortably track, the Ex-Captain had already resolved how to respond and.... he disliked his own decision. Displaying his own speed Hyosuke's own Hoho would be directed a short distance away off the side in the same direction of the arm Igen struck with. Meaning that if Igen struck with his left arm, Hyosuke went to his own right, and vice-versa, knowing that to twist and follow up against someone to your more exposed side was difficult Hyosuke set the plan he disliked into action.

Having what he felt to be a good understanding of Igen's character on a surface level, Hyosuke made the educated guess the brash, friendly Shinigami focused on enhancing his punches wasn't.... the most studious. As such Hyosuke felt he had better flex different muscles than his bladework and, pointing an index finger at Igen, decided to display some other skills he possessed. Summoning forth his energy the moment his Hoho ended Hyosuke's free hand would crackle with lightning and energy.


A rope of Reishi in the form of red, crackling lightning would spring forth from Hyosuke's finger, aiming at Igen's torso the Kido in question was not, in fact, a damage one. Hyosuke was only aiming to make him dodge as it snaked through the air with focused intent. As the Reishi got close, and waiting to try and see how Igen reacted before directing the mixed incantation Kido, Hyosuke would then motion with that finger, clasping it into a fist as he intoned.


That same snake of eletrical, crackling Reishi would then form into 6 pillar of light and follow Igen's movement, aiming for his torso once again and attempting to completely immobilize the enhanced Shinigami. In truth, however, Hyosuke did not really want the Kido to hit. To end the match of someone so determined and energetic with such stifling means felt almost cruel, but it was also most efficient, and his desire to secretly see Igen dodge the attack did not make him execute it with any less refinement or speed. If Igen was to avoid becoming locked in place he would do it off his own merit, because he had earned it, not because Hyosuke would go easy on him.

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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:15 pm
Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 HEADER___astolfo_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_kawacy__cd425d3c1cef15e03f578c9334fe19c9

Igen's fist would fail to land on the man, and instead, his fist PLOWED into the ground as Hyousuke shifted in beside him. A sudden CRUSH of force as dirt and rock crackled upward. certainly a lot more devastating without the man's body to cushion it. Though as Hyousuke crackled in next to Igen at that speed. Hyousuke made the mistake of pointing toward Igen rather than a quick strike. And so rather than twist. Igen KICKED off of the air, forming a reishi platform to suddenly spin in the man's direction. is brows raising in surprise as Hyousuke shot that rope of energy toward him.

A grin spread across his features as he watched it close in. The stripes suddenly glowing briefly as his own spiritual energy shrouded his frame. Thr stripes slowly twisting along his skin like a river of dark lines. And just as that slithering serpent of energy broke apart to crash into him. Igen's eyes suddenly glowed a baleful orange. "Raise your head and bear your teeth. Five jaws gnash upon the air."

虎王嵐 Koōarashi

In an instant, those stripes SPRANG from his body, a series of black blades, along with several snaking lines that extended past his body to shred the incoming bars of energy as Igen spun, his body moving in a sudden blur seeming to split into six for just a moment as he struck each of the bars as they closed in, knuckles and ankles armed with curving black blades made from the stripes. Followed by an eruption of dark lines following the hits themselves. It was a strain on Igen's body to be sure. It definitely wasn't EASY for him to break a Kido produced by someone with so much energy. Even if Hyousuke was going easy on him. But the display would kick up a good amount of dust which Igen promptly erupted from. Charging through the smoke and dust clad in the very armor that marked him as King. A glowing orange trail lit up the dust as the glow from his eyes remained locked on the man himself. That same, big, happy grin flashing across Igen's features as he used Shunpo to close the distance.

"Roar unto the Night and Smile with your Slit throat!" Igen declared. Stringing a Kido Incantation amidst his combination of Hakuda and Zanjutsu. All the same, he still struck out. Twisting to unleash a roundhouse kick combined with several curving black blades made from his stripes. Aiming to rip from Hyousuke's hip up to his shoulder. After all, to treat the man with anything but his best would be a matter of disrespect!
Cala Paracer
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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:16 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Watching Igen break apart the pillars of light that assailed him it gave Hyosuke a brief moment to prepare himself, plan and as Igen broke the last pillar of light and vanished into the cloud of dust Hyosuke adjusted his grip on Benicho Kogo. Now holding the Wagasa in a reverse grip as he flexed his right hand, letting more blood well up into his palm. When Igen emerged from the cloud of dust Hyosuke's eye flicked to the roundhouse kick, a maneuver normally dangerous due to it's angle of attack, and Hyosuke decided to meet Igen this time. With a sudden smell of copper filling the air blood welled up from the fibers of Benicho Kogo in the brief moment between Igen emerging from the cloud and throwing his kick. Flaring open Benicho Kogo Hyosuke braced the shaft of the Wagasa along his forearm and slammed the bloody, wet surface into Igen's attacking leg. Using the liquid weight of the blood as a way to dampen the inertia of the blow.

