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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 5:58 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 HEADER_FWBAzJZaAAAqWA0

Sam smirked just a little at his sheepish walking back things a little. "No worries, I get the feeling that combat is a big part of things around here." She pointed out, giving im a bit of an excuse as the pair of them finally made enough distance. Even so, it was interesting to see his perspective. Certainly it was .... unique to hear about. Well, from his perspective. But then again, the SDRF had been big on history. A lot of tales from a hundred years ago back when things were different. Sure, the sort of 'spiritually aware' definition had changed a lot. Back in the day, it just meant people who could even SEE hollows. But nowadays the bar was different. Compared to the past, spiritually competent humans were actually all over the damn place if you looked hard enough.

"Heh. You should try going to america sometime. Maybe not all of them are strong enough to go taking on hollows by themselves, but well, Demon occupation certainly had it's own set of challenges." She noted with a lopsided smile, rolling her neck a little before shrugging. "Well, I guess that depends on your definition of 'prevalent'. It's still a one in a hundred kinda deal. But that's statistics and shit." She waved that off, she didn't even like learning that shit back in the day. Important as it was.
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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 7:24 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 97ZeGbM


America, huh? While he hadn't really been all over the place, he had certainly been to it before, mainly just whenever he was visiting Arianda and checking in on her. Maybe he'd have to explore it more.

"Guess I'll have to look around more there. Been there before, but I don't really know a lot about the place. Mostly know the mountain range in California, but, that's pretty much it."

Finally having gotten a good enough distance away, Vanyel started to take a couple paces back. Even with the small-scale globe-trotting he had done in his admittedly pretty short life, there were still a lot of places he didn't really properly know a lot about. Maybe there were a lot more spiritually aware humans than he realized.

"For some people, I'm sure demons existing seem far more reasonable than basically the undead coming to eat them."

Should she be ready, Vanyel started into his stance again. Unassuming, simple, yet prepared, with his center guarded.

"Name's Vanyel, though I didn't catch yours. Wanna throw that out before we start?"

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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Wed Feb 08, 2023 4:09 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 HEADER_FWBAzJZaAAAqWA0

Samantha cracked her neck as the two of them finally found a good distance and spacing between eachother. Continuing to circle around Van as he spoke up about his own experience in America. He certainly was a long way from home. He mentioned that he wasn't quite a local here, but he'd also been in the states. Hm. "Quite a few places you've been to. Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?" She ventured.

As he got into his own stance, she rolled her shoulders a little, her eyes slowly drawing to a close asher spiritual energy coursed along her frame, slowly winding up to wrap around her head before slowly solidifying into a black blindfold, tightening around her eyes before letting out a light little sigh, relaxing as she allowed her focus to sharpen. Her Reikaku slowly flexing to take in her surroundings as she turned to face him.

"You can just call me Sam. And feel free to make the first move, Van."
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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Thu Feb 09, 2023 1:02 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 97ZeGbM


As Sam made some distance between the two, Vanyel relaxed a little bit as she asked where he was from. At first, he didn't answer, letting her do her thing as she gathered spiritual power along her body. He raised an eyebrow as the black blindfold manifested. Was it some kind of sacrificial thing, where she gave up her freedom of sight to enhance herself? He'd have to find out -- and, hell, maybe he'd get some inspiration for his own developing powers.

"China, actually. Don't really visit too often, I mostly stay in the States and Japan. Got some people there that I'm partial to."

So, her name was Sam, huh? Probably a shortened version of something, that was pretty much a given. But, she had given him the right for the first move. So, Vanyel's relaxed guard quickly steadied itself, and quickly stepped forward, kicking with his back leg to give him added momentum as he surged forward.

Keeping his center and face guarded, he'd try to get in close. Aiming for a fast, but strong sweeping kick to Sam's legs in order to trip her up, Vanyel wasted no time in making a follow-up strike to the chest, equally as ferocious.

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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:57 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 HEADER_FWBAzJZaAAAqWA0

"IS that so? Well color me surprised. Not gonna lie, I aven't really heard much news from there in ages. Must be nice. Still. The states huh? Where do you usually hang around?" She ventured. Of course, not breaking her speech even as Vanyel sped toward her. He wasn't too fast, that was good, but definitely fast enough to keep up with her probably, though the fluidness of the man's motions DID spark her attention. And as he aimed that sweeping kick, she promptly darted back out of it's range, her body shifting sharply to the right to avoid that second strike aimed to her chest.

In the very same motion, she aimed to swat out, attempting to bat his fist to the side and then slice in with a right hook, aiming to connect her knuckles into the man's elbow. A light little jab, just a little tester with her strength. Just to see just how much punishment the man could take. IT would certainly sting in a normal person, but with a more sturdy person, they would bhardly notice it. IT would serve as a good benchmark on how hard she should hit the guy.

"That's quite a nice guard ya got there." She chimed, a half smile flashing across her features. Seeming to have no trouble tracking his movements despite the blindfold.
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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:01 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 97ZeGbM


Huh, so she was someone that was fine with talking while fighting. Not really like him -- but, then again, most of his fights lately hadn't really been ones that gave leeway for talking. So, maybe he'd entertain it for a bit. Or, at least until the conversation was done. As she slipped out of his sweep's range, batting his attack away to go in for one of her own.

He quickly adjusted his footwork to steady himself, turning his body to face her as he moved his arm to tackle her attack head-on, locking their arms in a bind, not too dissimilar to one with swords.

"Sierra Nevada, the mountain range I mentioned before. Mostly stay there on occasion to visit my mother-in-law and check in on her."