Even so they were normally of equal strength, but Igen's enhancements caused Hyosuke to skid into the earth a bit, nearly taking him off balance, but Hyosuke had no sooner finished sliding than his right hand extended toward Igen's head, palm covered in blood, before erupting in a wide, cone-like spray of Hyosuke's blood like a power-wash. Should it actually cover Igen's head Hyosuke would close his right hand, hardening the blood around him to restrict his sight, and should it miss or be dodged Hyosuke would fashion the spray of blood into something resembling a blade before stabbing at Igen's other leg with it.

Meanwhile, the blood coating Benicho Kogo against Igen's leg would attempt to coagulate around the leg and hold it against the Wagasa, keeping Igen balancing on one leg and much easier to control and keep off-balance. Regardless of the result Hyosuke would smile a fierce smile to match Igen's own and compliment him.

"Well done Igen-san, however, I'm afraid I have unfortunate news. I happen to know something you do not."

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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 6:07 pm
Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 HEADER___astolfo_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_kawacy__cd425d3c1cef15e03f578c9334fe19c9

Igen's eyes WIDENED slightly when he felt that fluid boundary. Blood?

But that wasn't the end of his attack. As if in response to the sudden defense, black blades suddenly SPRANG andfrom that leg, aiming to rip into the blood and aim to pierce into Hyousuke's hand and forearm as Igen's body began to glow. Truth be told, he had run into powers similar before. If there was a certain brand of soul that tended to have nasty blood powers, it was Hollows. And so upon feeling that wet collission, immediately a bright red glow wrapped around his body.

Though soon after, he WAS suddenly startled when that sudden spray of blood shot toward his face! Igen raised his arms infront of himself, protecting himself from the spray before his spiritual pressure flared. GEKI!

There was a POW as the air cracked, Kicking off of Hyousuke's arm, vaulting away from the man as a surge of red energy burst outward. That thin layer of red reiryoku having halted the blood itself from touching him, and then promptly once activated launched the blood back outward, spraying the ground below as Igen skidded to a halt, a little WHEW escaping him before he looked to the man with something of a startled look! Caught off guard when soem of the splatter suddenly formed into a blade and lanced up. The blade skidded along the stripes of his calf, the black armor intercepting the strike as Igen leapt back another few paces!

Were it not for that spell, he definitely would have not only been blinded and stabbed, but ALSO locked to the other man's grip. That was a nasty shikai ability! Already another dull red glow wrapped around Igen's body in anticipation as he took up a stance. The man's taunt made him pause only briefly. Huh, the gulch between them wasn't quite what he expected. Perhaps it was his own rampant growth, but while he definitely felt pressured, it wasn't the ass beating he had expected. "Heh, that's not really a very high bar." He admitted with a lighthearted smile, finally responding to the little taunt from the dojo master. His mind racing a little as he considered avenues to deal with that shikai. The Geki would do it's job, but it wouldn't be long before the man came up with an answer for it. He'd have to think of something fast...
Cala Paracer
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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:46 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Igen was, all things considered, performing quite splendidly in Hyosuke's eye. He was keeping his head on a swivel, his actions quick and fluid, a fighting style much in sync with the one utilizing it really. As more of those black blades erupted from Igen Hyosuke adjusted Benicho Kogo accordingly underneath the liquid surface of the blood. The Wagasa was rather large and, while possessing fabric in it's make-up, still a Zanpakuto and as durable now as it was as a blade. Making this form of the weapon all but a very convenient shield on a stick perfectly suited to blocking wide areas of attacks. Altogether once Igen fella way from Hyosuke, dodging his follow-up and expending even more energy to keep Hyosuke's blood off of him, Hyosuke understood the flaw in his challenger's approach to this confrontation.

Igen was, if Hysouke was being generous, quite the little pink firecracker, though in this case one that was burning it's wick at both ends. As Igen came to a stop Hyosuke allowed the young Shinigami to answer, intent on surprising Igen a bit, only for him to... blink. His expression becoming blank for a brief moment as Igen more or less called himself stupid. This caught Hyosuke off-guard more than anything in their encounter so far and... he laughed. A genuine, warm laugh of surprise as Igen had, by complete accident, beat Hyosuke to the punch on surprising the other. As Hyosuke laughed the blood on the ground, save for the smear Igen's efforts made and splattered about him would begin to float into the air around him. Hovering in crimson orbs between the two of them as Hyosuke's laugh died down and he smiled a rather different smile now, one focused wholly on Igen the person more than Igen the combatant as he simply remarked in a low hum.


Glancing down a this left-handed grip Hyosuke sighed, his own surprise not feeling rather pedestrian compared to the hilarity of Igen's statement but, nonetheless, he adjusted his stance and transferred Benicho Kogo over to his right hand, his dominant hand, and smiled.

"Well, the actual answer was that I am not left-handed Igen-san, but I quite enjoyed your retort more. Now.... let's pick up the pace, shall we? I quite enjoy seeing you give me your all......"

Hyosuke would then take Benicho Kogo, angle it towards Igen, and fling the spheres of crimson blood at the young Shinigami, though strangely enough, only a few directly at him. As the orbs got closer Hyosuke would step up to the spray of blood Igen's efforts had left and simply stab the umbrella into it. The orb nearest Igen suddenly having a sharp-tipped Wagasa emerging from it toward his right leg as Benicho Kogo looked as if it was sinking into the ground almost entirely. No sooner had this stab been executed than Hyosuke withdrew Benicho Kogo from the smear and executed a slash aimed at the pool on the ground, once again Benicho Kogo would simply vanish, though Igen would find the sharp tip of the Wagasa once again slashing at him from another orb of blood as they flew by and around him. Hyosuke made sure to keep them outside of Igen's Genki energy, striking from what range he could with Benicho Kogo indirectly.

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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:38 pm
Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 HEADER___astolfo_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_kawacy__cd425d3c1cef15e03f578c9334fe19c9

Igen blinked a bit in confusion as he lowered his guard ever so slightly. Briefly perplexed when Hyousuke gave that followup. Adorable? Not exactly what he expected for an assessment. But what was even more confusing was when Hyousuke promptly switched hands. Did his Zasnpaku'to get stronger when it was used in the right hand? As Hyousuke flung those drips of water, Igen promptly blurred, his frame flickering in a sudden series of afterimages as he darted forward toward the man! Rapidly closing the distance between them as that blade erupted from the puddle, but only too late as the young man promptly abandoned his previous position.

The sudden slash lashing in from one of the orbs was close enough to hit. The young man didn't even turn in it's direction. Blades of black stripes lashed out, from along his bared back, connecting with the slash to block the incoming attack as Igen SHOT upward and into the air! The young man promptly letting out a little whew and wiping his brow, standing on a reishi platform up in the air before tilting his head, honest curiosity written across his face.

"I mean, does you being left handed matter if you're not really fighting with your sword?" He ventured, crouching down and resting his palms on the little platform of spirit energy, looking almost like a cat as he waited for Hyousuke's answer. He had considered closing in an attacking, but that felt like it would just mean another spray aimed at his face. Hm. Ranged options huh.... He might have to get creative.

Cala Paracer
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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 9:37 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Watching Igen move was now something appreciated like poetry in motion, a growing smile on his face as Benicho Kogo met resistance, and Hyosuke all but purred with satisfaction as Igen leapt into the air. Landing on a reishi platform in the air like what Hyosuke would rather call a scratching kitten than a cat or, in this case, a tiger cub. At Igen's words Hyosuke inhales deeply, the blood he had launched slowly returning near him but, distinctly, directly below Igen just above the ground. Almost like a safety net except it was a thin, liquid sheet of blood. Once he had finished inhaling, however, instead of launching his attack Hyosuke instead sighed and shook his head, chuckling softly.

"No, but truly I was hoping you wouldn't notice Igen-san."

And that was the honest truth of it, it did nothing more for Hyosuke than what it would do for anyone else with a dominant and recessive hand, allow him more fluidity and dexterity, but no increase to his power or special abilities sadly. Shrugging somewhat casually, though in truth quite invested in their challenge now, Hyosuke would smirk.

"But let's not stop now, it's just getting fun, and you are more than welcome to my sword if you can make me use it.~"

With that said the sheet of blood would SHOOT up toward Igen at a rapid speed, a blanket spread out to it's full width, forming a plane of vitae below him like the net of some great, bloody hunter attempting to catch himself a rather rare, if feisty, tiger. Despite what Igen may have been expecting Hyosuke did not actually attempt to envelope Igen in the sheet of blood, no instead it would, puzzling, stop for only a brief moment below Igen's reishi platform before simply, shrinking down and erupting in spikes much like Igen's own ability. Ones that curved up from the bloody mass to stab, slash and swipe at him at as many angles as the orb of blood would allow. Roughly four or so of such spikes able to be active at once as the orb of blood adjusted itself to keep them all in range to engage with Igen and, below, Hyosuke's free hand would move like a macabre conductor. Directing and guiding the spikes of blood in each strike they delivered with precise skill.