Without skipping a beat, Vanyel quickly broke the bind between them, moving forward to aim a quick, but brief flurry of high and low punches. Whatever that blindfold did, she didn't seem to be having any trouble seeing.

"Always protect your center. And the face."

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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sat Feb 11, 2023 8:27 am
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 HEADER__yorha_no_2_type_b_nier_and_1_more_drawn_by_nishiii26miii__sample-c13cac55f44f0daa18fa825b19800804

He was adjusting pretty good. Even if they weren't going at full speed, she couldn't help but be intrigued with his own adaptability. That sudden turn into her strike. Her knuckles slamming into his arm, only to get tangled up as he grappled her. She didn't waste any time in tugging FIRMLY on him, using him as an anchor to drive her Knee up and into his Ribs.

"WHEW! Ya got im ghirl, kick is fuckin tits in!" Came a yell from the bike.

But she ignored that. Didnt have a chance when he suddenly broke ut of that lock and sent that flurry of jabs her way. Managing to go on the defensive and wince, the sting of his knuckles was felt, but she managed to keep any of those strikes from her face or body. Focusing on the motions of his spirit, focusing her Reikaku and slowly backing up amidst the strikes. They were about even speed wise, so she wasn't sweating bullets, but it was still interesting ow much pressure he could pour on.

"Mother-in-law huh? How long ya been married?" She ventured before suddenly a crackle of spiritual energy formed at her feet and suddenly she vanished, using a sudden jarring shift to speed past Vanyel, circling around him in an instant before firing off two STRONG straight punches to the back of his ribs. Curious to see how he'd be able to handle her bringing high speed steps into the mix. Though she would adjust as necessary. Step moves were a rarity among spiritual humans, and so she wasn't gonna rely on them too much if he wasn't able to handle them. But if he managed to pull out some of his OWN then it was all fair game.
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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sat Feb 11, 2023 11:01 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 97ZeGbM


He hadn't really set any expectations for the woman in this spar, but, he was pretty impressed with her. She was quick on her feet, hit decently hard, and could adapt pretty well. He could see it even more so as she suddenly grabbed his arm and used him to drive her knee into him. He tried to move his arms to soften the blow, but it only did so much as it promptly knocked the wind out of him.

...Wait, did he just hear a voice from her bike?

Not that he got much time to think about it as Sam asked about his marital status, only to suddenly snap around him and drive a set of punches into him from behind, causing him to stumble forward and start to fall. But, he quickly moved to recover, putting his arms out to stop his fall and keep him up as he twisted around to face her again.

"Widower. Just call her my mother-in-law since its easier, and she insists."

Taking a moment to catch his breath, as soon as he finished speaking, he moved forward. He didn't have any fancy speed powers, or any powers at all right now. Right now, all that he could do was use his martial arts, and that was precisely what he was going to do. Slipping forward with a burst of speed, he amped up the ferocity, power, and speed that he attacked with -- using everything that he had styled his Dragon Style around. Another barrage of highs and lows, making larger strides to continually close the distance between them.

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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sat Feb 18, 2023 10:19 am
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 HEADER__yorha_no_2_type_b_nier_and_1_more_drawn_by_nishiii26miii__sample-c13cac55f44f0daa18fa825b19800804

"My condolences. Glad you're still close with the family. That's rare these days." She noted, continuing to speak casually even amidst their fight. He seemed to take the hits well enough, but didn't respond with a motion of his own, but rather a sudden burst of movement and speed. Nothing huh? She'd have to refrain from using Snap then. All the same, she snapped er fingers and flicked her hand between them.

Counter Shell.

Panels of her own Reiryoku crackles between the two of them as Vanyel shot toward her. The layers of energy wrapped around her body and as he lunched that series of punches, they would meet the hard layer of spirit energy head on. Cracks slithering along the hard cover before shattering with a loud BANG. Exploding outward in a concussive blast in response to his strikes. A deafening hit that would more disorient the man than it would harm him, as Sam herself would then launch a single straight full force punch to the center of the man's chest. Aiming to try and knock him onto his ass through that storm of hits. How would he respond to her Spiritcasting? The kid had good movements, and certainly a good foundation for hand to hand combat.

But she wanted to see what else he had. She hadnt noticed any shifts in his spiritual pressure. Was he just.... more or less a normal human? Awful dangerous for someone like that to be out in a place like this. Still. She'd wait to see how he handled the spell before she made any assumptions. What other tricks was he hiding?
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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 26, 2023 9:24 am
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] - Page 2 97ZeGbM


"Wouldn't be here now if it weren't for them. She and some friends I met, saved my life, really. Now, I'm just a human again. Wouldn't have it any other way."

It was kind of comical that they were able to still speak during a fight -- but, he remembered his fight with Kenichi, among other fights from his time in the yakuza, so, maybe it wasn't too unordinary for spiritual folks or just those who had enough proper training. As Sam threw up a collection of energy panels between them, he felt his fists colliding with them and hear a satisfying crack, only for him to suddenly be pushed back with ringing ears.

He shook his head to try and get the ringing to go away, but quickly, instinctively, put his arms up defensively, catching Sam's fist in his hands. They pushed back slightly in response to the force, pressing hard against his chest, but he quickly forced her hands back in response, moving forward to return with a full-force punch from one hand.

As his fist moved and closed in, a black, wisp-like cloud would slide from under his gloves and coil around his fist, before suddenly thrusting out in the form of a blade. It was tempered and carefully adjusted so that it wouldn't harm her too badly, but she would certainly be in for a surprise. Despite not having any complete, functional powers yet, he still had some tricks up his sleeve beyond his mastery of martial arts.

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