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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 10:16 pm
Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 HEADER_cf1d025139ec924c8a9ddfae3605b3729e8397d4


Igen watched as the man settled down below him. His eyes lightly scanning the little platform of blood that he was using. Thinking back to that first ganderous spray, and the way the blood had hardener after being flung from his body. Thinking about the fate he might have suffered if that had managed to hit.

Those gentle taunting words were enough to make him wonder about the teacher himself. After all, this wasn't about winning, this was about seeing the kind of man that Hyousuke was. And it had been .... telling. The man was supportive, even seeming jovial in the fight. But Igen couldn't help but feel....


something he wasn't all that fond of. And Igen's spiritual pressure slowly started to change in pitch. From that roar it began to compress. Tighten. Sharpen. Slowly being pulled back in, no longer that raging bellow. If it could be a sound, it would feel like stone, scraping along glass. Those stripes glowing faintly along just the edges, as Igen watched Hyousuke from his perch, and slowly rose up to his full height above the other man. Feeling the energy slowly starting to well up inside of him as he confined his spiritual energy.


With every beat of his heart.
"Hm. I guess it's a little hard to keep up my energy, I'm not usually used to someone fighting me like you are." Igen pointed out, as those strips slowly scraped out over his knuckles like claws. Blue flames slowly licking up the length of his back, and along his arms. As Igen slowly lowered himself onto all fours. His muscles slowly tensing as his attention fully and completely affixed to the man down below, as that mat of blood spread up like ah and trying to catch him. Only to split into long spikes that seemed intent on striking. closing in from all directions. But Igen only had one direction in mind as those blue flames finally came to a hiss. That slow, licking billow soon intensifying to a fierce hiss of energy venting from Igen's body before wrapping around him. As he stared down at the man with eyes that didn't reflect Hyousuke. No, in that moment, all that Igen could see beneath him, was the monster that he'd slain.
"But I don't know if I can really keep this up. So How about a closer." He breathed, stringing his words along a slow and calming breath.



And with a sudden downward launch, the air cracked like a whip, air compressed around him before battering outward in a cone to push it's way down. Every mote of strength. And all the energy he could muster in that one moment cascaded down. Pale blue flames of Kido and Force twisted, mixing with those black stripes to plow down and rip through the veil of blood. After all, it had spread apart to twist and strike. To trap him from running. And so it only stood to reason that the LEAST ammount of blood, would be between him and Hyousuke.

燃焼急流 Nenshō Kyūryū

Igen shot downward like a comet, and in his wake a twisting downpour of sharp blue flames that Igen aimed to pile ontop of the master of the Dojo. The speed and force of this strike dwarfing what Igen has used prior in an attempted to pierce straight down and cut down the man's front. Not a lethal move, or a finisher, but simply aiming to draw blood as he fell like a guillotine's blade to try and slice Hyousuke from shoulder to hip, a cut that would be cauterized and followed by that downpour of sharp blue flames clawing down his frame. Igen really wasn't that competetive. He wasn't really interested in winning.
But he WAS intent on wiping that adoring look from the man's features. That look that made him feel just a bit ...underestimated.

Cala Paracer
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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Thu Feb 02, 2023 6:08 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

In retrospect perhaps Hyosuke should have humored the younger Shinigami and unveiled his Shikai. If he had he would have been all too keenly aware of how Igen's focus changed based solely on the more pronounced thumping of his heart. As things stood it wasn't until Igen first spoke that Hyosuke could tell he was hinting at his energy hitting it's peak and he nodded, but did not for a moment expect Igen to call it quits here, no, rather he too prepared himself for the final assault of their bout.

Amusing thought it may look Hyosuke took a traditional quick-draw stance with an umbrella at his hip in place of a sword. Benicho Kogo staying closed now into a tight, somewhat blade-like compression of it's fabric, murmuring to all of himself as Hyosuke harnessed his own energy. Matching, for a moment, what he could feel swelling within Igen before he could feel Igen's energy twist and sharpen and he raised his eyes up to the ascending sheet of blood. His lips setting into a thin, tight line as his eyes narrowed. He was far and away familiar with lethal intent, or more precisely, the deadly singular focus required to achieve it with regularity. At this moment, before Igen came crashing down through the blood toward him, Hyosuke was.... determined. His lips already beginning to incant.

"Hadō #78......."

The moment Igen erupted through the thin particles of blood, and Hyosuke saw those empty eyes he himself had bore in what felt like another life he was.... insulted. Not because Igen was so intent on harming him, not because were he a student nearer to Igen's skill the attack currently racing toward him would be especially lethal, none of those things. No. What insulted, what offended Hyosuke to his core, was seeing the eyes of such a cheerful, driven young man fall into a mindset he had lived through for far too long. Had SUFFERED through for far, far too long. In that moment frozen in time, Hyosuke grit his teeth and his own expression flattened into something more serious, this crimson eyes gleaming with focused intent as his energy SURGED well beyond what Igen possessed in his entirety.

Drawing Benicho Kogo as his own lips hissed the words, Hyosuke would have just enough time to finish his incantation, just enough time to channel the energy needed that, in the moment Benicho Kogo would meet Igen's claws, the Kido sprang forth with monstrous power.


A ring of raw cutting power would join Benicho Kogo in rejecting Igen's feral assault, crimson energy flaring about Hyosuke in a thick, coagulated wave of Reiatsu. Hyosuke's piercing eyes never left Igen's as their weapons met, never left Igen's eyes as his energy flared higher and higher, further and further out of reach of the younger Shinigami to combat. Though even now, even in this moment, as Hyosuke made sure to put Igen down HARD..... he did not strain himself to his limit. He did not want to kill Igen, far from it, in his own way Hyosuke was trying to knock some sense into him. But this fact, this last chunk of withheld energy, Hyosuke would hide as best he could. He had realized now, in this moment, that perhaps Igen and he enjoyed fights in very different ways, if for no other reason than Hyosuke had grown past his own phase living in Igen's unreflecting eyes before. A living Hyosuke never wanted to experience again, and if possible, would respect Igen's wishes for a serious climax..... by beating that same mindless violence out of the younger Shinigami without hesitation.

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Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen]

Thu Feb 02, 2023 6:49 pm
As Hyousuke dedicated himself to that counter, that sudden surge of energy tore upward to meet Igen's claws. As much power as Igen had in those black stripes, even as they wethered the storm of reiryoku, the flesh between them burned and was peeled from his arm. Ripping a clean line up the length of his shoulder and across Igen's chest in a sudden and fantastic display as Hyousuke promptly overpowered Igen's Assault with sheer energy output, even though Igen's attack broke the very surface of that attack, the sheer weight behind it washed up and over him, drawing blood, and burning his frame.

A familiar sensation. Igen had always pushed himself to the absolute limit, and given himself to final gambits that left him on empty.

"I feel there's something........I should tell you."
The dust cleared from that attack. Those claws on his left hand CLAMPED down onto Benichi Kogo. Skin steaming, but entirely unmarred. His body buzzing with energy from his Kaido - Jinjashō. His chest was still carved open, but that arm, which had taken the BRUNT of the attack, had healed almost as immediately as the damage had scoured his skin. After all, Igen was VERY durable, and even though his stripes hadn't been able to take all of the damage, they had mitigated it considerably, The attack was devastating, and had indeed overpowered his own attack. But well. Hyousuke HAD held back. And that wasn't enough to overpower Igen's attack, his stripes, AND his own sturdy body. And what damage had cleaved through had healed as quickly as it was dealt thanks to that Kaido technique from Igen.

The young man flashed a grin as the dust cleared, and those bright shining pink eyes of his met Hyousuke's own sour face amidst the dust. Nothing but pure enjoyment written across his face as he gave the man A Smug look, CLAMPING down on that weapon with his full augmented strength.

Bloody Tiger [Hyosuke/Igen] - Page 2 HEADER_23

"I'm not left handed Either." He chimed. And that Blue flame ROARED into his right fist as Igen executed an attack with full blinding speed. His frame blurring as his frame seemed to split into three. Three blistering fast strikes aimed at Hyousuke's head and shoulders in the span of a single second, Followed by an explosive burst of Flames that surged out and flooded the courtyard. An attack executed suddenly and rapidly. After all, Igen couldn't hope to overpower the Kido that Hyousuke could use. But he could certainly attack faster than a spell could be recited. And perhaps even overpower a spell that Hyousuke attempted to hastily put up without speaking it's name as Igen PUSHED himself beyond his limits for the sake of that cheesy comeback.
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